Passion on Display [KiriBaku]

By TheAlmondKing

282K 9.4K 15.4K

[Complete!] Hero Development Day is upon the students of UA High! Visiting heroes from around the world come... More

A Long Bus Ride
Cheeks as Red as His Eyes
Gay Panic
An Urgent Need [NSFW]
Worse Than A Villian
Curry Therapy
An Invitation
What to Wear?
Table for Two
A Stereotypical Ferris Wheel
A Little Bit of Pocky
Dominance [NSFW]
Hitting the Showers
Fury in His Eyes
Time to Face the Music
Plans by Bedside
Building Up to Break Down
Classmate Confessions
Cafeteria Chaos
Partners [NSFW]

The Dream

28.6K 605 774
By TheAlmondKing

Kirishima felt an unfamiliar sense of longing as he stood beside the enormous dance floor. The room was elegant and decorated in bright golds and deep maroons.

Filling the floor were what seemed like hundreds of finely dressed individuals, all swaying together in time to the swelling of the music.

A sudden strong hand on his shoulder brought a noise of surprise from his lips as he turned to see who had grabbed him. Piercing red eyes and ash blonde hair gazed down at him intensely and Kirishima felt a heat rise in his cheeks.

"Dance with me, Eijiro." The gruff voice demanded, pulling him onto the floor. And with that, he found himself swaying in time to soft music, firm but gentle arms holding him close. Bakugo gazed down at him, leaning his face closer to his so that their lips were mere inches away.

Kirishima felt an odd sensation burning in his chest as he closed his eyes, leaning up and pressing his lips gently against Bakugo's.


Kirishima's alarm clock screamed to life and the groggy redhead groaned at the sunlight flickering into his eyes. Slowly, he sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"What time is it?"
He grumbled, leaning over to read the time on the clock. He started awake at the numbers. How long had that been going off?!

"Crap! I'm going to be late!"
Kirishima scrambled to his feet, skidding quickly over to his dresser and grabbing his uniform. As he pulled his legs into the pant legs he could feel an uncomfortable tightness. He had a matter to attend to before he could get to class. As he stepped into his bathroom he could hear muffled speaking from outside the door. The rest of his floor seemed to already be started on their day.


Finally stepping outside of his room, Kirishima moved quickly to the stairs. Half running, he made it to the kitchen area, snatching a bagel and hurling himself through the front door of the building. When Kirishima finally got to the classroom, he felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him. The class turned in his direction, already seated and silent. He found his eyes drifting towards Bakugo and his blush deepened. Good, he thought as he glanced at the moody blonde who was staring out the window. At least he hasn't noticed.

"Kirishima." Mr. Aizawa's gaze was steely, "Get to your seat."

Nodding silently, Kirishima slunk to his desk and Mr. Aizawa turned his attention back to the class.

"Now, as I was saying, today is a very important day for U.A. High School and I expect you all to do your very best. As I told you last week, we will be attending Hero Development Day. Pro Heroes from around the world will be visiting to aide hero course students from all around Japan in competitive events and teaching sessions."

The class erupted into excited chattering until Mr. Aizawa's angry glare silenced the room once more.

"We will be heading out to the buses at 11:00. I will release you beforehand to change into your hero costumes as we won't have time to change once we arrive. For the next few hours I will be going over the assignments we had as homework as well as some new material."

Kirishima relaxed and reached into his backpack for his homework.

"Why were you so late Kiri?" A familiar voice trilled quietly from in front of him.

"Huh? Oh! Hi Mina, I just slept through my alarm."

Thinking back to his dream he felt his cheeks burn. Quickly, he pulled his notebook onto his desk and buried his face in it, ignoring Mina's curious glance.


By the time 11:00 came around, the class seemed ready to burst. Iida directed everyone to the correct bus and Kirishima sat down quietly by the window. All throughout class he had struggled to focus. He hadn't been able to stop himself from thinking back to his dream. The music, the look in Bakugo's eyes, his supple lips. Kirishima shuddered at the memory, a hot stirring in his stomach flustering him as he leaned his head heavily into the window.

This is going to be a long day.

"Oi, Shitty Hair."
Kirishima startled upright to see Bakugo sit in the seat next to him.
"What are you moping about?"
He grunted, his crimson eyes regarding him curiously.

"Ah! Uh, Bakugo. I was just, uh, just daydreaming, I suppose." Eijiro stammered nervously scratching the back of his neck. Bakugo raised an eyebrow and leaned back in his seat. The bus was beginning to get more crowded as students found seats and chattered amongst one another.
"And all through class too?"
The words caught the redhead off guard. Had Bakugo been watching him?

"Haha, yeah man. I didn't really sleep well last night."

Bakugo gazed at him evenly and it was under the watch of those deep crimson eyes that Kirishima's stomach erupted into butterflies. They were sitting so close together that Kirishima could smell the sugary scent Bakugo had to him, and the way he was staring at him made Kirishima feel like a bug under a magnifying glass.

As though he were back in his dream, he felt his attention being drawn to Bakugo's lips. They looked so soft, and Kirishima felt a yearning to touch and explore them with his own. Bringing his eyes back up to Bakugo's he was startled to see a light blush on the boy's face, as though he had been reading his mind. As quickly as it was there it disappeared and with a clearing of his throat, Bakugo turned his attention to his phone.

Hey there everyone and thanks for reading! This is my first fanfiction and I'm so excited to share more with you all! It's starting out a little slow but it gets better for sure~ ;)

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