shikamarus sister

By HeyitsJade101

245K 6.4K 1.7K

what if shikamaru had an older sister? and what if she had disappeared 1 month before he graduated. This is t... More

dear readers
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 the last chapter
Book two is outttt

Chapter 19

4.7K 159 33
By HeyitsJade101

Rin's P.o.v.

a few days had passed after the war, the team stayed here to help clean up and whatever we could to help.

the Kazekage had thanked us personally and even asked if I'd be willing to stay in the village longer for another mission.

I declined saying I had to get back to my village.

The man behind the whole attack had escaped about 5 hours after he had caught him, he was no wanted dead or alive by The Kazekage and suna,

"are we ready to head back?" Kakashi asked

"almost, genko and I have something to do first" I tell him

"what?" genko asks confused

"remember that promise" I say grabbing his hand and dragging him to the Kazekages office

"its going to be impossible to find her, suna has many buildings and people and with the war everything's all out of wack" genko says now following behind me

we reach the Kazekage and enter his office

"Lord-sama, I've brought him" I say bowing along side Genko

"wolf, you better not do anything to my daughter, she is your sister but I still don't know you" the kazekage says

genko doesn't speak or move as the door opens to reveal a young girl.

"you called for me father?" the little girl says walking in

"yes I have someone for you to meet, I have some business to attend to." the Kage says leaving

the young girl watches unsure of what to say

"hello I am Temari..." she says

"Hi, I'm Genko..." genko says walking over to her

"Genko?" the young girl repeats

"Yes... and I am your brother" genko says with slight shake in his voice

"Mom told me about you" temari says

"I'll leave you two to talk" I say before leaving

I walk back to the hotel where minato, Kakashi and haru are waiting

"wheres Wolf?" Kakashi asks

"hes talking to someone" I say simply

"who?" haru asks

"someone he cares a lot about" I say sighing

"respect his privacy, he'll tell us if he wants to" Minato says

as we wait minato goes and buys us some lunch. about 3 hours pass and genko is still not back

"hes taking forever" haru complains

"I'll go and check" I tell them

I walk to the kages office and knock

"enter" the Kazekage says

I open the door and see only him in the room

"sorry to disturb you but do you know where Wolf and temari are?" I ask

"they've gone to our house, Temari wanted to show him some things" the kazekage tells me

"ah ok, well i'll be going then" I say bowing

i walk in the direction i feel Genkos charka in

"Wolf!" i shout once i catch sight of him

"Bird?" he asks

"the teams ready to leave, i can tell them we can stay another day if you want" i tell him

"its alright, temari and i have agreed to keep in touch" genko tells me glancing down at temari

"i'll write you every week" temari says letting go of genkos hand

"I'll write back as much as possible but i will leave the village for missions a lot" genko says

temari hugs him and they say their goodbyes

"thank you..." genko says as we walk back to the team

"no problem" i tell him

"ah you guys took forever, can we go?" haru complains once he sees us.

Kakashi's P.o.v.

we had been traveling for about 2 days almost to the village

"Minato..." i say sensing chakra

the whole team tenses and gets ready for an attack

kunai shoot out from our left, we all dodge them and get into manji formation

"it took me awhile to catch up with you, but now that i have... im going to kill you, you ruined my plan" the man that we had captured during the war says standing in front of us along with a few other men

they charge at us weapons and jutsu's prepared to fire.

each of us fgo into out own battles with 2 more guys each.

i have 3, wolf has 2, Bear has 3. Minato has 4 and Rin has 3.

the enemies are stronger than the ones we had fought in the war which worried me knowing that none of us were fully healed from the war.

i had taken down 2 and was left with...


my cat walked along my keyboard and deleted like a lot... he also left a lot of random letters...

i cant stay mad at him tho so i shall just rewrite it

3rd person P.o.v.

as Kakashi fought with his last enemy rin had been stabbed straight through her stomach, as she let her scream of pain and shock minato raced towards her to help her, the others also wanting to help but being stopped by the men.

the sword pulled out of her roughly by the Man who was letting out a crazy laugh.

Rin fell to her knees holding on to her new wound, she falls backwards now laying down.

she looked deathly pale as she watched her team fight the best they could, each knowing if they let their guard down for even a second they could be killed.

Kakashi sliced down the man, ending his life he turned to help rin but was stopped by another.

each person from the leaf was beginning to wear out, not fully healed from the war.

Minato was watching as his past students started to overpower the enemy nins

sighing minato let the man slice along his chest with the katana.

falling to his knees with a peaceful smile

the man raised his sword to fully end Minatos life.

"Sensei!!!" Kakashi screamed watching as the sword rushed towards Minato killing him.

Kakashi in a fit of rage quickly ended the mans life, the one who had taken the last person that meant a lot to him.

Kakashi walked over to minatos still body and looked at his now dead sensei the only other leaving member from the old team 7

holding back his tears the best he could he walked over to Rin and the two boys who were trying to stop the blood from seeping out of her wound.

"Dog we have.... we have to get her back to the village" Genko says to kakashi

Kakashi simply nods still trying to wrap his head around the fact that his sensei, the man he thought of as a father was now gone, just like his two other team members had been, the same as his actual father.

"where's minato" haru asked realizing that his old sensei was nowhere to be seen

Haru looks past Kakashi and sees Minato's body. gasping her realizes what has happened

"Kakashi... bring him back. Genko and I will handle rin" Haru says

Kakashi still in a daze slowly makes sense of his words and nods heading over to his dead sensei

Genko and haru make a portable bed to carry Rin in, and Kakashi places minatos body into a scroll.

they race towards their village, watching rin closely worried that they wouldn't only lose Minato but her as well

they reach the village gates and immediately the gate guards are asking what happened, they allow the 4 to pass and get to the hospital where rin is taken right away

"can anyone contact her parents? and fill in this sheet?" a nurse asks

"Genko go and get her parents... i'll do my best to fill what i know" Haru's says

genko leaves in a hurry to tell The Nara's the news of their daughter.

"haru i'll go and give mission report" Kakashi tells the young man that is quickly reading and filling out what he knows.

"ok... i'll see you as soon as i can" haru replies not looking at Kakashi

Kakashi leaves and heads to the hokages office to tell him has happened

Hokages P.o.v.

i hear a knock on my door as i light my pipe

"enter" i say

"ah Kakashi welcome back, the others go to rest?" I say happily

Kakashi takes off his anbu mask the reveal tears slowly trailing down his face.

"what happened?" i ask now worried

"we got ambushed... Rin's in the hospital with Haru, Genko went to inform Her family..." Kakashi says

"Where's Minato? he should be here" i say

Kakashi pulls out a scroll and it dawns on me what has happened

"Give him here my dear boy..." i say holding my hand for the scroll

Kakashi hands it to me slowly

"I'm going to the K.I.A. stone, i will give mission report later.... i apologize Hokage i need to be alone" Kakashi tells me

"very well, take all the time you need" i tell him before he leaves

i sigh and stare at the scroll...

"oh minato that poor boy" i say to myself

i summon a few people to plan the funeral and everything for Minato the 4th hokage, and the leafs yellow flash

they take him away.

3rd person P.O.V

About 3 days had past since the team had returned, Rin was going to be fine only a scar would be left.

Kakashi was a wreck, he had thrown himself into despair the same way he had when his teammate Rin was killed, but minato was there for him... now there wasn't anyone but a few friends that he wasn't the closet with to comfort him.

Kakashi often visited Rin in the hospital, he would talk to her as much as he could. he even cried to her told her of his past.

they had grown close, and on the day of the fourths funeral Kakashi stayed by rins side, he held onto her hand when the ceremony started and he pushed her along in the wheel chair when the placed down their flowers and small speeches to him.

the day was so sunny, it seemed like it shouldn't have been such a sad day. but it was, Rin wasn't sure how to comfort Kakashi but whatever she did he seemed to feel better.

after that day Kakashi, Genko, and Haru formed a team.

they went on missions after rin had fully healed, they all become close.

and before rin had healed she had visited Naruto just like she promised, he was so happy when he saw her. they went to Teuchi's stand for ramen like they usually did, and rin had gone to the dock on the 25th at noon as usual.

itachi hadn't heard of what had happened since he was on a mission, he freaked and checked every where for anything that might need medical attention

"Im fine Itachi, did you bring dango it was your turn" rin says waving him off

"hai i did" he said smiling at her

"lets eat then" she said smiling back at him.

while she was on bedrest she caught up with what she had been missing while she was away.

Shikamaru had made a friends with Choji, kiba, a few others but she was over joyed to hear he was friends with Naruto as well.

Itachi was on missions most of the time that she was gone

Naruto had said that he got free ramen the entire time rin was gone.

sasuke bragged how he was top of the class at the academy, and complained of how many new fangirls he had.

Her family treated her like a baby, telling her not to do a thing until she was healed.

she hung out with a few of her old friends from when she was in the Academy.

Naruto found out who his parents were because the 3rd hokage believed the boy should know, Naruto cried to Rin for hours.

he moved into the Namikaze household, the villagers didn't believe it, some moved past it and treated Naruto like a regular kid but others just couldn't so they continued their bad treatment. no one ever stepped in unless they saw it was to serious or if it were someone that knew Naruto well.

time flew by and she was now going on missions again but this time with her new team with Kakashi, Genko, and Haru

It took Kakashi awhile to get better after Minato's death but with the help of Rin and his other friends he was doing good.


i grew lazy so i did it like this just for this chapter, i think idk...

anyways Rip Minato

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