Alpha's Little Luna

By reddenedroses

5.1M 129K 28.2K

"Tell me girl, why did you and your worthless self waltz into my territory?" An unfamiliar voice booms just b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 34

84.3K 1.8K 443
By reddenedroses

Willa's POV~

Eyes blinking lazy.

Recognizing the familiar patterns of the ceiling, I realize I'm back in bed.

Taking in a large breath I instinctively raise my hand to the mark on my neck feeling that there's no wound.

Slowly I look to my left and right finding no presence beside me.

Carefully I sit up making sure nothing hurts anymore. Though when nothing does, I rest myself against the headboard bringing my knees to my chest.

I find that it's bright outside, I wonder how long I've been out.

"Greyson," I link. "Where are you?" I ask quietly while my hand is still placed lightly over my mark.

My head spinning, feeling so many emotions all at once.

"Hey," he says softly. "I didn't know you'd be awake," I smile softly to his voice. "Look, I'm on my way back. Sit tight."

"Okay," I tell him quietly. I wonder where he went.

I exhale a shaky breath out putting my hands over my face. The tremble against my skin as I try my best to suppress it.

I can't think about it. I don't want to think about it. Because if I do, I'll break down.

Pushing everything, every emotion, every feeling to the back of my head making me feel ultimately nothing I walk to the bathroom.

Finding it a little hard to walk I support myself by grabbing onto items on the way.

I string my hands into my long hair as I look to the mirror. I don't look like myself, I don't feel like myself.

The girl standing in the reflection looks young, and innocent, as if nothing bad has ever happened in her life.

Large green eyes looking back at me as a piece of long straight hair falls into my vision.

That's what's wrong. My hair.

Searching the drawers I finally find what I need to make this innocent girl look not so innocent anymore.

To make her mirror who she's become.

"Willa?" Greyson calls as I'm buried under all of the blankets. I've been sleeping until I heard his voice.

He takes a couple steps into the room before I slide out slowly from underneath the blankets.

Looking up to him, I sit up making him stop.

He stares cocking his head slowly to the side.

So many emotions rush through his eyes, but when he smiles softly down to me I get reassured. "Your hair," He whispers walking to me.

I look down as he strokes his fingers through the strands, sitting down next to me.

"It needed to change," I tell him quietly.

I reach my own hand up combing through the pieces.

As I was standing in front of the mirror earlier my long waist length hair made me look too innocent. Like a child.

So I chopped it off until it was even with my shoulders.

"Should I have left it?" I ask finally look up to him as he keeps stroking it back from my face.

He smiles softly leaning forward.

Grey kisses my forehead tenderly making me sigh closing my eyes.

"It looks perfect," he whispers against my skin.

But there's one thing that I can't stop pushing back, that I can't overlook.

"I killed someone," I blurt. It's been at the back of my mind this whole time though I've been avoiding it.

Greyson nods kissing my forehead once again. "And?" He urges me to continue as he wraps me in his arms.

I don't know how I feel about it yet. But if I'm being honest, I expected to be a lot more broken.

More then I am at the moment anyway.

Jared was a monster. A guy that tortured me, that almost killed me twice.

Greyson told me once that Jared used to be a good guy. Before I got here, before he started consuming the umbra.

He completely changed us what I was told.

If I think about it now, I see myself doing him a favor. Putting him out of his misery in honor of his old self.

"I don't regret what I did." I tell him. He nods his head suddenly picking me up in his lap. "He wasn't a good guy Greyson," I whisper feeling my voice suddenly fly from me. "He tried taking your position by threatening my life. He knew you'd do anything for me and used that against you."

He sighs closing his eyes. An almost pained expression rest on his face making me furrow my eyebrows. "Tell me about the old Jared," I whisper.

His eyes slowly open looking down to me. Smiling softly he takes a deep breath. "He used to be one of my best friends. But he hasn't been himself in a very long time." He pauses. "We've known each other since we were very small. He was always by my side."

I smile softly, "Do you think the old him would've been disappointed?" He nods sadly making me pull him closer. I burry my head in his neck. "I wish I could've known the old Jared."

He pulls back slowly to look at me. My heart drops as I see his face.

His eyes are red and watery as he sniffles his breaths. I frown seeing him this way, it's not normal seeing him like this. "I think you and the old Jared would have been friends." He smiles sadly looking down. "I miss him. I miss how he used to be." He tells me sounding so broken, so sad. My eyes water as I bite my lips.

"I wish this could've ended differently," I tell him resting my forehead against his.

I wonder what Jared would've been like if he never got addicted. I wonder how everything would've been.

"You did the right thing," he runs a hand down my side pulling me to him once again.

That's how we sit for a while. In complete silence I listen to his heart as his chin rests upon the top of my head.

This is what I needed.

Just him.

After some time Grey starts to move grabbing my shoulders, pulling me away from him. "Come on, I need to show you something." He smiles softly at me. All signs of sadness hidden and nowhere in sight.

I smile at him climbing off of his lap, letting him guide me to whatever he wants to show me.

Though when he leads me out the door to outside I tilt my head in confusion, smiling softly. "Care to go on a run?" He asks raising a smug eyebrow.

I smile nodding my head. "Where are we going?" I ask following as he pulls my hand along.

"Well you were actually out for three days-"

"Three days?" I almost yell.

He chuckles wrapping a hand around my shoulders. "Yes, but it gave me enough time to make the surprise we're walking to."

He kisses the side of my head stepping away from me.  Our foot steps stopping. "You built it?" I ask giving him a bright smile. "Now I really want to know what it is."

He leans forward brushing his lips on mine teasingly. Sighing I lean forward, but he just leans back making sure I can't reach him. I growl stubbornly. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you," he smirks.

Suddenly he leaps backwards shifting into his wolf instantly before he hits the ground.

I watch as his large wolf lands with a crash. His body almost steaming with the heat radiating off of it.

Grey snarls licking his teeth making me roll my eyes. "Your turn," he tells me.

Taking in a large breath I follow his lead leaping and changing into my own wolf.

I hear my cloths shred as my body contorts and changes.

Though unlike Greyson, how he landed gracefully and powerfully.

When I land I trip over my legs fumbling.

I flip multiple times ending up at Greyson's feet on my back.

I groan annoyed, I'm such a clutz.

Grey laughs at me. Curving his lips into a wolfy grin. "Rough landing?" He teases.

I growl pushing his muzzle with my paw. Feels good to be a wolf again. I hear Amara tell me happily. I feel like I haven't heard from her in forever.

Flipping over, I raise to my feet stretching out my body. Greyson follows my lead stretching his body as well.

I agree with Amara. It does feel good to be a wolf again.

"Think you can keep up?" Grey bumps my shoulder giving me a sly look.

Growling I crouch wagging my tail, "Try me."

Suddenly he takes off in a direction and I follow after him.

We run together, wherever he's taking me.

We make jokes, tackle each other, trick each other all the way there.

It feels good just to let loose. Taking my mind off everything that was bothering me this morning.

"Let's stop here," he says and at this point the sky is starting to turn a light lilac color of the setting sun. "I want to  walk to the surprise, hand in hand with you." He looks warmly down to me.

I nod nuzzling my head against his cheek and under his chin.

Quickly he goes to a compartment fetching us clothes. But these clothes are different than what are usually found in the compartments.

Greyson gives me a lilac dress that matches the color of setting sun, paired with black laced leggings. I give him a questioning look as I take the item from him. Though he doesn't answer my look he just says, "Go change. I'll be here waiting for you."

Nodding I run behind a tree shifting back to myself. Quickly I slide on the dress

It fits perfectly along with the leggings.

The dress comes all the way up to my neck tying in a bow upon my nape. The back is completely open falling all the way down to where my leggings start.

It's beautiful.

He definitely out did himself. I bet Faye picked it out.

Combing my fingers through my hair I find it waving slightly. I peek my head around the tree finding Grey with his back facing me.

Looking down I find sandals laying by the tree waiting for me to put them on.

Smiling I slide them on making my way towards my mate.

My eyes study him from head to toe as he slowly turns around hearing my presence walking towards him.

I can't help but lick my lips as I see what he's wearing.

He has on a dark red button up that has three buttons undid showing off his tanned chest. This paired with dark, almost black jeans with holes scattered all over in all the right places and black converse.


Tucking my hair behind my ear I look up to his eyes. They're wide as his mouth is open slightly, his lips tugging into a smile.

Once I make it in front of him I blush looking down. He won't stop staring at me.

"Wow," he suddenly says making me look up to him quickly. "You look absolutely stunning," he says breathlessly.

Grey grips my waist pulling me to him.

Smiling I wrap my arms around his neck. "I don't think I say this enough, but you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He whispers softly bringing his lips to mine.

Smiling against his lips I lean further in savoring every last moment.

I can't handle him. He's too much for me. Too good for me.

I pull back tugging the collar of his shirt, smiling smugly. "You clean up well," I smirk up to him.

He rolls his eyes raising a smug eyebrow.

Hitting him slightly I laugh. "Don't. You already know I'm obsessed with you," I tell him sliding my hand into his large one.

"I know, but it wouldn't hurt to be reminded once in a while." Grey tells me mischievously as we start walking to our destination.

Rolling my eyes I smile, leaning against him heavily as we walk hand in hand. "What's all of this for anyways?" I ask softly.

"I won't lie. These past few days has been hell. So much stress, and annoyances." He laughs finding no humor in the undertone. "I just thought you and I needed to enjoy a night together. Just us, and no one else." He pulls up my hand kissing my knuckles with a soft kiss.

In silence I follow his steps as we walk to his surprise.

I can't keep the small smile off of my face. Moments like these make me think about how lucky I must've been to be paired with him.

To get the privilege of loving him.

He got me out of the funk I was feeling just hours ago.

Looking down to the ground I watch the green floor of the forest pass by me slowly. While the birds sing a soft melody.

Now I know why I used to love the forest so much, why I felt so much comfort being in it.

Because I belong here.

Grey pulls me to a stop and I look up to him. "Close your eyes for the rest of the way," he nods.

I huff out a breath closing my eyes making sure not to peek because he'd know. "What if I trip or something?" I complain as we continue to walk.

He snickers, but just grips onto my hand tighter.

But as if I predicted the future I feel my foot catch on something making my body fall forward suddenly.

My hand leaves Greyson's as my instant reaction to catch myself.

Though before I fall to the ground Greyson catches me. "You know, I always seem to catch you every time you fall." He chuckles.

"See, what did I tell you? I'm such a klutz you should've known better," I jokingly scold.

He laughs again but stops our walking suddenly. "Well the good news is that we're here."

"And the bad news?" I ask.

"The bad news is that you can't open your eyes just yet," I groan loudly. "Just give me a few minutes geez." He playfully pushes my shoulder making me smack his.

I clench my eyes closed as I hear him running back and forth setting things up, putting things together.

I get more anxious as the time goes by.

By the time he says "Okay, open them," my heart is practically escaping through my ribs.

My eyes flutter open looking to the site before me.

The only word I can use to describe it is spectacular.

I feel my hand come up to my mouth as I look all about.

Wow, he's definitely out done himself.

Greyson has created the most romantic, beautiful, amazing date ever.

Sitting between two large trees is a cloth strung tent, but not just that. Fairy lights string all around inside the tent. With lanterns stringing from an assortment of branches

This making mood lighting that could make anybody cry out of excitement.

An air mattress sits inside the tent with an assortment of pillows and blankets.

I see a picnic basket laying delicately on the mattress making me smile softly.

"Greyson, this is beautiful," I tell him with a hand still over my mouth.

He smiles widely taking a look at the scenery as well. "Really? Is it too much?"

I shake my head quickly walking up to him. "No, not at all. This is perfect," I whisper wrapping my arms around him pulling him into an embrace.

He sighs doing the same. "Good, it took me a while to finish." He laughs nervously.

Pulling away slightly I look up to him with a wide smile on my face. "This is absolutely incredible." I say softly raising to my toes and planting a small kiss on his lips.

Grey pulls away with a smile of his own grabbing my hand and pulling me into the tent. The smile never fades as we sit opposite of eachother with the picnic basket in front of us.

"Here open the picnic box Willa, I packed some snacks." He wiggles his eyebrows.

Though when I place my hand on the lid of the box I can't help but notice how he's ringing his hands together, and how his eyes grow slightly. Almost as if he's nervous?

Looking inside the box there's food, but on top there's a card. I look up to Greyson quickly only to see that he has a straight face.

I swallow thickly as I reach inside looking to the front. I read my name in delicate handwriting.

So, I open it up and all that's written is three words. Three words that sends my heart spiraling and my eyes teary.

'I love you,' I read.

"Wha-" is all I can get out before I lose my words.

So, Greyson picks up where I left off. "I love you Willa," he says shakily with a smile. "I've loved you ever since the first time I saw you. Granted that you were being torchured, but let's forget about that." I laugh slightly feeling tears well in my eyes. "But I don't know why it took me so long to say it, I guess I'm just a coward. Afraid of the 'what if.' Like what if you-"

"I love you too," I blurt not letting him finish his sentence.

I don't know how or when it happened. But the next thing I know is my back is against the mattress and Greyson is above me while we kiss like there's no tomorrow.

The food now resides on the floor as Greyson threw that to the ground so we could have some room.

I know it's cliche but this kiss seems different. More powerful, more intense.

Because there's love.

I get entranced from the kiss, loopy and dazed.

Though I'm not complaining.

Reaching up I grab Grey's button up ripping it apart hearing all of the button snap off. Greyson growls lowly as I help him get his arms out of the shirt.

He breaks the kiss sitting up to get his wrists out. This gives me time to take up his body.

I put my arms above my head smirking as I rake my eyes across my mate.

He rolls his eyes making me smile.

Grey works his way down my neck and back up since my mark is hidden from this dress.

Our mouths reconnect as he runs his hands down my thighs and back up. Before I can catch myself, my mouth speaks on autopilot. "I'm ready Grey," I say breathlessly.

Instantly he pulls back so he can look in my eyes. They're fully black like his pupils have bled into his iris's. I'm guessing mine are he same.

"Are you sure? This isn't what the date was about you know?" I give him a small smile to his serious face.

Placing my hand on his cheek lightly I nod my head. "I know. But I want to do this," I reassure him.

I pull down his head slowly so that my lips land on his. Greyson breathes deeply as he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me up and closer to him.

Slowly I pull apart to look in his eyes one last time. He gives me the softest smile I think I've ever seen. "I love you," He whispers.

Giving him a large smile back I say "I love you too" before he crashes his lips against mine.

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