
By tigermoonbuddy

107K 5.5K 8.3K

Dylan may be our sun and Yue our moon, but they are also our stars who shine brilliantly. Eight years ago, D... More

1 - Fallen Star
2 - Moonlight
3 - Glimmer
4 - Lucida
5 - Sparks
5.1 - Sparks
6 - Supernova
6.1 - Supernova
6.2 - Supernova
7 - Clarity
7.1 - Clarity
8.1 - Streak
9 - Kindle
9.1 - Kindle
10 - Crescent
10.1 - Crescent
11 - Ignite
11.1 - Ignite
12 - Light
12.1 - Light
13 - Glisten
13.1 - Glisten
14 - Vivid
14.1 - Vivid
15 - Fiery
15.1 - Fiery
16 - Somber
16.1 - Somber
16.2 - Somber
17 - Illuminate
17.1 - Illuminate
18 - Incandescent
18.1 - Incandescent
19 - Lucent
19.1 - Lucent
20 - Glow
20.1 - Glow
21 - Afterglow
21.1 - Afterglow
22 - Glare (Dylan)
22 - Glare (Jin)
22 - Glare (Yue)
22 - Glare (?)
22 - Glare (!)
22.1 - Glare
23 - Radiant
23.1 - Radiant
Before Anything Else...
24 - Stellar

8 - Streak

2.4K 121 576
By tigermoonbuddy

Three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth – Buddha


"Well, will you look at that..." XiZe whispered to Kang and Kuan as they watched their two friends who were currently immersed in an intense round of their infamous hand battle right in front of them.

Both had their eyes locked on each other, focused on psyching the other out.

Dylan flicked his wrist ever so slightly making Yue squeal and hesitate, giving way for him to successfully smack her hand.

"WANG HE DI!" Yue exclaimed swatting his hand away as Dylan reeled in laughter.

Yue had just lost another round. They had been at it for the last few minutes, alienating everyone on the set again like they used to do.

Kuan and XiZe had just arrived but Dylan and Yue seemed oblivious to this as they kept going. It was as if F3 were not in the room.

They were currently in the DaoMing mansion set waiting for the crew to adjust the lights. They were to shoot a dinner scene where Lei finally tells the group that he will introduce his new girlfriend to them.

"I told you so." Kang whispered.

XiZe offered his hand for a high five as Dylan and Yue began another round.

Kuan was just beaming at his friends.

"Where is all this coming from?" XiZe asked still not believing how fast things were going back to normal.

"They must have talked and agreed on something." Kang said. "They seem too...normal."

"Just like that?!" XiZe asked.

"Just like that." Kuan said knowingly with a snap.

"YUE YUE." someone screamed on the microphone making Yue jump and turn towards the sound.

"Yue-jie, kindly proceed to the changing room. You have the wrong dress on." The crew continued to point out.

"Oh, okay. I'll be back." Yue said as she withdrew her hand on top of Dylan's hand, gave a small smile to the four boys and scurried towards the tents.

When Yue was out of earshot, the three boys surrounded their friend. "Nice one, Di." XiZe said.

"What?" Dylan reacted seeing how the three were looking at him.

"That was mighty comfortable for two... friends, Di." Kang said, emphasizing friends with quote fingers.

"Bro, I know it worked the first time but isn't your game getting too old now? We all know this is just an excuse to hold her hand." XiZe teased his best friend.

"Shut up, man! It's nothing like that." Dylan said. "This time we're just friends. We made that clear already."

"Oh, okay." Kuan answered nonchalantly, obviously not convinced.

"Really!" Dylan said seriously.

"Really? That's okay with you?" Kang clapped his back.

"Yes." he answered stiffly.

"Really, really? Like swear on our friendship and good fortune for the rest of your life really?" XiZe folded his arms and raised his brows.

"Aiyoo...Well, no." he said in frustration.

"Ha! It finally came out!" XiZe said with a clap.

"But I have to be okay with it. If that's all I can get, then I have to be fine with it." Dylan continued.

"Are you seriously just going to let it go like that?" Kuan asked.

"Look guys, I wasn't really boyfriend of the year back then." Dylan said with a resigned face. "Besides, she's happy now."

"How sure are you? We haven't even met the guy!" Kang said.

"I already told her I'm not here to win her back. I'm keeping my word. As long as she's talking to me and we're friends...I'm okay with that." Dylan stated.

"My man. The martyr. The idiot." XiZe said holding on to Dylan's shoulders.

"The big idiot. It was his fault." Kuan cleared. Kang held out a fist that Kuan automatically bumped with his.

"Guys. Seriously. Stop it. If you're really my friends...our friends, then you won't make it awkward for us again. We had just gotten over that... hurdle. And no one here except you guys know about what happened so let's not make it a big deal. So just, please? Please." Dylan pleaded.

Kuan nudged the others as he saw Yue walking back to their spot.

"What did I miss?" she said as she returned with another dress on.

"Oh nothing! We were just throwing lines at each other. Didi forgot his lines again, maybe you can run it through with him, Yue." Kang said with a smile.

The others laughed and Yue looked at them with knit brows, not following why it was funny. Dylan just shook his head.

"Which lines?" Yue asked Dylan. "The next scene is mostly Kuan talking! How can you forget your lines, idiot?"

"I..." Dylan didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, idiot!" XiZe said. "Keep up, man!"

He seriously wanted to strangle his friends.

"I missed this." Kuan declared all of a sudden.

"Aww, Kuannie! I missed you guys too." Yue gave him a hug.

"I'm glad you are friends again." he continued.

Dylan and Yue looked at each other momentarily then turned back at Kuan.

"We're still working on that." Dylan said shyly scratching his nape.

"We're getting there, Kuan." Yue assured him.

The mood changed, turning everyone quiet.

The awkwardness in the air was thick and no one had anything more to say.

Thankfully, a staff member suddenly approached them.

"I'm sorry guys. Looks like we'll be taking longer to set up. Our equipment in the back room won't start. We have to do some repairs first before rolling. Maybe you guys can go back to your tents first." she announced to them apologetically. "We're sorry guys!"

"Thank you, jie. No problem!" they all said with bows.

"So, Yue. Can you help him out? I don't think any one of us can pass of as ShanCai to practice with this guy!" XiZe said as they reverted back to the earlier conversation.

"Uh, yeah...s-sure!" she said.

"Nice! You have such nice friends, right Di?" Kang said.

Dylan glared at them, stopping himself from inflicting any harm on his so called friends.

"C'mon!" XiZe said putting his arms over Kuan and Kang's shoulders. "Let's go see if they have chosen who the new girl will be for Lei."

"XiZe!?" Kang exclaimed, not believing what his happily taken friend said.

"I'll tell JiaQi!" Kuan threatened.

"Dude, I just said we'll check!! And it's for you! What do you think of me?" XiZe told Kuan.

Dylan and Yue looked on at their friends who continued arguing as they retreated back to the tents.

Dylan scratched his ear and tried to act normal after that moment.

"Uh, I'm sorry about that. I told them not to be like this. But since they're such good friends to me...." He let out a huff.

"It's okay." Yue laughed nervously. "Don't worry. They have always been like that anyway."

Dylan scratched his ear again, worried that they'd go back to being awkward towards each other.

He wanted to talk more to make sure she was okay but he didn't know what to say. He wanted her to stay but didn't want to force her.

"Hey, Yue." he said softly.

"Hmm?" she looked at him.

"Thank you."

"For what?" she asked.

"For being so nice. I didn't think you'd be so..." he tried to find the right words.

"Hey, I haven't forgiven you just yet, mister." Yue replied without letting him finish. "Don't think you're off the hook just because I said I believed you."

"I know, I know. But still. I can't believe you're actually...okay already." he tried fishing if she really was.

"Well, I'm trying to be. It's for me too, you know. I've been angry for a long time for the wrong reasons and I just don't want to be anymore."

"I'm sorry. I really was a jerk."

"You were my best friend once too, Di." Yue replied.

They were. The best of friends.

"We've shared so many things together, I'd be crazy if I didn't try to forgive you. Even if you really were a jerk." Yue snickered.

"Do you think we could ever go back to that?" it escaped his lips even before he could stop himself.

"Di, I..."

"Don't answer that. I'm sorry. Forget I asked." he quickly added.

"A lot happened in a year and a half, Dylan." Yue reminded him.

"I know, I know." He sighed. "A lot has changed."

When Yue didn't respond, he took the opportunity to say more.

"I'm really glad you're happy now, Yue. And I'm proud of you, if I still have a right to say it."

"Thank you, Di." Yue smiled at him. "Yes, I am happy."

That stung as much as it delighted him to hear that.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to turn all emotional, I just wanted to let you know." Dylan said truthfully.

"No, no. This is good. This...helps us get back to our form. No one would think CaiSi was in hibernation for 8 years." Yue tried to assure him.

Dylan smiled, appreciative again of how Yue was being. He didn't deserve it.

"So, which lines did you want to go over?" she asked him.

"Oh. Actually...We really don't have to. I promise! You can just rest 'til our next take." he assured her.

"Are you sure?" she asked. "I'm not really tired and I have nothing to do in my tent actually..." she continued as she sat on one of the couches in the mansion set.

Dylan was about to sit beside her and engage in conversation again when Yangjin approached.

"Yue Yue, your phone has been ringing. Thought you might want to answer since we're on break." She handed Yue the vibrating phone. "I don't know the number but that's the 3rd call. It seems urgent."

"Oh, thank you jie!" she said looking up at Dylan. "Is it okay?" she asked him.

"Of course." Dylan replied.

Yue swiped her phone to answer. "Hello? Who is this?"

After a few seconds, "Oh, Jin! Hey you." she said, her face lighting up. "Whose number is this? Where is your phone? Is everything alright?" she asked concerned.

When she realized Dylan was still standing there she smiled at him quickly, stood up, gave him a peace sign and slowly started walking away.

Dylan sighed. Just when he was getting some quality time to talk to Yue.


I bet he called her Yue-bear again. Ugh.

Dylan took this as his cue to leave. He dragged his feet back to the tent.

She was talking to her boyfriend and that was something he didn't want to intrude.


"I'm sorry, Yue-bear. I'm borrowing someone else's phone because my battery got drained." Jin said on the line. "I was just trying my luck that you'd answer. I hope I didn't disturb anything."

"Oh no, it's okay. We're on break actually. We can talk." Yue answered with a smile. It was nice to hear Jin's voice. They haven't seen each other in a while since both of them were really busy.

"So how has it been? Last time we talked you were telling me that it was going rough with Dylan. Is he still being a jerk to you?" he asked.

"Jiiiiin." she giggled. "He isn't. I told you we talked already. We agreed to be friends. It's going...pretty well actually." she assured him.

She looked behind and saw that Dylan had left.

"Lucky him then. He better make sure that's all." He warned.

"I'm the one who is sure." she said. "Isn't that what matters?"

"I'm sorry. You know I just miss you, Yue." he said.

"I know. I do too." she said quietly.

She did. Yue felt bad that she couldn't share her feelings with him these past few weeks since it was about her and Dylan. She didn't want him to have any doubt about them. She didn't want Jin to worry.

"What time are you done today? You think we can squeeze in some time?" she asked him.

"Do you want me to come over later? I can pick you up." he offered.

"Really? You're not busy tonight?!" she asked.

"Really. We're leaving my event early and you know how much I want to see you."

"Okay! That's great!" Yue said excitedly. "I'll message you when we're done. I'll see you then?"

"I'll be waiting." he replied. "Do well today, Yue-bear. Like you always do."

Yue smiled as she ended the call. Hearing his voice and his encouragement made her heart flutter.

Jin didn't know the internal struggle she has been having lately but she still felt like making it up to him somehow. Now that things were finally clear with Dylan, she could take her mind off all that and focus on her relationship with Jin. She wanted to assure him that this setup with Dylan was just for the drama. That they were just friends.

It was for her peace of mind too.

She really cared for Jin. So far to her, he was the peace and comfort to the noisy chaos and everything that was Dylan. 


"What are you doing here? You should be practicing with Yue!" XiZe announced seeing Dylan enter the tent.

"She's talking to JinHu." Dylan said while looking down and flicking around some dirt on the ground with his foot.

"Ugh, Jin who?" Kang said.

"Nice one, bro." Kuan praised, giving another fist bump.

"Di, I'm really not used to this" Kang said. "Since when were you this defeated?"

"I'm not!" Dylan argued. "There are just some things you have to accept, especially if it's your own fault."

"Nonsense! There is always a way around everything, right boys? Do we have to do everything for you now, Didi?" XiZe asked.

Dylan just looked at his friends who didn't seem to understand that him giving way to the guy was all for Shen Yue.

"I know. Let's all do something after today. We can go out, the 6 of us, just like we used to." Kuan suggested.

"There's no harm in that, right? Then you ask Yue to come. What do you say?" Kang said putting an arm around Dylan, trying to cheer him up.

"Come to what?" Yue suddenly appeared, surprising the four boys.

"Gosh Yue, were you on stealth mode or something?" XiZe said startled at her sudden appearance.

"I'm just good at being the tiny one around you tall guys, remember?" Yue giggled. "So...come to what?"

"Uhh, you tell her, Di." Kang elbowed his friend.

Put on the spot again, Dylan had no choice but to ask her.

"We were just saying that F6 should hang out tonight after we're done. Are you game?" he looked at Yue, wondering what her answer will be.

"I'd love that!!! But not today, I can't. I'm meeting up with Jin." She beamed. "Maybe another day?"

"Oh, that reminds me. I want to introduce Jin to you guys. How about we set a date for that? How about on Monday? It's our scheduled free day! Yes?" she excitedly asked them.

"I'll tell JiaQi, I'm sure she would love to meet him." XiZe said with a smile.

Kang nudged him.

"Too..She'd love to meet him too." XiZe injected quickly.

Kuan just smiled at her and nodded his head.

Yue looked to Dylan who gave her an uneasy smile and a thumbs up. "S-sure! We'd love to meet him!"

"It's set then!" she clapped her hands, excited that everything was falling into place.

After a few minutes they heard director blast on the microphone. "F4! Shen Yue! Blocking, places please."

Another day of filming was about to begin.


Yue was resting her head on Jin's shoulder at the back of his van. He had come over to pick her up right after filming wrapped up today.

They were currently on their way to Yue's place. Jin's hand was lightly placed on her lap, with Yue's arm curled around his arm. They have been quiet for a few minutes now as the van weaved through traffic, just enjoying each other's company.

Yue felt at peace, happy at how things turned out today. She felt her friendship with the boys slowly mending, their on-set problems finally gone, her plans to let her friends meet Jin finally happening. It was going really well.

She was so excited to spend time with Jin and worry of nothing. She was already thinking of what they'd do when they arrived at her place. She could cook for him or they could order food and just talk. Just a laidback night after a long day of work for both of them.

"Hey, do you want to go to Global Harbour?" Jin looked down and asked Yue all of a sudden.

"Now?" she straightened herself to look at him.

"I just want to be out with you. Stroll around, have dinner then coffee somewhere? I wanted to get you something too."

"Jin, I really don't feel like going out today." Yue said as she tried to cling on to the image of relaxing at home with him.

"C'mon Yue. You told me you'd make up for the last time." He said rubbing her knee.

She remembered the dinner date they had that had been rudely interrupted by the news of Meteor Garden 2 coming in her life.

"I know... but now?" Yue gave a short whine, trying to make him see that she really didn't want to.

"Why not now? It's still early." he insisted.

"I was thinking of cooking for you tonight at my place." she said trying to sound cute to convince him that going out wasn't her favorite idea at the moment.

"Yue-bear. Thank you, but I really want to take you out tonight. C'mon, we don't have many times that we can do this." He took her hand and gave it a squeeze.

Yue didn't know what to answer. Ever since they started dating, she already laid it out to Jin how uncomfortable she was with being out in public. What more on a Saturday date night in the biggest, most populous, most opulent mall in Shanghai.

As much as possible she wanted them to be as private as possible so that news bits and tabloids couldn't ruin and run their own story of their relationship.

But here he was, trying to convince her otherwise. Even using her promise last time against her to make her say yes.

"Jin, can we do it next time? I really am kind of tired from today." she tried this angle.

"Do you not want to be seen out with me, Yue?" Jin said letting go of her hand and moving away from her to face her, taken aback by her refusal once again.

"No, no...of course not!" Yue answered immediately, shocked at how quick that irked him.

It was the first time Jin snapped at her.

"Then stop trying to refuse. Try to be more open to new things Yue." he said to her. "I thought you were in this as much as I am?"

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Okay, let's go." Yue said. She felt guilty for the way she has been putting him aside and decided to give in today. She didn't want to fight. She didn't want him upset.

Jin relaxed a bit after hearing her agree. He reached out to hold her hand again, instructing his driver to head to Global Harbour Mall.

Yue on the other hand, could not relax anymore, realizing this was the first time she has seen Jin agitated this way.


After their dinner, which consisted of a lot of passers-by taking videos and photos of them while they ate, Jin asked for the check.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked her when he signed for his card.

"I'm fine." Yue said as the server left them. It was only partly true.

This was an out-of-the-blue date so she wasn't prepared with their usual gear, masks and low key outfits. She still had full make-up on from filming and Jin was dressed up coming from his event. She felt too bare and exposed.

Jin slid one arm behind her to pull her closer to him and reached out for her hand with his free hand. They were seated so close to each other now that Yue could her murmurs getting louder from the other restaurant patrons.

"Relax, Yue-bear." He rubbed her arm when he saw how tense she was. "If you're ready to go, can we stop in one more place?"

"Yeah, okay. Where?" she asked him.

"It's a surprise." he said with a glint in his eyes.

"Jin, I told you I hate surprises!" Yue felt worried.

"C'mon. You'll love it." He said retracting his arm over her shoulder and pulling her hand up to go.

A few minutes and floors later, Jin pulled Yue in to the Cartier store without giving her a chance to complain.

"Jin! What are we doing here?" she pulled his hand back.

"I had something made for you the moment you agreed to go out with me, Yue. They told me it was ready last week but we only got the chance to go out now." he replied, pulling her again.

Yue was shocked. Had something made for her? Here?

Jin let go of her hand and approached the counter. He spoke to one of the sales ladies who politely nodded and headed to the back room.

Yue was still rooted on the spot, still processing everything.

The Cartier store was one of the brightest stores with full glass panes surrounding it, making it easy for people outside to spot Yue and Jin. Within minutes, onlookers flocked to the windows taking stolen shots and videos of the two actors together.

"Jin, I told you not to spend anything on me. Just feed me." Yue insisted, tugging on his coat.

She knew how expensive Cartier items were and she never even dreamt of having a piece from here. What more a custom made one?

A custom made what exactly?

The lady came out from the back room with a neatly ribboned felt square flat box that she held with two hands. "Sir, here it is."

Jin proudly reached for the box. "So have you heard of Cartier's famous Panthère De Cartier bracelet?" Jin asked her as he carefully removed the ribbon on the box.

"Jin..No." Yue said, conscious of their growing audience outside the store.

She wanted so much to refuse but didn't want to cause an even bigger scene. All the phones were already pointed at them.

"Well, this beauty is usually made of platinum, with around 744 12.73 carat brilliant-cut diamonds, onyx and emeralds." He began to explain.

"But since I knew you loved the color yellow, I asked them to make one for you with your favorite color." He said as he held it out and opened the box for her.

Inside it was the most intricate piece of jewellery she has ever laid her eyes on. A sleek bracelet in the shape of a panther head on one end, leading out to a thin bangle that was fully covered in the most dazzling diamonds and onyx stones she has ever seen. The eyes of the panther held smooth, scintillating deep yellow diamonds instead of emeralds.

"Ms. Shen, these yellow diamonds are one of the rarest diamonds. Mr. Lee was very persistent that we find the perfect ones for this piece. You are the only one who will ever own this kind of bracelet for the Panthère De Cartier line." the sales lady enthusiastically explained.

"I hope you like it." Jin said when Yue didn't move one bit.

"I..." Yue was speechless. She didn't know how to feel about this. She didn't want to accept it.

"Please say you like it?" Jin repeated.

"I...I...It's just...This is too much Jin...I-I just can't wear it, what if I lose it? Misplace it?" Yue said.

"Nonsense. Just say thank you and that you'll wear it all the time so that you'll think of me when you see it. It may be a panther and not a tiger, but that's close enough." he said reaching carefully into the box for the bracelet and placing it gently on Yue's wrist.

He had a megawatt smile on compared to Yue's still shocked expression.

He leaned in to kiss her forehead. "I just want the best things for my girl. I hope you know how much you mean to me, Yue-bear." He said hugging her.

She just hugged him back, still not knowing what to say. "Thank you, Jin." was all her brain could come up with, still overwhelmed. She didn't even notice all the flashing lights and cheers from the crowd outside watching them.


"The pair were then seen entering a Cartier store where Lee Jin Hu apparently had a Panthère De Cartier bracelet customized for his girlfriend, one of China's finest and international maven, Shen Yue. With rare deep set yellow diamonds replacing the original emerald stones, this only existing piece is estimated to cost almost 2 Million Yuan." XiZe read the Weibo post out loud to JiaQi, Kuan, Dylan and Kang.

Yue's new piece of jewellery from Jin were all the c-netz could talk about. It has been two days but it was still trending since there were so many photos in so many angles of Jin placing that bracelet on Yue's wrist. So many videos of them hugging inside the store. New ones were coming out every hour.

"2 Million Yuan? For a bracelet? Damn. This JinHu is something else. What is this, Crazy Rich Asians?" Kang scoffed.

"She hates these things, right Didi?" Kuan said checking out the photo of the Panthère De Cartier bracelet.

"She used to tell me she'd kill me if I get her anything that's not from a sponsor or something that's totally expensive. I didn't think she would be into these things." Dylan said as he himself was swiping through photos on Weibo of Yue and Jin.

"Is she even the type to wear those things?" Kang asked.

"She hates loud expensive jewelry. She loves accessorizing but never those kinds!" JiaQi stated.

Dylan threw his phone on the table when he reached the comments praising Jin for being such a sweet and loving boyfriend who was so brave to declare his love for Yue in front of everyone.

"How come all of a sudden she's okay with all of this?" he asked, sounding irritated.

"I don't think she totally is. Look." Jiaqi called out to Dylan, handing him her phone with several photos on display.

It was a close up shot of Yue looking very uncomfortable over dinner when Jin held her hand. Another one showing her catatonic expression while she was wrapped up in Jin's hug.

"It's like he is branding her or something. It's more like a handcuff than a bracelet if you think about it." XiZe pointed out.

"Oh, Yue Yue. I wonder if she was just being nice accepting that?" JiaQi frowned.

Dylan scrolled through more photos of Yue with a forced smile on her face. Dylan could only imagine how she felt with the hundreds of people surrounding them, phones out recording the moment Jin put that bracelet on her. He could imagine the sweet nothings Jin whispered in her ear during that hug and it made his skin crawl.

"In an open store, with so many eyes watching? Yue really has changed. This isn't the Yue we know." Kuan said.

The Shen Yue he knew would never agree to such thing, Dylan thought to himself.

Well it was a different set up for them back then. But still.

"I can't wait to meet this guy. I haven't even met him and I don't like him already." XiZe said shaking his head.

"I wonder what he did to make Yue agree to all this." Kuan said.

"Well, we'll find out soon." Kang shrugged. "In a few hours." he continued as he checked his watch that said it was 10 o' clock in the morning.

"You okay there, Didi?" Kuan asked, noticing Dylan going all quiet.

Dylan just nodded in response. He was about to meet the guy who reached the star he let go of. His star. His Shen Yue.

He wasn't sure if will ever be ready.


Dylan was massaging his hand under the table. He kept himself busy with this because he didn't want anyone, especially Yue to notice how fidgety he was right now. He rubbed his right hand again, the one he used to shake the hand of Jin.

Jin had such a firm grip when he shook Dylan's hand. He wondered if it meant anything?

You're over thinking this, Wang He Di. he reminded himself. Of course he will come here peacocking, you're the ex-boyfriend.

Jin was definitely peacocking. He was animatedly telling the rest of the group what his current projects were. JiaQi politely asked one simple question but he has been at it bragging about his last movie for about a few minutes now, chest out and all.

Dylan was barely listening. All he could focus on was the girl seated beside him who looked terribly out of her element. She was smiling but he could bet she wasn't enjoying this moment.

Dylan knew he was also a confident, loud guy with a big personality, but he was never this full of himself. Yue used to scold him because she never wanted anyone to think of him as conceited and arrogant.

What did Yue see in this guy?

"Didi, you also came from that Louis Vuitton exhibit last month, right? I don't think we met there." Jin said, trying to start a conversation with him.

Dylan just nodded. "Yeah, I don't think we met there. There were just too many people."

Lucky me.

Jin agreed and moved on to XiZe when Dylan didn't seem to continue the dialogue between them.

Dylan looked back at Yue who was still quiet beside Jin. She was staring at her panther bracelet that screamed diamonds. It was even more obnoxious in person than in the photos.

When she noticed Dylan looking she smiled and hid her hand underneath the table.

This didn't escape Kuan though.

"Hey Yue Yue, can I see your new shiny toy?" he asked.

"It's not a toy, Kuan! I'm so scared I might mishandle it. Be careful." Yue said nervously handing it over to Kuan.

"A pretty nice piece to gift your girl eh, Kuan Hong?" Jin said smugly as he reached for Yue's hand to kiss it.

Kang leaned over to Dylan. "What does Yue see in this douchebag?" he whispered through a fake smile. "I can't stand him."

Dylan just shrugged. Was he supposed to swallow all of this and do nothing?


Yue wanted to evaporate.

Two nights ago, she was completely astounded with Jin's spontaneous date and ridiculous surprise. She had been dragged out of her comfort zone so drastically, it left her stunned. Her shocked face was all over the internet. The bracelet, which she found out was almost 2 Million Yuan almost made her choke on her coffee the next morning. Though she was no stranger to trending topics, her personal life has never been this exposed.

Also, the man responsible for all this, was now acting so different in front of all of her friends. She didn't know what to say or how to react so she just remained quiet.

He has been going on and on about himself for the past hour. This was again a new side of him she hasn't seen. It was the first time she introduced him to friends aside from Xiao Wen.

When he took her hand to kiss it, Yue felt the urge to pull away for the first time. She wasn't comfortable being so touchy and loose with him in front of everyone so quickly.

Everyone else in the room though seemed to be accepting of Jin. They were engaging him in conversation, and reacting to everything he said. But she didn't expect any less from her friends. She knew they wouldn't do anything rash.

She looked across the table again, to the eyes she was trying to avoid the most all evening. She knew that if anyone could read her the best, it would be him.

True enough, Dylan was looking back at her, not listening to everyone's banter, solely focused on her.

He mouthed something along the lines of "Are you okay?" and she confirmed it to be so when he gestured a thumbs up with a look of concern.

She smiled, not wanting to worry him. She gave a thumbs up in response and looked back at the others to join in on the conversation again.

"You sure know how to do surprises, Jin." XiZe said after another round of recounting what had happened last weekend.

"Well, I do. I have one more actually." He said checking his phone to confirm something then looking to Yue who suddenly looked worried again.

Jin called for the waiter and whispered something. The waiter left the private room shortly after.

No one moved, unsure of what was going to happen.

Athena Yu suddenly popped her head from the door on cue. "Hello everyone!" she called out.

Following her shortly was a strikingly beautiful girl with long glossy hair who looked very familiar.

Everyone greeted Athena, surprised at her sudden appearance.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this little get together, but Jin insisted on doing this now." she began. "Oh by the way, F6, I'd like you to meet the lovely Jelly Lin. If you recognize her, she starred in one of China's top grossing films, The Mermaid, and was the lead of the successful It Started With A Kiss remake a few years back."

Everyone applauded in awe, finally recognizing who she really was.

"Ni hao (hello), everyone." she greeted with a dazzling smile. "Nice to meet all of you."

The boys made room for the two new comers, Jelly and Athena sitting in between Dylan and Kuan who were nearest the door.

"Right, I know you're surprised to see me here." Athena started. "Like I said, Jin asked me to come here today to break the news to you."

Everyone was still lost. Why were Jin and Athena talking? Why was Jelly Lin here? What was happening? What news?

"What news, jie?" Kuan asked.

"Well, this is about latest developments for Meteor Garden. First, since you asked, I'd like you to meet Hua Ze Lei's new girlfriend, Li Wei, who will be played by Jelly." Athena said presenting Jelly to everyone.

The room gave an astounding "Waaaah." with matching applause as Jelly humbly bowed down.

"So Lei does get a girl!" XiZe teased Kuan.

"Nice to meet you again, Li Wei." Kuan shook her hand. "I'm Lei." he said with a smile.

"Same with you guys, the famous F6." She said shaking each one's hand, and lastly turning to Dylan with a sly smile and shaking his hand. "Dao Ming Si." she nodded as Dylan nodded in response.

"And finally, before I forget...Jin, would you like to do this?" Athena offered.

"Well, Athena and I have been discussing this for a while now." he started explaining, looking at Yue who was still confused as to why Athena gave him room for speech. "Since ShanCai would be running her own restaurant, there will room for new characters in the story. One of them being her close right hand in the business and head chef, Michael Tan."

"And he is going to be played by me." he finally announced. "Surprise!" he raised his hands and gestured to everyone.

After a few seconds of silence, everyone finally cheered along, being respectful.

The boys along with Jia Qi and Jelly all offered their hands to shake his.

Yue just sat there, floored. Another surprise. She was supposed to be happy about this right? She gets to work with her boyfriend?

"Yue-bear! I get to work with you." Jin pulled her up in a hug.

"I-I know! Oh my gosh! Yes!" she replied automatically with a smile on her face.

She didn't know why but she looked right at Dylan saying this, as if asking him for support.

Once again, he gave her a thumbs up with a faint smile before he was whisked away by Jelly in conversation.

Next thing Yue knew, Jin pulled her in and kissed her squarely on the lips right in front of everyone, earning gasps from the girls, silencing the boys.

It all happened so suddenly she wasn't afforded a second to react.

"Aww, you guys are so cute!" Jelly exclaimed. Athena clapped her hands and congratulated Jin again.

JiaQi looked to her best friend who wasn't moving. Yue was blushing scarlet red.

This has been a staggering past few days for her and she was having a hard time taking it all in. She didn't know if she wanted this, or wanted to cry, or wanted to get mad at Jin for all his actions, somehow disregarding her feelings these past few days alone. She felt put on the spot so many times now, it was just too much.

"I can't wait to work with you guys!" he announced. "Here's to a good season!" he offered a toast to which everyone obliged to.

Yue held on to JiaQi feeling like she would lose her footing. Tears were threatening to come out but she tried to put a polite smile on as she looked back into the eyes across the room which she knew have been cautiously watching her the whole night.



Did you count how many Yue-bear's there were?  Hehe ✌

I would just like to apologize to Shen Yue for putting her through so much in this fic. 😥 When I began this story, I didn't think it would turn out this way. Allow me to make it up to her in the next updates! 👌

Hope you're all still hanging in there! 💜💛

Thank you so much for all your kind words of encouragement. I cannot thank you enough!!!

Wishing you all feel the gentle warmth of the sun and the sweet embrace of the moonlight in this DiYue drought! 

Til the next. 

As always,

*DiYue Forever*

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