🌹Every Rose Has Its Thorn🌹

By Kris_Stien

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When the love between physiotherapist Harry Styles and florist Josie blossoms, they discover that just like e... More

Chapter One ~ Pink Roses
Chapter Two ~ Vanilla Latte
Chapter Three ~ White Gerberas
Chapter Four ~ Red And Yellow Roses
Chapter Four~Yellow and red roses ~Harry's Letter
Chapter Five ~ Scented Candles
Chapter Seven ~ Tenerife Sea
*Chapter Eight*~Daffodils
Chapter Nine ~Yarrow
Chapter Ten ~Broccoli
Chapter Eleven ~Chattered Glass
Chapter Twelve ~Tears
Chapter Thirteen ~ Cyclamen
Chapter Fourteen ~ Bittersweet
Chapter Fifteen ~ Yellow Irises
Chapter Sixteen ~ Red Roses
Chapter Seventeen ~ Flowers Of Love
Chapter Eighteen ~ Pink Orchids
Chapter Nineteen ~ Alstroemeria
Chapter Twenty ~ A Day Out

Chapter Six ~ Lilies Of The Valley

210 31 6
By Kris_Stien

Harry is over the moon after his lunch with Josie, he really is so crazy for her. He has never really met someone who truly understands him. For example when he tells people that he sends an email to himself at night with things he has to do the next day, they say he is a control freak and when he talks about how important it is to him to eat healthily and have regular workout sessions even when he is on a holiday, they laugh and say he is a health freak, when he tells them he became a physiotherapist to please his father, he is a people pleaser, but Josie understands it all.
For Harry she really is an extraordinary woman and even though they haven't know each other long, he hopes they have a future together.

After their lunch Josie has a busy day, first at the shop then at home with the kids. She has to help Alex with his maths homework, Lou's reading needs some extra attention and after some hard work the kids deserve a treat so they play a boardgame.

When the kids are finally in bed Josie does what she has been looking forward to all day, she looks at her calendar and calls her regular babysitter to ask when she is free, than she calls Harry. They agree to go out on a date on Wednesday and after that they talk and laugh on the phone for an hour. When Josie lays in bed that night and thinks about Harry, the way he makes her feel, she realises she has never felt like this before, not even with her ex-husband. After her divorce she never thought she would meet someone and be happy with that person. She thought it would just be her and the kids, but now if she thinks about her family in ten years, she thinks Harry will be in it.

Tuesday goes to slowly for both Harry and Josie, they both are really looking forward to seeing each other again. They text back and forth all day and at night they talk on the phone again. There is not a moment of silence between them, they always have something to say to each other. They feel like they have known each other for years and are comfortable with each other.

"Mummy, my tummy aches" Alex complains Wednesday morning when they are eating breakfast. Josie feels his head, he has no fever but he does look a bit pale. Alex often has performance anxiety and Josie thinks his tummy ache has something to do with the maths test he has at school today.

"Eat a bit of your sandwich, sweetie. You're probably nervous for your test but you studied hard, I questioned you last night and you were perfect. Believe in yourself, I believe in you, you can to it and if you fail, that's okay. You did your best." Josie tries to give her son a little pep talk.

The kids go to school and Josie goes to the shop, she has a mountain of administration to get through today. Josie loves being her own boss, to make flower pieces, make people smile with something little and simple but the administration part she doesn't really like very much. She tries to not let it pile up so one day a week, usually on Wednesdays she sits in her office doing administration while Katherine takes care of the shop.

Today she is trying to get through some taxes when the phone rings.
"Hello, this is Josie," she immediately answers when she sees the number of the school on the screen.
"Hi Josie, this is headmistress Clark. I'm calling to ask if it is possible to come get Alex? He is complaining about pain in his stomach, had to vomit and has a little fever." fuck Josie thinks, guilt immediately washes over her.
"Yes of course. He was complaining about his stomach this morning but I thought it was just nerves for his test and he didn't had a fever so I let him come to school." She explains
"Yes I understand. His teacher, Miss Wills thought the same when he was complaining about it before the test but during recess he normally always plays soccer. Today he sat on the side holding his stomach, when Miss Wills saw it she took him to the nurse but before they arrived at the nurse he already lost his stomach content and the nurse said he has a fever."
"Poor boy, I will be there within fifteen minutes to collect him. Thank you for calling me, headmistress Clark."

"No problem, Josie. I'll see you soon." the friendly woman says before they end the call.

Josie gathers her stuff and runs to the front of the shop, to ask if Katherine is okay minding the store alone today. The good friend and employee Katherine is, she agrees with it and tells Josie she has everything under control. Josie runs out the shop to her car, worrying about her boy.

A couple of hours later Alex is in bed with a high fever, according to the doctor there is a stomach bug going around and sweet Alex is a victim of it. Josie already is praying she and Lou won't be next. Josie's friendly neighbour goes to the pharmacy for her so Alex can immediately start to take the prescribed medication.

Josie sits down on the couch, she feels so bad. Not only is her little boy sick, she also has to cancel her date with Harry. She was looking forward to it so much. She calls Harry but it's his voicemail.

"Hi Harry, this is Josie. I feel very bad and disappointed but I have to cancel our date. I already texted you Alex came sick home from school, the doctor says he's got a stomach bug. I can't leave him with a sitter when he has a fever. I'm so sorry, I hope you'll understand. I hope to hear from you soon. Bye"

When Harry hears the message he feels disappointed, he was looking forward to it and had a nice date planned out. They would go to an Italian restaurant first because that's Josie's favourite food. After that Harry planned to go ice skating, Josie told him last time she loved it but hadn't done it in years. He had planned to end the night with a kiss, a real kiss, not one on the cheek. When Harry imagines how her pink lips would feel on his he melts away. He can't wait any longer to kiss Josie.

That night when Lou and Alex are both in bed sound asleep Josie takes a nice hot shower and puts on her short pink nightie. She is a little bit worried because she hasn't heard from Harry after her voicemail. She hopes he isn't mad. She walks downstairs when she hears her phone beeping in the living room. Eager as she is to hear from Harry, she runs to the living room to look at the message.

Josie frowns, that's weird, she thinks. She goes to the front door and opens it.

Harry is standing in front of her, a bouquet white lilies of the valley in one hand and a brown paper bag in the other. He is biting his lips nervously and has a small smile on his face.

"Harry!" Josie smiles surprised
"I'm sorry to barge in like this but I planned to do this tonight and then you cancelled,"Josie's face drops, thinking Harry doesn't understand and is here to call her out.

"I understand you cancelled, it was the best thing to do for your son. You are a good mother, Josie. You don't have to let me in if you don't want to, I really understand. But I can't wait any longer," Harry drops the brown bag on the ground and takes a step forward, pressing their body's together, he cups Josie cheek with his free hand, the hand with the flowers sneaks around her shoulders, for a second he looks down into her beautiful brown eyes before they flutter closed and he presses his lips on Josie's. It's feels like they fit, their lips work together like a key in a lock. Soon Harry licks Josie's lips, eagerly she opens her mouth. She can't wait to taste Harry's tongue and when she does it tastes and feels better than she ever imagined. With her hands in his brown curls she tries to pull him closer, their tongues working together like a well oiled machine. When they finally break apart, they are both breathless. Harry puts his forehead against Josie's and sighs.

"Wow I had to do that now." Josie giggles and pecks Harry's lips, really fast like they are on fire and she is scared to get burned.

"The kids are both sleeping, I would like you to come in so I can kiss you some more." Josie turns around, knowing Harry will follow. Harry grabs the bag and rushes after Josie, he can't wait to kiss her again.

Once in the living room Harry hands the flowers to Josie.
"Lilies of the valley symbolize sweetness so they suit you perfect, my beautiful, sweet flower girl." Josie smells the flowers with her eyes closed.
"I love them, thank you," she whispers.

"I also have a your favourite ice cream in the bag but you have to put it in the freezer before it melts." Harry holds up the brown paper bag. Josie feels so special, Harry did all this for her while she had to cancel their date, could this man be any more perfect?

After Josie puts the lilies in a vase and the ice-cream in the freezer, they settle down on the couch, next to each other. Harry's eyes roam over Josie's body, he thinks she looks delicious in her pink nightie which is barely covering her thighs.

As the night goes on they talk and kiss more and at the end of the night they both are filled with passion and lust. Josie feels Harry's erection growing against her wet black panties while she straddles him in a kiss. Harry knows she wants him as much as he wants her when she grinds over his crotch a couple of times but they both know it's too soon and they can't with the kids in the house.

When Harry has to go home Josie is reluctant to let him go, she wants to sleep with his arms around her and their skin touching.
"Sweet dreams, my beautiful flower girl. Meet me in your dreams at your flower shop in an hour." Harry whispers in Josie's ear when he kisses her cheek. Josie giggles but nods before she watches him walk to his car and drive away.

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