Make Me Beg - BOOK 1 OF THE...

By La_Dee_Da

89.5K 2.5K 131

Cassie has barely been at the academy for a day before she is bent over a desk and spanked by her alpha mate... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

5.7K 152 3
By La_Dee_Da

Sam and Cassie had been lucky enough to be put in most of the same classes, their eyes scanned over their schedules in the huge hall - a sigh of relief slipping past Sam's lips.

"See! We're gonna be together almost all the time - and you'll make lots of other friends too" Cassie beamed and Sam finally gave her a full relaxed smile.

"Thanks Cass, you're the best" he said, folding up the piece of paper to slide it into his own bag.

The hall they were gathered in was so big but they needed the room as teachers attempted to organise all the new students into the right groups and give them all the information they needed. The smell was overpowering and both Sam and Cassie had to hold back from covering their noses, so many wolves in one place and such a mixture of different scents.

"Wow, I can't believe how many subs I can smell!" Sam sounded pleased as he looked around to see the slightly smaller wolves scurrying around,

"Or it could be one really big stinky sub!" Cassie winked and he let out a small laugh. It was nice to see him more relaxed, Cassie worried about him a lot and was glad his birthday had come so soon - he needed a mate to protect him and she prayed they were good to him because it was a lot of work to keep him safe. Not that she begrudged him for it, she loved him to bits. She grabbed his hand suddenly, dragging his attention from staring at all the other subs, "Come on, we've got ten minutes till our first class starts - let's make sure we get there early so we can sit together!"

He nodded and they skirted round the edge of the room, pushing through the double doors to begin searching for the right room.


Their first few lessons were normal human-type lessons, pretty boring but they got to be together and there weren't many Dominants in their classes - maybe that was done on purpose but Cassie didn't know for sure. By the time they got to lunch they had made a few 'friends' although they hadn't known them longer than one lesson each but they all took their lunch outside to get some sunshine and lie down on the grass. Their whole first day was pretty chilled out and Cassie was glad, it left Sam much less jittery and he was able to enjoy being with his kind. But it was the last lesson of the day that Cassie was looking forward to: DSH Ed. Which stood for Dominant/Submissive Health Education.

Like sex ed but they would get to learn about marks and collars and stuff - the kind of things the older wolves didn't really discuss with the younger ones but they knew bits and pieces. This was where they would learn about finding mates too... This was sure to be the highlight of the day!


Eventually they found it, or rather - they found the crowd outside it and as soon as they got within a few metres Cassie could smell an alpha, the scent over powered all the other wolves around them, even the Dominants, and it made Sam stiffen slightly.

"It's okay" she murmured, "Let's just wait to the side". He nodded and they stood by some lockers, whispering amongst themselves for a few minutes until the teacher came booming through - and when I say that I mean because he could clear the hallway with just his voice.

"Get away from the door!" He shouted, the Dominants looked annoyed and stepped aside but the Submissives all jumped and scurried away. Once it was unlocked there was a stampede to get inside and get seats - with the Dominants merely lifting some Submissives out of chairs and moving them to different seats. This annoyed Cassie to no end and she decided she would sit right where she saw a dominant about to plonk her butt.

"Don't do it" Sam whispered, he could see what she was thinking and the glint in her eyes - Cassie didn't like injustice and she didn't like to be pushed around even if she was a sub. She forced her way past a few people and managed to slide into the single desk just seconds before the dominant got there. She looked up with a triumphant grin - only then she smelt it, Alpha.

Standing above her was a tall, heavily muscled woman with long dirty blonde hair in a French braid that ran down between her shoulder blades. She had piercing grey eyes and a look of thunder on her face as she crouched down to Cassie's eye level.

"You did that on purpose" she said in a loud, firm voice. Cassie could feel her wolf tremble, she wanted to just bare her neck in apology and scram but she just couldn't bring herself to, it was usually the alpha's that had too much pride but it seemed today that Cassie did too. She looked straight into those stormy eyes and spoke,

"So what? I got here first" and turned her head away to look forward where the teacher was sitting on the edge of his desk, watching intently. She realised then that everyone else was sitting down and watching too. The alpha leaned closer to her face, breathing just below Cassie's ear deliberately tickling her throat to make her spine shiver and her toes curl.


Cassie jumped a little at the softness of the word but held her ground,

"There are other seats, go sit in one of those" She never turned to the other girl, never gave her a look - maybe she was being disrespectful in that way but maybe she was also just worried those eyes would send her scurrying away with her tail between her legs.

"Was that an order?" Cassie could practically hear the smirk in her voice, a hand sliding along her thigh and gripping it tightly, causing her legs to tremble. The Dominants were all enjoying the show but the subs were holding their breath, some even whining a little or hiding their eyes. You didn't cross an alpha.

Cassie needed to apologise, to bare her neck and submit and walk away. But she was in too deep now.

"Yep" was all she said, still refusing to turn and face the alpha who was literally breathing down her neck. A small chuckle burst from beside her and suddenly she was in the air and over the alpha's shoulder. It happened so fast it took her a moment to process what was happening!

"P-Put me down! You troll! Inbred! Bit-" Cassie didn't get to finish as the alpha landed a swat on her backside. It stung and she knew there must be a red splotch blossoming on the check - this girl was strong and Cassie sure as hell felt it! She jumped and scowled, the alpha had been about to move her to a different chair - but now the disrespect was on another level and she knew she was going to be punished. Generally alphas couldn't punish people from other packs... But Cassie had just called her a troll... Things weren't looking good as the alpha stormed out the door, pulling it closed behind her. Cassie pounded her tiny fists on the broad back of the alpha as she was carried away to an empty room and dumped on a long desk.

"Wait there" the alpha put force into their tone and she couldn't disobey, lying sprawled on the desk with her panties on show. The door was closed, the blind pulled down and locked before the blonde returned to Cassie and flipped her onto her back and leaned over her. "Did you think that was funny?" She barked, pulling Cassie up by the front of her dress.

"N-no" Cassie whispered. "I-I jus-"

"I didn't ask for an excuse, that was a yes or no question" The alpha looked furious, they do not like to be disrespected. "I will punish you, but you're lucky I'm doing it in private - I should have thrown over my knees in front of all of them!" She snarled.

"What? A-am I supposed t-to thank you?" Cassie tried to be sarcastic but she couldn't help stuttering. Dominants had such control over Submissives bodies, their smell alone could buckle knees sometimes. And an alpha radiating this kind of anger had her body trembling.

"Oh? So you want to go back in there?" The blonde was right in her face and all she could do was shake her head, no. She couldn't face that humiliation. "Fine, get off the desk and bend over it" she ordered and began rummaging in the drawers looking for something. Cassie knew that anymore fighting would only make this worse, she had never been punished before (Aside from being grounded or given extra chores but that was minor compared to the stuff she had seen other people get) and didn't want to start now but there was no escape - she may be smaller and faster but this was an alpha.

Cassie climbed off the desk and bent over it awkwardly, not really sure what she was doing but when the alpha pulled out a long plastic ruler from the drawer, she really started to shift and tremble. The blonde walked towards her agonisingly slowly, assessing her and causing a blush to creep up the smaller girls neck at being surveyed like a piece of meat. After a minute or two she grabbed Cassie's hips and corrected her position - she had clearly done this to someone before! Arms on the desk, head bent down in respect and apology, curved back and hips up with her bottom sticking out and her dress riding up.

She felt so embarrassed but at least she could hide her face in her arms... The alpha sighed.

"I'll give you a light punishment this time, little one" She lifted Cassie's skirt up a little more, "But don't cross me again" She murmured, the threat causing another shiver down Cassie's spine that she was sure the blonde girl saw.

And with that the first hit came, the ruler gave a sharp pain that made her jump but didn't last long, still a gasp was ripped from her lips at the feeling.

"Count" was the order, but Cassie didn't understand,

"Count?" She looked up, breaking her positioning, her eyes wide and curious.

"Count as you are spanked, if you miss a number we repeat until you say it - so the better you behave the quicker this can be over" she smirked again, Cassie hated that smirk already. But she didn't have time to think about it as another blow landed right in the centre of her backside and she yelped, jumping forwards. "Count!" The alpha barked at her.

"O-one" She whispered.

Another hit, this time just on the left cheek and again Cassie jumped, her legs clamping together.

"Two-ooh!" She moaned with the third hit and stiffened as she realised she was getting wet. Could the alpha tell? Could she smell it? Cassie began to panic as she felt the heat between her legs, not realising she hadn't counted her third hit. When the next one landed it snapped her back to reality with a gasp,

"Four!" Her voice was a gasp, breathing heavily.

"No, you missed three, little one" The stern voice came from behind her and she whined like a puppy, hiding her face again.


It continued like this for fifteen minutes, blows raining down as Cassie whimpered and moaned and miscounted, a lot of times. But the worst part was her arousal, she couldn't even hide it by the 13th hit her panties were soaked and she had completely submitted. Pressing herself against the desk and presenting herself to the alpha. This clearly satisfied them, and when the spanking was over, Cassie sunk to the floor trembling.

"You're all done, that was a bit messy but you got the hang of it... eventually" The alpha chuckled, crouching on her heels beside Cassie's heap of a body, clinging to the desk.

She watched the smaller girl for a bit, gasping breaths and trembling limbs calling her to take pity on her.

"Come here" the alpha sighed, pulling her into her lap and crossing her legs on the floor. Cassie was leant sideways in her arms, her bum sticking out so the alpha could rub and squeeze it, massaging away the sting. Cassie wanted to push her away and get mad, to tell her she was crazy if she though she could feel her up after beating her butt blue... But it felt so good and her wolf was practically purring inside of her... She sniffled a little, trying not to cry - that would just end it for her! But she managed to keep it together and just sink into the alphas arms, resting her head in the crook of her elbow. She could feel something hard pressing into her side but she ignored it, it was probably just a pointy zipper on her trousers.

She didn't know how long they stayed on the floor like that but she was dozing in and out and just before she finally nodded off she asked,



"What's your name?" She spoke softly and at first wasn't sure if she had been heard. She didn't even know why she was so curious but she just wanted to know... There was a low chuckle and then,

"It's Karliah. Don't forget it kiddo, I'm not letting you out of my sight".

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