My Richie Kray

By ShadyDreamsFactory

58.7K 1.2K 698

Some may say this would be the London's east end equivalent of the sordid love tale between the Joker and Har... More

Kray-zy for you...
Unshackle yourself... Buttercup
Time to Get-A-Way
Sucker For Pain
"Your crazy, matches my crazy"
Drowning in a daydream
Curtains Up...
"Does She Make You Happy?"
"We don't do normal, people like us."
Is blood thicker than water?
"Baby I'd Kill For You"
"What is life without trouble, my little sherbet?"
Dancing With The Devil
The Devil was him. Richie was the Devil"
Wedding bells in hell...
Blood spilled, hearts tainted.
Jadas Elegy...
Every cloud has it's silver lining.
He's a gangster & enjoys being one
Here it starts, your real life...
Welcome to Richie Kray...
The Wars Beginning
Goodbye, Richie Kray
Lifes One Big Headache
An unwanted phone call
Losing focus, and all control
Ticking Timebomb
There's no peace and quiet in hell.
The Richie Kray show...
Photoshoots of a horror film
Switching positions...
Please, not my baby.
What now?

Signing your soul to the devil

601 24 15
By ShadyDreamsFactory

As soon as he come off air all hell broke loose. He walked off the stage so calmly but once he was out of sight he ripped off his mic pack and schitzed THE FUCK out.
I watched on in horror as he unleashed his temper upon the producers for allowing the subject of his father to be brought up when he'd specifically instructed for it to be not so much as hinted at.
Security flooded around him, trying to calm him down but Richie was having none of it.
I'd took it upon myself to call Cal do that he could round up a few of the guys to come down because even I couldn't bring him out of his rage, he'd punched through the dry wall and ripped the TV off the wall, his hair had fallen out of place as he went around the room like a tornado, thankfully Callum came bounding into the room,

"Let him in!" I panicked as security tried to apprehend my brother,

"What the fuck?" Callum panicked at me as Richie still continued to go mental at the crew, Ray followed through the door, this was the only time I was thankful to see him, he'd contain this absolute shit storm,

"MITCHELL!! OY! BRO! LISTEN TO ME BROTHER!!"  Ray grabbed Richie by the shoulders and pulled him around to deter him from the verbal lashing he was giving to a very panicked and frightened show producer,

"DONT YOU FACKIN' BROTHER ME! WHAT?! You want me to shut me mouth d'ya?! He who is silent is understood to give his consent, does it look like I gave my fackin' consent to speak about that fackin' sperm donor?! DOES IT?!"

"We'll sort out the legalities another time but the old Bill are gonna be down here anytime soon for criminal damage ya daft cunt! C'mon!"

"I ain't fackin' leavin' till the bastards do come! I've been made a cunt of and I want that hosts neck for it!!! Did you see him Ray?! The bastard reckoned on he could push me, then spills some crap about our Cathrine before taking it up with us before I went on air! They knew from this morning! TAKE ME FOR A MUG YEAH?!" He screamed at the open door, wow he had well and truly lost the plot!

"Jada come on" my brother guided me out by my arm, and on this occasion I wasn't one to resist, I'd never seen him so angry over something so... small,

"I can't believe he's gone and done this Callum, this is mess! There's gonna be no covering this up" As we walked down the corridor a group of coppers ran down towards the room,
"Oh god! Cal they're gonna lock him up!" I turned on my heel but Callum pulled me back,

"Jada trust me, they won't"

"What? Are you blind? Did you not just see all of that?!"

"Just..." he exhaled, "Trust me Jada, Alright?" His hands clasped my shoulders, his eyes gave me all the reassurance that I needed.

It had been around an hour since I'd left the studio with my brother, we was sharing a cup of tea and much to my dismay this included the company of Richie's mum too,

"Oh thank the lord" she exhaled dramatically as we heard the front door in the distance go. I rolled my eyes and let her chase down the hallway after him,

"Jada" Callum scolded,

"What? She does my fucking head in! 'Oooooh my poor sweet boy!' Give over, she's only here when he's in trouble, he's always the one waiting on her hand and fucking foot like she's the queen" my lips zipped shut as in came Richie with his brother and two policemen, to my surprise he wasn't handcuffed,

"Cheers lads for the ride, fancy a cuppa? Jada makes a good 'en" Oddly his invite seemed... genuine?

"No thanks Mr. Richardson. We best be getting off. We need to clear up the mess but rest assured news won't break of it, just don't forget the monthly increase for the favour yeah?" The bent copper bid us all farewell as his colleague followed him out of the kitchen,

"More money to them?" I folded my arms,

"Save me the earache will ya Jada"

"Oh don't worry, it's not like I've been sat here worrying about you!"

"Jada!" Cal barked at me,

"No! I'm sick of taking orders and being the only one who gets it in the neck! I'm going out!"

"Should I go after her?" I heard Ray as I stormed out,

"DON'T BOTHER!" I shouted over my shoulder before leaving the house. Why the fuck couldn't everything go nice and smoothly like planned? Now somehow the coppers bribes had increased and we was gonna have to watch our step over the cracks we were painting over, sooner or later word would get out about Richies violent outburst.
I'd took myself off to a quiet cafe where I sat in a comfy corner booth by the window, clasping the huge coffee mug as I watched the rain fall and the world pass me by.
Just one ounce of normality... that's all I wanted. Just one day where there was no talk about gang warfare, money, BUSINESS. Or without seeing his PRECIOUS nosey cow of a mother.
I watched a couple sharing an umbrella, dodging the puddles and enjoying wavering about as they did so. I then noticed the lady looked to be pregnant, and then of course I clocked on to the two wedding rings, it was probably a moment of many that they'd not even realize was happening, but it was a moment I yearned for, just to be carelessly walking out in the rain with my husband, carrying our child, settled, happy, enjoying the little moments that passed us by, day by day. My phone started to vibrate against the table, unknown caller?

"Hello?" I frowned as I stirred in a sugar cube, "Hellooo?" The phone call then dropped. How weird? I took a long sip, and each and every fibre of my being relaxed as I slumped back, enjoying every moment of the piece and quiet that surrounded me,

"Uhm, excuse me?" A gentleman stood before me, his hair was dark and thick, a long curled hair that strayed from his perfect quiff dropped from the weight of the water that it held, he looked rather suave but somewhat drenched from the rain,

"Hi, sorry, am I in your seat or.."

"No, no not at all, I... it's Jada, right?" He flashed a perfectly straight and shockingly bright white smile at me, but my eyes pulled back up to his shockingly bright blue eyes,

"It is.." I quizzed him with a frown,

"May I?" He signalled to sit across from me,

"By all means" I managed to muster up a fake smile. See! NO alone time... EVER!

"I own the gym you attend, IntoShape gym? My names Theodore Diego, but you can call me Ted" his smile touched his eyes,

"Oh? Ohhh yes I've seen you a couple of times, nice to meet you, is that an American accent?"

"Indeed it is. Anyway, I hope you don't mind the intrusion, I just wanted a quick chat.. well it's more of an offer you see. Do you fancy a coffee?"

"I'm good thanks" I grinned, but oddly he didn't seem to appreciate my refusal,

"Fine. Nonetheless, I have had comments from our PT's on your astounding dedication to our classes. I'm launching a new gym wear campaign and we are looking for active sportsmen and women to model the clothing. It's fully paid and we will provide anything from transportation to food on location, I think you'd be just the picture" he joined the tips of his fingers and peeped at me through the finger made camera lense,

"Wow, jheeze, erm..." I kind of chuckled in disbelief,
"Where would it be shot?"

"Oh at my gym. I'll be closing as usual at 9pm and then we will begin the photography 9:30pm promt... so are you in?"

"Well.. you haven't really gave me much time to.."

"What exactly would there be to think about?" He interrupted me, he did have a very strong sense of arrogance to him, I wasn't sure if I admired this in him or if it really irked me,

"Sorry?" I shook my head,

"Well we'll be paying you, handsomely. And we will be providing your transportation and food... so again, what would there possibly be to think about?" His voice was soft yet persuasive,

"I know it's just... I'm not a model? I could be so awkward in front of a camera and.."

"Awkward is my speciality" his grin held something sinister to it,
"However, I've seen you in those magazines, you're perfect without even trying Jada, I just know you will nail this for me"

"That's a lot of confidence coming from a stranger"

"Well" He shrugged carelessly, "So are you in?"

"Theodore I..."

"Call me Ted"

"Ted... I..." his eyes seemed to distract me from my hesitations,
"I'm... yes, I'll do it"

"Marvellous. Just great" his smile infected me as I chuckled to his excitement,
"If you could just write your details in here for me" he pulled out a very tatty looking black book and held down the page for me as I jotted down my name and mobile number, who even did pen and paper these days?


"Why do you need that at this point?"

"So we obviously know where to collect you on Friday"

"Okay" I spoke uneasily, but we did have security around the clock so it'd be his funeral should he try anything,

"Look at that, sold your soul to the devil" he snapped his book shut and stood to his feet,

"It feels like it" I watched him with suspicion,

"So then, 3 days from now, be sure to be ready for 9pm, I will collect you from your home in a black Bentley Bentayga"

"Fancy" I grinned, he smiled for a split second but then he pulled his phone from his pocket and dashed off. What a bizarre but captivating person....

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