∞Moments Of Clarity∞ (Austin...

By Kira_Lancaster

13.5K 503 75

Cara is just a normal girl going through her average life, school growing up & friends. Until her best fr... More

∞Moments Of Clarity∞
Chapter One: New Beginning
Chapter Two: Close For Comfort
Chapter Three: Morning High
Chapter Four: Awkward Silence
Chapter Five: Deadly Distraction
Chapter Six: A Whole World Ahead Of You
Chapter Seven: It was meant to be the night of my life
Chapter Eight : My World Spun Around Me
Chapter Nine: Sweet Surprise
Chapter Ten: Sometimes It Must Be Done
Chapter Eleven: Craving The Unexpected
Chapter Twelve: A Cold Breeze To Comfort
Chapter Thirteen: Caught In The Act
Chapter Fourteen: A little reassurance
Chapter Fifteen: Within a blink of an eye
Chapter Sixteen: Give Me Some Clarity I Need You
Chapter Eighteen: A Touch That Makes You Weak
Chapter Nineteen: Time Will Tell
Chapter Twenty: We Scream Out All Night Long
Chapter Twenty One: A Wait That Lasted Forever
Chapter Twenty Two: Everything Is Not What It Seems
Chapter Twenty Three: Take My Breath Away
Chapter Twenty Four: Clarity
Chapter Twenty Five: Patience Is A Virtue
Chapter Twenty Six: It's About To Go Down
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Seventeen: A World Wind Of Surprises

406 15 3
By Kira_Lancaster

It’s been three months since the accident. Everything’s been all over the place, Austin’s been planning his tour while I’ve been stuck indoors recovering. At first Austin wouldn’t leave my side when I got home he took care of me but once he started driving me insane everyone else took turns. Don’t get me wrong I really appreciate him and everything he’s done but sometimes you just need space.

I like it when Demi comes over we just relax and watch films there’s no stress we can just chill. Sometimes you just need some girl time and spending time with Demi is just what I needed.

So for now while the boys have been traveling I have been living with Demi and Danny. Slowly my memory has been returning but only in bits and pieces. So while I’ve been round Danny I’ve been remembering which has been terrifying but we’ve all decided to start a clean slate. All apart from Austin after he confessed he’ll never forgive him which is understandable.


Austin’s pov

Things have been good Cara’s recovery quick there looking at letting her go home soon.

“Did you hear there seeing when you can go home” once the words left my lips her face lit up making my heart speed up. “Really, ugh finally I need to be in my bed or just to be out of here” she trailed off. She started to look around the room for what I was unsure.

“Darn they took the water away dam nurses” she moaned I sighed giving in. “I’ll get you some hang on” “Thanks” she giggled making me laugh she acts so sweet when she wants something. I left with a smile set on my lips only to drop instantly when I saw the figure in front of me.

“The hell do you think you’re doing here she can’t see you!” my voice was angry letting him know I wasn’t in the mood to deal with his crap. “I got the call telling me what happened and that she wanted to see me so I got the first flight out here!” he stood confidently not showing any emotion to me.

“Well they got it wrong Danny, she don’t know you here! She’s been pretty drugged up so she doesn’t know what she’s saying. So by all means you can leave me” I pointed towards the door clenching my jaw in frustration. “ I know you don’t want me here because of what happened but believe me when I say it’s the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, I’m so ashamed of myself because of it I know I can never say anything to make you change your mind I’m truly sorry for everything!”

His words although genuine didn’t make me feel anything it just made me want to hit him in the face. The fact he’s left it this long to apologize not that it will ever make what he did okay! And for him just to turn up at the hospital, when she’s vulnerable is most defiantly not okay.

“Please just let me see her so I can talk to her you can be there too if you don’t want me to be alone with her” he begged walking towards me. Putting my hands up, stepping back to insure my personal space. He caught on hanging his head down to the floor. “She’s not in a good state and seeing you will just make her worse trust me on this!”

“Because I hurt her right?” he questioned. “No because she doesn’t remember a lot! The crash has played with her memories we are unsure how much she’s lost” a look of concern sat on his face. “Oh I didn’t know no one told me! So she doesn’t remember what happened that night?” the mention of it brought back all the bad memories making me feel sick to my core!

“Do you think she would have asked for you if she remembered?” I sighed not really wanting to argue anymore as I turned away signalling him to follow behind. We walked into the room and as soon as her eyes set on him she lit it. It broke my heart that seeing him brought her so much joy.

“You made it! Oh I’m so happy you’re here come sit” she signalled to the chair by her bed. He smiled walking over embracing her in a hug. I coughed letting him know that was enough as he released her sitting down. I stood at the other side of the room at an awkward distance and Cara seemed to notice.

*flashback over*

So yeah we worked through our problems well Danny and I did Austin still hates his guts. I sat on the couch as the fire crackled in the background making my feel warm inside.

“Hey pretty girl how you feeling” Austin came over cuddling me. “Same as the last time you asked bored! I need to get out of this house I’ve been inside for weeks!” I pleaded. “And a tough challenge that’s been!” He teased pocking my cheek. “Well you better get ready don’t wanna be late” he trailed off I looked at him my eyebrows furrowed. “I’m taking you out you don’t want to go out dressed like that?” What I thought before he could speak I jumped on him hugging him tight.

“Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you” I repeated over and over. His hands set on my waist looking into my eyes. “Dress nice not that you don’t normally but you know dress up tonight” he smirked as he lifted me off him walking away.

I decided to wear a tight black dress the chest area beaded and a leather material trailed down the middle. It was one hell of a tight dress making my butt stand out but for once it didn’t bother me. I finished curling the last strand of hair switching the tongs off and applying one last coat of bright red lipstick.

“Woah!” Alex spoke standing by the door making ma laugh. “HEY AUSTIN BETTER PRATICE YOUR PUNCH YOUR GOING TO BE FIGHTING OFF A LOT OF GUYS TONIGHT WHEN THEY SEE YOUR GIRL IN THAT SEXY DRESS!” I heard running footsteps as Austin reached the door his jaw dropped.

“Shit… you clean up quickly” I giggled at his comment slipping into my studded heels walking over to him. “Shh better hurry up and get dressed don’t want to be late to whatever you’ve planned” I ran my finger across his lip swinging my leather jacket over my shoulder walking down the stairs.

I waited in the kitchen for Austin to get ready when Alex walked in. “Nice job Cara I thought he was going to melt right there, you know how to work your stuff” he ran his hand down my side laughing. “Uhh you ready babe” Austin interrupted I nodded as we left the house jumping into his land rover.

He stayed focused on the road when I decided to break the silence. “So where we going?” he sighed briefly looking at me. His hand placed itself on my thigh as he squeezed it lightly sending shiver down my spine my face turned warm. His eyes pierced into mine as he squinted slightly biting his plump lip his tongue licked those plump lips as he leaned into me.

His lips brushed past my ear and he whispered into them his hot breathe making me tense. “That’s for me to know and for you to find out later...” he turned to face the road as his hand stayed in place.

We pulled up to a posh restaurant, as Austin opened the door holding his hand out I slid out the car shocked at the view my eyes had stumbled upon. The place was beyond beautiful Austin grabbed hold of my hand as he pulled me towards the door. He’d made a booking for us a table out the back overlooking the sea with lights rapped around the balcony candles and lanterns lit.

I sat in my seat as the waiter handed us menus, after we ordered I admired the view it was truly breath taking. “You look really beautiful tonight and of course I asked you here for a reason….” he took hold of my hand which I hoped wasn’t too sweaty.

“As you know the tour is about to start and things then will be so busy and crazy so I thought it would be nice for us to spend some time alone. I honestly couldn’t ask for a better person to be in my life you’ve always been so supportive of me and I got you something” Austin reached into his pocket pulling out a small Swarovski box.

He opened it revealing a dainty crystallized ring sparkling in the candle light. “A lot has happened over the past few months I saw this a couple weeks ago and I had to get it for you. It’s strong, beautiful and intriguing just like you” He took it out of the box and nodded holding my hand out before sliding in on.

“It’s stunning Austin thank you!” I kissed his cheek as I admired it glimmering on my finger. “I’m glad you like it now you can wear it as a reminder of how much you mean to me. Lastly I know you’ve been looking at the wedding invitation we have all been invited to and also you’re modelling jobs. So I made some calls, the wedding is in Italy so I booked us a flight as well as I also booked you a shoot the same week” he smiled seeming relieved to tell me, he’s not the best at keeping surprises.

2 Weeks Later

It was a long flight here but more than worth it, it’s truly beautiful a perfect place to have a wedding. The trip to the hotel was crazy we were supposed to meet the driver outside but instead got swarmed by paps and fans. We walked through customs only to meet a group of screaming girls and flashing cameras.

We waited while Austin stood and took photos with the sweet girls some even asked me for photos, that is when things began to get heated. The paparazzi started to push the young ladies out the way which stressed them out. Being claustrophobic Austin and I began to panic with the confined space. Joe Austin’s bodyguard pulled us out of the way which made the fans upset as not all of them managed to get a photo.

We all then got chucked into the car and away from the chaos. For the entire ride Austin talked about how angry and upset he was that he didn’t get to each of them. I pulled out my phone to see loads of mentions from fans a mixture of opinions. Some thanks for photos others asking where we were staying and of cause the usual hate.

I replied to a few and tweeted our apologizes to the Mahomies who didn’t get photos I also let them know we’d make sure they would get another chance before we leave but  I of course couldn’t tell where were staying. I slipped my phone back into my pocket as we arrived at the hotel. The kind bell hop brought up our luggage stacking mine in my closet.

Realising the time I stumbled through my case for my dresses when I found a box already set on my bed. I walked over to it the white box printed Versace, I slid off the lid to reveal a purple satin material lifting it out of the box it fell to the floor and I fell in love. I screamed jumping up and down when Austin ran into the room.

“WHAT WHAT” he panicked breathing heavily when his face suddenly relaxed once he caught sight of me. “I knew you’d like it” he smirked walking towards me I raised my eye brows at him wondering how he could get something like this. “Mike and the guys thought as were getting nice suits you ladies deserve something beautiful to wear and what better than Versace in Italy!” he had a point I placed the dress safely into its container and pulled him into a hug.

“Its stunning thank you for everything really, but please don’t spend any more money on me or you’re in trouble mr!” I giggled. “Hey it’s only fair if I’m getting the guys stuff I gotta make sure my ladies are taken care of too right” I shrugged when Michele rushed in.

“Oh my have you seen the dress I got, oh my god look at that yours it’s so pretty. I wanna see it on, Austin out it’s girl time now were getting ready!” she ordered as he smiled closing the door behind him. After what seems hours of pampering we were ready the boys were more than relieved as they had be ready a while before.

We finally got to the beach there the isle had been placed scattered flower petals were everywhere. We found our place just as the bride began to walk towards her beloved. I found myself getting teared up as the groom stood in shock of his bride’s beauty. “Here” Austin whispered passing me a tissue and placing his hand around my waist.

The ceremony had finished we all made our way to the after party best thing was it was right next to our hotel no drunken stumbling back for me! The bar was packed as the drinks flowed the party had begun. The music pounded though the building but I was nowhere drunk enough to unleash my moves. So downing a load more drinks I slowly started to feel the effect.

“Haven’t you drunk enough Cara” Zach wined as I grabbed the nearest bottle downing it in everyone’s sight. “Not even close so unless you buy us another round your lonely hotel room is waiting…”

“Come on ladies let’s go strut our stuff” I demanded pulling them off there feet. The girls made their move as we approached the dance floor the boys making way for us when my song came on.

 ‘Now That I Have Captured Your Attention, I Wanna Steal Ya For A Rhythm Intervention. Mr TSA, I’m Ready For Inspection. Sh-Sh-show Me How You Make A First Impression’

My hips swayed to the beat running my hands through my sweaty hair not realizing the whole room had their eyes on me. I bit my lip dropping my hand letting it run down my chest seductively. I was so intoxicated I really didn’t care who was watching. I swigged more alcohol as it run down my throat it burned.

‘Oh, Oh Can We Take It Nice & Slow Slow. Break it down & Drop It Low, Low. Cause I Just Wanna Party All Night In The Neon Lights Till You Can’t Let Me Go’

I dropped my body down low pushing up whipping my hair rippling my body down. I squatted legs wide as a popped my butt out shaking it as I shimmed up.

 ‘I Just Wanna Feel Your Body Right Next To Mine, baby slow down the song’ It was then I felt warm hands tightly grab my waist pulling me to them. I was too drunk to turn and face the person bold enough to dance with me. His fingers squeezed at my hips his touch making me feel some sort of way.

His hot breath lingered at my neck making my pulse quicken.  Trails of kisses were left down my neck as I was pulled close to him turning me on. That’s when he spun my round to face him leaving no gap in-between us. His lips came smashing onto mine when mine responded deepening the kiss.

He swung up my legs carrying me bridal style out of the building. When we reached the hotel door my head began spinning like crazy. He kicked it open making me laugh at how eager he is. Pushing me up against the wall leaving trails of kisses down my neck, my legs wrapped round his torso.

I tugged at the collar of his shirt growing impatient within a second his ripped the shirt open buttons flying across the room. He bare chest in full view my greedy eyes couldn’t look away placing kisses across his chest up to his neck a small moan escaped his lips.

Hot hands scrambled at my waist as they found the zipper of my dress. Unzipping it all the way down and letting it fall to the floor carrying me to the bed. My body fell onto the mattress as he crawled his way up the bed towards me his body hovering over mine.

 The passionate kisses continued as my arms fell around his neck pulling his body close to mine. My fingers wrapped in his hair tugging at the ends his sloppy kisses fell down to my chest, where he unclipped the clasp of my bra throwing it to the floor. I giggled embarrassed laying exposed his eyes became greedy pulling me to him. “I want you, I need you” he growled into my ear the words playing over in my head…

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