Life in Color ✔️

By Honey_Money_

13.7M 504K 338K

Book 1 in the "Life in-" series Scarlett Rain Rhodes is just like every other 17 year old high school Junior... More

Master Reading List
Hello Readers
1~ Struggle Bussin'
2~ Sweetheart
3~My Stalker
4~ Water Break
6~Say Cheese
7~ Cheesecake
8~ Oblivious
9~ Lazy Day
10~ The Breakup
11~ Bro Code
12~ Adrenaline Rush
13~ Alien
14~ Cutie
16~ Kool Aid
17~ Walmart
18~ Wet
19~ Disappointment
20~ Thirteen
21~ Puzzle
22~ Snowball
23~Ho Ho Ho
24~ Christmas
25~ Fake Snow
26~ Pretzels
27~ Hell
28~ Ashton
29~ Great
30~ I'm Sorry
32~ Change
33~ Coffee
34~ Charming
35~ Valentines
36~ Ticklish
37~ Hickey
38~ Out
39~ Decisions
40~ Tired
41~ People
42~ Chaos
44~ One Week
45~ Bennett
46~ Play Ball
47~ Birthday
49~ Satisfactory
50~ Fear
51~ Help
52~ Potential
53~ Stubborn
54~ Angels
56~ Future
57~ Gentle
58~ Mine
59~ No Idea
60~ Colorful
Epilouge~ Ashlett
Sequals & Spinoffs
Bonus~ Surprise
Bonus~ One Year
Bonus ~ Wish

55~ Dork

145K 6.1K 2.4K
By Honey_Money_

My life honestly couldn't be any better.

Sage and I walk down the hallway Monday morning, smiles stuck on our faces. Actually, I don't think we've stopped smiling all weekend. We experienced the worst pain imaginable just to finally find peace. Our friends are gathered around our lockers, everyone wearing frowns except for Ashton.

"Good morning." I chirp, wrapping my arms around Ashton.

He smiles, kissing my forehead. "Good morning."

The group just stares at me, Ella jumps when Sage pulls her in for a hug. Their eyes dart between the two of us, waiting to see who will crumble first.

"Are you okay?" Gabe finally asks, pressing his hand against my forehead.

Rolling my eyes, I swat his hand away. "We're completely fine."

I don't think it's possible to be any better. They share a concerned look, the panic evident on their faces.

"So did everything work out with custody?" Stella questions.

Sage and I laugh, "Oh, God no. It was the most painful thing I've ever experienced."

There's an awkward pause of silence and I glance back up at Ashton. We haven't seen each other since Friday night. I spent all weekend either in meetings with Dave or over at Ricardo's house.

It was nice to reconnect with them but I missed him.

Finally, Zev clears his throat. "Okay, drop the act. What the hell is going on?"

"Nothing." I assure them.

"But, Scar, you said everything went terrible." Ella corrects me.

"It did." Sage agrees, pecking her cheek. He winces slightly as she rests her head on his chest.

"But don't worry, I have a feeling everything will work out just the way it's supposed to." I tell them, a smile on my face.

Gabe's face instantly lights up, a knowing look replacing his concern. "Good, I'm glad to hear that."

I figured he would be. I'll wait till later to beat him up for gossiping about me. Emmy and Manny already knew the main details of my life, and the embarrassing ones. At first, I was humiliated but then I realized it was just his way of helping. He was their eyes and ears while I was away. That doesn't mean I don't plan on getting payback.

"Okay then, have you heard the news?" James asks, changing the topic much to his girlfriends dismay.

Sage and I share a look, "What news?"

Ella flings her phone in my face, "You're Twitter famous."

Pulling the phone from her hand, I find three pictures of Ashton and I on the screen. There's us at the football game before we kissed, us right after he caught me at the basketball game, and one of him spinning me around after his first baseball game. I take note of the thousands of retweet's and likes it's gotten before reading the caption.

Why carry the weight of a team when I already hold my world in my arms?

I roll my eyes at his cheesiness as the warning bell rings. Everyone heads off to class but I hold Ashton back, wanting to spend a moment alone before we go to class.

"I missed you." I admit, two days was a break but I'm talking about all of last week.

I'm definitely low on Ashton time.

"Of course you did." He smirks, "That's what all the ladies say."

I flick his nose playfully. I even missed his arrogance, not that I'd willingly admit that. Instead, I pretend to ignore him, walking towards class. He chases after me, accidentally running into a few kids in the process.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He whispers in my ear once he catches up, purposely making sure his lips brush against my skin.

"What?" I ask calmly, not falling for his trick even though I have goosebumps on my arms.

"I love you."

A smile works its way onto my face as I look at him. Forever blown away by the look on his face when he says those words. "I love you too. But really, Twitter?"

He shrugs, mindful of my back as he throws his arm over my shoulders. "What can I say, I was in a pretty good mood."

Of course he was, I didn't miss the date. He posted the tweet right after he dropped me off at home Friday night. Someone was in more than a good mood.

"You're such a dork." I tease.

Ashton pulls me close, "But I'm your dork."

I laugh, I guess he is.


After school, I find myself knocking on Ms. Millers classroom door. I didn't expect to be nervous but my palms begin to sweat and my stomach is suddenly queasy.

The door opens and she freezes, clearly not expecting to see me on the other side. She lets me in and I begin to fidget with my necklace. I spent all of first period avoiding her, trying to make myself as little as possible. John didn't tell me I had to apologize but I need to.

"I'm sorry." I tell her, forcing myself to look her in the eyes.

I can do this.

"Scarlett, honey, you don't have to-" she tries to stop me, reaching her hand out before thinking better of it. I wonder what else she knows about me, what tells she's picked up.

"No, I do." I assure her. "The things I said to you last week were uncalled for and for that I am sorry. I'm also sorry for not reacting better to you dating my uncle. John is the closest thing I have to a father and I want nothing more than for him to be happy."

"I know that." She says and I know she genuinely means it.

"You make him happy. I was just so caught up in my own mess that I didn't even think about that. Thank you for making him happy."

I was excited John had somebody until I learned who it was. It was immature of me, even though I would've preferred to have found out in a different way. She cared enough to drive two hours just to be with him.

To be with us.

She didn't even know Saffron but she still showed up, ready to help in any way possible. I've never been kind to this woman, even as she began to lighten up. She has received nothing but attitude and sass and, yet, she still came.

Ms. Miller isn't a she demon of a teacher, she's a human being.

Reaching into my back pack, I pull out my essay, now finished. "I'm sorry for not doing my project. After receiving a lecture from John on how my college fund couldn't go to waste and the importance of bettering myself, I redid it. I understand if you choose to make any deductions for it being late."

She takes it from me, flipping through the pages. I'm expecting her to dismiss me or even throw the paper away but instead she smiles. "Was it a painful lecture?"

"The worst." I confirm, a small smile working its way onto my face. I've never seen Uncle John so agitated in my life, there were lists of benefits and reasons to go reiterated a thousand different ways and that was after I already agreed to Ricardo's deal.

I would've been annoyed but he was just worried. I never took the time to consider what promises he's fulfilling for our parents. Or what the weight of those promises did to him.

She grins, "Then I think that was punishment enough, I can only imagine the long winded rant he went on since I heard the first draft."

It feels weird to be laughing with my teacher but all I can imagine is my uncle taking pointers on how to better lecture me. What a loser.

After a moment I go to leave, not knowing what else to say. I've given my apology and she doesn't owe me anything.

"Scarlett, I'm proud of you." She says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I freeze, surprised to hear such kind words from her. "Thank you."

And then I do the unimaginable, I hug Ms. Miller. It's quick but as we pull apart I can't help but feel like our relationship has changed.

I think I could get used to spending more time with her.


The girls and I are sitting on my bed, getting some much needed girl time as we pick out our prom hair and make up. A week ago the thought of prom was stupid but now I'm more excited than ever.

After all, I've got a pretty hot date.

"I'm sorry for constantly cutting you two out when things get tough." I randomly say as Ella shows my a picture of a potential hair style.

I wasn't planning on having this conversation tonight but ever since my chat with Ms. Miller, I feel the need to be open. The weekend also allowed me to have plenty of reflection and boy, did I need it. They share a look, sad smiles on their faces as they set their phones down.

"Scarlett, we understand." Ella says, grabbing my hand.

"You're so tough, if anything, I'm sorry we never did more to help you." Stella adds, moving to hug me.

"No, you two always helped. I never thanked you both for helping. For taking care of Saffron whenever I need the help and for always trying I treat me like a normal person." I counter, fighting the urge to hit them with a pillow. Why do they feel the need to always be so nice?

I begin to tear up, so many emotions demanding to be felt but I just don't have the words. "You'll never know how thankful I am for you two."

Two years of bringing us food. Helping me with homework when I didn't have it in me to try. For never getting upset when I shut down or snapped. Taking my hateful comments with a grain of salt because they knew I didn't mean it. They gave me everything when I had nothing and I took it for granted.

"Scarlett, I love you." Ella cries, joining our hug.

"You're pretty great." Stella agrees, trying to hide her own tears.

We sit there on my bed for a while, holding each other as we cry. Ashton might be my number one but I'll always have time for my girls.

After a while, Ella clears her throat. "While we're on the topic of emotional situations there's something I should say."

Stella and I both stare at her, waiting for her news.

"Mom and Dad are separating." She gets out, her face crumbling after a poor attempt to seem unbothered.

My heart stops as I pull her close, I noticed something was wrong and I didn't say anything. But, then again, I never imagined they would separate.

"When did you find out?" Stella asks, trying to focus on the facts.

It takes a moment for Ella to calm herself down. "Unofficially, last night. I heard them arguing, they've been doing that a lot these past few months. I brushed it off as nothing new and went to go get a snack. They flat out said they didn't want to be married anymore and worked out all the details right there... completely unaware that I was right down the hall."

Her sobs shake her body, her thin frame no match for her tremors. We're left speechless, there's no right thing to say.

"They were so calm, handling the entire situation like a business transaction. You would've never been able to tell they were ever married, had a kid." She spits out, completely disgusted by their behavior.

She's not just upset, she's angry. Ella never gets angry, always trying to find the positive side of life.

"I love you more than you could ever know, Ella Marie. " I tell her, knowing my love is the only true thing I have to offer. Kind lies won't do her any good, after all, they never helped me. "My house is always open to you no matter the time or day."

What would it be like to have parents that no longer love each other? My parents are dead but my memories are all happy.

She looks at me, her face red and splotchy as a new wave of tears form. "I'm so sorry."

I blink incredulously. "What do you have to apologize for?"

She tries to form words but more sobs come out instead. Taking a breath to collect herself she tires again. "Because you don't even have parents any more and I'm complaining that mine are divorcing. They're still alive."

Ella has always been so selfless, now isn't the time to think about me. "You are allowed to be upset. Your life is different from mine and this is something that will hurt you. Don't let feeling bad for me get in the way of your healing."

She nods her head weakly and I begin to braid her hair back, a technique that tends to work on Saffron.

"Just promise me you won't forget to love them, no matter how hard it can be." I add softly.

All too often I see kids take their parents for granted. Hell, I even took advantage of my parents love till the day the died and it still haunts me. She can't let this ruin that relationship.

She doesn't say anything else, the violent sobs easing into a soft cry. Stella and I sit there, stuck with no where to go as our best friend clings to us for dear life.

"I guess everything is changing." She whispers, sending a sympathetic look to Ella.

"I guess so." I agree.

Relationships. Custody. Families. Bonds are being built and broken everywhere we look but that's life.

"One things for sure though, we're sisters for life." I declare, giving them a reassuring squeeze.

The door opens, revealing Sage carrying a cup of tea. "She told you?"

Stella and I nod our heads, Ella readjusting herself to look at him. Sage's offers a sad smile, moving to set the cup on my dresser. "I figured, I'll leave you guys alone."

He goes for the door but Stella grabs a pillow, flinging it at his head. "Get back here, you idiot."

He stops, a shocked look in his face as he takes us in. I can't help but laugh imaging the sight of three crying teenage girls. Undoubtedly, we look like trash. "I don't want to intrude."

Ella pulls herself away from us, opening her arms. "You've been apart of the core four since day one, it's mandatory that you partake in this pity party."

My brother smiles, taking his shoes off before crawling into my bed. It's been a while since the four of us spent time alone. We went from only being together to being distracted by boyfriends and life but that doesn't mean we love each other any less.

This year will be our ten year friendversary. One decade of having each other's backs can't be ruined by a little hardship.


Here's a new chapter... the end is getting closer and closer and I'm so not ready. But is it really the end?


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