Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 74.5K 59.8K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❀️
Decision Day


35.1K 1.1K 770
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Eight
Mya Anderson
Los Angeles, California - Mid June

I grabbed my last duffel bag off the conveyor belt, sighing at how damn heavy it was. Every time I go out of town I spend so much money on the bags I have to check. That's only because I'm always picky on what I wear. I don't see how people just pack one outfit for the same day and is cool with that.

And besides, I'll be in LA for a while. My goal is to find a location, get the interior fixed to my liking and start getting all of the inventory shipped. Syren and Kayla are supposed to be flying out here to help. Asia would've came but she has to watch the store in Miami for me. And I don't need her fighting Syren while I'm trying to handle business.

I want this store to have a different vibe. My Miami store, fits things to wear in Miami. Cali has that chill vibe, skater boys, vans, graphic tees, all that good stuff. Maybe a year or two from now, I'll be opening a spot in New York. Wouldn't move there though, they get snow. Me and cold weather don't mix.

Once I got my rental, I cut my phone off airplane mode and posted on my insta story that I just landed. I couldn't wait to get to my place and lay down. I did a 6 month lease on a spot here. Everything is paid up so I don't have to focus on rent. I have a friend that does interior designing here so I had her put me something together. Hopefully at the end of my six months, I'll decide if I want to stay here permanently or go back home.

My text message alert went off. I picked up my phone to see who it was. It was from Eva. She's really cool. We don't talk often but whenever we do it's not always about you know who.


You're in LA! Omg pull up. I'm hanging with

As soon as I get settled I sure will.

Eva sent you her location

Speaking of you know who, we haven't talked since the day he left my place. Ant DM'd me about the clothes that Chris picked out but never bought because all we cared about was fucking each other. He paid for them and paid for them to be shipped out. Chris watches my insta stories, he's usually the first one or he likes my pictures. But we don't speak.

There's honestly nothing to talk about. And I hope I'll be able to avoid him during my time here.

Anyway, Mariah still talks to Hoody and I'm still surprised by that. I don't know what happened between Keeis and Syren. Maybe nothing happened because Syren hasn't said anything and she tells me everything. I think they'd be cute though.

After a 20 minute drive, I pulled into the driveway of my temporary home. It's going to be nice having a whole house to myself. My apartment back in Miami isn't small but it's still not the same as having a house. The houses in Miami aren't in my tax bracket YET. Most of them are way too big and I don't need that much space for myself. If I didn't get so annoyed by them so fast, I'd move my family in with me but nah.

Walking inside my house, a smile instantly peeled across my face. This place is even better in person. I had the realtor I found, FaceTime me and do a walk through. This place is heaven and has me ready to extend my lease and just stay in the house. I went and grabbed my bags and brought them up to my room. I definitely needed a man for that. I packed so much shit.

Once I was all unpacked, I picked out my outfit for the day, text Eva and told her I'd be there shortly then jumped in the shower. When I got out the shower, I did my hair up into my cute little bun, threw on light make up, then got dressed.

Then I headed to see Eva and EJ.


"Hey boo!" EJ said while hugging me.

"Hi baby! You missed me?"

"I did! You played me my last day in Miami. We was supposed to go to the spa."

"I really didn't mean to. I took a nap, with my phone on do not disturb. I had so many missed calls and I read all of your text messages cussing me out."

"Yeah cause I was pissed. It's all love though."

"I got you, I promise."

We walked into his house. Eva sat on the couch with another girl.

"Mya, this is Munchie. She's a really dope bitch and she works with Chris as well."

"Oh she is really pretty." Munchie said. "Hey nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." I guess we're ignoring the fact the her titties are out just chilling. Okay. "Hey boo." I hugged Eva after sitting next to her.

"Wassup, you look cute."

"Thank you."

"So what's up with you and my bro?" Munchie ask.

"Me and Chris?" I asked. Damn I just got here can a Bitch get some juice or some food before I get the 21 questions.

"Yeah, what's up with y'all?"


"You sure? He had you famous for a few days."

"It was just sex, simple as that." I shrugged.

"Oh okay, just had to make sure you wasn't on no clout chasing shit."

I chuckled. "I don't need clout from nobody. My name ring bells with or without Chris."

"Okuuuuurrrr." EJ said. "Don't mind Munchie. She's an asshole 90 percent of the time."

"I'm not being an asshole I'm just making sure. Most of the girls Chris deals with only want the fame that he brings." She responded.

"I haven't talked to Chris since the day he left my apartment last month. And that was by choice. Like I said, I don't want or need Fame. I'm not a girl that likes a lot of attention, I don't do the cameras, I'm not a 'wannabe model'. My only focus is my money, and I don't need no nigga for that. He's cute, the sex was good, but I'm straight on my own two feet. Save that energy for his girl, not me."

It got quiet. This bitch don't know me but she definitely tried it! I understand she looking out for her brother but ima need her to bring it down a little bit.

"Okay let's start over." Eva said. "Munchie this is Mya, Mya this is Munchie. Munchie, Mya owns a successful clothing store in Miami and she's here in LA to open up her second location."

"Look I wasn't coming from a bad place Mya. I didn't mean to prejudge, I'm just going based off what I'm used to when I hear about a girl dealing with Chris." Munchie said.

"You really think we about to bring a girl around with I'll intentions?" EJ asked. "Come on Munchie is smarter than that."

"No it's cool. That's y'all friend or brother or whatever you see him as. You're supposed to look out for him. But I just want you to know, I'm not one of those girls you're used to." I said before pulling my phone out of my Fanny pack and getting on it.

"Mya let's go outside for a second." Eva said while getting up.

"Is it food out there?"

"Girl let's go."

Sighing, I got up and followed behind her. We went over by my car and I took a seat on the hood.

"She meant no harm boo." Eva said.

"I'm sure she didn't but her approach was way off. Like I said I get it. They're trying to protect him but don't come at me crazy."

"I hear you. I'd probably respond the same way you did. Munchie is just aggressive like that but she's a sweet heart. You'll learn to love her I swear. I got the same third degree when I came around and I'm not even fucking the man."

"Me and Chris had our time last month but that's over."

"You know you're going to run into him while you're here right?"

"How? I never see him leave his house and I'm not going to be anywhere he is."

"He doesn't usually come out during the day but he's always at some party even though people may not know and trust me you'll see him. But don't worry about Munchie. She's only being like that because you know who is still around."

"Like I told Munchie, take that anger and frustration out on you know who. I ain't did shit but gave the nigga head."


"Had his toes curling like a motherfucka too." I stuck my tongue out.

"Okay TMI! Yeah you and Munchie will get along just fine once we get over this small hump."

"Isn't she team Karrueche?"

"EJ is too but he loves the hell out of you. They both know Chris and Kae are over and done. But between me and you, they love to go after these other women that use Chris for fame but their boo Karrueche is the blue print to all this shit. We all know her true intentions with Chris. I don't doubt she loved and cared about him but sis knew what she was doing."

"And that's real tea."

"Let's go back in here, you and Munchie will get another re-do and then we're going to enjoy our day."

"Let's go."

We walked back inside the house. Munchie got off the couch with her arm stretched. "Give me a hug." She said.

"With your titties out?" My nose turned up.

"Girl if you're going to be around you gotta get used to this."

Rolling my eyes, I gave her a hug. "At least they're soft."

"Right! And I apologize again and I love how you stood up for yourself. Most of those bitches try to kiss my ass because they think it'll keep them on Chris's good side."

"It's cool. And I'm always going to defend myself. I never want to be known as a woman that used a man or needed one. I'm good."

"I respect that."

"Thank you."

"Okay, enough of the sappy shit. Let's get drunk!" Eva yelled.

"Get me some food Eva or I'm leaving!" I said mocking her voice causing everybody to laugh.

"EJ about to cook for us, we about to have a good ass time."

"Bitch, says who?!" EJ said.

We all laughed again.

LA is going to fun, I can tell.

Chris Brown
Tarzana, California - 5 Hours Later

Man it's been a long ass day and it feels so damn good to finally sit down. Tossing my cap off my head, I ran my fingers through my wild hair. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone, something I haven't been able to touch, only when a business call came through. I had a bunch of messages, missed calls and notifications.

Damn my shit was slapping.

I went to my first missed call which was a FaceTime from Eva a few hours ago.

I hit her call then relaxed more in the couch waiting for her to answer. It took a while before it said connecting. When she finally did she had a dumb smile on her face. "What the hell you so happy for?" My nose turned up.

"Best friiiiiend! Where you been? I've been calling you all day." She said sounding tipsy.

"I've been in meetings, what's up?"

"Oh nothing, but look at this." She flipped her camera. It was somebody bent over shaking they ass while holding on to a pole.

"Where the hell you at?"

"EJ's house."

"Bro I know that damn well bet not be EJ!" I said ready to cuss her out.

She was about respond until EJ got in the camera, dancing behind whoever that was. "Ayyye bitch!" He said while smacking whoever's ass.

The person dancing stood up. "Aye y'all I think I just turned EJ straight cause his dick just got too hard."

Mya! I sat up putting my face more into the camera.

She laughed while fixing the top on her jumpsuit.

"Yeeeeah, your boo is in town." Eva said.

"My titties about to be out like munchies y'all. But my shit pretty though." Mya said while walking to the couch.

She ain't lying.

"What you saying? My titties not pretty." Munchie loud ass yelled.

"They're sitting honey. You don't have no worries trust me."

"Take the phone over to her." I told Eva.

"I don't think she want to see you." Eva laughed.

I smacked my lips. "Man go over there."

"Alright, Alright." She started walking. "Myaaaaaaaaa, somebody wants to talk to you."

EJ glanced in the camera. "Oh shit that's my nigga Chris! That nigga tryna get some puuuussaaaaaay! Don't fall for it Mya. Munchie did I tell you how she had my nigga glowing! Chris was shinning bright like a diamond. I don't know what she did to that man but I need her to teach me."

"Man shut the fuck up EJ. I wasn't glowing." I was glowing, her pussy good as hell.

"Boy stop lying." Eva said before passing the phone over.

"Oh hey stranger." I said.

"That's how all niggas start the convo off when they trying to Fuck. hEy sTrAnGeR." Munchie said.

"Exactly." Mya rolled her eyes. "Hey Chris, What can I do for you?"

"You can't hit nobody up."

"I've been busy."

"Yeah okay."

"You look nice." She smiled.

"You think so? You should come see me in person."

"Chris ya pick up lines are horrible." EJ butted in.

"Man can you go somewhere else? Those niggas too nosey."

She looked over to her left. Somebody said something that I could barely make out then she got up and walked to the back. She ended up in the bathroom. "What's up?"

"You look really good."

"Thank you." She said while climbing on the counter.

"So I'm guessing you never saw my DM."

"No, I don't really check them after they became filled with your crazy ass fans."

I laughed. "My bad. How long you in town?"

"A while."

"What's a while?"

"6 months."

"Oh okay, business trip?"

"Kind of. I plan to have my second location open before I'm headed back home."

"Will I see you while you're here?"

"I don't know you tell me."

"Send me your number so I can set something up."

"What does set something up mean?" Her eyebrow raised.

"You can come chill with me, or I can come chill with you. Whatever you in the mood for."


"Why you always treating me like I did you bold?"

"I don't, even though our last convo wasn't the greatest."

"You flipped on me when I was just trying to chill with you." I said getting defensive.

"I just don't want any mixed signals. If we're just sucking, licking and fucking let's keep it that way."

"Mya, I hope you remember that every time I tried to leave you wanted me to stay. You know that right?"

"You didn't decline." She shrugged.

"Because maybe I wanted to be there. Why we can't just be friends with benefits?"

"Don't you have enough of those?"

"One more won't hurt."


I laughed. "I'm fucking with you baby don't hang up. And look who's talking Ms. I Like to Have my Options."

"Exactly, I like to have options, not be an option."

"Same here."

"Look we can hang out or whatever. I'll have Eva text you my number."

"Ok cool. I'll be busy the next couple days but hopefully we can link up after that."

"Same here and we'll see."

"Alright, can you do me favor though?"


"Let me see them titties."

"Boy no." She smiled.

"I know you wanna show me just from the face you made. Come on, let me see."

She exhaled while taking her straps off her shoulders. The top of her jumpsuit came down causing me to bite on my lip. She grabbed the left one then played with her nipple. Oh my god I can't wait to see her!

"You such a fucking freak." I said while grabbing my dick.

"Mmhm and you love it."

"No lies detected."

"I'm about to head back out there. I'll get your number out of her phone."

"Cool, Bye beautiful."

"Bye boo." She hung up the phone.

I exhaled and sat my phone next to me. A few minutes later her message came through.

Mya is in town...this gone be a good six months.

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