Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 74.5K 59.8K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


29.9K 1.1K 678
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Twelve
Mya Anderson
The Next Evening

Kayla walked into my room and laid across my bed, causing me to break my attention away from the TV. I've been avoiding her and Syren since they got here. It's not to be mean it's just that I needed a minute to myself.

"So." Kayla said. "You ready to talk?"

"About you dating Hoody, Yes. I thought he liked Mariah?"

"She ran back to her no good husband and told me to take him off of her hands. So here I am."

"That's gross."

"She didnt Fuck him, they were just chilling."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"And I didn't come up here to talk about Hoody, what happened between you and Chris."


"Mya, don't be like that."

"Why do you want to know so bad Kayla?"

"Because I'm a concerned big sister and I haven't seen you like this in years. And I also need to know if I have to pull up in Tarzana and beat somebody ass."

I laughed while sitting up against my headboard. "I just got caught up in a sticky situation."

"Give me details."

"Syren is going to kill me for telling you this without her."

"Girl fuck Syren! Now talk."

"Since I've been in LA, Chris and I have been hanging out. And I can't lie, I did grow an attachment to him. The feelings were definitely there and on both ends."

"So what went wrong?"

"I'm getting to last week when I opened my store, he came and saw me and brought flowers. I mentioned going out to dinner and when I said it he got defensive a little bit. I told him it was just a friend, someone he didn't know and he didn't say anything else. I thought we were good. When I left dinner with my friend, the paparazzi were outside. I don't know why they follow me, to be honest. But they got pictures of me and my friend, he had his arm around my waist. Chris saw it and got mad I guess and he thought my friend was somebody I was messing with. Whole time the nigga is gay! But fast forward to the next day. We all end up at Supper Club because Chris said we should celebrate my Store. I brought this girl that I thought was cool. He decides to be petty and starts flirting with her and the bitch flirts back. Kayla I wanted to kill the both of them."

"Um and why didn't you?"

"I got too much to lose over a no good ass nigga and a snake ass bitch. Fuck them both."

"Fuck all that, give me sis address, I'll pull up on her."

"Will do, but back to this crazy situation. I guess Chris felt bad and he thought buying me bags and diamonds would work but I don't need that."

"Hold up, hold up. Bitch you gave that nigga those diamonds back?"


"Myaaaaa, why the hell would you do that?! Keep the gifts and still say fuck him."

"Naw, I don't need his gifts."

"I get it, you can buy your own shit but you never say no to free stuff! Where did I go wrong with you?!" She smacked her forehead.

"I'm not taking those gifts. As soon as I rejected his shit, he called ol'girl and told her ass to take the next flight to America. He really ain't shit and I'm not about to deal with him."

"I'm all for living the single and happy life but I think you and Chris together was dope as hell. He needs a girl like you around."

"He doesn't know how to keep me around though. He doesn't know what to do with a girl that stands up for herself and not just to the outside world, but stand up to him. Kayla you know how I feel about dating all together. A few days with him and I'm just ready to run to a damn alter. I can't believe I'm even saying that. But he really had me. He's a sweet guy he's just stupid."

"All men are stupid, sis."

"That is very true."

"Both of you are stubborn so I know this beef y'all got will last for a while. Don't let that girl he call all the time get comfortable Mya."

"Look, she can gladly have the spot she wants so badly. I'm not about to play games with Chris."

"Well let him know that. I bet you were always bullshitting around with him, constantly telling him how you don't do relationships."

"He doesn't do relationships either. I put a little feelings into a situationship and look where it got me. Theres no way that CHRIS BROWN can fully commit to any woman. He's still at his prime, women still flock to him. I don't want be looking crazy."

"If he really feeling you, he'd never put you in a bad situation. Men want you to give them something respect. You act like a spineless Bitch and that's exactly how they treat you. Tell a nigga you mean business and show it and watch him fall at your feet."

I chewed on my lip, thinking about all she said.

Syren came storming in my room. "Oh hell naw, I'm sensing some tea was spilled while I wasn't here."

"We were having sister time." Kayla said.

"Y'all really could wait on me? I went to go get your ass some food Kayla! You knew she'd tell you while I wasn't here."

"Calm down Sy, I'll tell you want happened. It's not spectacular." I laughed.

"Anything that got to do with Chris Brown is spectacular. Now let me go bring our food back up here and we're going to start this whole conversation over."

"Bitch you always gotta be extra. Chris was being a no good ass nigga but Mya's going to put an end to all of that. They're going be in a committed relationship, get married and have kids once they stop being stubborn. The end." Kayla said while rolling her neck.

"Bitch I really don't like you." Syren said while sitting on the bed.

"Fight me hoe."

Next thing I know Syren jumped on Kayla causing them both to
Fall to the floor. They really act like like two annoying sisters. This is all day with them.

I just ignored their craziness and got back comfortable.

"Let go of my hair hoe. Let go of my hair." Kayla said.

"Let go of mine."

The tussled for a little bit longer then let go of each other. When Kayla got up she kicked Syren causing Syren to grab her leg and make her fall flat on her face.

We all just burst out laughing.

This is why I'm glad they're here. I needed this.

Chris Brown
Four Days Later

"Chris, when is the last time you got some sleep?" My mom asked while grabbing my chin, turning my face towards her.

I pulled away. "I get sleep."

"Your face says something else but okay. I'm not going to pressure it."

"Thanks." My focus went back on playing with Royalty.

"You want to talk about what's bothering you?"

"What makes you think something bothering me?"

"You're snappy, you look exhausted. Have you been eating?"

"I just been working a lot. I'm getting sleep, it might not be a full 8 hours but I'm good. Ain't nothing bothering me Ma."

"Okay.......I see she's back." She said in a lower tone. Would I be rude for kicking my own mother out my house? She really about to make me snap.

"Ma don't start damn. I'm so sick of everybody down my back about stupid shit. She here because I want her here. If you don't like it then don't come around."

My mom stared at me for a while. I could tell she wanted to slap me out of existence. I was low key scared but I had to put my foot down. Somebody always pressing me about Ammika when this girl literally bothers nobody.

"You know what Chris, you're right. You're a grown man and who am I to take the wool from over your eyes. You are free to be stupid my child." She got off the couch and walked away.

I groaned and leaned my head back. I don't have time for this shit.

"What's wrong?" Royalty asked while wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Nothing princess."

"Then why do you look sad?"

"I'm just a little tired, that's all."

"Can we take a nap so you won't be tired?"

I stood to my feet, securing Royalty on my hip. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Let's go take a nap."

"Let's go!"


That nap was well needed but I was prepared to be up for the next 24 hours. Another night, another party. I've been avoiding sitting in the house because I don't want my mind to trail back to Mya. A part of me wants to pull up to her house and tell her that I'm sorry and beg for forgiveness but the other side of me is saying that she ain't even mine so why sweat her.

Ammika was brought here to keep my mind clear and she ain't did that. Like I said it ain't no connection, just sex and her filling that emptiness that I feel. Our conversations last for two seconds then it's quiet again. Her nose in her phone, and my mind back to where I tried to take it away from.

So now, partying and drinking does the trick.

AOD was the move tonight. Tyga was hosting and told me and my bros to pull up so we did just that.

The club was packed. It was barely room to move. It's crazy how so many people can come out on a Monday like they ain't gotta go to work in the morning.

Me and Keeis passed a blunt. Hoody tossed money and Sinko just stood there like a statue like always. The loud music was honestly making my head hurt but oh well, I ain't going home.

And yes I left Ammika, she said she ain't want to come so, oh well. I wanted to call Eva and tell her to pull up, and hopefully she would've had my ba— I mean Mya with her but she's been working like crazy because her birthday is in two weeks. I told her whatever she wanted, I'd pay for but she ain't with that. Ima still get her a dope gift.

Money started flying closer to the stage near this one dancer that was doing her thang. I just stared over there until all the money fell to the floor. My eyebrows raised when I saw who it was.

"Damn Mya making it tsunami over there. Got me ready to put my little money back in my pocket." Hoody said.

I laughed and shook my head. My tongue ran over my lips as I glanced at her outfit. She always look good no matter what. Even when she chilling with no make up on, she looks good.

I didn't even know her sister and best friend were in town. I wonder if she told them what went down between us. She barely wanted anybody to know we dealt with each other so she probably didn't.

It's cool though.

Like always, I spent my time watching her. It was cute seeing her trying to avoid looking my way once she realized that I was in the same building as her. She probably always knew, just tried to play it off. Every time she smiled or laughed, I had to stop myself from smiling. She was really enjoying herself.

Well that's until the girl she thought was her friend but chose me instead showed up. Once Mya pointed her out to her sister, Kayla went off. A bunch of chicks swarmed behind the girl causing me to become more alert.

"They about to try to jump them?" Keeis asked.

"Hell naw." I motioned for my security to follow me. My bro's right behind me as well. "Is it a problem over here?" I asked once we reached Mya section.

"You don't need to be involved, watch out Chris you too much of a liability." Syren said.

"Man ain't shit about to go down. These hoes ain't worth it."

"But you was just trying to fuck though!" The girl said.

"Bitch I kicked yo thirsty ass out as soon as we got to my crib. Don't lie on me." I stood in front of Mya. "You better than this, come on."

"Man fuck all that." She said not trying to hear what I had to say.

"Mya, I know you mad but look at all these bitches she got with her. It's just y'all three."

"And you think I give a fuck?! I don't care if it was a million bitches, ain't nobody making me fold. WASSUP BITCH! BRING YO BROKE ASS OVER HERE."

"Man grab them." I said.

Before one of my guards could get ahold of Mya, she picked up a cup and threw it right at the girl face. Thankfully she missed.

I groaned while lifting her up and rushing out the club. "Man Mya chill! You can't react like that with those type of bitches, she'll be quick to sue you."

"Man I don't want to hear that shit."

"You need to hear it. Don't let this bitch get to you, just relax."

Mya took a deep breath and closed her eyes. I just gently rubbed her arms as she tried to calm down. But that was short lived because somebody threw water at me causing it to get all over the both of us. She looked over my shoulder then snatched away and ran to the girl that threw it. Her little ass something serious. I tried to rush over there to get her but my guards held me back.

I saw Hoody pull her back and rush her over to her car.

"Kayla, get her out of here!" I yelled.

"Get in the car Brown, somebody called the police." Ant said.

"Man fuck the police, I'm trying to make sure Mya straight. I'm not moving until I see her leave." I pushed him out my way and started walking towards her car. "Get in the car Mya."


"Yes, Get in the damn car. You not about to fight nobody and I'm not about to keep telling you that."

"Why are you even still here? If anything happens you know she putting your name in it, so go ahead and leave I'm straight."

"Quit being hardheaded and get yo ass in the fucking car. I said you not fighting no fucking body!" I yelled stepping closer to her face, causing her to look up at me shocked.

I was waiting for her smart response but instead she opened her car door and got inside.

"Put yo foot down Chris! Hahaaaa!" Kayla laughed.

I smirked before leaning down to Mya. "Let me know when you make it home alright?"

She didn't respond, just folded her arms and sunk down in her seat. I shook my head then leaned in the car and kissed her cheek then stood up and shut the door.

"Get out of here y'all." I told Kayla and Syren.

"Yes sir boss man." Syren said before getting in. Kayla got in the drivers seat and started the car then pulled off. I walked over to my truck and climbed inside. Everybody was waiting on me.

Looks like I'll be ending my night earlier than planned.

"Aye you must really like Mya." Keeis said. "You was ready to two piece a bitch for trying to fight her."

Everybody in the car laughed.

I didn't respond just kept my focus on the road.

When we got back to the house, I went and jumped in the shower. I was no where near sleepy so I went and played the game.

Hours went by, and I've been jumping between 2K and COD. It was now 5 in the morning and I was starving. I paused my game and went into the kitchen.

While I rummaged through the refrigerator, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and hit the lock button to see what it was.


My thumb unlocked my phone and I opened the message.


Thank you for stopping me from doing something
so stupid.
I really appreciate that ❤️❤️

No problem beautiful
Don't let nobody knock you off your square
It's never worth it trust me

Yeah, you're right
Thanks again 😌
GO TO BED! 👊🏽👊🏽

Lol okay, goodnight beautiful ❤️

Good night babe😘

I locked my phone and pushed it back in my pocket. As I stood in the refrigerator, I started to feel sleepy. I opted out on the food and went and grabbed a blanket and laid on the couch. Before I knew it, I was knocked out.


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