It started with her boobs (LE...

By love_02lies13

140K 4.1K 456

Yashashree Vargantes is in her early 30's and tired of being alone, a narcissist and stubborn sole heir of Va... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
CH. 8 A night with you
CH. 9 Silly K
CH.10 The start
CH. 11 Confusion
CH. 13
CH.17 Betrayal
CH. 18
please read
CH. 19
CH. 21
CH.22 Hideous Gremlin
CH.23 18+ not for kids
CH.24 Aleena's a tease
CH. 25 Vacaciones de Kayla
CH. 27 Cariño who?
CH. 28 Frustrated Yash
CH. 29 Pain, ecstasy
CH. 30 Unwelcomed Surprise
CH. 31

CH. 12

3.5K 123 7
By love_02lies13

Author's Note

Hi fellow readers! Sorry for the wait and thanks for still waiting to read this chapter. If you guys like this story, check out my other stories.

Peace out!


Aleena's POV

I keep pacing around this house of mine as I wipe off the dust that accumulated on the surface of my furniture. But the dust keeps on coming back and with every wipe, the angrier I get. I furiously throw the duster on the floor but instead of hitting the floor it hit my toes. I gritted my teeth as I shout internally, expressing the pain I'm feeling.

I adjust myself, breathing slowly to calm my self, I close my eyes as I ask myself: Why am I cleaning again?

Instantly memories of that unfortunate event come flooding in my brain, destroying the little amount of sanity I have for that woman. I scratch my scalp irritatedly as I pace back and forth. I bite, nibble my thumb as I think of reasons why, why did she do it. 

And most of all why did I feel those feelings again?






  You're my girlfriend now, Ms. Noir. - she said before leaning in further until her lips touch my ear, giving goosebumps on my skin.  ''Any question hmm''  she asks but the way she said it doesn't seem like so.

''Who are you to decide?'' I spat, relaxing my body as her grip tightened around my wrist. Does she think that I wouldn't question her thoughtless action? Then she's so wrong.

''Your lover.'' At that point, my heart stopped palpitating for a second, my eyes widened at her revelation. I feel like a deer in the headlights. I want to stand and slap her until she says that she was just playing games with me.

''Since when...'' I mumble to myself, unsure.

''Now.'' She answers my doubt. 

But we've only known each other for days, how can she say that I'm her lover when we are not even that close to each other? So there must be a catch. Instead of going crazy over things, I calmed myself and look directly into her eyes.

''There's a catch. Why would the only heir be interested in her employee, knowing her only for days then telling her mother that they are a couple? Now answer me if you don't want another slap.'' I told her, letting my frustration out.

''Like I thought you use common sense first before your feelings, I like it.'' Releasing my wrist from her grasp, she pulled out a paper out of her nightstand and handing it to me. I raise my left eyebrow questioning what is the paper is about.

''Read it.'' She orders. I'm not sure what's written on it but deciding that it's best to know what situation I'm being pulled in, I grab it.

On the paper, it's written that if she doesn't have an heir for the next months, all property assets will not go to her but to her father's sister Josephine.

''So what does this have anything to do with-'' But I cut my words when I felt her hands snake around my waist before gently lifting me up and putting me on her legs, making me sit on her. 

''me?'' I finished. My face starts feeling warmer than usual. 

''Don't you get it.'' She says as she continues to play with the tip of my hair, twirling them with her fingers. ''I want you to be mine, is it that hard to comprehend?'' she asks as her face comes closer to the side of my neck, nuzzling her nose on my skin.

''I-it  ti-ti-tickles..'' I whimper. but she just ignores me and continues on doing it.

''So, any problem with it?''

I want to nod my head but she suddenly kisses my forehead before saying:  '' Such adorable you are, Mrs. Vargantes.

And once again this woman never failed to stop my world from spinning.

To be continued.

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