Blake's Twisted Fate (A Compl...

By gracemadden1234

535K 28.4K 877

Uploaded 02/09/2019 ⚠️Mature Content ⚠️Mature Language Dr. Blake Russo, newly divorced and ready to look for... More

⛔ Before You Read ⛔
Meeting Blake
Meet Henry Chapman
Come With Me Little Girl
Against His Will
House of Lorraine
The Wonderful Mr. Chapman
Doctor Blake
Lady Lorraine
The Death of Him
Game Changer
This Is Love
Lost In Her
Out Of The Bag
Damsel In Distress
Morning Love
The End
Haunting Me (Sneak Peek)
Thank You!


9.8K 538 4
By gracemadden1234

The plan to retrieve the girl was presented to Ivan as requested.  It'll take every available member, but it's his only option.

"Gear up." He instructed, and everyone scurried.  The man's presence is intimidating.  It's hard to believe he has ever loved, which is a fact he hides deep down inside.

He met Waverly as a child.  His mother was English, so upon his parent's divorce, he spent his formative years as a resident in Waverly's home.

His mother was one of the housekeepers, so he watched Waverly grow, they played together, and became friends, but he didn't compare to the rich boys Waverly hung around. 

They were close and he even got her first kiss, then he even took her virginity, but she went to college and met Maxwell.  His world was crushed, and he vowed to destroy Maxwell.

Waverly's death was on Maxwell's hands.  Ivan will not rest until he kills everything Maxwell loved.  Death was never a good enough revenge.

Ivan's son Adrian grew up under the wing of the left.  He knows his father's deep thirst for revenge, but Ivan will not allow him to fight.  Not tonight at least.

Henry and Blake enjoyed dinner with their family.  It's amazing nobody really argues after being held up in Henry's home for so long.

It's not gone unnoticed the looks the family gives Henry and Blake, which is because of the couple's earlier activities.  Mateo and Gina are happy their son's marriage is healthy, Alexander and Justine are just as guilty, and Jake is the only one left to feel uncomfortable with the couples obvious addiction to each other's bodies.  Although Jake understands because, after all the years he has been married, he still craves his gorgeous wife.

They laughed and joked like they had no cares in the world, but someone else will soon make his presence known.

Ivan is desperate to end this thirty-year battle he fights in his own mind.  He wants to vindicate his Waverly's death, which is because of one bloodline that needs to end.

He flicks his cigarette out of the window of the SUV he rides in, knowing they will soon make their destination.  He wants one thing, and that's to look into the grey eyes of Maxwell's daughter. 

Henry, in the meantime, takes a call from his former classmate at Oxford, so he steps outside while still under the guard of some of the worlds finest. 

Justine and Blake settle on the couch with the fetal heartbeat Doppler, and enjoy listening to the beat of a strong heartbeat. 

Now that Justine has finally found love, she can't help but envy her sister, and hopes she has a similar future with Alexander.

Justine hasn't had any luck with her DNA sample.  Just some distant relatives, so their narrowing down her search, and it will take a lot of research.

After what happened to her sister and the Romanov secret, she's no longer in such a hurry to find her biological family. 

She and Alexander have discussed her moving to London, but she's unsure about leaving her childhood home.  Time will tell what happens with their blooming love story.

A thud so loud it shook the house, had Justine and Blake jumping from the couch before they noticed a flash of lightning.

Henry ran inside to hide from the sudden storm and said goodbye to his old friend. 

He found Alexander pouring a drink in the den.

"How are things with Justine?" He pours a drink of his own.

"Absolutely perfect, she said the L-word." Alexander takes a drink with a smirk on his face.

"What will you do when she returns home after this mess?"   Henry knows his cousin is a dive in head first kind of guy.

"I never loved Ella at all I don't think, now that I've met Justine.  I can't allow her to return home."  He takes a seat, and Henry can tell he is troubled.

"Justine is reserved about a serious relationship?  She did say the L-word, so that's some kind of commitment."  Henry thinks he knows all about love.

"I'm terrified I will scare her off if I ask for more than she can give.  I don't think she has ever had a committed relationship."

"If she loves you, she won't have many reservations.  Just tell her what you told me, and let her move at what pace she is comfortable."

Blake asked Justine what she wants out of the relationship with Alexander.

Justine smiles nervously.  "Would you think I was crazy if I wanted everything?  I'm just worried he freaks out.  He has one divorce under his belt and he may be gun shy."

Blake laughs, "Alexander wants marriage and everything that comes with it, and he loves you.  Just talk to him and you'll find out he wants the same."  Somehow Henry and Blake have become love experts, but in reality, they are both parts of a love story that will run eternally. 

Alexander and Henry stood at the bar talking, when there was another thud, and suddenly, the men were blown off they're feet and glass shattered around them.  Alexander hit the ground with a grunt on top of a large shard of glass. Henry lands on his back and slides against the wall hitting his head severely against the wall. 

The last thing he heard before he passed out, was Alexander yelling his name and the girls screaming.  

Both girls ran into the den, and Blake goes right to Henry.  Alexander can't move because of the shard of glass piercing his side.

"Get in the safe room now!" Alexander screams, and Justine tries pulling Blake away from Henry. 

Suddenly, they heard a voice that sent chills down their spines.

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