Longer than Forever [ BLEACH...

By Stars_in___

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The very day I realized this mortal form of mine is ending soon, I let myself being blinded by the countless... More

Do You Know Me?
Toxic Relationship
Nostalgic, You
Pair of Shoes
Unwanted Memento
Between the Reconstruction
Before Love
Avoidance of Wrongdoing, Sphatika
Golden Faith Suvarna
The Pact of The Survivor
Hougyoku, Before Madness
Critical Moon
Those Which Bound
Cuckoo Party
Capable of Love
Beginning of Separation
At The Last Laugh
The Angelic Seal
First Kiss First Goodbye
The Fire Which Burnt The Witch
Falling and Falling and Love
Carnelian Stone
Sword Flower
The Name is Houtsuki
" Vaidūrya, Let Us be Hidden "
Another Kind of Atonement
Home of Karma
Rest in Heaven
Your Home


263 14 2
By Stars_in___

3 more days will be the scheduled second operation. When I'll go for a whole day, I wish I could leave Houtsuki with Urahara-san. However, I know it will come with great risk—both in my situation and the captains.

The Seireitei hasn't fully recovered yet after 2 months from the battles with Yhwach. When seen from the highest building in the first division, there are still some spots that is completely destroyed. Their manpower is also only slightly increased by the captains power to help the country recovery.

I don't even need to do the math, I can tell right away it will take years to fully recovered. It's already a good thing that they can build back each of their divisions building.

" Three days more and I'll have my second surgery, after that, the next month I can finally meet Sousuke-San. "
I commented on myself as I try to eat the prepared porridge as my breakfast.

" That is a good news, congratulation Hasu. "
Sitting across me, he bowed lightly.

" Sheesh, no need to lower your head. Just a congratulation is enough. However, I cannot leave you alone, can I? "
I raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

" I won't do anything and even if someone will do something to me, I can pro—"

" I know I know, but what I meat was, I don't want you to just sit idly and doing nothing. I want you to have fun. "
Clapping my hands in front of the bowl while saying my thanks for the food, I drag myself away from the dirty bowl to the edge of the room.

" Fun? "
Without even looking at the boy, I can already tell what kind of expression he wears.

" Choose your own way of having fun, Houtsuki. That's within the freedom you choose. "

" ...unfortunately I do not have any knowledge of what is having fun. But I will try my best on finding it... "

Hearing that makes me feel guilty now. But I couldn't just help myself from smiling with a hopeless sigh. He awfully reminds me a lot of my past self.

The me when I just met Sousuke-San, I almost don't know anything that is related to my own choice.

" I'll help you out with finding it. How about I show you one of my way of having fun? Maybe you'll get the gist of it. But don't expect too much, okay? Everyone have their own sense of having fun, that's what Sousuke-San tell me. "

" Alright, I'll be sure to learn it. "

One of my way of having fun... hmm... ah yes, violin.

It has been so long since I played them. I always adore music and literature, I even thought of wanting to get serious on them and work in a field where related to them. But I guess I have to let go of that dream now...

To only play them freely just like what I want like this, is already more than enough.

" Iohita Muktika. "
I said the prayer, but...

" Huh? Nothing happened? "

The sand didn't turn into anything concrete anymore just like before. Did I say the wrong spell?

" You are unable to use my power anymore since I separate my body from you. I'm the one one who can use my own holy defense power. Whilst you are the only one who can use your own holy offense power. "

Ahh... if it's something that important he should have told me right awa... lucky me I found it when I was about to make a violin with the iohita muktika power. If we were somewhat in the middle of a fight, it will be another different sad story.

" When will I get my own power though? "

" You already have them inside your soul. However, it still not awakened yet. "

" And... how do I awaken them? "

" You will need something of like a trigger. It's not within your conscious, the trigger will only be pulled when your Hougyoku soul feel menaced. "

" Hmm... that will be distressing... "
I look at my palm and think, in what kind of situation where I'll pull out my own power with great threats from others?

" I can make something for you and since it will be my own body who use the power, it will have much greater effect than the previous. "

" Oh is that so? Then... I want you to make me a violin. "

" Via...Lin? "

"... pfft, ahaha, so you don't know what it is, huh? Oh dear, silly me... of course you wouldn't know something as unnecessary as that. "

"... you can transfer me the image in your mind so I can make it for you. "

" Huh? That's convenient! You should've told me sooner, sheesh. Well, how do I transfer it? "

" Place your forehead on mine, then imagine the shape of what you want, what kind of thing it is, the length, width, and sound. "

"... alright, I'll try. "

No matter how hard I try to remember my beloved violin, in the end those memories will sipped through my subconscious...


When I was 7th... the violin was the only thing I have and I open my heart to.

" As expected from Yurie's daughter, my grand daughter is perfect at everything—no, she must be perfect at everything. "
Clapping hands from the unexpected spectator, it was not meant for me—rather for himself.

Those stern face that only smile for his pride, my grandfather from mother's side was a prideful admiral in the military. I'm the only child from his daughter.



" Imouto ( younger sister ), violin suits you better than claiming the top chairman. You are three years younger than me, the third child, yet you have three times better luck than me...Ah, but your mother is the third wife as well right? Heh... you really are the odd one. "
Laugh twisted with envy and incompetence, was my second older brother's speciality.

As if we're in a game, being the first is the best, being the last is the worst. But being second? It's neither a win nor a lost. It was just an extra number to fill the gap. He's always the second best.



" Hasu, the violin distracting those who wants to concentrate on their studies. Play somewhere else. "
Father is never wrong, what he said is always based on a fact.

He is always right, and perhaps that's the reason I get left. Jokes on this world.




" Hasu, you play so beautifully. Mother is pleased, but you always play a sad tone. Mother believe, father will be more pleased if you play a happier tone. "
Not for the sake of me, but for father. Wanting to get attention and affection from him, by using me.

Whilst me never get attention and affection from her, she squished dry my attention and affection for father. She always wore make up, even to her bed. The make up she used, was me.


" Iohita Muktika. "

I never thought, hearing Houtsuki said it himself this close, can be really mystical.

Suddenly the sands from the garden starts to fly and make a flow towards Houtsuki's hand. I pull myself away from him and observe the situation. It's somewhat... feels really different when Houtsuki the one who say the spell.

The sand began to form like the violin I was thinking—even to the strings and the bow. I almost forgot that anything made by iohita muktika will be made from pearls. So although this violin has the same thickness as any good violin, I know for sure that this is made of pearls.

" It's beautiful, white colored pearl violin, yet reflected rainbows when touched by the sunlight. "

I try to play a string and the sounds is ... just like my old violin... I see... this is my violin. The only violin I ever have.

" I'll play you a song and show you this is how I have fun, Houtsuki. "

I will play... anything I want, anything my heart desire. Nothing... can tell me what to play anymore.

Will you be able to hear this someday, Sousuke-San?

[ Well, you may play the video if you want for the end of this chapter. ]


Well well well! Hello everyone! Seems like you all have been waiting for this slow-plot story getting serious huh? Just wait for the next chapter, cus it will be filled with.... AHEM



P.s be ready.

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