Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 75.5K 61K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


32K 1.1K 587
By Love_Bri94

Too sleepy to edit, last chapter for a minute. Got two other stories to finish and I have to update Then There's You.

Go check out Tea with Bri for an important message about my updates and everything! Gotta some things to say 🙃

Chapter Thirteen
Catch LA - EVA'S Birthday dinner

Eva's close friends and family, all prepared for the special event tonight. She was finally turning 30 and worked hard all month so that she could go above and beyond for her day. She excited yet nervous. 30 is a huge milestone. She prayed for nothing but good things to come to this, mainly a nice engagement ring from her boo.

Over in Tarzana, Chris watched in annoyance, as Ammika put on her shoes. He tried everything under the sun to make her stay home but she insisted. After all the shade that Eva has thrown in her face, she for some strange reason thinks that they are cool. The text message DON'T BRING THAT BITCH TO MY PARTY that Eva sent to Chris the other day constantly flashed in his head. This was about to call unnecessary drama, he could feel it.

His life was feeling balanced now that Mya wasn't upset anymore, but he knew that would be short lived when she sees Ammika with him tonight. To be honest, he planned on ending his night with Mya. He want to apologize to her face to face, the correct way, and then show her how sorry he really was.

At Mya's house, she stood in the mirror checking over her outfit for the millionth time.

She was nervous for some reason. Well she knew the reason and that was Chris. They've been talking nonstop since that fight happened at the club. He was always checking up on her. Consistent good morning and good night texts. She was certainly acknowledging his effort. It made her heart flutter.

Kayla walked into her sister's room and watched as Mya fixed her skirt once again. "Girl you look cute, why you over there stressing."

Mya jumped at her sisters unexpected presence. "You just scared me." She laughed.

"That skirt is bomb. I wish I could fit it."

"Nobody told you to get that fake ass."

"You wish my shit was fake, this is cornbread fed honey. GMO don't shake like this." Kayla made her ass clap and Mya nose turn up.

"I think you were a stripper in your former life."

Kayla shrugged. "You're probably right. I'm sure you were a cat lady with your boring ass."

"Fuck you."

"Soooo, you and Chris. What's going on?"

"Nothing at all....we're just chilling."

"Mya don't start with that. Are you going to try and make something happen with this man or keep these kiddy games going."

"That's funny, you used to be the main one telling me to never get close to these niggas but you want me to date ironic?"

"Yes! I want you to date him. You guys are cute as hell together, he's what you need and vice versa. I see you two and it screams power couple. The way he was so stern with you that night at the club and your little ass did what he said with no back talk, honey I visioned y'all whole wedding in my head, at that moment. You've never had a bad relationship, you've never had a real relationship. Give this a shot won't be disappointed."

"We have to go, is Syren ready?"

"Uuuuuugh! Sometimes I just want to strangle you." Kayla walked out the room and Mya laughed. She had plans for Chris but she wasn't going to discuss it with her sister.

After fixing her outfit for the last time, Mya grabbed her phone and purse then walked downstairs.

"Bad biiiitch! Yaaas boo." Syren said. "I love when you wear blonde hair."

"Thank you babe. Let's go y'all, we're late."

They all headed out to Mya's car and made their way to Catch. Chris arrived before them and as soon as Eva spotted Ammika, she went off on him. He tried to distract her with the gifts he bought but she wasn't having it. Just like everybody else, she wants what's best for Chris and that's Mya. She didn't understand why he just couldn't let go of this girl that brought no value to him.

"Best friend I swear I didn't want her to come." Chris repeated for the hundredth time.

"Why is she even in the states Chris?"

"I told her to come, but that's when things weren't good with me and Mya."

Eva rolled her eyes. "And as soon as y'all got back cool you should've sent her back. Mya is coming tonight, how do you think she's going to feel when she sees this?"

"I'll explain to her like I'm explaining to you."

"Chris you got to start thinking before you do shit."

"Don't start."

"It's my birthday, I'll start all I want. Now back to Mya. Since you two are in good graces, what does this mean?"

He gave a childlike shrug. "I don't know, I was just going to go with the flow. Whatever she wants, I'm cool with. I wanted talk to her tonight and see where her head at."

"What if she wants to date?"

"Then we'll work on that."

"Are you going to give her 100%?"

"I'll do my best."

"Oh my goodness."

"Cut me some slack Eva, I'm new to being faithful. But like I told her if she gives me something to respect we should have no problems."

"Okay Christopher. Go sit by your....whatever she is, I'm going to go mingle and show off my new diamonds." Her hand ran over the 10 karat necklace on her neck.

Chris chuckled. "Go enjoy yourself." He kissed her forehead then went back to his seat which was between Hoody and Ammika. Picking up his drink, he quickly downed it then glanced around. His eyes soon met Mya's but hers eventually shifted next to him.  She quickly mustered up a fake smiled then walked over to Eva to giver her, her present. Syren and Kayla took their seats.

"Hey Chris!" Kayla yelled being ignorant.

"Wassup Kayla, Syren." Chris nodded.

"Introduce us to your friend Chris." Kayla gave a goofy smile.

His head turned to Ammika then back to Kayla. "Ammika this is Kayla and Syren."

"Hello, nice to meet you." Ammika gave a fake smile then turned her head.

"Her accent sound like when deaf people talk." Syren said making Kayla quickly nudge her and Hoody burst out laughing. "I'm serious, like is her tongue too big for her mouth? Then she gone turn her head like she somebody important. Okay you generic Karrueche."

"Let's go over there with Mya." Kayla quickly stood up from seat dragging Syren right along with her.

Chris groaned. "It's gone be a long night."

Kayla and Syren approached Eva and Mya. "Y'all look up to no good, what happened?" Mya asked.

"This idiot talking about deaf people." Kayla said.

"I didn't, I just said that's what she sound like like." Syren shrugged. "Most exotic chicks sound good as fuck when they speak in English with their accent. She sound like that man that be like Guten Hagen ."

The girls started laughing.

"Well that is German and that's where she's from. So that's probably why." Eva explained.

"Kayla was trying to be nice to the chick too, but she's feeling herself." Syren continued.

"I told Chris not to bring her but he said she wanted to come." Eva shook her head.

"Yeah because Mya was going to be here. She knew that nigga wasn't coming home tonight." Kayla said.

"Well she has nothing to worry about now." Mya said before sipping the champagne the waitress gave her.

"Mya!" Kayla stomped her foot. "I told you to not let that Bitch get comfortable. Fuck her! Chris is coming with you tonight."

"Speaking of Chris." Eva said while directing her attention to him walking over.

When he got to them he stood really close to Mya. His hand rested on her lower back causing her body to perk up.

"Hey beautiful." He said in her ear.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Hi Chris."

"You look nice tonight."

"Thanks, you look good too." Mya bit down on her lip.

"You mind if I borrow her for a second." Chris asks her friends.

"No, you can have her for life if you want." Syren said.

Chris laughed while grabbing Mya's hand and walking away.

"SUCK HIS DICK IN THE BATHROOM MYA!" Kayla yelled, causing Mya's eyes to damn near fall out her head.

Those people are crazy.

Chris Brown

I took Mya over to an unoccupied space in the restaurant, far away from the party. I let her slide in the booth and I got in after her. My hand rested on her thigh and I stared in her eyes. "You really look good." I said and she blushed.

"Thank you."

"Look, I didn't want to bring her here. She damn near begged me to come. I don't want you thinking I'm on no bullshit because I'm not."

"Chris, it's okay."

"It's not. Mya I want you to be able to trust me. I know you already think I'm just heartless and don't give a fuck about nothing but that's not true and I want to prove that to you. Give me to the end of the week and she'll be back in Germany and I want to take you out."

A smile peeled across her face. "Really?"

"Yeah...I want to get to know you more. Honestly I've had this wall built up since my last relationship. I didn't want to trust nobody or give nobody all of me again but man it's something about you. The entire time we were mad, I couldn't sleep. I was snapping at everybody, shit wasn't right. Then I see you at the club and you text me. Instantly I'm tired as hell. Like I've noticed with you I'm relaxed. I ain't worried about if you using me or if you genuine. I'm not always looking over my shoulder. You good, with or without me. I want that in my life. I know things won't be easy but I just hope you're willing to ride this out with me."

Mya bit down on her lip as she stared with me. "I'm just as much of a work in progress as you are. If you're willing, I'm willing."

I nodded while smiling, then leaned forward and kissed her lips. Her hand cupped my face as she pulled me in more. My tongue slid in her mouth and my hand moved up her skirt.

"Baby wait." She said while pushing me back. "We can't do this here."

"Why not?"

"I'm sure there's cameras everywhere and the minute somebody sees us getting ready to fuck, that tape will be on the next episode of TMZ."

"True. Let's go back to your crib then."

"What about your people and Kayla and Syren?"

"They all grown and find their own way. Let's go." I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the booth, then we went back to the party. "Aye we about to head out." I told Eva.

"What?! You two hornballs can wait to hump each other."

"Man Eva, I'll buy you a car if you let us slide this one time."

"Have fun you two." Eva pulled us into a group hug.

I shook my head. "That's sad." I pulled my Mya over to the table where I was sitting and grabbed my jacket. "Aye Ant, make sure she get home safe." I nodded towards Ammika.

"Home or home home?" He asked.

I gave him a look to let him know home home.

After that we headed out. Paparazzi bothered us until my car pulled up. I opened the door for Mya and helped her in then went around to the drivers side and got in, quickly shutting the door to get away from the camera flashes.

I quickly pulled off and made my way to Mya's place.

The ride was quiet but the sexual tension was loud. I haven't touched her body in weeks. I was feigning for at this point.

When we got to the house I pulled into the driveway. We got out and she unlocked the house door. As soon as we got inside I picked her up and carried her up to her room.

"I hope your sister and best friend aren't coming back." I said while laying her on the bed.

"They know what's about to happen." She pushed her skirt off then opened her legs. I climbed between them, kissing her lips while smacking her ass. Standing back up I pulled my jacket then my shirt off and tossed it. Gripping her thighs, I pushed them back to her chest. Staring down at her fat pussy, I bit down on my lip. It was visible through her white lace boy shorts.

Her hand gripped my neck and she pulled me down to her. "You better fuck me like you missed me."

"Oh you ain't even gotta worry about that. I hope you ain't got meetings tomorrow."

Her legs wrapped around my back and she flipped us over. "I hope you don't have plans."

I smiled and roughly smacked her ass. Man it's about to be one hell of a night.

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