Cherry Blossoms (Kacchako Fan...

By ZacknCheese

109K 3.4K 640

Bakugo and Uraraka fanfiction, it's their senior year and they're so close to graduating! Will there be a new... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter One

11.4K 258 56
By ZacknCheese

Uraraka messed with her hair as she tried her hardest to make it perfect. Once it was exactly how she wanted it she smiled to her reflection and grabbed her bag as she ran out of her dorm. As she was walking through the entrance of UA she looked around to see the sky was littered with pink cherry blossoms.
She smiled wide as she looked at the beautiful spectacle surrounding her, the wind blowing softly sending the petals fluttering in random directions.
Her chocolate brown eyes landed on a familiar blonde. He was walking alone, usually Kirishima was on his heels talking about random junk but today Bakugo was by himself. He had his hands shoved into his pockets and his usual bitch face was slightly altered to show awe as he looked up at the sky. Their eyes then locked, crimson ones with doe brown ones at that moment Uraraka thought of spring, meaning new beginnings and new life, a fresh start. She also thought about how spring and cherry blossoms represented love and the beginning of a new one as well as the aspect that life in itself is quite short as she looked into the eyes that glared back at her. Uraraka then ran up to him, giggling as she plucked a pink petal from his hair.
"Good morning Bakugo, it's nice out today huh?"
He shrugged and pushed pass her as he walked into the school. Uraraka scrambled after him, trying to start up a conversation.
"So how did you sleep."
"Why do you care, round face?"
"I'm just trying to be friendly, you don't need to be so defensive."
When Bakugo made no motion to continue the conversation Uraraka did for him.
"It's nearing the end of our senior year! I'm so excited, next year we'll be actually be doing hero work with big end companies."
"Most of us will be stuck as side kicks for a few years at least."
Bakugo said blankly as he turned into the classroom and sat down in the back. Uraraka sighed, puffing her pink cheeks as she sat down next to him.
"What are you doing?! Go sit by Deku, you're annoying."
"I'm sitting with my friend."
"We're not friends."
"We hang out and enjoy one another's company, do you not enjoy my company?"
Bakugo turned to face her and scowled.
"Do you enjoy mine?"
Uraraka without hesitation nodded vigorously.
"Of course! I wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't."
Bakugo sucked his teeth as he turned away from her and looked out the window. Class started and Aizawa started telling everyone that this year would be the hardest part of the year of their lives and that they'd better prepare for it.
The day dragged on and Uraraka has trouble keeping her head up, it was the first day again so everything was really dragged out.
Once the last bell rang she jumped up from her seat happily, letting out a huge battle cry.
"Finally! It's over, hey Bak-"
Uraraka turned to speak to the blonde only to realize he had already left. She sighed, slightly depleted as she made her way out of the classroom running into Midoriya.
"Oh hey Deku."
"Hey Uraraka, excited to graduate?"
"Of course!"
The two friends began walking out of the school together, making idle chat as they did so. The two hung out, going to cafes and buying new clothes until curfew required them to go back to the dorms. The two gave their goodbyes as they separated, Uraraka made her way to her room and changed out of her uniform. She changed into some loose pink basketball shorts and a black tank top that showed a hint of her stomach and plopped down onto her bed to go to sleep.
After about an hour of failing to do so she irritatedly got up and huffed as she grabbed a sweater and walked out of her room. She went outside, hoping the cool air would help clear her head enough to sleep. As she was wandering around she heard some explosions and yelling from off in the distance, she went towards the commotion to see it was Bakugo training. She walked up to him, smiling as she tapped him on the shoulder.
"Hey Bakugo."
She was met with a hand in her face and felt a hint of heat before the hand removed itself to reveal a pissed off Bakugo.
"What the hell round face?! Why would you sneak up on me like that, I could of fucking killed you."
Uraraka giggled nervously as she scratched the back of her neck.
"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I just saw you and figured I'd say hi."
Bakugo flared his nostrils as he turned away from her, going back to his training.
"What are you doing up?"
Uraraka asked curiously as she moved over so she wasn't in his way.
"I could ask the same of you."
"I couldn't sleep."
Bakugo was panting, quite heavily and he was drenched in sweat but despite this he didn't smell bad, in fact he smelled sweet. Uraraka was curious about this and thought about the possible reasons why before asking him.
"Why do you smell like burnt sugar?"
Bakugo seemed annoyed by this question, like the girl should already know the answer but despite this he answered her.
"I sweat nitroglycerin, that's what allows me to create my explosions. Nitroglycerin smells sweet and tastes that way as well."
Uraraka made an O with her mouth as she listened.
"So am I right to think that you had trouble sleeping or did you just want to do a night workout?"
Bakugo grabbed his towel as he wiped his skin and walked pass her while muttering.
"How is that relevant to you?"
Uraraka started following after him.
"It isn't, I'm just curious. Do you often do this? Do you have problems sleeping? I have some stuff you can take if you do, I have insomnia so I know what it's l-"
Bakugo spun on his heels and squinted angrily at her, his crimson eyes boring into her soul.
"You're annoying. Quit bothering me."
"That's rude."
Bakugo shrugged and started walking off again.
"I'm a rude person, haven't you grasped that yet round face?"
Uraraka wasn't giving up just yet as she fast walked up to him, matching his strides.
"My name isn't round face."
"I'm aware."
"Oh really? What's my name then Mr. Katsuki Bakugo?"
"Ochako Uraraka."
Uraraka was actually surprised by this, he was one of the top students and he was quite smart but he never seemed to be paying attention to anything that didn't involve being a hero.
"I'm surprised. You don't seem like the type to remember useless names."
"I don't."
"Then how come you remembered mine?"
"Because it isn't useless information."
"What does that mean?"
Bakugo's eyebrow twitched as he raised his voice.
"It means, you fucking moron that I view you as someone who could potentially take my spot at the top! Now get the fuck out of the way."
Bakugo went around her and went into the dorms and before Uraraka could start up another conversation he slammed his door in her face.

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