Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 75.5K 61K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


33.3K 1.1K 712
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Ten
Mya Anderson
Los Angeles, California - Six Days Later

"Congratulations." The realtor said while shaking my hand. I've finally closed on my new location. My main goal is officially accomplished and I'm so happy. I've been stressing over this, these last few days because somebody placed a bid on the building and I just knew that this was going to turn into a headache and if the price got out of hand, I would gladly bow out and be back at step one. I'm glad that isn't the case. I really wanted this building. I fell in love the minute I step foot in here and now it's all miiiiiine!

After I signed the papers, I made a boomerang of my keys and put that up on my insta story. I'm so damn proud of myself. One thing my parents instilled in me and my sibling is to never be afraid of pursing your dreams.

Once the realtor left, I started walking around trying to figure out what I wanted to do with this huge space, like I said the vibe has to be different from my Miami location.

My phone rung in my purse, I pulled it out and smirked at the sight of Chris's name. I quickly answered, quicker than I wanted to and put the phone to my ear. "Hello."

"Wassup MyMy!" He yelled into my ear.

I laughed. "Ugh, what are you so excited for?"

"I saw your post, congratulations on the new location."

"Thank you."

"Where you at now?"

"Still at the store, I was trying to see if I could start visualizing how I wanted things to be set up." 

"You mind if I pull up on you before I head to my next location?"

"No I don't mind. I'll send you my location."

"Okay cool, see you in a minute."

"Okay." I hung up and shared where I was. Chris and I have gotten to know each other a little more. I'm still not trying to turn this into a relationship, I'm standing by that but his company is great. He's the true definition of 'never judge a book by its cover' or never take anybody else's word of how someone before getting your own impression. He's literally a big kid most of the time. He's goofy and charming, his smile is contagious. I never knew how childish I was until I got around him. He's a very deep thinker too. It's a lot about him that I didn't expect. But when he's handling business it's like another person. Every time he has a business call, I have to excuse myself or he'd have to call whoever back. He puts his foot down, it's so much authority in his voice, he's so focused and I be so horny.

I think he's knows that too because I always try to walk away when someone important calls but he keeps me in my seat. I try to preoccupy myself with something else but his voice is so raspy and sexy. Whew!

A knock on the door brought me out of my nasty thoughts. Chris stood on the other side with flowers in his hand. I bit down on my lip to hide the smile from coming through. I hurried and unlocked the door before someone spotted him. "Hey." I said.

"Hey." He stepped inside and I locked the door. "These are for you." He said passing over the beautiful bouquet.

"Aww thank you." I grabbed them from him and out of instinct, I grabbed his chin and kissed his lips. I could tell it took him by surprise too but his hands eventually held onto my waist. "It's been a while since I've gotten flowers." I told him while I took in the beautiful scent. This gave me butterflies.

"Get used to it....wanna show me around real quick?"

"Sure." I grabbed his hand. "So of course this will be the shopping area. I'm thinking black walls for the men side and a gray for the women. The dressing rooms will be in the back over there on each side. I'm going to have to knock those two walls down and push that back just to have enough space. The cashiers and everything will be right here. I'm thinking about a desk strictly for people that order online but want to pick up in stores. And then in the back." I led him to the back of the building. "It is huge back here so storing my inventory won't be an issue, thank god. That's why I really wanted this place, it's tons of space. I might put a bathroom in here, I don't know though cause bitches is sneaky and might use the bathroom as an opportunity to steal. And this room right here is my office." I opened the door. There was already a desk in there that I'd probably throw out. "So what do you think?" I asked while sitting on the desk.

"You picked a good spot, I can't wait to see what you do with the place."

"I'm ready to start decorating. I wish everything could be done in one day but I'll be patient." I shrugged.

"I bet once everything is all done, this place will be dope."

"I hope so."

"I know so." He buried his face in my neck, leaving light kisses. "I wish I could help you celebrate but my schedule has been hectic today."

"Don't sweat it, you stopped by and brought flowers. That's good enough."

"You should still celebrate this Mya. How about we link up tomorrow? Everybody meet up at Supper or 1Oak, and we turn up."

"I'm always down for a good time so I can't say no. Just call me when you guys are about to leave out."

"Or you can pull up to my crib and ride with me?"

"See I'm the type of person when I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go. I can't fool around with nobody and the longer I'm in a space that I don't want to be I become a bitch and nobody wants that."

He chuckled while walking back up to me, placing his hands on both sides of me. "It's your night, when you say you're ready to leave then I'm right behind you."


"I'm serious." His lips gently brushed against mine. "Whatever you want tomorrow you'll get it."

"Whatever I want?" I held onto his face and kissed him.

"Yup." His hands ran to my thighs then they went under my dress. I opened my legs so that he could get to where he wanted to go. He pushed my boy shorts over and rubbed my pussy.

"Mm." My nails dug into his shoulder as his finger slid inside of me.

"Damn." His eyes pierced into mine as he stroked his finger in and out of me. Just as my hand went to unbutton his pants, his phone rang. Exhaling his pulled it out his pocket but he didn't stop his finger from moving inside me. "Hello." He answered.

My hand moved over my mouth, so that the person he was talking to didn't hear my moans that were threatening to spill out.

"Aye you think you can reschedule that meeting, I got caught up in something." He said while sliding another finger inside. I'm guessing he's talking to his manager. "Ant, just move it until next week or something bro.....fuck, Alright I'm on my way." He hung up the phone and slid it back in his pocket.

I grabbed his hand and moved it. Bringing it to my mouth, I licked the mess I made clean. "Looks like we'll have to finish this another time."

"You busy later?"

"Yeah, I'm going to dinner with a friend."

"Who?" He asked quickly with his eyebrow arched. His reaction caught me off guard.

"Um, somebody you don't know." I climbed off the desk and fixed my clothes. "I'll walk you out."


When we got to the front he pulled me to him. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He said while kissing my lips.

"Yes you will. I'll text you later?"

"Don't forget."

"I won't." After unlocking the door, I kissed him again then opened it. "See you."

"See you later beautiful." Chris pinched my chin then walked out of the door. Since I had everything figured out, I decided to head home too. I've been up since six in the morning, I'm overdue for a nap. I grabbed my things and headed out.

Once I got to my place, I text Kayla and Syren about them flying out now that I have my building. They can't stay with me though, so I hope they got some hotel arraignments. After that I made me a quick snack then got in bed.

A quick nap before this long night.

Chris Brown
The Next Morning - 6:22AM

Can't believe I haven't been to sleep yet. When I'm by myself this always seems to happen, seems like I've been only getting a full nights rest when I'm with.......never mind....

I just been painting all night. My mind was all overwhelmed and I needed to relieve some stress after all of those meetings. Once I ran out of a color, I decided to finally take a rest. I went and grabbed my phone and laid on the couch, instantly opening Instagram. I scrolled through my TL, liking a few pictures, one that just so happened to be Mya from yesterday. When I hit my notifications tab, my eyebrows instantly furrowed. I was being tagged in one of the messy blogs that I didn't have blocked.

I hit the first picture and it was Mya coming out of a restaurant. She looked irritated as hell. The next one was a video of her walking.

"Hey, Where's Chris?" One of the paps asked her.

She ignored him and attempted to walk.

"Are you and Chris dating? There's a video of you two kissing from earlier."

My eyes grew at the sound of that. Damn I should've known somebody was watching us. I'm not hard to spot.

"Excuse me please." Mya said trying to get away faster.

They threw a bunch of questions at her until somebody I didn't notice walked up to her and wrapped his arm around waist. I felt my jaw clinch as I quickly sat up. The questions shifted from me and her to them asking about who the dude was. I swiped to the next post and it was more pictures. She was now holding ol' dude hand, smiling and shit. The nigga didn't look familiar so I couldn't tell who he was. Probably some D-List celebrity she wanna fuck.

How the fuck you gone be kissing me and shit then out here with this clown nigga?! That shit ain't cool.

I locked my phone and tossed it next to me, I was too irritated to go to sleep, so it looks like I'm going back to painting. I got up and went grabbed the color I needed and got back to work.


My house was packed. Everybody was ready to turn up later, they were all enjoying themselves but me on the other hand I was still pissed. I don't even know why this Bitch got me all bothered. She ain't mine. Hoes like that come a dime a dozen.

"Why you over here all quiet?" Eva asked pushing my shoulder.

"I'm tired." I said while taking a pull from the blunt in my hand.

"Then why you going out? I know you're ass is an insomniac, you need to go get some sleep."

"I'm good."

"Mmhm, Where's Mya? She told me she was coming."

"I told her to meet us at the club."

"Why? Everybody else is here she could've rode with one of us." Eva said before squinting her eyes. "What's up with you?"

"Ain't shit up with me Eva damn. Why you pressing me?"

"Nigga because you over here acting like a brat and I'm trying to see why!"

"It's probably those pictures he saw earlier." Munchie said while coming over to us.

I smacked my lips. "Man I don't know what you talking about."

"Yes you do."

"What pictures?" Eva asked looking confused causing Munchie to pull out her phone and show her the bullshit I saw. Seeing the pictures again caused me to get annoyed all over. "Oooooo, Damn." She laughed. "Why you mad nigga? You ain't her man and you still got yo bitches around."

"I don't give a fuck what that girl do. She grown and I'm grown."

"Stop lying." Munchie said. "You're not used to the woman having their cake and eating it too. You only like to be in that position. Don't be mad little baby. It's okay."

"Both of y'all annoying." I got off the counter. "I'm not worried about that girl."

I heard them both laughing as I walked away. Stupid asses.

I went over where my Bro's where. I know they won't get on my nerve.

"CB WHAT THE DEAL IS?!" Hoody yelled. "I thought yo ass left or something."

"Hell naw, I was in the kitchen for a minute."

"Oh okay....yo shorty coming?"

I fought so hard not to roll my fucking eyes. "I think she gone meet us there. Speaking of that, y'all ready it's 12:30." I said while glancing at the clock.

"I'm ready." Keeis said.

"Let's head out!" Ant yelled. I went and grabbed a pair of my keys then went outside and hoped in my truck. Eva jumped in the front sheet.

"SHOTGUUUUN!" She yelled while laughing.

"Bro where yo car at?!"

"Not here, now hush."


"Lighten up Chris. You can't get mad over something that ain't yours. If you want shit to change man up and don't be on no bullshit either."

The back door opened. "Eva how yo egghead ass get in the front?!" Sinko said.

"I got out here first."

"Man you know Hoody big ass gotta get up there, climb in the back." Keeis said.

Eva rolled her eyes and climbed back there causing Keeis to smack her ass. "Don't make me fight you! I'll have my nigga pull up and air this bitch out."

"Ain't nobody scared of that corny ass nigga."

"Oh okay." Eva nodded.

I shook my head as everybody that could fit got in. I started my truck then pulled off.


The club was packed and everybody was lit. We been here for thirty minutes and I was having a ball but that all changed when Mya walked in and she had a girl with her that I've never seen before with her. Baby girl was cold.

My eyes glanced over Mya's outfit and it didn't disappoint like always. I watched as she introduced whoever that was to Munchie and Eva. Soon her eyes met mine. She gave me a smile but my face stayed straight. Instead, I focused on her friend.

Eventually the girl noticed and she flirted right back.

"Aye Ant." I tapped his arm.

"Wassup bro."

"Go get her."

"Who, Mya?"

"Naw the bitch next to her."

His face scrunched up. "Ain't That her friend?"

"I honestly don't care. Go get her." I put my bottle up to my lips and took a large sip. I watched as Ant went to go get ol'girl. A big smile on her face appeared as Mya looked pissed the fuck off and I was loving it.

Ol'girl nodded her head yes then she was following Ant back over to me. I looked over at Eva sticking her middle finger up at me and Munchie was talking to Mya all hyper. Probably trying to fight. Mya waved her hand in my direction. I know she pressed she can keep fronting though.

As the night went on, I kept baby girl by my side. I wasn't even paying her any attention, it was just to piss Mya off and the fact that it was working made me feel even better. I was over being here so it was time for me to head out.

"Baby girl you trying to ride?" I asked.


I nodded then motioned for Hoody and everybody to follow me.

We all left out the club.

"Chris you a sucka! I hope you know that!" Eva yelled.

I laughed while getting to my truck. "Best friend you not riding with me?!" I yelled back trying to be petty.


I laughed even harder getting inside. My eyes traveled to Mya who looked very upset. She should've known better than to try to make me look stupid. I started the car and once everybody was in, I pulled off.


I've been trying to sleep for hours but it ain't working so I got up and grabbed my phone. After being home for an hour with Mya friend, I made her leave. That bitch was too thirsty.

Opening Instagram, the first story I saw was Mya's, I instantly watched it.

It was stuff from the restaurant. She was recording her food then it went up to the guy she was with. "Hey biiiiitch." He said and I instantly felt like shit.

He's gay!

I went through the rest of stories then I got to the last one

Aw man.

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