The Nerd and the Bad boy(UNDE...

By burself

1.3M 38.6K 4.1K

Mia Swift is a socially awkward nerd who's never kissed a guy or let alone done anything adventurous in her e... More

The Nerd and The Bad Boy
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
A/N -Aaaaahmazing Newssss!
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!?!
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
This is for a wonderful supporter :)
Chapter 50
New Year's Resolution

Chapter 40

16.5K 539 94
By burself


"Recently, Life in Muerte Mundo, is really bad. Being it the center hell and heaven came --"

"Woah woah woah, center of what?"

"Between Hell and heaven. The death world. It has pretty much everything. Witches, Vampires, Werwolves, Demons, Angels, Hybrids, and even Specials. Specials are humans that have certain supernatural powers for reasons we are still unknown. The-- you look a little sick love." Kyle says looking at me with concern.

"I mean, wow. There's a lot of, wow."  I breath.

"Okay, listen. Everything you've ever heard about supernaturals--like in bedtime stories, friends, novels, etc- forget about it. Forget every single of ounce of common sense you have. Then this will be a whole lot easier for you love. Okay?"

"Uh, okay... Um, love?"

Kyle laughs. "So Muerte Mundo is a place where we all coincide in. We all live, prosper, love, learn, cry, together. It was a beautiful place that only supernatural creatures live in. Only living supernaturals though. Dead ones go to hell or heaven depending on what they did throughout their lives. Do you understand so far?"

"Yeah. But, Jason told me that Muerte Mundo is a really bad place."

"I'm getting to it love." Kyle chuckles. "Be patient."

I nod.

"So, recently, bad things started happening in Muerte. The supernaturals started turning on each other. It was weird because of how well we live despite our worlds name. Rumor has it that a stronger force is the cause of it. They're called The Seven , which is just a fancier way kd saying the council.

He continues "The Seven are a group of the 7 most extremely strong supernatural creatures in the world. They have a marking on some part of their wrist which distinguishes them as one of The Seven. The mark is their number. 7 being the weakest and 1 being the strongest. But the really weird thing, is that it's unlike The Seven, was disbanded years before I was born. What I don't understand is, why haven't they killed everyone already. As they do kill, and they put their number on the dead body for show. So what Jason and I believe is that there's an even stronger force that's bargaining with The Seven to cause destruction. This could potentially destroy all of Muerte.

"Bargaining what?"

"Most likely, Their lives."


"Not the exact reaction I thought you'd have, but Jason did tell me you're a little odd." Kyle laughs.

"Ha ha." I nervously laugh.

"Anyways, each supernatural has special powers. For example, demons can fly, knock someone without doing anything, depending on certain circumstances, and speak into your mind, and they're very powerful."

Oh, wow. That's certainly, normal. "What circumstances."  I ask.

"How weak the other person is."


"Angels mostly have the same powers as demons. The only significant difference based out appearance is angels are white and demons are black."

"Vampires can move extremely quick, are pretty strong, hate the sun and drink blood. Pretty much what you read in stories but there's no garlic or church thing."

"Oh, duh." I sarcastically say earning a laugh from Kyle.

"Werwolves, are dog like creatures who have mates, run extremely quickly, and there bite is venomous to vampires."

"Okay. What else?"

"Witches, are well witches. Magic users. There natures baby, almost. They can control earth, fire, water, air, but at a limit. Being closely related to nature, they're powerful."

"Hybrids, let me guess." I say. "Are mixes of these."

"Correct." He smiles. "And specials are just humans that posses a few supernatural abilities."

"See legend says Vampires hate Werwolves, Angels hate Demons, vise versa. Witches hate Vampires, everyone hates Specials, hybrids are just there. 


"Any questions?"

"What are you?"

Kyle smiles. "Guess."

"Angel." I answer.

Kyle looks shocked for a second. "How?"

"You just seem like one. I don't know, lucky guess?" I scratch the back of my neck.

"Wow. Lucky guess indeed love. You're absolutely right."

I smile. "Yeah one more thing. Why the hell am I here?"

"Uh, you see, because of your relationship with Jason--"

"What relationship?!"

"--friendship." He corrects.



I scoff.

"Acquaintanceship." He adamantly says. " The council, the corrupted council-- most likely done by The Seven-- wants you."

"Wants me what?"

"Dead? I don't know."

Dead? I shiver. "So this is all because of Jason." I say nodding my head.

"I wouldn't say--"

"Oh you don't have to. I just did."

Kyle sighs. "Stubborn and childish."

"I am not!"  


Kyle chuckles. "Of course not."

"So, what did I miss?" Jason says walking in the room.

"I hate you."

Jason laughs. "Looks like I didn't miss much."

"Hey Kyle, I could really use something to eat."

"Sure. Let's all eat. And then we can talk about the arrangements."

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