Internal Struggles ~Kylo Ren~

By j4den16

706 4 0

Talia Altair was the heir to the throne on her home planet of Kaorus. A planet which has successfully avoided... More

(1) Coronation
(2) Capture
(3) Weak
(4) Interogation
(5) Escape
(6) A Room
(8) Blood
(9) Warning
(10) Dangerous
(11) Departure
(12) Nabee
(13) Abandoned
(14) Contact

(7) Snoke

45 0 0
By j4den16

Talia's POV

The sound of a door opening and closing was enough to wake me. For a moment I completely forgot where I was. Sitting up, I slowly rubbed my eyes, taking in my surroundings. That was the first night in a while that actually had a decent sleep.

Finally stepping out of bed, I made my way towards the bathroom. My hand grazed the handle before the sound of water caught my attention. I jumped back from the door, panicked for a moment.

Who was in my shower?

Relief washed over me for a moment.

It's just Kylo, probably having a shower.

My eyes widened, my head whipping back to the bed. The once neat black sheets, now crinkled from the weight of people on them. My eyes darted back to the bathroom door, as the sound of water seised.

Shit. I had slept in Kylo's bed last night.

The events of the night before came rushing back to me, causing my head to pound. I rubbed the side of my head, debating on weather on not I should excuse myself back to my room, or wait for him to come out of the bathroom.

I took a step towards the door, deciding it would be best if we did not see each other like this, but before I could even get my hand on the handle, I heard the bathroom door open.

"Oh, Talia. I did not realise you had woken up..." Kylo spoke, his voice huskier than usual.

I cleared my throat and spun around on my heel, looking at him. My jaw almost dropping when I noticed he was missing a shirt. I could not help but stare at his body. His abs were perfectly formed and his broad shoulders were easier to see without his normal black robes covering them.

I suddenly realised I had been too silent and staring for too long. I quickly looked down at my feet.

"Yes, I'm awake and I was just on my way back to my room." I hated that he was having this effect on me, almost leaving me speechless.

I'm a future Queen for goodness sake. I really need to get it together.

I could hear a small chuckle from Kylo as I looked back up to meet his eyes.

"Well I will make sure they send you some breakfast and I expect you to eat it" he raised his eyebrows to me.

I nodded in agreement and turned to leave again.

"Also Talia, I should warn you that the Supreme Leader expects your presence alongside me when I update him on Kaorus later today" he adds before I can leave the room.

I look over my shoulder at him one more time before hastily leaving.

I was filled with questions and I was sure they would be answered when I accompanied Kylo to this meeting.


I walked beside Kylo, as we made our way through the maze of doors and hallways on the ship. Finally we made it to a large set of doors, which at our presence in front of them, opened with a whoosh. As we made our way through the doors, they quickly closed behind us.

My heart beat rapidly and I tried to control my breathing as we made our way to a large throne, centred in the room. Other than one giant spotlight that seemed to reach the throne, as well as a podium in front of it, the room was almost dark.

A large holographic figure appeared out of no where, causing me to jump backwards. There was a man, face warped with many large markings and indents across his face. The expression he wore was one of impatience.

Supreme Leader Snoke.

I looked up towards the holograph and held my breath, unsure of what to do.

Kylo bowed his head slightly before addressing him.

"Supreme Leader, I present to you Talia Altair, future Queen of Kaorus."

I bowed my head gently towards Snoke, not wanting to anger him in any way. The room fell silent for a moment before Snoke nodded towards us.

"What of the deal, Kylo?" Snoke questioned.

I straightened back up and watched the exchange between the Supreme Leader and Kylo. I was put off that Snoke had almost not given me a second glance. Almost as if I wasn't even in the room.

"Supreme Leader, I am confident that Talia was just a pawn in her father's plan to cut the planets ties with the First Order." Kylo answered, ignoring my look of confusion.

"She was not aware she was to be married off to the young King of Chyria. A spy of ours, who was close with the King of Kaorus has confirmed this." he continued

My heart beat faster as I stared in shook at Kylo. This was all entirely new information to me, other than the fact that I was to be married to some King I had never met.

Kylo hesitated for a moment before continuing "Supreme Leader, Chyria and Kaorus joined together, would be very dangerous for us. It is well known that King Derin of Chyria is a big supporter of the resistance, and sympathises with them."

Snoke's hand lay rested on the arm of the throne. He tapped his fingers for a moment before letting out a deep exhale. He seemed to be running things through his mind, thinking over what Kylo had just reported.

"Princess Talia, where do your loyalties lie?" he challenged.

"Supreme Leader, with all due respect Kaorus is a peaceful planet. We have no want to be a part of this war. All we want is to be left in peace and-"

I almost fell backwards as Snoke jumped up from his throne and slammed his fist down on the arm

"This war!" he shouted. "This war is about bringing order to the galaxy! Something which can not be done without crushing the resistance!" he continued, his voice booming around the room.

I bowed my head to him, not daring to say another word. The fear inside me was too great.

"We cannot allow you to return to your planet, at the risk of you sympathising with the resistance, something your father clearly did not understand! It is the reason my apprentice needed to crush him once and for all!" Snoke bellowed.

My eyes turned to look at Kylo. To see if there was any remorse in them for what he had done. However as I tried to get him to meet my gaze, he continued to stare at his feet. Unable to even look me in the eye.

I felt the anger bubbling up inside me that I had felt the first day I met him. Snoke's voice was nothing more than white noise for me as I continued to glare in Kylo's direction.

He couldn't even own up to the fact that he had murdered my father. He had done it with no hesitation and my heart dropped at the realization that he could just as easily murder me with no remorse. The small comfort I had felt with him the day before, completely gone.

Soon I could hear the sound of Snoke dismissing us, as his hologram suddenly zapped away and the room was dead silent. I gave Kylo one more glance before storming out of the room, trying to process all that had been said.

Kylo was hot on my heels, making sure to still keep a safe distance from me as we mazed through the ship. With my brows furrowed and my fists balled up against my sides, even the stormtroopers didn't dare to stop me.

Finally I reached my door and was about to slam it shut when a felt a foot caught between the wall and the door.

"Ouch! Seriously?" Kylo complained from the other side of the door.

He pushed his way past me, through the doorway, making sure to slam it for me.

I balled my fists up again and turned to him. "Get out of my room! Just get out!" I screamed as loud as I could.

He stayed silent for a while before taking a step towards me. His lips turned down in a frown.

"Talia...I didn't want you to have to hear that from me. Your father should have told-"

I raised my hand to him, signally for him to stop talking. "Don't you dare blame this on my father."

Kylo looked like a young child being scolded by their parents. He went to speak again but I once again raised my hand.

"You took everything from me. My home, my father. You forced me against my will to stay on this ship, as a prisoner. While my people suffer at the hands of your men." I started to shake as I spoke. Today had been to much for me and my eyes began to water.

"My father is dead! He is dead because of you! How can you be so cold hearted?" I questioned.

Kylo shifted slightly, his eyes meeting mine. "Talia he was a traitor and had to be dealt with as such..."

I stared into his eyes and felt tears streaming down my face.

"I don't know how much more I can take" I began to uncontrollably sob, only this time Kylo did not leave me as a sobbing mess, instead he came closer to me until we were inches a part.

His strong arms slowly wrapped around me, as he pulled me into his embrace. I burrowed my head into his chest and breathed in deeply.

For the first time, I was mad at myself instead of him. I wanted to hate him, but in that moment, I couldn't.

Thanks for reading lovelies. Hope you're enjoying the story so far

* This is not edited and was written at like 2am so excuse any mistakes there might be. I'll try and come back and edit later

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