Addiction | Jimin ✓

By azurenights

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[ FEATURED ON WATTPAD APP PREVIEW ] "You kissed me like an alcoholic taking their last drink." When you are a... More

About Addiction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Final : Epilogue
Final Note + Answers

Chapter Eighteen

34.9K 2K 1.8K
By azurenights

"It is hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone if your heart still does."

● ● ●


"Eun Hee!"

Sana's voice startled me. I looked up to see that the professor had finished the lecture and was packing up his papers. I let out a sigh.

"Did I zone out again?"'I asked, picking up my books and putting them in the bag.

"Yes, you did. What's up with you?" She asked, both hands on her waist as she stood akimbo.

I stiffened for a second and then turned to look at her. Her eyebrows were raised.

"It's nothing, Sana. I just didn't get enough sleep last night."

We were out of our class and walking through a crowd of students. I had been zoning out since the classes started today. Yesterday's events were going through my head, especially the text I received last night. My sleep had vanished after reading that text.

"You know that I'm your best friend, right? I know when you are lying," she said, giving me a don't even try to deny it look.

I let out a sigh. "Let's put these books in the locker and I'll tell you everything once we eat something. I'm hungry."

She hummed in response.

After putting our books into the locker  we started walking towards the cafeteria. Sana had suggested that we go off the campus to a café but I refused. I wasn't in the mood to go out today. I just wanted to get over with this stupid university, go home and sleep for rest of the day.

I was exhausted. How could I even sleep after everything that happened. Jimin's mother's words kept circling in my mind.

Gold digger.


I knew I shouldn't be thinking about what she thought of me or what Jimin thought of me for the matter of fact. But her words and Jimin's silence was making me feel miserable. His silence was a proof that he thought the same about me. And the text too.

Don't come to office. CEO's orders.

That was the text his receptionist sent me last night.

Don't come to the office.

CEO's orders.

Was he serious? How could he fire me from the job? I didn't even do anything wrong. All I did was agree to his order and do what he wanted me to do.

The text made me cry. As soon as I felt like I've ran out of tears, I was proven wrong. And I didn't even know why I was crying so much. He didn't matter to me. I didn't want to see him anyways, after the fucking scene at his parents house. But then why was I feeling so miserable?

I missed my brother so much. If he was here, he'd have helped me through hard time like this. He'd have been the one who's shoulder I would be crying on. But he wasn't there.

The cafeteria was bustling with students; a cacophony of loud chatter, each table a cosseted huddle of people raising their voices to be heard above the din. The bland cafeteria food was secondary to the information that was being exchanged here.

Over the over-salted fries alliances were formed and gossip traded like poker chips. As we stood in the queue with plates in our hand, I casted my eyes about as if in a wandering daydream.

What would Jimin be doing right now?

I shook my head. Why was I thinking about that bastard? I hated him and I wasn't going to see him ever again.

After taking our lunch, we walked towards the far end of the cafeteria and settled at the table. As I took a bite of apple, Sana spoke up.

"So tell me. What happened?"

I looked at the food for a second and then up into her inquisitive eyes.

"So I told you..."

And then I told her everything. From Jimin taking me to shopping and then to his parent's house. The party. Our dance, subtly leaving the part out where apparently I initiated a kiss (which I didn't remember, by the way, and regretted being so drunk). The breakfast. Again, leaving the part out where Jimin scared me for life. The thought brought a pink tint to my cheeks, which I hope she didn't notice. And then finally, I told her about his mother.

"How dare that woman say all that shit to you?" She bellowed, making a few heads turn our ways.

I shrugged off their is she crazy looks. Sana ignored them altogether.

"And the fact that Jimin didn't say anything. He didn't defend you. I swear to God. Stop me before I kill a bitch," she ranted.

She was so overprotective of me. Once at a party, an obnoxious girl tried to make me feel bad and spilled her drink on my dress, Sana made her nose bleed and I literally had to drag her out of that party. She was ready to give that girl a black eye too.

I chuckled.

"No need for that. I'm done with Park Jimin and anything related to him, anyway," I said, picking up the tray.

Sana picked up hers and followed me to the trash can. As we headed out of the cafeteria, she spoke up again, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Why did he stayed quiet? I don't understand. He should've said something. His mother was implying that you slept with her son and gave him sexual favours in return for being his girlfriend. And he fucking stayed quiet through all that. Didn't even deny it."

I let out a disappointed sigh.

"Let's not talk about Jimin or his mother. Please," I said, rubbing my temple a little. I could feel a headache approaching.

"Okay," she agreed hesitantly.

As I was taking the books out of my locker for next class, a familiar voice spoke.

"Hey, beautiful."

I closed my eyes at the words, my hands forming into fists.

Not him. Not today. I can't deal with another problem today.

Taking a deep breath, I turned around to come face to face with the university's star quarterback, Jinyoung. He was our university's ace student, first in every damn thing, be it sports or academic. A handsome face, but a very ugly personality. I didn't know how he was a star student of this university. Were people that blind?

"What do you want, Jinyoung?" I asked, exasperated.

He smirked. And I wanted nothing more than to let his face kiss my fucking fist. He annoyed me to the point of wanting to rip my hair out. He didn't take no for an answer. As soon as university started, this annoying boy had been trying to get me to go on a date with him, and I rescued him everytime. I didn't like him and never would.

"Aww, babe. Do you really think I only talk to you when I need something?" He said.

I scrunched up my nose, disgusted by his mere presence.

"First of all, stop calling me babe. And secondly, do you think I'm stupid?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"But I like calling you that, babe." He smirked.


"Quit it, jackass," Sana snapped, standing next to me.

He rolled his eyes and then looked at Sana, letting his eyes trail from her head to toe.

This bastard is testing her.

"And who are you?" He asked.

A dangerous smile appeared on Sana's face.

Oh no.

"You'll know soon," she said.

A confused expression appeared on his face, but before he could say anything, Sana raised her fist and punched him hard on his nose. He staggered back at the impact because he was not expecting Sana would hit him.

My jaw dropped and eyes widened.

Sana was rubbing her knuckles that had turned red. I hurriedly took her hand in mine and winced upon seeing her knuckles. As I opened my mouth to reprimand her, that asshole shouted.

"You crazy bitch! What is wrong with you?" He was clutching his nose, his eyes were full of tears.

I wanted to laugh at his expression, but he looked furious and I didn't want him to touch Sana.

"Do you want to know what I just did?" Sana said.

"No, Sana. Don't." My words weren't enough to stop her and she hit his nose again.

This time blood started dripping out of his nose and I couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled out of me. His eye were flashing with fury, his fists clenching.

"Get lost before I break you nose, you bastard," Sana roared.

After giving us one last hard look, he turned around and walked away.

A crowd had formed around us. I stiffened.

Sana noticed this. She knew my anxiety got bad in crowds of too many people. Before I started to shake, Sana took my hand and headed away from the crowd. I tried to focus on the sound of our shoes squeaking against the floor. As I came back to my senses, I noticed that Sana's knuckles were bleeding. I stopped walking.

"Sana! Your hand," I said.

She raised her hand and looked at it, wincing a little.


I knew she didn't regret breaking that jerk's nose. I smiled a little at her sheepish expression.

"Let's get that bandaged," I said.

I don't know what I'd do without you, Sana.


"Have you seen my folder?" I asked Sana through the phone.

I had spent almost half an hour now searching for the folder that had my assignments. I didn't remember where I had put it last time and I had to submit the assignments tomorrow or Mr Ji Hoon would definitely make tomorrow's class a hell for me.

I sighed, sitting down in my bed, having given up on finding it.

I'll have to endure hell tomorrow.

Just thinking about it made a shiver run down my spine.

"Which folder?" She asked.

"The one that had my assignments. It wasn't in my locker and I can't find it here either," I said while rummaging through my bag.

"Wait. Let me check." I could hear the sound of shuffling.

After a few moments, she said, "No. It's not here. Are you sure it wasn't in your locker?"

My shoulders slumped.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"When was the last time you saw it?" She asked.

My brows furrowed.

"Mister Ji Hoon had given us an assignment last Thursday. And I was..." I trailed off.

My eyes widened as the realisation dawned on me.

Oh shit.

"And you were?" Sana prodded.

"Oh no no no." I started pacing my room, a hand on my forehead.

I'm going to have a migraine soon.

"What happened?"

"I was at Jimin's company. I think I left it in my office," I said.

She let out a low whistle.

"That's...uh...unfortunate. Do you want me to go there and get it?"

I shook my head even though she couldn't see me through the phone.

"No, no. I'll go there myself. I have to pick up some other stuff too," I responded.

"You sure?" She asked.

I smiled at her worried tone.

"Yes I'm sure. Listen, I gotta go now. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. If you need me to kick Jimin's ass, I'm just a text or phone call away. See ya later, sis."

I let out a chuckle.

"Okay. I'll keep that in mind. Bye."

I hung up.

It was six in the evening. I knew I wasn't ready to face Jimin but I needed my assignment folder no matter what. And I had to go there. I decided that I'd just hurriedly go to my office (not mine anymore), pick up my things and hurry back. I won't go anywhere near his office. But my office was at the same floor as his.

Please don't come out of your office. I don't want to see you.

I changed into a high waisted jeans and an over sized white sweater. The weather was getting colder and I didn't want to get sick again. Slipping into pumps, I picked up my phone and office keys and left my apartment. After sitting into the cab and telling the driver the address, I relaxed into the seat.

It had been four days now since that incident. I never saw Jimin after that. I didn't go to office because of "CEOs order" and because I didn't want to work there anymore. His mother had succeeded in making me stay away from Jimin. I didn't care anyways. My self-respect was more important to me than anything else.

Today, I just hoped that he doesn't see me.

As the cab stopped in front of the tall building, I paid the fare and stepped out of the car. I felt nervous, just like I had felt on first day. Taking three deep breathes, I started walking.

The building was full of people, none of them which I knew or recognised except for the stupid receptionist. As soon as she saw me, she stood up and opened her mouth to say something, probably to tell me that I wasn't allowed here. But I beat her to it.

"I just came here to pick up my stuff."

She narrowed her eyes, but didn't say anything.

Walking inside the elevator, I pressed the button for top floor. I was fidgeting with my fingers, my heart racing so fast that it felt like it'd come out of my chest. My palms felt sweaty.

The ding of elevator made me jump a little.

I hesitantly stepped out of elevator as the door opened. There was no one in sight. I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

Thank God.

I hurriedly walked to my office. Taking the keys out of my pant's pocket, I unlocked the door and stepped in. The room was dark. As I switched on the lights, I let my gaze wander around the room. The room was same as I remembered; untouched. I had worked only for a week at this office but I kind of missed this place. I used to complete my assignments here.

Shoving the thoughts to the back of my mind, I walked towards the leather seat and sat on it. I unlocked the drawer and opened it. There it was, my assignment folder.

A smile made its way to my face.

Thank God.

Now my professor wouldn't make tomorrow hell for me. As I was taking out my things that consisted of a photograph of my family, my favourite scented candles, my novels and my assignment folder, I heard the sound of footsteps. Someone was walking down the hallway, just outside the door of my office.

I stiffened.

Please don't let it be Park Jimin.

Please don't let it be Park Jimin.

The footsteps stopped. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God."

But I spoke too soon because next thing I know, the footsteps sounded near the office. I hurriedly stood up from the seat.

Should I hide in the bathroom?

No. They'll know I'm here.

Oh my God. What do I do?

Before I could do anything, the doorknob turned and the door creaked open. In came the last person I had expected to see.

"Hye Ji?" I said out loud.

I wasn't so fond of seeing anyone related to Jimin, but I was relieved that it wasn't Jimin himself.

Her expression was a mixture of shock and surprise. And then her eyes narrowed slightly. She walked towards me, stopping near the table.

"Eun Hee. What a pleasant surprise."

A fake smile was plastered on her face.

She knows my name?

"Uh. I hope you don't mind me asking this, but how do you know my name?" I asked, my brows furrowed.

"Well, you are famous. Aren't you?" She said.

The amount of malice in her voice startled me and my eyes widened. What did she mean by famous?

"I'm not sure what you mean by that," I said.

She let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Why are you trying to act so innocent and clueless?" She sneered.

What the fuck is she talking about?

"I'm not trying to act clueless. I really have no idea what you're talking about." I retorted.

"You think I believe in your act?" She said, walking around the table to stand in front of me.

"Look. I don't have time for your games. I have to go," I said.

Before I could pick up my stuff and leave the office, she spoke up.

"You are using Jimin. Aren't you?" She said, her arms crossed over her chest.

I stiffened at her words.

"Using Jimin? What do you mean by that? I'm not using anyone," I said.

"Stop lying, Eun Hee. You are using him for money and fame," she spat, looking at me with disgust in her eyes.

What the fuck? Why does every one keep thinking that I'm using Jimin?

"I am not using Jimin for anything, Hye Ji," I said firmly.

She looked at me from my head to feet, judging me.

"I don't get it. What does he see in you?" She said. Then added, "You're not anywhere near pretty. You are a poor girl who likes to use people for her advantage. What did he see in you that he decided to make you his fiancée much to his mother's dismay?"

My eyes widened.

So that was what it all was about. Just like Jimin's mother, Hye Ji was degrading me like I was some piece of filth who didn't deserve anything at all. The disgusted looks she gave me hurt me, but I didn't show it. My eyes prickled, but I bit my lower lips to stop myself from letting out tears.

I knew crying wasn't sign of weakness but I wasn't going to cry. Jimin's mother had done that job and then Jimin. I didn't need anyone else, especially not Hye Ji to fucking disrespect me. I was done with Park Jimin and the bullshit that came with any association to him.

"Maybe he sees something in me that you're lacking. A heart," I said, raising an eyebrow.

Her eyes widened at my words.

"You bitch. How dare you?" She bellowed.

I wanted to laugh at her red face.

"I think you needed a taste of your own medicine, Hye Ji. Get over yourself. Park Jimin wants me. Not you. So get a life instead of obsessing over my fiancé," I said, a smirk making its way to my lips. And then, I immediately regretted the words that left my mouth. In rage and immaturity, I had said something I shouldn't have.

She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it, like a fish.

"But he doesn't love you," she said, trying to sound intimidating.

"Oh sweetheart. How clueless are you? He wouldn't have made me his fiancée if he didn't love me." It seemed like my mouth didn't want to listen to my mind.

I knew all of this way wrong to say. But she had provoked me. I wasn't going to get disrespected by her or anyone else for that matter just because Jimin made me his fiancée. Fake fiancée.

"No. He doesn't," she said, her jaw clenched.

I let out a laugh.

"If that helps you sleep at night, then keep on thinking that," I said, patting my eyelashes innocently at her.

I was sure she was going to pounce at me, but her attention diverted when someone knocked at the door and the door opened.

Park Jimin entered. He was wearing a full black suit and he looked devilishly handsome like he always did. As soon as our eyes met, an indecipherable emotions swam in the pool of his irises and was gone in a minute, hidden behind a shield. He had his guard up, just like I did.

My heart beat increased.

I thought he'd stop at the door after seeing me. But what he did next had me in shock and haze.

Quickly striding acres the room, he stood in front of me. Too close. And then in flash, his soft lips crashed upon mine. His hand snaked around my waist, pulling me close. I didn't even get time to stop him.

My eyes closed at their own accord. My heart felt like it'd jump out of its cage. Shivers ran down my spine as his lips caressed my lips. I forgot about my hate for Jimin for a moment.

The kiss was short and sweet. It ended too soon, but it still left me breathless and with butterflies in my stomach.

When I opened my eyes, Jimin was looking down at me, his eyes showed vulnerability for a few moments.

Hye Ji's coughing made us break our gazes apart from each other.

Jimin turned to look at her, a smile on his face. "So I see you've met my fiancée."

His words startled me out of the trance-like state and I became aware of what I had just done. I had kissed Jimin back.

Why the fuck would you kiss me, Park Jimin? I fucking hate you.

● ● ●

NOTE: Here's a looooong chapter. To make up for not updating in so long

I hope you liked it. If you did please don't forget to vote and comment your feedback. I love you all. Happy reading!

Have a good day/night.

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