A Beautiful Mistake

By _letmekissyounialler

74.1K 1K 131

Katherine Carter was your average 16 year old. Except for the fact that her parents died when she was 12 and... More

Pinky Promise
New Home
One Direction Are Vacationing Where?
The Five Boys Next Door
The Box of Carrots
Better Luck Next Time
Best Friends?
Getting Their Numbers
Going for a Swim
That's One For Twitter
The Not So Girls Day
Bring It, Curly
Disneyland with the Boys
Under the Castle
He's Said What???
Singing and Sluts
Chocolate Chip Pancakes and the Beach
The Truth Comes Out
Killer Spiders
Ass of Holes
Movie Premiere
He'll Keep You Safe
Stupid Ex Boyfriend
Hospital on Fourth of July
Hearts Break. Circles go on Forever
Niall's Grand Slam
Heart to Heart with Zayn Malik
Niall Makes Me Fall
Good Night Kiss
Destructive Cookie Sheets
And So It Begins
What Are You Doing Here?
Can't Breathe
Goodbyes and New Beginnings?
Shopping Spree pt. 1
Shopping Spree pt. 2
The Fun and Only
Down Right Cruel
A Fish Without Eyes
Zayn gets his Trousers Twisted
Annoying Buzz
Three Days
Payback is a Bitch

Last Day

1K 12 2
By _letmekissyounialler


"Thanks." I say as Niall gives me a hug.

"For what?" Niall pulls away slightly to see my face.

"For tonight. I had fun." I flash him a smile.

Niall chuckles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "See you tomorrow!"

**Two weeks later**

Well, let me tell you a story about a girl and a boy. He fell in love with his bestfriend. When she's around he's fells nothing but joy-

I lifted my head up from my pillow, searching for my phone. When I found it I slid the button at the bottom and pressed it to my ear, "Hello." I already knew it was Niall, I set that as his ringtone after our date.

"Oh sorry.. Were you sleeping?" Niall asks worridly. 

I chuckle, "No, I was sky diving! Not to sound mean but why are you calling me at," I look over at the clock on my night stand. "8 in the morning!? This better be good 'cause I only have two days of summer left you know! I would like to sleep in."

I hear his cute laugh, "Alright you can go back to sleep..."

"Thank the lord-"

"But then you can't spend the day with me, the lads or Erika and Jade." I swear I could almost hear his smirk. 

I roll my eyes even though he can't see me. "And what exaclty are we going to do on this fine day?"

"Well that is for me to know and you to find out!" Niall teases. "So get yourself out of bed!!!"

"Do I have to..............." I whine. It's fun messing with him!

"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Niall screams. I quickly move my phone from my ear. Then he starts talking more quietly. "We leave tomorrow morning.."

I sigh, "Yes, I know. I didn't mean it like that. When do I have to be ready?"

"9:00 sharp!" He shouts cheerfully. 

"Alright. What do I-" The line went dead. Great, so I now I have no idea what to wear. I'll go see what Erika and Jade are wearing.. I hop out of bed and jog down the stairs. Erika and Jade were still in their PJ's. 

Erika turns her attention from the TV to me, "SHE LIVES!!!!"

I roll my eyes, "What are we supposed to wear??? I tried asking Niall but her hung up on me...."

Jade shrugged, "I don't know. Casual?" 

"Alright." I nod as I make my way to the pantry. I was about to open it but Erika jumps in front of me. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Erika, what the hell!?"

"DON'T EAT YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screams.

"But I'm hungry!!!" I shout back. I hear Jade laughing her ass off in the living room.

"The boys said they're taking us to breakfast!" Erika gives me a 'duh' look.

I give it right back, "Well how was I supposed to know!?"

"I don't know." Erika shrugs and walks back to living room. I let out a giggle. What am I going to do with this girl? 

"Well I'm going to get dressed." I say as I check the time. 8:25. "We have to be ready by 9:00!" 

Erika and Jade sprint from the couch and up the stairs. You wouldn't even know they were here two seconds ago! I shake my head as I jog back up the stairs. I changed into a floral top with shorts and red Toms. I did my usual make up, mascara and lip gloss. I brushed out my hair, deciding to leave it natural. I checked the time on my phone, 8:45. As if right on cue, I hear Erika and Jade banging on my door shouting things that I could not understand. 

I swung open my door, "May I help you?"

"Erika doesn't know what shoes to wear." Jade said, sounding a bit frustrated. 

"What about the Toms Louis got you?" I asked. 

"Oh yeah. I didn't even look at those yet!!" Erika ran back to her room while Jade and I stayed at my door. A few seconds after she entered her room, we heard a loud girly scream. 

"OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT THE TOMS LOUIS GOT ME!" Erika shoved her Toms in our faces. They were blue with something about the mockingjay pin on one and the quote, 'May the odds be ever in your favor.' on the other. "LOOK AT THEM!!!! DO YOU SEE THEM!? LOOK!!!"

"ERIKA!" I shouted. She stopped bouncing up and down. "We see!!! Those are amazing. Are you gonna put them on?"

"Am I gonna put them on? HELL YES I'M GOING TO PUT THEM ON!" Erika grabs my shoulder for support while she puts on her Toms. As she was putting on the other one, the door bell rang. "I'LL GET IT!!!!" Erika slips her foot in and sprints down the stairs. Jade and I follow quickly behind her. Erika threw open the door revealing Harry and Zayn first. Erika pushed past them towards Louis who was practically off the porch. Erika grabbed Louis giving him the biggest hug I've ever seen her give. 

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! LOUIS YOU ARE FREAKIN' AMAZING!!!!" Erika shouted. Louis laughed while he hugged her back. I wonder if Louis got Jade and I special Toms.... I would check but, I'm starving!

I take a slight step foward, "Sorry to ruin your.... whatever it is you guys are doing, but I'm starving! Let's go!!" 

"See!?" Niall shouts at Zayn. "She gets it!!"

I raise an eyebrow, "Did I miss something?"

Niall laughs, "Let's go!"


"So how did you guys find this place?" Jade asks as we sit down at our table. We were at this little hole in the wall kind of place called Lizzie's. It was real cute actually. There were no tables available inside since it was so small, so were sitting outside. We're in the old part of the city so there wasn't any crazy fans really. 

"Paul was checking out of his hotel so he can be with us at the house tonight and he over heard two ladies talking about this place in the lobby." Liam explains. "So he went over to them and asked them about it."

Louis picks up the menu, "Yeah, they say it's supposed to be really good."

"I'll be the judge of that." Niall says as he opens up his menu. It gets somewhat quiet while we all look at the menu. Except for Louis and Harry whispering and giggling behind the menu that Harry is holding in front of their faces. 

"Hello there!" An older women approached our table with a notepad in her hand a pen behind her ear. She had glasses and short light brown hair. She had a Texas accent also."My name is Colleen and I'll be your server this morning. What can I get ya'll to drink?" 

The boys, Erika, and Jade ordered their drinks and tha left me last. "I'll just have water." 

 Colleen wrote it down on her notepad and walked inside. 

"Just water?" Zayn stares at me. "Not milk or Orange juice?"

"Nope." I say popping the 'P' "Just water."

"Alrighty then," Colleen comes back to our table holding one of those huge things that a waitor uses to carry plates or drinks. I forgot the name, but she had one of those with all our drinks on it. "Here are your drinks. Are ya'll ready to order?"

I look around the table. Liam, Harry, Erika, and Jade looked ready. Louis was still scanning over the menu. Zayn didn't look too sure about what ever he was thinking. Niall was staring at the menu like this was the hardest desicion of his life. 

"I think we'll need a few more minutes." I say to Colleen trying to hold in my giggles.

After about 10 minutes of arguing about the food Niall finally decided. Colleen came back ready to take our orders. I feel sorry for this lady already. Niall ended up last, thank God.

"What can I get you, sweetheart?" She asks Niall.

Here we go... Niall opens up his menu. "I'll have the Bacon Omelette-"

"Okay, I'll get that right out to you." Colleen says. Ha, she thinks he's finished!

"I'm not done yet! I'll have the omelette, a side of toast, hasbrowns, two pancakes, and a banana nut muffin." Niall smiles as he hands her the menu.

"Quite an appetite you got there." Colleen smiles back. She takes our menus and goes back inside to place the orders. 

 "So what's your first stop?" I ask no one in particular. 

"Las Vegas!" Louis shouts.

I faceplam myself, "Oh God..." When I look up Louis and Harry high five each other "NO STRIP CLUBS!!!"

 Harry pouted, "But-"

"No! What if the media got a photo of you guys in a club with a stripper giving you a lap dance." I got him there. He stopped pouting and nodded. "Directioners wouldn't be too happy, now would they?"

Harry looked like a little kid after his mom just told him he couldn't get any candy. It was adorable! "Yeah, I guess you're right." Harry sighs.

"Don't you forget it!" I reach across the table and pat his head. "What's after that?"

"Somewhere in Arizona." Niall answers thoughtfully. He scrunches his eyebrows together. He's thinking hard. "I forgot the name though..."

"I'm going to miss you guys..." Erika says quietly with a sad smile.

"Me too!" Jade joins in. "A semester is a long time..."

I was about to join in too, but Zayn waves his hand telling us to stop. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! No goodbyes yet! We still have a whole day ahead of us! Let's enjoy it without getting all emotional."

"Zayn is right. Trust me, after breakfast this will be the best day ever!!" Niall laughs.

I elbow him slightly, "Can you tell us where we're going??"

"Nope." Niall smiles at me before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I hope this day doesn't go by too fast. I don't want them to leave yet. Sure, it's only for a semester, but I'm going to miss them so much. Seeing them everyday, getting into some crazy shit, laughing like I've never laughed before. I'm going to miss that, but I can't think about that now. I just have to enjoy the time I have left with them.


Here it is!!! Hope you enjoyed it. I am so so so so SOOOOOO sorry I haven't updated in 123456789 years. I really hope it was worth the wait though? Maybe? Okay. 

I have no idea when I'll update again to be honest. I start school tomorrow plus I have cheer now. So yea. I'm not sure. I will work on the chapters as much as I can, okay? 

Katie's outfit - http://www.polyvore.com/katie_casual/set?id=57650942

Erika's outfit - http://www.polyvore.com/erika_casual/set?id=57653158

Jade's outfit - http://www.polyvore.com/jade_casual/set?id=57648412

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