Already Mated

By plscallmeB

1.8M 41.8K 16.8K

He was meant to choose me. He was meant to love me. He was meant to mark me. He was meant to be mine. My o... More

ONE: Already Mated
TWO: Sobbing and Heartbroken
THREE: Car Ride Home
FIVE: Another Long Car Ride
SIX: "Get In Here Now"
SEVEN: Tossed Away Like Garbage
EIGHT: Sound's so Safe
NINE: Give Me Strength
TEN: "I need you but I do not want you"
ELEVEN: No Longer Exist
FOURTEEN: Lets Do This
FIFTEEN: Confront My Mate
SIXTEEN: To Be Continued
SEVENTEEN: Family Reunion
NINETEEN: I'll Tell You Everything
TWENTY: Never Be Enough
TWENTY ONE: Decisions
TWENTY TWO: Believe it When I See it
TWENTY THREE: The Death of Me
TWENTY FOUR: Practice Makes Perfect
TWENTY FIVE: Birthday Preparations
TWENTY SEVEN: Butterlfies
TWENTY NINE: The Beginning
THIRTY: History
THIRTY ONE: Just a little one...

FOUR: Tense

74K 1.9K 561
By plscallmeB

I looked back and peered at my family that had all gathered to send me off.

There was a lot of hesitance but in the end, they all knew that they needed to be there.

"Your family really loves you" Kai's voice jolted me out of my trance and I sat in my seat properly.

"Yeah" I trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

I was in a car with a man I didn't know... for 3 hours...

"You can relax kitten, I'm not gonna bite" His voice was so teasing that it actually made me smile.

I somehow felt so comfortable with Kai even though I had only just met him.

"I don't understand that pet name... we are wolves... not cats" I muttered teasingly back, which caused him to smile.

"So... Kitten... You're mated to my little brother hey?" he asked abruptly, not even acknowledging my comment.

"W-well I don't know now" the mood suddenly dropped "I felt it but he... well he obviously didn't so" I trailed off not wanting to cry again.

"oh he felt it... trust me" he replied with a whisper but I didn't push the subject any further.

After the first hour was over and we had finally stopped to get some food, Kai and I had settled into a comfortable game of 20 questions, which was actually now up to 89 questions.

I had already learnt about all of his favourites and all of his bad habits and all of his flaws and happiest memories and he had learnt every damn embarrassing detail about me because he knew what questions to ask.

"how many guys have you kissed?"

"have you ever been with another species? if yes, what one?"
"I hooked up with a vampire chick once... did not end well"

"biggest fear?"
"I am actually terrified of tight spaces"

"So do you have a mate?"

Kai went stiff and gripped the steering wheel incredibly tight. I realised I struck a nerve.

"I'm sorry, that's none of my business" I added quickly, I also had a fear of conflict.

"No, it's ok... I did have a mate but she past away last year" His voice was in such a deeper tone and my heart clenched for him.

"Oh Kai... I'm so sorry to hear that" I turned towards him slightly and rested my hand on his arm.

He looked down at my hand for a split second and made no move to shrug if off so I let it sit there for a little while, just letting him know I was there if he needed and I think he appreciated the touch because when I did eventually remove my hand I saw him glance over at me.

Kai seemed so much different to his brother.

Kai was full of compassion and sensitivity and emotion where as Caleb, just cared about Caleb.

Caleb... the beautiful Caleb...

I scrunched my nose up in disgust as I thought about the way he held that she wolf.

I was ashamed of my feelings... I was ashamed that I was jealous and angry about their connection. I should be happy that another pair found their match... but I just couldn't be happy for them. I felt such a strong pull to him, I felt as if he should be mine.

I want him to be mine.

He is ours...

There she was again. My wolf.

"what are you thinking about?" I heard Kai ask nervously from beside me.

It took me a little while before I realised what I must look like.

I had clenched my fist together so hard they were white. I had to mentally force myself to relax the sour expression on my face. I looked pissed.

"So many things..." I trailed off, trying to sound as calm, failing miserably.

"Caleb?" he questioned quietly, not wanting to upset me.

"Of course... and that she wolf and my own wolf..." I didn't understand anything about this situation.

Why did I feel the bond with a mated wolf?!

Why would I be cursed?!

Why is my wolf talking to me now?!

"Well I don't really know what to say about the whole Caleb situation but maybe I can help you out with your wolf?" he siad with a small smile.

I couldnt help but think he was just trying to take my mind off the main subject that upset me. I smiled softly... He is really sweet.

"Well my wolf has been dormant for months... I rarely communicate with her because my pack believes that the more time we are in our human forms, the stronger we will be" As I finished I looked over to gauge his reaction.

He looked mortified.

"You're forced to stay in human form?!" He seemed so angry.

"Well most people practice that lifestyle willingly and those who don't... well we are punished" I added a shrugg to try and make the scenario seem a little less frightening to him.

"Have they ever hurt you for letting your wolf out?" He asked with a crazed fire burning in his eyes.

I hesitated for a moment... not sure if I should anger him more with the truth or not.

"They don't hurt us per-say... they just make sure to make an example out of the few that do get caught" I answered slowly, not sure how he would react.

"Sophia... have they ever hurt you?" His voice had become deep, threatening almost.

I didnt reply.

I didn't want to give him the wrong view of my pack.

"They do what they do to strengthen us. It's for our own good... I understand that now" I answered quietly as I rubbed my wrists softly, remembering the last time I was made an example of.

Kai must have noticed my small action because within a second, he had the car pulled over and ripped my sleeve up my arm.

"Kai! What are you doing?" I squeaked as he took in the healed scars around my wrist.

"What do they do to make an example of you?" he asked as he examined my wrist with for in his eyes.

"They... well they drag us through the pack by chains around our wrist" he took in a sharp breath.

Silver was one of the only substances that scarred our skin, he knew that's what they used.

The rest of the drive was silent.

Kai seemed to angry to speak and I was to nervous to add anything else.

It was so tense...

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