Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 75.5K 61K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


30.1K 1.1K 783
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Eleven
Chris Brown
Los Angeles, California - Later That Day

Sitting in front of Eva's house, I dialed EJ's number. He was taking forever to answer the phone and I was getting irritated.

"Hello." He finally picked up.


"How May I help you Mr. Brown?"

"You know what size Mya wear, like in shoes and shit?"

"Yes I do, why?"

"I need you to order her some things, whatever you think she'll like, buy it."

"Aw shit, what did you do?"

"Nothing, these are just some congratulatory gifts for her new location. I need you to get everything like right now."

"Okay okay, I'm on it."

"Alright thanks."


I hung up the phone and right on time Eva pulled into her driveway. I waited until she got out and I got my car. "Best friiiiiend." I called.

"Oh boy." She rolled her eyes. "Chris I just got off of work, I'm not in the mood to deal with your foolishness right now. Try again tomorrow."

"Man don't do me like that." I said while grabbing her bags.

She smacked her lips while opening her door. I followed behind her and placed her stuff down, then went into her kitchen and started going through the refrigerator. "I hope you washed your hands." Eva said while sitting at the counter.


"What you want Chris?"

"You gotta help me fix this mess I'm in."

"Haha! Why do I have to help you?"

"Because she's your friend. You can talk to her and talk some sense to her."

"Only person that needs some sense is you! Chris you aren't dealing with those dumb girls you're used to. Mya is a different, your petty ass got with her friend over some pictures. She's better than me because I would've made a scene in that fucking club. That could've just been her friend she went out to eat with, ya know."

"Why you always gotta preach to me? Just tell me what to do to get back on the girl good side."

Eva laughed. "I really dislike you at times. You're such an asshole."

"How?! I'm trying to fix what I messed up."

"Why? Because you really like her or because you're trying not to let go of the pussy she gives."

"Eva bro, are you going to help me or not?"

"Answer my question."

"I fucked up man. I didn't want to approach her about the dude because I felt like that ain't my place. We're not at that point. I just reacted without thinking. She hurt my feelings so I retaliated only to find out that the nigga is gay. So now I'm stuck."

"You mentioned feelings so that means you like like her?"

"Duh dummy."

"Keep getting smart Chris and ima hook her up with somebody and really piss you off. Does Victor Cruz have brothers? Oooo, what about one of the Migo's."

I straight-faced her. "Man I'm leaving." I started walking to the door.

"Okay, okaaaaay." She grabbed my arm. "I went a little over board but that's for that smart ass mouth you got. Sometimes I have to humble yo ass."

"Whatever Eva, I'm not about to play with you."

"I'm not about to play with you either."

"You gone help me or keep bullshitting. I already got EJ working on plan B because I already knew you was about to be on some bullshit."

"What's plan B? Purses, shoes, clothes, diamonds? That only work with bitches who ain't got shit, for example your little German freak. Mya can buy her own shit."

"I'm sure she can but it ain't nothing wrong with somebody else spoiling you. I wish somebody would buy me something. I'm tired of spending my own money."

"Get serious with Mya and then you'll get nice things instead of paintings that make you and your daughter look special ed."

"Bye Eva."

"Okay that was the last one!"

"Naw, I'm straight. I'm seriously asking for your help and you want to talk about stuff that ain't important."

"Here's a little help, learn to stop being irrational and control your feelings. Like I said, Mya ain't the toys you used to. If you want to deal with her, you gotta put your big boy pants on and step up on your shit."

"All I heard was blah blah blah." I opened the door.

"Let me DM, TakeOff." She laughed.

I walked out slamming the door. Some kind of fucking best friend, she can't be serious for one damn second. I done wasted my gas coming over here and she on some bullshit.

The gifts will work, no woman can say no to diamonds.

Three Days Later

"Aye Breezy." Ant tapped my foot, causing me to jump out my sleep. My eyes fluttered open and I looked at him.


"You got a visitor." He nodded over to the door.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes while yawning. I got up and walked over to the door, shocked to see Mya standing there with a bunch boxes around her. "H.hey....what are you doing here?" I didn't even know she knew how where I lived. Oh wait you just gotta google my damn address and it'll pop up.

"All of this stuff belongs to you. I think you meant to send it to my friend and not me." She said while shoving the box she had in her hand, into my chest. "I don't need pity gifts that you'll just write off on your taxes." She turned to walk away.

I dropped the box and rushed over to her. "Wait Mya. None of this stuff is for pity. I just wanted to do something nice."

"Chris save the bullshit alright. This is because you made yourself look dumb. Everybody told me how upset you were about my dinner date but instead of being a man and asking me about it, you went and acted like a pubescent little boy."

"I asked you who you were going out with."

"And I said a friend."

"Okay?! A friend could mean a bunch of shit."

"You brushed it off as if that answer was good enough for you! You could've came to me once you saw the pictures but nope, you came up with your own little scenario in your head and ran with it. Grow the fuck up."

"I am grown and don't be talking crazy to me in my crib."

"I was trying to leave your crib but you stopped know what Chris, be thankful I'm not who I used to be, because I wanted to drag you and that Bitch by y'all hair. Niggas like you are the reason why I don't catch feelings. You just proved to me that all that lovey dovey shit is nothing but a waste of time. And I'm not going to prolong you wasting mine. So have a nice life, thanks for the good dick cause that's the only thing good about you." She started walking to the door.

I groaned. "Mya......MYA!"

My door slammed closed.

"Fuck!" I yelled while kicking the stuff she brought back.

"How you Fuck that up C?" Keeis asked while walking over to me.

"Man don't say shit to me."

"I told you gotta be delicate with that fine piece of chocolate." He laughed while walking away.

If Mya want to be on some bullshit, then cool. I'm not about to beg nobody to Fuck with me. She'll come back around.

Pulling out my phone, I opened my text thread with Mika.


Can you come back to the states yet?

I think so

I'm booking you a flight


Mya Anderson
LAX - A Few Days Later

My mood has just been blah. I've been trying to just focus on everything but this stupid nigga but unfortunately that's not happening. Only god knows how bad I just want to fight him. Like I want to beat his ass! He really tried to do me crazy and that sleaze ass hoe that I thought was cool need to get beat the fuck up too. I can't wait until Kayla gets here because she's most definitely about to handle that.

I should've known better, I should've kept my guard up. That man can not control his emotions, the world knows that. He'll never have a successful relationship until he does and I'm not about to be another one of his guinea pigs. I'm not like these other bitches, he can't treat me like them. He can't dangle diamonds and bags in face and have me crawling back. I buy diamonds like bitches buy groceries. Does this nigga not know how much I grossed this year and we're only 6 months in?! Just imagine what I'll make once my LA store is open.

He hasn't had an independent chick since Rihanna, he doesn't know what to do with us, so I'm going to let him continue to chase these charity cases.


I gotta release this anger some kind of way. Do y'all know how many lengthy ass text messages I've wrote and deleted to this man. Excuse me, I mean little ass boy. Only thing grown is his money and his dick. I'm pissed that I'm angry like we're really together! He doesn't deserve this energy from me. We've only known each other for close to two months. But those weeks when everything was good, I felt great. He had me feeling something that I'm not used to and I liked it.

The corner of my eyes started burning.

Man no!

I haven't had a nigga get me like this since I was a teenager.

I quickly grabbed a napkin out of my purse and stopped the tears before they fell. Kayla and Syren would be walking out of these doors at any minute and I don't need the millions of questions. I'm so glad they're here. Ej is New York with Krunchie, I don't know where Munchie is and Eva has been working doubles to catch up on the hours she's missed.

Now my babies are here and I'll really be able to take my mind off of things. Reaching for my phone, I got ready to text Kayla and see where the hell they were, and what's taking so long. She told me they were getting their bags 15 minutes ago. If I get a ticket for sitting here too long, them bitches paying it.

As I was typing the doors opened and a familiar face walked out.

Ammika?! HA!

This nigga!!!!! Whew!

I exited out of my group chat and went to my thread with him.


You did your bird call and your bird came running?

Excuse me??

I just saw your lil girlfriend at the airport

Why you care???

I don't I just want you to know you're pathetic

You seem a little upset Mya

Trust me! I'm not

Okay baby girl😘


I blocked his number and tossed my phone back in my purse. A few minutes later, Kayla and Syren came out. I blew the horn the opened my trunk. They put their bags in then the passenger door opened. "HEY BITCH!" Kayla screamed.

"Ugh, stop being loud." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh no bitch, what's wrong with you?" Syren asked getting in the back seat.

"I don't feel good and you two took all damn day just to get some bags." I responded.

"That's because your sister brought her closet with her."

"I need options hoe." Kayla said. "It ain't my fault you like to walk around in the same thing all damn day with your dirty ass."

"Oh no, y'all just got in the car and getting on my nerve already." My head laid back on the head rest.

"Girl just pull off. I told Hoody I was in town and he waiting to spend a check on me." Kayla stuck her tongue out and started dancing in her seat.

"Gold digger." Syren said. "But Mya biiiiitch, we got some tea for you!"

"What?" I quickly looked in the back seat.

"So we're in there grabbing our bags and tell me why, we see that girl that look like Karrueche that Chris be fucking. Ain't y'all dating? He was just shoving his tongue down your throat from what those TMZ videos showed."

"That ain't my nigga. We just messed around but that's over and done. No more Chris questions please."

"Girl this ain't a press conference, we need all the tea."

"Uh oh! I know why you have this attitude Mya." Kayla said.

"I don't have an attitude."

"You have feelings for him don't you?"

"Can we not talk about this, please?" I felt myself getting emotional again. Uuuggghh! I'm not about to be a weak bitch for his no good ass.

Syren rubbed my back. "Alright we won't talk about it."


The rest of the ride was quiet. When we got to my house, I just went up to my room and climbed in bed. My phone quickly went on airplane mode.

This right here is why I play the niggas the way I do. This is why I'm so reserved. I let a man that I knew for a hot second get me like this. And not just any man, somebody who I knew was no good and now I'm sitting here looking crazy.

I gotta bounce back. He don't give a Fuck, well neither do I.

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