You And Me||Carl Grimes X Rea...

By thosefandomstho

302K 5.9K 2.7K

Ally used to be a foster kid. Out of her adopted family, Jamie, her little sister, is the only one she'd do a... More

Hello! (A/N)
Gunman, Katniss, and the Korean Man
Prisons Are Safe
The Beginning, The Middle, And Now
You're Gone... But I'm Still Here
The Boy With The Pretty Eyes
The Badass Mom
After She Died
The Girl With The Green Eyes
The Girl With The Blond Hair And The Baby
Carl Can Help
Peanut Butter
So Long And Goodnight
Stop Blushing, Carl
Carl Or The Cactus
Midnight Talks
He Likes Her And She Likes Him. Maybe
Goodbye Friend
The Flowers Are Down
No, You Cannot Come With
On Watch
Battle Scars
Thats Where It All Began
Peanut Butter Promise
Dead Inside
Blood Rush
Dying Isn't The Most Fun When You're In Love
She's Awake Y'all
Coversations With My Favorite Cowboy
Lots Have Happened
Our Cell
Things Are Actually Going Okay For Once
They Found Us... Kissing
Good Shot
Treat The Dying
Together Again... Again
Late Night Talks
Walking, Walking, Walking... Car!
There Was Five But Now There's Six
We're All Not Okay
Invasion At The Church
Lost One, Gained One
A Good Man Gone
The Group
Beating The Innocent
We Have To Find Her
We Can't Kill Them All
She's A Fighter
She Is Cared For
Tell Me Everything
Water, Soda, Chips, Energy Bars
Sweet Melody


2.6K 52 56
By thosefandomstho

(Ally's POV)

I could open both eyes and sit up all on my own. And I was pretty damn proud of that. It was probably mid day and I was helping Hunter re-apply itch cream to his bug bite, he told me it had stopped itching, the big bump just isn't going away.

"How's that?" I ask, applying a huge bandage to his leg.

"Better." He smiles, giving me a quick hug.

"Okay, now go help Carl take care of Judith." I told him, helping him off the cot.

"Okay... I'll come back later!" He runs in the other direction, waving goodbye.

I hadn't noticed Daryl walking towards me as Hunter was walking away until he was right next to me. He was watching Hunter go to, his crossbow over his shoulder. "You're good with that kid."

I smile, nodding. "Thank you." I look up at him, trying to make eye contact but he's still looking at Hunter.

"... You're just like your mom." He says.

I sit on my knees, staring up at him. "How so? You always say that, but never explain yourself."

He finally looks down at me and after a second, moves his hair out of his face, which makes me laugh softly. He smiles back, acknowledging the cot. "Can I sit?"

I nod, scooting to the side, and he sits right next to me. I stare up at him, but he continues to stare at his hands, his crossbow at his feet. "Well...?"

He sighs, finally looking at me. "Well, you're nurturing like she was... Hell, it's almost like you're that kids mom."

I shrug. "I think caring for him is just something I have to do..." I confess, mumbling. "Especially since I couldn't save Jamie."

Daryl shakes his head, as if I got it all wrong. "That wasn't your fault."

I shrug again, looking away. "No... It kinda was."

He nudges my arm, trying to get me to look at him. "Don't talk like that."

I wait for a second to say something, just to make it more dramatic. "God, I sound like you." I finally look up at him.

"Aye, don't turn this on me." Daryl gives me a small smile.

"Fine. If you don't blame yourself-"

"Then you don't blame yourself." He finishes.

"It's a deal." I hold out my hand for him to shake, for which he accepts.

For a little while, we just sit in silence, me enjoying his company since I haven't moved in days. Plus, Maggie won't let anyone else come talk to me just yet, not even Noah.

It probably has something to do with the fact that I thought Rosita was Abby, and Abraham was Charlie, so I kinda freaked out. Now Maggie won't let anyone else come greet me besides the ones I already talked to. Which is Carl, Hunter, Carol, Rick, and Daryl.


I look up at Daryl, letting him gain my attention. "Yeah?"

"Can you... Can you tell me what that group did to you?"

I let out a shaky breath, my body beginning to shake with fear and anger just at the thought of it. But I push it away, trying to calm myself down. "No..."

"Why..." He hesitates. "Why not? I just wanna help you."

"I-I'm fine." I respond, looking away.

"No you're not, Ally. I can see it in your eyes, you're scared. And you have every right to be. You just don't have to do it alone." He puts his hand on my shoulder and I flinch at his touch. "See?"

I shake my head, tears building up in my eyes. "That's the most inspiring thing you've ever said." I try to lighten the mood, hiding my face so he doesn't see I'm about to cry.

But, he ignores the comment. "Ally."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I tell him.


"I said don't worry." I finally look at him, staring him in the eyes.

"Ally, you're all I worry about." He says, giving me a small smile.

I smile back, shaking my head. "I'm fine." I repeat. "K?"

Daryl hesitates, taking a deep breath. "K..."

(Rick POV)

"Did you talk to her?" I ask, desperate for answers.

Daryl swings his crossbow over his shoulder, barely looking at me. "Yeah... She doesn't want to talk about it."

I bite my lip, knowing she'd be like this. "What exactly did she say?"

"That she's fine." He answers, looking away.

I sigh, thinking out loud. "I'll talk to her."

"I don't think that's gonna work, Rick. Plus, If you ask, she'll be on to us."

That's true. He does know his daughter well... So I nod. "Yeah... You're right. I'll have Carl talk to her later."

Daryl nods, and begins to walk away.

"You okay?" I ask him, making him stop and turn around.

He looks back at Ally, and then at me. "If that were Carl... would you be?"

I don't answer, clenching my jaw. He nods, knowing the answer, and walks away. And this time I let him. I think Daryl's been through a lot these past few weeks. First Beth, and now Ally. I don't think he'd be still alive if it weren't for Ally...

And I'm thankful for both of them.

(Carl POV)

Today Ally stood up. Maggie and I helped her up and she walked(with my help) to the tree five feet away and back. It made her happy, which made me happy.

Dad told me we had to get out of here, and fast. As soon as Ally is all good, we're up and on the go.
We're running out supplies so fast it's almost scary.


"Oh god, please don't."

I raise my eyebrows, already confused. "What?"

"Whenever someone says my name like that, they either have bad news, or want something from me." She responds, a smile on her face, even though it's true.

"I... uh..." I try not to smile, looking away.

"What's up, Carl?" She asks, staring at me now that she knows I want something.

"I have to talk to you about something really important." I say seriously.

"Okay... What about?" She's serious too now.

"And you have to cooperate." I say. "Because I'm worried about you, and I'm trying to help you."

And she already knows exactly what I'm talking about. I can tell by the expression on her face. "Carl, I..."

"Please," I beg, my voice cracking. "I just want you to be okay, and I want to know what happened so I can help you. I want to help you."

She takes a deep breath, and I can already see she's shaking. "I know Daryl talked to you... but whatever." Ally sighs. "It... It was just horrible..." She whispers. "And I wasn't even there for that long. But it felt like forever. Like years." I can barely hear her. Her eyes are watering and she can't bring herself to make eye contact with me. I try to take her hand, but she flinches. "Sorry..."

"No, I'm sorry." I say. "I scared you." I forget how jumpy she is now.

She shakes her head. "No, it's fine. It's just a thing... It's fine." And she takes my hand, wrapping her fingers between mine.

"Ally..." I can feel tears in my eyes but I don't do anything about them.

"They tourchered me, Carl. Beat me. Cut me. Threatened me. Sexually assaulted me... I still cringe at the thought." She squeezes her eyes shut, trying to forget. I can tell.

I shake my head as tears fall from my eyes. "I'm so sorry." She opens her eyes and stared at me. I apologize even though she told me not to. "And I know it wasn't my fault, but-"

"But you just feel bad for me." She cuts me off. "Don't. Just... please don't."

"Why not? After everything you've been through... I have a right to feel bad for you." I state as tears stream down my face. I know I sound so stupid, I just don't know how else to say it.

She tears up, and she tries to hide her face. And then it dawned on me. Oh my god, how could I be so stupid? How come I don't realize things when I'm supposed to?


My sweet little Ally.

She hates being center of attention. She feels like she's holding the whole group back. She doesn't want people to worry about her because she thinks there will always be something more important than her. She doesn't understand the impact she has on other people's lives. She doesn't understand how much people love her. She's always worrying about someone else, rather than herself. She doesn't want help ever, but will always help other people. She doesn't see herself the way I do.

Perfect. Selfless.

"I'm going to hug you." I tell Ally so I don't scare her. I then wrap my arms around her and squeeze her against me as tight as I can while she hides her face in my chest.

She takes a deep breath, finally wrapping her arms around me too. "I don't want you to say anything... but I love you, Ally." She sniffles against my shirt, and I squeeze her tighter. "So much."

(Rick POV)

I was in my tent, prepping Judith for bed. She gazed up at me with those big blue eyes of hers and poked my nose. I laughed, rubbing her head.

And that's when Carl walked in. I watched as he plopped himself down on his sleeping bag next to Hunter, who was already curled up asleep.

He ripped off his shoes and threw them at the closed, zipped up door. He avoiding eye contact with me, but I could see his eyes were red and his face was stained with tears.

"Carl?" I ask quietly.

I knew he heard me, but he ignored me and continued to get ready for bed. I sat down on my sleeping bag and put Judith in my lap. "Did... Did she tell you?"

And then Carl stopped. It was like I hit pause, and his whole body just froze. After a few seconds, he nods. He puts his hands in his lap, and stares at them.


"It was awful, Dad." He cuts me off, shaking his head, his voice low.

I clenched my jaw, knowing he'd say that. I mean, it's kinda obvious. But I didn't know how bad it actually was until I saw Carl. Just her talking about it made him cry like that.

"It was like Hell... it was Hell." He talks as if it were him who was torchered. He sniffles, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

I shake my head, holding Judith tighter. "I'm so

Carl shakes his head. "Don't apologize to me. It wasn't me..."

"I know..." I whisper.

"Don't ask her about it... please don't ask her about it... She's trying to forget... And I don't blame her." Carl pleads.

I nod. "I don't blame her, either. That's why I need you to talk to me. I don't want her relive it, but I want to help her."

Carl nods, agreeing, wiping his eyes again.
"You don't have to tell me now... We can wait." I tell him.

He nods again. "Okay..." He turns away to get under the covers with Hunter. Carl puts his arm around Hunter and he snuggles against him.

I sigh softly, picking Judith up and lying down in my own sleeping bag. And I didn't sleep at all that night, thinking about the pain Ally had gone through.

The pain she didn't deserve.

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