Lighthouse ✔

By xkingisaac

160K 3.1K 2.6K

Uhh, good bit of trigger warnings -Depression -Anxiety -Panic attacks -MAYBE self-harm -Abuse -Mpreg -Possibl... More

My Friend's Sister
The Truth Comes Out
Moving In
Loss of Innocence
Cabin Trip
Yacht Ride
Movie Night
Morning Pleasure
Back Home
Obake's Mess
Cleaning Wounds
Bey Practice and Young Love
Caring for Shu
Sick Day with Shu
A New Friend
Reuniting with Ken
Panic Attack
Beautiful Boy
Broken Bones
Marvel Movies
The Cast Comes Off
Anxiety and Pregnancy
Little Kicks
Baby Nika
Girl or Boy
Time Alone
Here We Go Again
Tummy Problems
Underweight Valt
Hearing the Heart Beat
Feeling Her Move
His Return
Baby Valkyrie
Cherry Blossoms
Indoor Recess
The Wedding

Surprise at the Park

2.6K 62 19
By xkingisaac

Saturday came around, and it was a nice day outside, giving Valt the impulse to take Blade to the dog park with Shu. The two got ready to go and slipped on Blade's harness and leash, exciting the pup. Blade turned in circles quickly in excitement and it made Shu and Valt giggle at the him.

"Someone's happy to go for a walk."

Valt spoke.

"He knows he's getting to go somewhere. Come on, Blade!"

Shu responded and called for Blade.


The three of them made it to the dog park and saw that it was pretty crowded today. They got inside the fence and made sure to close the latch behind them so no one else's dog would get out. There were a lot of dogs, mostly bigger breeds, and Valt wanted to pet them all. Valt laced his fingers with Shu's while they found a place to sit that wasn't so crowded. The boys wanted to keep Blade on his leash and keep him near them at all times, since he was still a pup and didn't want him getting stepped on by a great dane or a St. Bernard.

"Look, there's a spot over there, Shu."

Valt pointed out. The three walked over and sat on a bench that was there, but before Valt sat down, he saw someone that he thought he recognized across the park yard. He stood there for a minute and waited for his eyes to focus better on the person to see if it was who he thought it was.

"Uhh, Valty?? What are you looking at?"

Shu asked, not getting a reply. He tried to see what the blunette was seeing, but Shu had no idea what Valt was looking at.

"No way..."

Valt whispered to himself.



Shu shouted as Valt started making his way over to the figure and was able to make out that he was right about who it was. The blader began getting tears in his eyes as he slowly walked the rest of the way over to the person.


The woman turned around quickly, seeing her son that had glossy eyes.


Chiharu was surprised to see Valt, pulling him into a tight embrace that Valt returned.

"Mom... I-..."

"You don't have to get upset, honey. What are you doing here?"

Chiharu asked, trying to change the subject to ease Valt's mind. He wiped away his tears as he heard a familiar voice calling him from behind.

"Valty! Valt!"

Shu yelled for his boyfriend that had just randomly ran off. He carried Blade while he ran to Valt and put him down when he got to the smaller boy.

"Aww! What a cute puppy! I love shiba inus!"

Valt's mother cooed over Blade. As she did, Shu began to recognize her from their high school graduation. As she stood back up from petting Blade, she also recognized Shu.

"Hello, Shu! How've you been?"

She greeted the albino boy.

"I've been good! Uhh... Valt and I just got this little guy."

He said, gesturing to Blade.

"Actually, he was more so brought to us by one of our friends that had found him."

Valt was still in the process of wrapping his head around just randomly seeing his mom at a park. To anyone else it wouldn't seem so unusual, but it was weird for Valt. The boy missed his mother more than anything, besides his sister. After Shu and Chiharu talked for few minutes, Shu tried to get Valt's attention back.




The soothing voice of his partner began to reach him.



Valt snapped back to reality and looked right at Shu.

"Sorry, I..."

Shu draped his arm around the blunette's shoulder and gave him a loving kiss on the cheek. Valt's mom watched and widened her eyes when Shu kissed him.

"You're okay, baby boy. Now, talk to your mother."

The white haired boy gave Valt a light shove towards his mom to get him to speak to her. He knew Valt wanted to, but the boy was shy too, not having seen her since their graduation.

"Hello, Valt. How have you been?"

"I... I've been okay. I've missed you, mom..."

He said, trying to hold back his tears again.

"Oh, Valt... You know I've missed you too, son."

Chiharu hugged the boy as she continued to speak.

"So... Are you and Shu.... A couple..?"

She asked, not used to having a gay son. A light, pink dust came over the blunette's cheeks as he looked at Shu and smiled happily.


He finally answered and walked over, pulling Shu close to him. Shu blushed as well and smiled as he hugged the smaller boy. He hesitated at first, not wanting to cross any lines with his mother, but he couldn't and didn't want to resist love from his boyfriend.

"Aww. Well, I'm happy for the two of you. You two are a perfect couple."

"Thanks, mom."

"Thank you, Miss Aoi."

The two said.

"Mom, I have something to ask you, and you have to answer it truthfully."


She said, ready for the question."

"Why didn't you take me with you when you and dad divorced?"

Chiharu sighed in defeat, knowing that she was going to have to tell Valt why she left him with his abusive father.

"Because... Because when I look at you, I see her... You two look just alike and I can't bare the thoughts of what happened."

Chiharu explained. Valt began to feel a tad guilty for bugging her with that question, now knowing why she didn't wanna answer. The blunette rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke again.

"Okay, I understand that. But, dad started drinking and physically and mentally abusing me. It was hell, mom. All I wanted was you and I couldn't have that. I had to tolerate him beating me."

The boy began to feel the tears in his eyes threaten to fall.

"Valt... I-"

"I tried to call you and text you, but you ignored both! So many nights, mom! So many nights I have been so close to killing myself! The only reason I didn't was because of Shu. He knew how to talk me out of it, talk me down. He was there, and you weren't."

Valt's eyes began to pour out tears. Shu reached around Valt's waist and hugged him close to comfort him as Blade sat and looked up at Valt with a small whimper. The sobbing blader reached down and picked up his puppy that knew he was upset. Blade licked Valt's tears off his face as Chiharu spoke again.

"Valt, I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that. I regret not answering your calls or texts. Are you still living with your father?"

"No. I'd finally had it one night, not too long ago, and I called Shu to come get me, and now I live with him in his apartment. I love living there too."

"And I love having you there, my boy."

Shu jumped in as he nuzzled the side of Valt's head.

"Thank you, Shu."

Chiharu began.

"From what I'm hearing, you've saved my son's life multiple times and have been such a great friend, and now boyfriend to him. I hate that I wasn't there for him when he needed me, but I'm glad you were."

"Y- you're welcome, Miss Aoi."

Shu stuttered nervously.

"I don't know what I'd do without Valt, honestly. I've had my down moments too, and he's always been there to help me too."

Shu didn't realize, but he was staring into Valt's hazel brown eyes while he continued to speak, and Valt stared into his crimson red eyes.

"I love your son more than anything in the universe and I'll do anything for him. He means so, so much to me. I'm not able to describe how much I love him."


The three of them made it home and were tired, and worn out. Especially little Blade. After Valt's mom and the boys had finished talking about personal things, the duo invited her to hang out with them and play with Blade. Chiharu didn't have a dog of her own, and enjoyed watching the dogs at the park run around and play. Shu and Valt collapsed on the living room couch, lazily turning on the TV. It only took a few minutes for Valt to fall asleep in Shu's arms and Shu dozed off soon after.

Hello depression lol...

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