[Be More Chill] One Shots - D...

By bemorebi

6.5K 171 222

{{DISCONTINUED}} "Oh my god, I'm totally bi" "πŸ™‚πŸ’„πŸΎ" "Rich set a fire, and he burnt down the house!" "GAAAAA... More

β€’{Boyf Riends}β€’
{[Request]Jared x Christine- Part One}
β€’{Boyf Riends}β€’- Hanahaki
β€’{Expensive Headphones}β€’
|Cinnabun| A Letter To You
The Scars- |RichJake|
{Request} Left Behind β€’ |Expensive Headphones|
Sweater Weather β€’ |RichJake|
~Song Requests~

Ice Skating

333 7 24
By bemorebi

There isn't enough RichJake content in the world, so I feel the need to contribute to the pool of fanfics-

Please write more RichJake-

It gives me life

It is my soul


Ships: Boyf riends, RichJake, Cinnabun, Pinkberry
Trigger Warnings: none

Outside, the air was chilly and the trees were barren. The temperature was a chilly 19°F. That meant everyone who didn't want to freeze or bundle up was left in their house.

Michael stared out the window, Bob Marley blasting in his headphones. He watched the small snow flakes float past him, making their way to the cold, white ground. Suddenly, his phone vibrates, showing a text on the group chat.

Upon opening it, he found that Rich had texted the squad.

SmolBi: hey gays wanna go ice skating

TheaterIsLife: ooo yes

PlayerTwo: it's like u want to see me fall flat on my face-

Michael snickered. Whenever you put Jeremy on ice skates, he was like a fawn learning how to walk.

PlayerOne: hehe not our fault you are hopeless on ice

Pink: lol-

Berry: hehe

Ah yes, the cute couple names that Chloe and Brooke chose. It was nearly impossible to remember which one was which though-

JakeyD: babe, we can make it a date-

Pink: ooo how about we make it a double date, Brookey

Oh yeah, Pink was Chloe-

JennaRollin': let's just make it a quadruple date-

PlayerTwo: sounds good-

SmolBi: great, see u at the rink in 30 min

Closing his phone, Michael stood up and stepped away from his window sill, giving the snowflakes on last look before stepping out of his room and heading downstairs.

In about five minutes, Michael's dark red PT Cruiser pulled up in front of Jeremy's house. Jeremy swung open the door and ran to the car.

When he first got into the car, he pecked Michael's lips and said sweetly, "Hey, Micha~"

Michael laughed and flirts back, "Hey, babe- you look adorable."

Jeremy was wearing a blue sweater with a pink heart patch and a bi flag patch on his shoulder.

He flashed a quick smile before Michael pulled the car away from the house and headed off towards the skating rink.

Jake and Rich were already there by the time Jeremy and Michael had arrived, busy cuddling on the couch in the lobby of the rinks, just past the place where you rented skates.

"Ooh, look at these to love-birds," Michael teased, pointing at Rich and Jake.

Blushing, Rich replied, "At least I have the confidenthe to cuddle my boyfriend in public-"

Michael scoffed and plopped down on the couch adjacent to Jake and Rich, Jeremy coming and sitting partially on his lap.

Jake gave the two a look that strongly looked like a lenny face (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)-

Just then, Christine and Jenna burst through the doors, still singing the song that they had presumably been listening to on the way there.

"Honey whatcha waitin' for, step into my candy store-" the two half-screamed, half-sang.

"Oh wow I barely noticed you two-" Jake said, sarcasm outlining his voice.

Christine gasped. "I thought we beat you all heere-"

Jenna replied, "Chrissy, this is why we should've skipped doing our hair real quick-"

That's when Chloe and Brooke walked in, rocking matching sweaters that said "Pink" and "Berry."

"The pretty ones are heere-" Chloe announced, causing the rest of the group to laugh.

"Whatever, let'th jutht go get our thkateth. Jake and I already paid," Rich said, rolling his eyes.

The chattering group made their way up to the counter, exchanging the small slips of paper for their ice skates, telling the overwhelmed teens behind the counter their shoe sizes.

Stepping into the rink, Rich, Jake, Chloe, and Brooke immediately started to fool around on the ice, taking turns showing off the random tricks they knew how to do.

Jeremy, however, clung to the wall, looking terrified.

Michael skated up beside him, saying, "Do you want to hold onto me instead?"

Jeremy nodded helplessly before reaching desperately for Michael's outstretched arm.

Michael laughed and held tightly onto his boyf.

"J-Just don't l-let me g-g-go-" Jeremy stammered, clearly still nervous that he was going to topple over.

Michael planted a kiss on Jeremy's forehead, saying sweetly, "Why would I let you go, you dork?"

As for Jenna and Christine, they hopped onto the ice in their blue figure skates, excited to show off to the group what they had been learning in their lessons.

Suddenly, Rich skated up behind Jake and picked him up, holding him bridal style as he glided across the ice.

"Ah! Rich- warn me next time-" Jake said, half-suprised, half-flirtatiously.

Rich replied, "I know, I should warn you before I thweep you off your feet~"

Of course Rich would make it into a cheesey pick-up line. Literally.

Michael chimed in, "Wow, what a great pick-up line."

The group bursts into laughter as the other people in the ice rink give them a side-glance and start to leave.

"G-Guys, w-we are scaring ev-everyone away," Jeremy pointed out, still clinging to Michael's arm.

Michael responded, "Good, more ice rink for us."

Then, the two began to pick up speed as Jeremy slowly yet surely began to understand and get the hang of how to maneuver his feet.

Jenna and Christine slide to a stop in the middle of the rink. Jenna grabbed Christine's waist and hoisted her up over her head, and Christine struck a pose as the two started to glide around in a circle.

Without warning, Jenna propelled Christine forward. Christine landed safely on the ice and skated on her own, gaining enough speed to then do a jump.

At this point, everyone else had stopped to stare at Jenna and Christine, until Brooke and Chloe, having also been in the same figure skating class, joined into their little routine.

When they finish their small routine and slide to a stop, Jeremy let go of Michael's arm to clap for them. Surprisingly, Jeremy didn't fall over, even though he was not close enough to the wall to use it as support. Michael moved back a bit and stared at him in shock.

"Jere, you didn't fall over!" he said, surprised and proud of his boyf.

Jeremy smiled sheepishly and skated the small distance over to Michael, grabbing onto him.

"It was l-luck-" Jeremy laughed, clinging to Michael's arm again.

About ten minutes later, Michael, after having led Jeremy around the rink several times, looked around and noticed something.

"Hey guys, have any of you seen Brooke and Chloe...?" he asked.

The rest of them shrugged before Jake said, "Wait, there is a froyo place in the plaza-"

Suddenly, the two events linked, and it was clear that the two had escaped for some frozen yogurt.

Inside the Pinkberry, Brooke and Chloe got their usual, talking and laughing.

The cashier's eyes lit up as she saw them.

"Those sweaters!" she said with a slight laugh.

"We ordered them online," Brooke explained.

Chloe responded, "We take our froyo very seriously."

The lady laughed until she saw the utterly serious face that Chloe had. She stopped laughing and quickly rang them up without saying another word.

Getting out of the Pinkberry, Chloe laughed, "I scared the shit out of that poor lady-"

"I think we gave her a story to tell," Brooke responded with a giggle.

The two walked back towards the ice rink, eating their froyo. When they got back inside, they sat down in the side-area to watch the others skating.

Rich skated up to them and said, "Of courthe you two went to go get Pinkberry-"

Brooke and Chloe giggled and said at the same time, "Who do you think we are?"

Then they looked at each other in amazement.

"Wow, we have the same brain-"

Rich rolled his eyes and skated away, not wanting to have to listen to them talk about this coincidence for twenty minutes.

In what felt like five minutes, a buzzer sounded. They all looked at the large clock mounted above the entrance of the ice rink and saw that they had been there for about four hours.


Quickly, they grabbed all of their stuff and headed out of the ice rink.

Outside, Chloe asked, "Do we wanna continue this quadruple date and go to dinner?"

"Ya, let's do it!" Christine replied enthusiastically.

To be continued.... (possibly)

This was for the Be More Chill Squad: @TheSquipters
We are gonna read this and voice act it over voice chat some time-
And it was written for that intent
I love you all so much!

I finally finished this one! I had it as an idea for about a week or so, and now I've finally finished it-



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