Author Games - Ghost Town

By -celestial-

22.5K 655 885

Welcome to the Author Games, Ghost Town! There will be twists, turns and betrayal around every corner. May th... More

Introduction & Tribute Places
Tribute/Sponsor Form
District 1 Female - Flora Black *DEAD*
District 1 Male - Clement Janwerd Jr.
District 2 Female - Vernetta Reid *DEAD*
District 2 Male - Ashler Styx *DEAD*
District 3 Female - Caella Sillows *DEAD*
District 3 Male - Collin Olsen *DEAD*
District 4 Female - Clara Clearwater
District 4 Male - Phineus Flanch *DEAD*
District 5 Female - Averlyn Lacey *DEAD*
District 5 Male - Alexander Lacey
District 6 Female - Suzanna Linkoln *DEAD*
District 6 Male - Aero Luzi *DEAD*
District 7 Female - Winter Harley *DEAD*
District 7 Male - Aspen Barker *DEAD*
District 8 Female - Rain Waters *DEAD*
District 8 Male - Blake Raven *DEAD*
District 9 Female - Rye Harvey *DEAD*
District 9 Male - David Green *DEAD*
District 10 Female - Destiny Harewent *DEAD*
District 10 Male - Travis Harewent *DEAD*
District 11 Female - Jadine Fairwood *DEAD*
District 11 Male - Stone Everglade
District 12 Female - Crescentia Hoods *DEAD*
District 12 Male - Ash Cinders *DEAD*
Important Message - Sponsors Please Read
Task 1 - The Interviews
Interview - Flora Black
Interview - Clement Janwerd Jr.
Interview - Vernetta Reid (N/A)
Interview - Ashler Styx
Interview - Caella Sillows
Interview - Collin Olsen (N/A)
Interview - Clara Clearwater
Interview - Phineus Flanch
Interview - Averlyn Lacey
Interview - Alexandar Lacey
Interview - Suzanna Linkoln
Interview - Aero Luzi
Interview - Winter Harley
Interview - Aspen Barker
Interview - Rain Waters (N/A)
Interview - Blake Raven
Interview - Rye Harvey
Interview - David Green
Interview - Destiny Harewent
Interview - Travis Harewent
Interview - Jadine Fairwood (N/A)
Interview - Stone Everglade
Interview - Crescentia Hoods
Interview - Ash Cinders
Important - Please Read!
Tribute Scores & Sponsorship
Task 2 - The Bloodbath
Task 2 - Female Entries
Task 2 - Male Entries
Task 2 - Scores & Elimination
Task 3 - Poison
Task 3 - Male Entries
Task 3 - Scores & Elimination
Task 4 - Deadly Assassins
Task 4 - Female Entries
Task 4 - Male Entries
Task 4 - Scores & Elimination
Task 5 - Nightmares Do Come True
Task 5 - Female Entries
Task 5 - Male Entries
Task 5 - Scores & Elimination
Task 6 - Lock Down (SEMI FINALS)
Task 6 - Female Entries
Task 6 - Male Entries
Task 6 - Scores & Elimination
Task 7 - This Is The End (FINALS)
Task 7 - Clement Janwerd Jr
Task 7 - Clara Clearwater
Task 7 - Alexander Lacey
Task 7 - Stone Everglade
Task 7 - Elimination
Special Awards
Rankings and Victor
Antonio Silver - Exclusive Interview

Task 3 - Female Entries

151 5 2
By -celestial-

Flora Black

 I sat down, my legs crossed and my back resting against the side of the cornucopia. I looked at the cracked pavement and the caved in buildings, it only took one glance to send a shiver down my spine. Only minutes ago, I had been circling the horn on guard, but I could settle down now since Clara was on watch.

I leaned back, relaxing, and closed my eyes with a sigh as I adjusted to Winter's warm breathing on my wrist. I coughed into my arm, muffling the noise as a fog slowly crept towards us. "Is that something we should be worried about?" Asked a quiet voice behind me. I squeaked like a little mouse in surprise and turned my neck to see Clara, who was pointing at the slowly advancing fog.

I shook my head. "Naw, it's fine. I would exept this kind of weather in an area like this." I said casually, I loved being right. Clara sighed and walked away, she probably thought I was wrong. Well, she would see later that I was right and the fog was nothing to worry about.

I yelped as someone pinched my arm. "Ow!" I complained, punching my attacker. A blur of blue flashed in front of my face and my jaw dropped. "Oh my God, Clara, I am so sorry!" I gasped, looking at Clara, who was laying on her back, her head crazy and blood dripping from her nose. "Ouch."

Clara ended up okay, her nose had stopped bleeding quickly. "As I was going to say before you punched me, the fog is really close." She frowned. I rolled my eyes, there was no reason to be worried, the fog was normal. But I was even more upset she had woken me up over THIS.

I resisted the urge to punch the stuffing out of Clara but before I could an icy grip tugged at my ankle. It burned a lovely part of skin. The fog, Clara was right. Dammit Clara. I yelped, waking up Arro, either that or it was the fog.

Aero yelled in pain. "Wake up!" He yelled loudly, and within seconds everyone was on their feet. "Run, head for the water!" She shouted. I shot him a stone cold death glare. I snarled.

"That's my job." I hissed angrily. "Run. Head for the water!" I shouted, and everyone took off running. I didn't pay attention to where my allies went, all I was aware was my skin was burning away. A foot stuck out of a building tripping me. I tumbled forewords, and jumped to my feet. I pulled a rope out of my pocket. 

It was David. I easily overpowered him, wrestling him to the ground. I bound his arms and legs, and I was sure he would have a slow, painful death. I kept running, grinning at the pain David would be in. I could see the water and dived forewords.

An arm wrapped around my neck from behind, yanking me under. I wrapped my legs around the waist of my attacker, and straightened my legs, forcing them down. The grip easily released my neck, and I grabbed the other tribute, pulling them under.

It wasn't long before they began to thrash. My lungs had only just begun to sting, and I would be able to stay here longer. The tribute, who I soon recognized as Blake, was beginning to grow weaker but so was I use. I put my feet on his shoulders, boosting myself up while he was pushed further down.

I gasped as I reached the surface, drawing air into my lungs. A cannon sounded, but Blake still pushed himself up slowly, so that would mean David. I took one last gulp of air before diving down, pulling Blake with me. He thrashed in the water before going still as a cannon sounded. Two tributes down.

The next thing I was aware of, Clara was beside me. I gonged her, listening as two cannons sounded. The rest of my allies ran towards the water, jumping in. "Who were the cannons for? I drowned Blake." I said. Aero sighed.

"We found David tied up and dead, the other two were for Phineas and Aspen." He explained, and the burns from the fog faded from our skin as the fog avoided the water. Happy hunger games.

Vernetta Reid

 N/A (Eliminated)

Caella Sillows

 I woke up at about three in the morning to a small chill. Small drops of water covered the erea, even underneath the cornucopia, which happened to be where I was sleeping. I noticed a fog outside, which was good because it would conceal us.

Slowly, the fog crept into the cornucopia, floating above the bloodstained concrete as it drifted under the horn. It's icy cold fingers swirled around my ankle, and a pain shot through its touch. I yelped and thrashed my foot, which happened to kick Clara in the face.

Clara shouted as she jumped to her feet, blood running from her nose. The fog slowly filled the horn, gripping my throat. I cried out, and pulled Winter out of her sleep. "Run, head for higher ground!" Shouted Aero, who I now noticed was awake.

Nettie stood up, and as the fog struck at my she jumped in from of it. Nettie yelled and charged into the fog as she began to climb the horn.

Flora was the second person to leave, as she climbed effortlessly up the horn. I screamed as the fog lashed at my skin, drawing puss and blood. Suddenly, a knife flew pack my head. A cry of pain sounded behind me, and I turned to see Winter on the ground, blood soaking the wound created by the knife in her shoulder.

Aero dropped from his spot halfway up the cornucopia, and rushed over to Winter. Without thinking, he pulled out the knife and pulled her against him. He lifted her up, and Winter growled. "Let go of me!" She yelled, struggling away from him and climbing up the horn. The hands of fog wrapped around me, and I screamed, struggling up the cornucopia, passing Clement.

As I reached the top of the horn, I screamed, horrified. I couldn't see the top of the fog, and we had washed a good ten minutes. "Guys, the fog goes too high! Head to the water!" I screamed as I slipped and toppled off the cornucopia. I heard Winter yell something before a pain shot through my back and everything faded.

I opened my eyes, my vision blurry. Stinging shot through my entire body, all the fog had been attracted to my heat. And I realized.. My allies were nowhere to be seen. The had left me.

I slowly flipped onto my stomach, and screamed as a pain shot through my back and neck. I grabbed a large rock with one hand and slowly pulled myself forewords, moving about an inch. I slowly crawled forewords, screaming with pain. 

As I moved forewords, blood began to stream down my arms and legs. I continued to scream, before growing dizzy. The world grey blurry and I topped over, everything going black.

When I woke I was inside a small caved in house. I opened my eyes and a sting shot through my whole body. Metal clashed metal as I saw Winter holding a small sword. She clashed it against Phineas's, but it was knocked out of her hands,

Winter fell back, and I watched, unable to do anything, and she backed against a wall, lowing the the ground. He raised his sword above his head, and I closed my eyes, waiting for Winter's death and my own. But no blow came, only a cannon. I opened my eyes.

Blood ran down his chest, the tip of a knife barely visible through his thick jacket. He fell forewords, revealing Aero behind him. "We have to go!" He shouted, and I gasped in pain and I got to my feet. I almost feel over, overwhelmed by a dizzy feeling. I slowly followed them, my body aching. Aero ignored his own pain, diving into the water quickly. Winter followed him, gasping as she hit the cold water.

I stumbled forewords, landing in the water with a splash. I opened my eyes to see, and a relieving feeling shot through my body. The blood washed off my skin and the wounds from the fog sealed up.

My lungs began to hurt, and I hurtled upwards for air. I gasped for breath, and my face began to sting from the water. Clara was next to me. "Did anything happen?" I gasped. "I was out."

Clara nodded. "Aero took out Phineas, and Flora, Nettie, and I got rid of David." She explained. Two tributes had died. BOOM! Well, not three. A body dropped through the air from the top of a building. Death from the fog.

Suddenly, a figure bursted towards the body. I swam closer, realizing the dead body was Blake, and the figure was Aspen. I drew a throwing knife from my pocket, breathing heavily, like the time I had tried capital pizza, not a good idea! I had ended up throwing up after that. Lesson: no cheese for me!

I aimed it for Aspen's head. "I'm sorry," I breathed, before it slipped from my hand, spinning towards him. BOOM! Four more tributes,down, fourteen to go.

Clara Clearwater

 I awoke, covered in sweat. The first thing I see is gray. Just gray, all around me. My throat begins to ache, and I painfully cough. Something is wrong, I am sense it. Clement had fallen asleep on watch. It was a lucky call none of us died. Shaking him awake, I wave my hand in front of my face, coughing again. The gaze clears a bit when I wave, allowing me to breathe clearly. "Clement! Clement, wake up!" I whisper, shaking his shoulder roughly.

He mumbles something, turning in his sleep. Sighing in frustration, I take a deep breath. "WAKE UP!" I shout in his ear, jerking him awake.

"Wha- Clara! What's going on?" Clement sits up, coughing slightly. I throw my hands up in the air, stirring the fog around.  It clears a bit again, allowing me to take a long, clear breath. "What is this?" Clement asks, waving his hands like I did.

"Do you think I would know? C'mon, we have to wake the others," I groan, stumbling away with my hands outstretched. My sight was dwindling, gray overtaking my whole vision. "Guys!" I shout, trying not to trip over supplies. "Wake up!"

I hear Winter mumble something in her sleep nearby. Crouching down, I begin to feel the ground under my fingertips for their sleeping bodies. I grab an arm, yanking it up. Aero groans underneath me, sitting up slowly. Shouting orders, I begin shoving everyone awake. Soon we are all huddled together, coughing loudly. "We- ha- have to-get-out of here," I choke on my words, painful, retching coughs ripping through my throat. It felt like I was hacking up a lung, and I very well could be considering we are in the arena; anything is possible in the arena. Out face begin to go blue at the lack of clean oxygen.

"Wait," Caella coughs, tapping my shoulder. "We can fan it away, like, with a fan." Such an obvious solution! I nod to her, covering my nose with my shirt. It helps me breath better as I search through our supplies for anything similar to a fan. Caella begins to tell the others of the plan, and they too begin to root through crates of supplies for anything flat.

"There's nothing here," Vernetta says, standing over a pile of weapons and food. Nothing is flat or long enough to fan away the smoke. Suddenly, a brilliant plan comes to me.

"Break apart the crates!" I shout, wrenching open one of the storage containers. The lid falls off easily, and is light enough to wave. Lifting it up and down, it begins to fan away the smoke. I cheer in joy, only to be interrupted by another round of coughs. We take the other tops off the crates and fan the rest of the suffocating smoke out of our area, allowing us to breath freely again.

"Great idea, Blue. You might be worth something to us," Clement grins, continuously fanning his piece of wood even though the smoke is gone. Then I notice it slowly creeping back, inch by inch; fortunately, the fan Clement holds keeps it from rushing back and smothering us. I nod in reply to him, a bit distracted. Who knows how long this smoke will keep up?

A cannon booms in the distance, marking the death of a tribute. Winter and I glance at each other, both worried. The fog/ smoke is lethal, and we had just barely survived it. Soon another cannon sounds, the second death of the day. Far off in the distance, a blurry silhouette trudged closer to us. The blob separates into two tributes, a tall one and a shorter one, slowly walking towards our group. The fog begins to thin, and I recognize them as Aspen and David. Winter raises her bow and arrow in warning, aiming directly at David. Clement does the same to Aspen with his spear, as I take the fan. They keep moving closer, with no visual intent of slowing, or moving in a different direction. Winter glanced at me, a question on her face.

"Go ahead," I say coldly, staring directly at David. I could've sworn our eyes met as I spoke the command. Clement and Winter release their weapons, hitting few on target. David is hit in the eye, falling to his knees as Aspen clutches the long spear protruding from his breast. David dies quickly, falling almost instantly. Aspen, however, takes a few minutes to take his last breath. We could hear him gasping in pain in the distance, trying to crawl away. Fortunately, he suffocates to death in the fog quickly without oxygen, leaving me one tribute closer to becoming Victor.

Later that night, we watch the sky for the dead. Alex from District 5 is first. Next to show is Aspen; then Blake; David is last, his predatory smirk giving me relief that he's gone. Somewhere deep down, I was scared of him. And I have no regrets that he is gone at all.

Averlyn Lacey

I woke up, sweeting and unable to see. I rub my eyes, realizing the difficulty to breath. It felt like I was dying from the inside out, as if i was eating myself, unable to control my self. I stood up, coughing like crazy. I felt the presents of blood in each cough, making it worse. I stumbled out of the small house I was staying in. All I had grabbed was my sword and my backpack, leaving my sleeping bag and pillow.

As I stood outside, I realized this was a capital trick. Maybe I slept through the announcement or maybe there wasn't ever one. Either way, I had a choice. That choice had to be made quick. Either head to the beach or the cornucopia. As crazy as running into the middle sounded, I'm not a crazy person. I head towards the beach in fear.


I didn't think about the cannon as I made my way through the storm, tripping every so often. Though I could barely see, my bison got blurry and I felt something messing with my brain. I didn't feel right.

"Whoa! What's up dude?" No way was my brain straight. Last time I checked, zebras don't wear sweat bands nor do they talk. They also don't have groups of angry capital candy chasing dancing buildings.

Even though I couldn't see, I could tell the fog was getting less thick.

Just before I thought I would reach the end of fog, I spotted a girl laying on the ground. I recognized her as Vernetta. She had a dagger in her chest and she seemed on the verge of death. She looked up to me, mutters something, and fell back. BOOM.

It was then I realized what she said. 'Curse you district five.' Why district five? What did I do? Maybe this was Alex's doing. Either way, I walked on.

I finally reached the edge of the fog, the side effects slowly disappearing. I ran around a house corner to see another tribute, hunched over something.


The boy whipped around. I recognized him as Travis. He had blood all over his fingers an he was crying. He must have not seen me, for he did not recognize me.

"She is dead. I failed. I failed her. I will win. Win for Destiny." He paused between every sentence, throwing something or sobbing. I took out a dagger and aimed. I had decent accuracy. I used these when I caught fish. It was good practice, weather I knew it or not during the time.

My throwing knife landed in his neck,  as perfect as a vampire biting it's victim. Travis slouched to the ground, shock blanketing his eyes.

BOOM. I took his gas mask and put it on. I then took one last look at him, then left. ----Time Skip|----

Later that evening, I had gone back to my normal spot. The smoke went invisible for two minutes, just into time for the deaths.

First was Vernetta. She was followed by Destiny and Travis. The last death was Crescentia, the girl from twelve. She was the only one I didn't see.

I then gathered in my sleeping bag, which I had retrieved earlier today, and fell asleep.

Winter Harley


Destiny Harewent

 When I wake up, I immediately am struck with a horrible coughing fit, worse than the cough I got in grade 1. I was gone for a whole week of school because of the terrible sickness.

I waved my hands in front of me, trying to see through the thick fog. I called out "Travis, wake up!" And grabbed my brother. Shaking him, I kept coughing him even though I tried to cover my mouth. Te air kept getting worse, and eventually we heard two cannons, about a minute apart. Travis hurriedly packed up all our supplies an we began to run again. It seems these whole games for me is just another track meeting for Travis.

We stop at the large factory, it's dark shadows casting an eery feel in the darkness. The fog had finally faded away as we ran through it, finally allowing us to breath freely, if not a bit raspy. Travis ordered me to wait as he checked inside. I stopped worriedly as a cannon sounded, but Travis greeted me again by the door as he tossed out Alex's corpse like a garbage bag. I gulp in fear as I go in. Just as I expected, everything is dark, scary, and possibly highly dangerous.

Travis sets up camp quickly as the anthem plays, telling me to recite the faces that show up to him. "Alex, Aspen, and David," I said, biting into a bread roll he gives me. It's really dry, but I devour the whole thing anyway. He tells me to sleep, so I listen. My eyes drop closed within seconds.

I wake up to a cannon, jumping up in surprise. Glancing at Travis's empty sleeping bag, I gasp in fear. "TRAVIS! TRAVIS!" I scream, groping the floor for my tiny knife. He calls back, to my relief, from not to far away.

"Des, it's okay! It was just Blake!" I sigh happily, tucking my knife back under my pillow. I won't need it yet.

Jadine Fairwood

 N/A (Eliminated)

Crescentia Hoods

 You are jutted awake,by the sound of a rooster crowing. You sit up groggily wiping your eyes. You feel a sharp pain go up your arm.

You look down at you are there a huge gash on your arm gushing blood, you look down are your sheets which are now soaked in blood. All the memories of yesterday come rushing back to you killing those people, watching other people kill people ,seeing there blood spilled everywhere.You look up and look around. Your in a cellar of some sort, it has a sort of musty smell like when you get the really old books from the library, there is the two backpacks you snatched yesterday from the cornucopia, there are two beds ,your sitting in one and in the other is Jadine her black hair covering her face. You get out of bed still holding the gash on your arm. You kneel down next to the first backpack it's filled with weapons of all sorts. You move over to the second one and unzip it. The backpack is filled with extra clothes,a first aid kit,food and water. You grab one of the shirts and rip off the bottom part then wrap it around the wound making a small splint with it to stop the blood flow. Once your done you walk over to where Jadine is sleeping. You nudge her in the side to get her up.

"Five more minutes mom,please"she mumbles. You nudge her again, she still doesn't move.

"Get up Jadine, unless you plan on dying" you say in a scream whisper.

"Huh", she says. She sits up and realizes where she is." Oh my sorry I forgot where I was".

"It's okay" you say "we better get going though we shouldn't stay here long".

You grab the bag of supplies and Jadine grabs the bag of weapons your about to climb up the ladder back to the house when you here the door open.You and Jadine look at each other you mouth hand me a machete and some shurekens to her she reaches into the backpack and pulls out a machete and 5 shurukens then hands them to you. You try to listen what's happening upstairs. You hear voices now you press your ear closer to the wood and hear clear voices now.

You hear a guy say are you sure this is where they went. You know that voice from somewhere but where. You rack your mind trying to figure out whose voice it is.suddenly it hits you. It's Phineous Flanch ,the guy from district 4. You hear another guy respond to him his voice shaking ya I swear they both came in here you then hear a small high pitched voice chime in that says ,ya aaa-and they where both carrying backpacks. You realize they are talking about you and Jadine and that the other two people are Destiny and Travis Harewent you climb back down the ladder and whisper to Jadine ,on the count of three we barge in. She nods her head and you both get onto the ladder you on top her under you. You east your hand on the trapdoor ,ready to push it open. You start the count down, three, two ,one. You fling open the trapdoor and jump out as quickly as possible. Using Phineous surprise you take in what's happening Phineous is leading Travis with a sword to his neck and holding Destiny by the back of her shirt.

Take a step closer and I slit his throat"he says" and we both know your to nice to let that yhappen."

You throw a shureken at his head hoping it'll hit him before he could slit Travis's throat. Phineous had seen you get ready to throw though so when you released the shureken he slit his throat but he wasn't fast enough to dodge the shureken. It hit him in the center of his head you hear two canons go off signifying their deaths. Destiny is sitting on the floor screaming and crying her head off. I look over at Jadine who rolls her eyes she walks over to Destiny and grabs her arm and presses a pressure point that knocks her unconscious. Jadine grabs her and swings her over her shoulder. We open the door to go out side but when we open the door we see the smoke. The smoke is green and moving at a fast pace.

"That can't be good" you say nervously.

It's probably not" replies Jadine.

"We should probably find some where to go" you respond.

"Well if we are in a town what do a lot of houses have that keep people safe from disasters"says Jadine. You think for a while.

"Oh a hurricane cellar(not sure if that's what they are called)"you answer.

"Ya took you long enough"says Jadine,"Come on let's go look for one".

You walk down the street checking the sides of the house in till you find one. It seems like your never gonna but finally three streets away you find one. You go around to the side of the house and see it. You look back at the fog it's about three minutes away now

"Over here Jadine I found one" you whisper to her. You all enter closing it firmly behind you , you plunge it to a deep darkness.

"Umm do you think there's any lights in here" asks Jadine.

"Probably just feel around" you say as you start to feel around for the light. Finally you feel it. It's hanging from the ceiling with a chain. You pull the chain and the room is illuminated with light. You look around the room there is a iron door across from you. You walk over to the other door and swing it open. The other room is quiet bare except for a rocking chair and a box of matches. You go into the room and turn on the light. You and Jadine decide that you will stay in the other room until the fog passes. You go into the room and Jadine puts Destiny in the rocking chair. You go and lock the door behind you. You all sit and wait you hear a cannon which wakes up Destiny who starts crying so Jadine makes her unconscious again. You sit in silence as one cannon goes by then another. You must have doesn't off because when you wake up the show of who died is about to start. You unlock the door and climb out of the cellar. You see five faces (one of them is Phineous that's why there's five). It's Phineous Flanch , Travis Harewent ,Blake Raven, Aspen Barker and Caella Swallows. The last one really surprises you. You really liked Caella but I guess that's the hunger games. You go back into the room and go to sleep for the night.


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