Never in a Million Years ✔️

By SkiSki26

4.9M 115K 102K

She's back and better than ever. Living in Chicago for the junior Law program was a fun year of her life but... More

Authors note!!
Cast & Aesthetics
1-Still the same Bitchass Belle
2-Bite me Kazer
3-I know you aren't
4-Not Dinosaurs, That's for Damn Sure
5-I like your number
6-And you swallow
7-My favorite pain in the ass
8-You did idiot
9-I think we can be great friends
10-Heartbeat tattoo
11-You're insane
12-He ate the whole sandwich??
13-Just an old hag full of wrinkles and failed botox
14-Oh god, what did you do?
15- Control Freak
17- You were the only one
18- It's not a date
19- The cheesiest lines
20- Just gets worse from here
21- Drunk and sober Belle
22- I dont need help
23- Thats unfortunate
24- Hypocrites
25- The Least Barbaric
26-Horror movie 101
27- Every damn time
28-Always come back
29- Well Princess
30- And here they go
31-Chicago Blackhawks Jeresy
33-Keep telling yourself that
34- Just get over here Kalanski
35- Musical Whore
36- Pause your porn
37- Can you stab me?
38- Always fall for the assholes
39- Tell you what I want
40- Laundry Prison
41- Go look in a mirror
42-The youngest idiot
43-Greys anatomy has prepared me
44-Happy Birthday guys
45-Carnival food
47-Two Left Feet
49-You're being stupid
50-I'm just a genius
51- Hey Lace
52- We're Cute
53- It's finally happening
54- Never You
55- Use Protection
56- Always been you
57- Owes me Twenty Bucks
58-My Idiot
59-Problem for another time
60-Our Family
61-The Giant Leprechaun
62- Bandaid on a Broken Heart
63-Lover Boy
64-Holy Shit
65- Shut Up Jordan
66- Crackhead Steve & Meth-head Joe
67-They are Evil
68-Bright green relish
69-I'm great, why?
70- Really, Really.
71-Hey Bestie
72- I'm not high, are you high?
73- Now
74~ Didn't know Jessies Girl
75- I Miss You Guys
76-A Whole Lifetime
77- You Could Never
78- Yeah they do
79-Speaking of Marriage
80-Look into the future
81-It's like a fairytale
82- Very Much Yes
83- Go home
84-Wake up
85-Always and Forever
86-Thank you
88-Sibling talks
89-Promise Me
90-We'll be okay
92-Hi Coco

16- I got you wet

61.3K 1.4K 1.1K
By SkiSki26

"I feel like we need more blankets" Lenny says as Em and I drop the last blankets on the floor

"I think we're good," I laugh. We had practically stolen every blanket in the house and brought it up to my room

We quickly covered my floor in blankets and pillows while turning my fun lights on.

"I missed this with my girls" Kerry smiles at all of us. Em has an older sister, but she doesn't come around much. She goes to school up in New York so it understandable why.

"Me too, we haven't had a girls night in forever" Cheri agrees

Cheri, Kay and Kerry are sleeping on the bed while the rest of us just laid around my room

"Okay let's watch magic Mike" Em grins

"Em there are nine year olds on the room!" I laugh "they cannot watch magic Mike"

Just as I say this, I feel my phone vibrate beside me. I quickly pick it up to see it's sage facetiming me

"Hey Sage!" I smile as hers and Ashleys faces pop up on the screen

"Hey Belle!" Ashley smiles "and family! Are you having a girls night or something?"

"Yep! This is my mom, Ems mom, Caleb's mom, and then Caleb's sister Arya and her best friend Lenny, my sister-in-law,Mal, Caleb's sister-in-law, Kate, my niece, Max, Jordans little sister, Julia and then Caleb's niece Bexley." I say introducing all of them

"Nice to meet you all!" Sage smiles at them

"Yeah!" Ahsley agrees and waves

"Everyone, these are my two of my friends from Chicago, Ashley and Sage" I tell them as they all say hi

We all continue to talk for a while, everyone loved Sage and Ashley. I wasn't suprised, they were pretty fun, and everyone was amused by their bickering.

"Belle someone's on the balcony" Bexley whispers as the older women in the room take my phone to talk to Sage and Ashley

"I think it's Coco" Julia says along with her

"I'll be right back" I grin at her as I quietly stand up and slink to my balcony door. 

"Why are you on my balcony?" I question, putting my hand on my hip as Caleb slowly turns around to face me. A mischievous look spread across his face

"Nothing! I just wanted to see how you were doing, I was going to text you but I decided to come up here instead" He grins feigning 
innocence. I notice he wasn't looking me in the eye either when he talked. That meant he was either nervous or lying, With the initial look on his face I'm guessing it's the ladder.

"I've known you since birth dumbass. What are you lying about?" I question

"Who says I'm lying?" He questions, his eyes once again flicking away from mine

"I do, I know your tell all too well" I smirk as I look up at him "now what are you doing?"
I glance down off the balcony as see slight rustling in the bushes below.
"Hey boys" I grin as I look down "are you trying to prank us" I grin as I step closer to Caleb

"And what if we were?" He smirks down at me, this time looking me directly in the eye

"Then you'd be starting a war you wouldn't want to be apart of" I grin up at him

"Princess, I always win"  He smirks, challenging me. It's like an unspoken rule between us, of one is challenged then they are obligated to engage in that challenge.

"We'll see" I mirror his smirk before backing off "watch your back Kazer"

"Sure thing princess" he grins before climbing back down to the ground

I run back into my room, quickly locking all the doors and turning the light off.

"Wait what's she doing?" I hear Ashley asks from my phone

"Okay, so I might've gotten us involved in a prank at with Caleb and the guys" I tell them "we'll call you back later girls!"

"Oh no" Em whines

"Caleb is ruthless" Arya adds

"yeah but so am I. Who do you think I learned from" I grin evilly "the student has surpassed the master"
So this probably wasn't the best idea. Whoever thought using confetti poppers in this prank  war is an idiot.

So Caleb and the guys won. He got the final prank, and I was the target. Let's just say I know have raw egg in my ass crack.

"Okay! You win!" I yell at him

"I'm glad you came to your senses" Caleb grins as he takes my hand "but it looks like you could use a quick rinse  off" the grin widens as I'm quickly thrown over his shoulder

"CALEB ARCHER KAZER PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW" I yell as I start thrashing in his arms

"BAILEY BELLE RYANNE KALANSKI !  NO I WILL NOT PUT YOU DOWN YET!" Caleb mocks as he practically skips outside "I wouldn't do that if I were you princess, you're more than six feet off the ground right now"

" I'm going to kill you!" I yell as I reach up and smack his head

"I'd like to see you try" he taunts "okay I think you need to cool off." He states as we stop moving.
Within seconds I'm thrown through the air into the pool.

"Have a nice swim?" Caleb smirks down at me

"You're a dick"

"Aw love you too" he grins as he holds out a hand for me to take

"Whatever" I scoff before taking his hand and in one swift motion pulling him in, just as he resurfaced, I slip out.

"For someone so smart, I can't believe you just fell for that" I laugh at his pouting face
He quickly hops out and joins me on one of the the lawn chairs as we wait for my dad to bring us towels

"It's fine, at least I can say I got you wet" he says with a grin, thankfully before my dad or any brothers walked out.

"I hate you so much" I laugh

"You love me, and you cant even deny it. We are friends" he grins, poking me in the side

"No we aren't"

"Yea we are"




"yes" he chuckles "you secretly don't have a deep hatred towards me. If you did, that cute little smile of yours wouldn't be on your face nor would you  be laughing with me right now" he reasons with a grin

I shake my head and looks down at my hands, trying to hide the stupid smile that was currently on my face. I didn't hate Caleb, I never have. Things were just different with him than they were with everyone else, I smiled more.

He just laughs before tipping my chin up to look into his entrancing eyes.

"That right there proves it" he smiles "You've never actually hated me."

"Let's not go that far," I reason cocking my head to the side

"Yeah fair enough" he laughs "besides who can really hate this face?"

"Wow, so humble Kazer" I joke. Thankfully deriving away from the tension that was bound to come if we'd stayed on that topic.

"Always princess" he laughs

I hear the door close behind me and instatly whip around to face my dad.

"I got you dumbasses towels" my dad chuckles as he hands both of us towels "I'm feeling a sense of déjà vu" he states sarcasyically

"Thanks dad"

"Thanks Adam" Caleb smiles at him

"No problem kids" my dad grins before walking back inside, presumably to help cleaning up the prank war mess

"So I have a question" he smirks

"What's up?"

"Why the hell would you use the confetti popper? There's confetti everywhere" he laughs

"Yeah not one of my best ideas, we should probably go and help them" I laugh as we both stand up

"I won" he grins

"Yeah, I now have egg in my ass" I pout causing him to laugh even more at me

"Let's go idiot" I roll my eyes at him before pulling him along with me inside

By the time we got back in the house, everyone had gotten the mess pretty much cleaned up

"Thanks for helping you two" Jordan scoffs as we walk in

"No problem!" I smirk

"So prank wars over?" Julia questions with Max and Bexley by her side

"Uh yes, and you three have to take showers, you are wearing flour and have chocolate syrup in your hair" Kate laughs as her and Mal bring them to the upstairs bathrooms

"that was fun" Em says as her, Lenny, and Arya all plop down beside me

"Yeah it was" I grin at they guys who were currently roughhousing in front of us. We just sit there and watch them for a minute, debating who was going to win

"Bets on who wins, I say Arrex" Em laughs

"Nah Caleb is stronger" I add

"Hm, I don't know, Jordan has a chance, he has the same build as Caleb" Arya chimes

"Nah Tyler or Wes is gonna come out on top" Lenny laughs as the guys continue to fight over the remote.

"I win!" Tyler laughs as he jumps up with the remote

We all laugh as Lenny takes her praise for being right.

"Okay girls what do you want to do?" Caleb asks as they join us on the couch

"We can go hang out in the basement"  Arrex  says

"Yeah let's go" we all get up and start our way downstairs but Zach and Austins voices stop us

"WAIT guys!" Austin yells after us

"I have an announcement" Zach adds

"Come in here!" Austin calls in into the dining room

"Alright is everyone here?" Zach asks

"Everyone besides, Aunt Kate, Mom, Max Julia and Bex" Sebastian tells him

"Okay guys" Zach smiles at all of us "Mal and I have both talked about this, and we have decided. We are moving back here!" Zach smiles excitedly

"REALLY?!" I yell as Em and I both hop up out of our spots.
Zach lived far North. He actually lived forty five minutes north of Dallas in McKinney, so I don't get to see him that often.

"We already found a house five minutes from here. We won't be able to move for a little while longer, but we aim for next June. We both just have to get things with work transfers figured out."

"Did you tell them?" Mal questions with Bex on her back as she hops downstairs and Julia on her hip

"Wait what?" Kate questions holding Max

"I didn't tell you! Zach, the kids and I are moving home!" Mal grins as Kate starts jumping up and down excitedly

"Finally! We'll be together again!" Kate yells as she hugs Mal

Austin and Kate lives in the next town over, so they were fairly close by. Bexley, Julia, Derek and Sam all went to the same school and soon Seb and Max will be joining them.

The rest of the night was a celebration, not only for the twins but also for Zach. We were finally back together, the only one missing was Ryan.
My heart panged as I thought of Ryan, but I try to tell myself, just wait till Christmas. Just three more months.

"Someone's happy" Caleb grins at me and he comes over and sit by Julia, Bex, Max and I. The three girls were both passed out on and across my lap as I read my book.

Caleb lifts Max as situates the sleeping girl on his chest before sitting next to me
"What are you thinking about?" He questions

"Just everything" I sigh with a slight grin

"Everything?" He begins to chuckle at the silly grin on my face

"Everything" I confirm "I'm just really happy. I haven't felt this way in a long time" I say honestly

"Me too" he sighs as he lays down, placing his head in my lap, still holding Max.

"I missed home" I tell him as I begin to play with his dark wavy hair. He immediately closed his eyes as I did so.

"I missed you" he smirks, his eyes still closed
I pause and roll my eyes at him. But he nudged my hand to continue. I love playing with his hair, he loved when I played with his hair.

"Oh I'm sorry do you want me to continue?" I joke with him

"Uh Yeah, That shit feels amazing" he laughs

"Nope" I laugh as I pick Max up off his chest and stand up.
Propping both Julia and Max  on either side of my hip, and the bex hanging on my back,I smirk as turn back to face him.

"You are mean" he pouts

"You are spoiled" I laugh at him as I start walking away

"These three and the other monsters can sleep in my room, I'll sleep on the couch" I tell Mal and Kay as  Jordan as I carry the girls upstairs

"Belle?" I hear the quiet voice of Max as I pull the blanket over her and Bexley

"What's up?"

"I love you"

"Me too!" Julia smiles

"Me too" I hear Bexley quietly laugh on the other side

"Love you too girls" I laugh before lightly kissing all of their heads

"Goodnight Belle" They say before I walk out

"Goodnight" I smile as I close the door behind me before quickly walking back downstairs. I was honestly surprised they had lasted that long, it was almost two in the morning.

"Is everyone staying the night?" I ask dad as I walk into the kitchen

"All the kids are, Kerry, Kay and Arron said they're all goin back home" My dad smiles

"Okay well I got my second bed out for the boys, so the three gremlins can sleep there too" I grab a water bottle out of the fridge referring to my nephews

"You're awesome, thank you" He nods before pulling me into a hug

"What's this for?" I ask, returning the hug

"I am so proud of you. You've grown into an amazing young lady, despite having to deal with all of our jackasses your whole life" he chuckles as he adds the last part

"Well thank you dad" I look up at him with a smile as we part "I wouldn't have wanted it any other way." I really didn't. I know he was terrified when my mother left us. I mean I would be too. Raising seven kids on your own? He was scared. But he tried his best and I think he did a pretty good job.

"Good because youre kinda stuck with all of us" he chuckles making me laugh

"I have to say, you did a pretty good job with all of us" I grin at him

"You think?"

"Without a doubt. You are the best daddy a girl could ask for" I say before wrapping my arms around him again "I love you dad"

"Love you too Bellaboo"

"Okay I'll be in the family room dad" I say before walking back into the living room with Caleb

"Move over idiot," I say lightly smacking his head for him to move

He rolls his eyes and slightly moves his head so I can take my former seat. He moves his head so it was once again resting on my lap.

"Comfy?" I smirk down at him, my hair slightly falling in my face

He just smiles at me before reading up as tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Tired?" I ask through yawn

"Very" he mumbles

"Me too" I huff as I turn my head and rest it against the cushion behind me

I hear Caleb mumble a 'goodnight' before turning on his side, still using my lap as a pillow and falling asleep. I quickly follow, closing my eyes and falling fast asleep.

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