Already Mated

By plscallmeB

1.8M 41.8K 16.8K

He was meant to choose me. He was meant to love me. He was meant to mark me. He was meant to be mine. My o... More

ONE: Already Mated
TWO: Sobbing and Heartbroken
THREE: Car Ride Home
FOUR: Tense
FIVE: Another Long Car Ride
SIX: "Get In Here Now"
EIGHT: Sound's so Safe
NINE: Give Me Strength
TEN: "I need you but I do not want you"
ELEVEN: No Longer Exist
FOURTEEN: Lets Do This
FIFTEEN: Confront My Mate
SIXTEEN: To Be Continued
SEVENTEEN: Family Reunion
NINETEEN: I'll Tell You Everything
TWENTY: Never Be Enough
TWENTY ONE: Decisions
TWENTY TWO: Believe it When I See it
TWENTY THREE: The Death of Me
TWENTY FOUR: Practice Makes Perfect
TWENTY FIVE: Birthday Preparations
TWENTY SEVEN: Butterlfies
TWENTY NINE: The Beginning
THIRTY: History
THIRTY ONE: Just a little one...

SEVEN: Tossed Away Like Garbage

75K 1.7K 1.2K
By plscallmeB

I picked at my nails while the Storm family deliberated between themselves.

Too many thoughts were running through my mind to even decipher what anyone was saying.

I peered at Caleb through the glass, he was sitting with his back against a concrete wall, staring back at me as he took big, heavy breaths.

He was still sweating and bleeding from the scratch marks he had inflicted on himself. His torso rose and fell with every huff of breath and I couldn't help but stare at the Adonis of a man before me.

I smiled softly, just wanting to break this tense staring contest between the two of us, no reaction.

"She can't go in there, he will hurt her!" Kai's worried voice called out, forcing me to break eye contact with Caleb, which resulted in him charging towards the window and thumping his fist's against it harshly.

He continued to punch the surface, painting it in blood as Kai stood in front of my form.

"He is unpredictable mother, we can't just sacrifice her to him... just look at him" Kai added as all eyes turned to Caleb.

He looked wild.

He was just throwing continuous jabs towards the glass, leaving a print of blood with each hit.

I winced with every thump of the glass.

He was perfectly fine before, what had made him so crazy.

Ruby rose from her seat and walked towards Caleb's form, she looked nervous, scared almost.

"Caleb it's ok, I'm here" she coo'd as she placed one of her hands on the glass.

Caleb's movements halted and he slowly lifted his head to look up at his mate, he just stared at her for a few moments with an unreadable look.

My heart clenched a little as I watched her calm him down, my wolf was furious, I could feel her anger boiling within me.

"Yeah baby, it's me, it's ok" she chirped with a large smile on her face.

Caleb's eyes then flashed towards me, then back to ruby and this repeated a few times before he finally reacted... and boy did he react.

Caleb's eyes darkened and his entire body started to tremor as his fist clenched tightly against the glass.

He looked ready to kill... and Ruby was his prey.

He let out such a thunderous growl that it vibrates against the glass as he pulled back his hands and then forced them against the window with so much power that a small crack formed beneath his knuckles.

Ruby let out a small whimper as tears pricked her eyes. She flinched back with each punch that Caleb threw towards the glass.

"Give it a try" Luna Catherine whispered into my ear.

I looked over to her and shook my head violently.

"I don't think that's such a good idea" I replied with hesitation.

"He won't actually be able to break the glass, I promise you'll be perfectly safe" she pleaded with me as she grabbed my arm and slightly pushed me towards the window where Caleb was still attacking the glass.

I closed my eyes briefly and took in a sharp breath.

Please, please make him stop hurting himself. I prayed silently to the moon goddess.

It was so hard for me to see Caleb this way.

When I opened my eyes and I forced myself to step around Kai, who was calling out to me.

I couldn't stop though, I had to try to get Caleb to calm down.

After the few short steps it took to reach the glass, my nerves grew to a point I was slightly shaking.

It wasn't that I was scared of him, I was just scared that I couldn't calm him down.

What if he kept going and destroyed his hands!?

What if he gets even angrier and does something else to hurt himself?!

I was literally shaking as I raised my hand and pressed it against the glass.

I didn't say anything and I didn't need too.

The next time Caleb's hand came in contact with the glass, his movements stopped.

He snapped his eyes open and stared deeply into mine.

My breath faltered slightly as I let out a shaky breath.

He mouthed something inaudible as the speakers were turned off but I knew he said "get in here" again.

I replied with a small nod and turned towards his family, keeping my hand in the glass.

"I'm ready to go in now" my voice was quiet but certain. I saw Catherine and Bradley sigh and smile in relief and it made me smile, knowing they believed in me.

Kai looked down at his feet and shook his head but didn't say anything. I think he knew it was the only way to help Caleb.

I didn't bother to look over at Ruby. Her opinion on the matter no longer interested me. All I was focused on was to help Caleb. He is the only thing that matters to me right now. He is in pain and I might be able to help him and if she really cared for him, she should want me to try.

"Well let's get you in there then"

Bradley and I stood in a small dark room that separated the door to the viewing room to the door to Caleb's cell.

It was made of the same extremely thick glass substance, decorated with thick silver bars.

I stared into the room, but couldn't see anything, it was just dark.

"Where has he gone?" I asked, sorry evident in my voice.

"I had my wife smoke out the windows so that you can have some time with Caleb without worrying about all of our eyes on you" Bradley explained as he began to type a code into a keypad.

"Now, I don't believe my son would hurt you but, if anything goes wrong, even if he starts to scare you, move to this door and hit the black button" he explained, as he continued to  enter things into the security pad "it will cause the screen to clear out and we will be able to see you again and I'll get you out" he added as a loud beep sounded and the seal of the door broke, letting out a soft hush of air.

"Please be patient with him" he finished as the door closed behind me with a loud thud.

My nerves finally set in as I stared at the door that was my only way out.

I was to nervous to turn around and when I heard the sound of chains dragging across the ground, I became a little scared.

The sound came to a clashing halt as I felt hot breath fan against the back of my neck.

My hairs stood up and a shiver made its way up my spine.

"You're scent is delightful" a hoarse and raspy voice broke the silence.

My knees trembled as I registered his words, and took a sniff as well.

Fresh and tangy lime hit my senses which caused me to visibly relax.

I felt like a spark of light was put back in my as my muscles finally loosened and relaxed.

"Turn around" he rasped as the chains clanked together roughly.

I slowly turned myself around looked directly into his eyes. He was standing so close to me yet I knew he couldn't get any closer.

His arms were pulled back by the tight chains and I huffed out in relief.

"I don't know what you've done to me but now that you're here..." he rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck "I finally feel relaxed" he finished with a heavy sigh.

"Caleb I haven't done anything... I too have been extremely sick until... well until I saw you again" I explained with a soft calm voice. I'd don't want to aggravate him.

"My wolf won't stop begging for me to touch you" he hissed with a shake of his head, as if he was trying to force the thoughts away.

"Mine too" I admitted, as I heard her voice strongly within my head to run to him.

"Why are you still standing so far away then?" I was taken back by his statement, I didn't think he would want me that close.

I didn't reply.

I was a little frightened of him but I didn't want to admit it. It made me feel sick to even think that of Caleb. I know that he won't hurt me, but yet, remembering the way he reacted to Ruby, I didn't want to take any chances.

"Are you scared of me?" His voice was low, and the look in his eyes was full of worry.

When he registered my head slowly nodding, he pulled against his chains, as if trying to step closer to me.

"For f*ck sake" he growled, pulling at the chains again.

"I swear I have no urge to harm you" he called out as he continued to pull at the chains.

"I just need to hold you"

Tears pricked my eyes.

He was battling with the chains still, unaware of the meaning behind his words.

My wolf was whimpering from happiness inside me and a soft fire felt like it was lit within my chest.

He was growing frustrated with the chains as he violently pulled and clawed at them.

"Caleb" I called out, trying to distract him from the chains.

His eyes snapped to me as he let out harsh breaths. He looked angry and a little worried.

I took in a large breath "take a step back" he scowled at my words.

"Just trust me and take a step back" I repeated, begging him with my eyes.

Slowly but surely, he took a step back and his arms fell lower.

I took a small step forward and he looked at me with confusion.

"Now another one" I repeated, and he obeyed instantly.

With every step he took, I took one forward.

This repeated until Caleb had enough length in the chain to have his arms by his sides.

He stared at me eagerly, waiting for another command.

I knew that he still didn't have enough length in the chains to reach forward so I took a deep breath and asked him to "now stay still"

His eyebrows scrunched together as I closed the gap between us.

Now only centimetres apart, Caleb's breath fanned my face.

I heard the chains cling softly and realised he was trying to reach out to me.

He looked at me with so much want and need that it made my stomach flip.

I couldn't control myself as my body flung forward and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

His skin caused a fire to spark within me. A fire that I had never felt before. I felt alive for the first time in weeks. All the pain I had felt, gone. Just by his touch.

Caleb walked backwards so that he could finally warp his arms around me. Pulling me flush against his body as he birdied his face into my neck.

There were no words, not a single sound. We just needed each other's embrace.

After what felt like hours, Caleb made the move to raise his head from my neck to look me dead in the eyes.

I felt like so much happiness and joy flood through my body that I couldn't help but smile.

And to my complete shock, he smile back.

Just a small smile of admiration and I made a note to never forget this moment and the way he looked at me.

I felt his nose brush mine softly and I closed my eyes... waiting for our lips to meet.

But they never did...

Caleb let out a loud growl and practically threw me across the room.

When I had enough strength to pull myself off the floor my heart shattered as I saw Caleb at the now clear window, calling out for his mate... calling out for Ruby.

Just like that... I was tossed away like garbage.

2010 words! I'm aiming to make this a regular amount for each chapter - please let me know if you think these are still to short or maybe getting a little to long.

Have you guys got any idea why Sophia and Caleb have this connection?

Isn't it cute how protective Kai is of Sophia!

Do we like Ruby?

I want to chat with you guys, get your opinions 😚


Do you guys want me to put up pictures of every character? Or do you want to use your own imaginations, let me know!


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