I Am Your Teacher (Severus Sn...

By DorothyGale12

417K 16.1K 6.7K

#1 Severussnape March 17th 2019 #1 HarryPotter January 5th 2020 "Because what I want to do is wrong... and I... More

Let me Explain
William Potter
Professor Snape
A Happy Yellow
Knock It Off
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
The Perfect Dress
Finding A Date
The Ball
Malfoy's Words
Cold Rays of Moonlight
The Black Envelope
Is This What You Want?
You Little...
Jealous, Potter?
I Understand
I'll See you Tomorrow
Just Two Weeks
The Twins
It's Pretty
What Does Gold Mean?
Christmas Morning
Fredrick Weasley
The Truth
Draco's Questions
Extremely Inappropriate
A Surprise
The Latte Boy
A Secluded Place
What's Wrong?
My Now, REAL Date
Should I Go?
You're Okay
I Love You
No Matter What
Graduation Plans
Now We're Even
You're Not Alone
I'm Happy For Him
I'm Here For You (Draco)
Look At Me (Draco)
Breaking (Draco)
Not Now... (Draco)
Mr. Malfoy (Draco)
"Nothing" (Draco)
It's Nice to Hear From You (Draco)
Now or Never (Draco)
How About This? (Draco)
Daisies (Draco)
Breakfast in Bed (Draco)
Cleansweep (Fred)
You Hungry? (Fred)
Spaghetti (Fred)
Hermione (Fred)
A Common Slu- (Fred)
Moving On (Fred)
His Red Sweater (Fred)
Ronald (Fred)
I Am Thankful (Fred)
I'll Try (Fred)
Steam (Fred)
I'm Gonna Need That In Writing (Fred)

It Doesn't Matter

8.6K 357 161
By DorothyGale12

I woke up early the next morning, thoughts of Severus ran through my mind. I wonder if I was really going to see him today or not. Usually, on Saturday's Hermione and I skip breakfast and sleep in. Though, because I couldn't sleep last night, I woke up quite early and figured I'd head down for breakfast. Hermione had already been asleep by the time I came back to our room last night. Seeing how I wasn't given the chance to talk to her, I don't want to worry her with my absent when she wakes up. I quickly jotted down a note.


I couldn't sleep any longer so I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll see you later and you can tell me how your night with Ron!

Love, (Y/n)'

Alright, that should do it. There wasn't any class today, so I didn't have to wear my uniform. I slipped on a red plaid skirt, mainly because I was too lazy to put on pants. Then I threw on a white fluffy sweater, put on my black flats and made my way to the common room. Just as I was about to walk out I heard my name being called. It was Ron. He was the last person I expected to see. Normally, he sleeps in the latest out of all four of us.

"Where were you last night? Harry and Hermione were freaking out."

"I just needed some air. I wasn't feeling like myself is all." I said as Ron nodded with a knowing smile.

"I heard about what Draco said... If it makes you feel any better, Will ended up punching him a good seven times!" He was trying to make me feel better, how sweet.

"Did he?" I laughed.

"It was wicked."

"Is he okay?" I asked, suddenly concerned about what Draco may have done to poor Will.

"Yeah, Draco didn't leave a scratch on him! No one's ever gonna let him forget that he got beat up by a 5th year!" I chuckled a bit. I really hope Malfoy's defeat overpowers the gossiping about what he called me last night. That's the last thing I needed, unnecessary rumors.

"That's good. I'm heading to breakfast, do you want to come?" I politely asked. I haven't been able to talk to Ron in quite some time.

"Nah, I'm gonna get a few more hours asleep. I just got up for some water." I laughed a bit at his words. I nodded, about to leave.

"Oh and (N/n), Don't even pay any attention to what Malfoy said. Nobody thinks that." Ron said, a serious tone in his voice.

"Thank you." I gave him a sad smile before I left the common room. I walked down the corridor, making my way down one flight of stairs. I wonder what would be for breakfast this morning? I haven't gone to breakfast on a Saturday morning in quite some time. As I started heading down the second set of stairs, it started to move. I lost my balance, stumbling over my own feet until I caught myself with the handrail. 'Great. Now I'm heading the complete opposite direction.' I guess I'll have to find my way back. I finished walking down the stairs and noticed that I was now in a corridor I have never been to before. It seemed...murky almost like no one has been here in years. A chill ran up my spine with a sudden feeling of someone watching me. Someone then whispered my name. Startling me in the process.

"Who's there?" I asked. I noticed how dark it was getting, I began to walk faster through the hall. I have no idea where I was going. I could hear the sound of footsteps growing louder from the distance. My instincts took over and I started running. It was now pitch black but that didn't stop me from moving as fast as I could. My breath was now coming out in shaky waves as excitement coursed through my veins. Even though I was frightened, I found myself enjoying the adrenaline rush. Something then covered my mouth, holding me in place. Quickly I kicked whatever was behind me. I heard someone hiss as I pulled out my wand and muttered "Lumos." Letting the light flood back into my vision.

"You are faster than I expected." Severus's dark hair fell in front of his eyes, even though half his face was covered I could still see his grin. Without thinking I punched him hard in the shoulder.

"You could have given me a heart attack!" His smile didn't leave his face. Before I had time to pull my wand away, he put his hand over it, snuffing out the light.

"I brought you here for a reason." His voice was now a whisper. He then wrapped his arms around my frame, leading me through the dark corridor.


He led me into a lit room, warm candlelight filled its dark crevices. It looked like a lounge. There was a black leather couch, a dining table, fireplace and each of the walls had dark blue curtains draped over them. That's odd, there isn't a window in sight.

"I figured I'd treat you to breakfast." Severus sat at the dining table as a beautiful breakfast appeared in front of us.

"How did you know I'd be up this early?" I asked, a conserved smile settling on my lips.

"I couldn't sleep, I just ...assumed..." He quickly glanced at me before studying his plate again. Was he nervous? I sat down across from him, deciding to eat along with him. It'd be weird if I just sat and stared. I cleared my throat as I took a sip from my glass.

"How old are you Severus?" I asked, breaking the ongoing silence between us.

"Twenty-one...soon to be twenty-two... May I ask why you want to know?" My heart fluttered. So he was about three, maybe four years older than me. I swallowed, I hope that isn't bad.

"I was just curious."

"How old are you?" He sat up in his chair, his face held serious, the same composure he would give during class.

"I, Uh... Don't think I should say.." My stuttering embarrassed me more than I already was. I don't want him to think of me as a child, not when I finally have him admitting he has feelings for me.

"Well, you're a seventh year, so that means you are between the ages seventeen through nineteen." I kept my eyes held at the rim of my glass. I was too nervous to speak. The word 'teen' rang our clear from his voice, making me feel like some sort of child compared to him. The room grew silent again as I refused to answer his question. He stood, the floor screeching as the chair scraped against it. I watched him walk around the table, making his way closer to where I sat. He extended his hand to me as if he was a gentleman asking for a dance. I accepted, standing up in front of him. His night like eyes searched mine again as I felt something cold and smooth brush against my cheek. It took me a moment before I realized it was the back of his hand.

"It doesn't matter how old you are. Either way, what we are doing is wrong... That's why nothing can happen between us..." His touch fell from my face, but he didn't move, he was still standing close to me. My heart sank, but, I agreed with him.

"Then why did you bring me here?" I asked, holding back from wanting to run my fingers through his black, silk-like hair.

"I... we are doing nothing wrong here..." I could tell he had trouble finding the words to answer me.

"So why are we hiding?" I pressed on.

"Because what I want to do is wrong... and I don't trust myself enough to be seen with you in the public eye." His voice dropped to a whisper as he took a step away from me. I smiled, glad that he was feeling the exact same way as me, but hurt that he didn't want to explore what was between us. I let my smile falter as I walked passed him, purposely letting my hand graze his as I did. I took a seat on the couch and he followed, sitting beside me.

"I'm eighteen." I looked at my Professor, trying to convince myself to keep eye contact. It's funny how out of a school setting he doesn't look like he could be my teacher. He simply looks like any other person... my age. Except for the fact that he is incredibly gorgeous, that definitely stands out.

"You're..." He held his sentence for much longer than he normally does. He seemed to use this time to examine me, which I was beginning to get used to now.

"Eighteen." With his voice speaking my age, I saw a flicker a mischief flash through his eyes. He licked his lips, as he looked down at his lap, a low chuckled coming from him.

"It's gonna be hard to stay away from you."


Thanks for reading!! I appreciate all of you for reading!! Thank you so much! #1 in SeverusSnape!!

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