Oddly Similar (Complete)

By ReeSha101

2.1K 289 191

#1 in General Fiction of Phoenix Awards #1 self-made #1 similar #9 corporate 6'1'', dimpled, tanned, corporat... More

Oddly Similar - Author's Note
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter - XI
Chapter - XII
Chapter - XIII
Chapter - XIV
Chapter - XV
Chapter - XVI
Chapter - XVII
Chapter - XVIII
Chapter - XIX
Chapter - XX
Chapter - XXI
Chapter- XXIV
Chapter- XXV
Chapter- XXVI
Chapter- XXVII
Chapter- XXVIII
Chapter- XXIX
Chapter - XXX
Chapter - XXXI
Chapter- XXXII
Chapter - XXXIII
Chapter- XXXIV
Chapter - XXXV
Chapter - XXXVI
Chapter - XXXVII
Chapter- XXXVIII
Chapter - XXXIX

Chapter VI

85 8 2
By ReeSha101

Too much.

Too much.

What seemed like a bright early-bird-gets-the-worm idea yesterday night had snowballed into a nightmare involving Ghost of the Christmas Past and potential Psycho rolled into one.

Firstly, he dresses up just like her...I mean what's the probability of Mr. Moneybags waking up this morning strolling through his expectedly massive wardrobe and deciding to wear clothes mirroring her.

Secondly actually this should be first, he knew she would come to her and not some police officers with warrants of forceful entry charges...talk about being distastefully smug and stalker-ish.

Thirdly he knows what she eats, where she eats from and downright spooky...how she takes her tea!! Scratch second this is more stalker-ish!!

I mean how the hell did he know that!!

She did deserve a series of pats on her back for not losing it all there....mentally her eyes were popping out in alarm once in a while...scratch that....throughout.

She knew lust is one among the seven sins but she didn't know Karma was so bright and cheery, delivering so swiftly this morning.

She felt like screaming.


Very loudly.

But then her thoughts went absolutely still when she wracked her brains trying to confirm if she'd truly actually seen Pete Williams or if her mind was out of some long imposed work stupor and trying to shake everything up by imagining seeing him.

Really, could she have imagined that!!

For he did look as creepy as she recalled how he was!!




She felt like the same teen years ago running home to the one guy she trusted blindly.

Turning her car into the road leading to Hyde Park, she instantly felt like she was back home and safe and nothing could touch her. Her dad still stayed in the same house he'd first bought and gifted her mother, despite all his wealth and the string of properties he ended up owning later. Many questioned it because most of his contemporaries were either living their life in early retirement or holidaying away but he still worked six hours from his study at the house like clockwork.

Something he never stopped or considered halting for at least the next 20 more years, he maintained a lifestyle which ensured that would definitely be possible. His doctors confirmed and showcased his case as an example to others. He hadn't lost hope after his Helena's death, he still was very much in love and close proximity to her by being in this house.

The neighborhood he lived in was another of the support systems.

They say a true test of a good man is either of two things- old friends or old servants and he had both.

She wondered wistfully as she pulled into the driveway and found dad sitting on the porch with one of their neighbors, Mr. Walter enjoying tea and freshly made scones. They welcomed her with broad smiles when she walked up to them.

"How's our little Rosey doing this lovely afternoon?" beamed Mr. Walter.

"Am well. How are you?" she smiled back with equal warmth.

Being here surrounded by people who'd known her all her life instantly put her at ease. While she was interacting with Mr. Walter, her dad was observing her. She used to come unannounced all the time. Keeping two homes was a bit of an official obligation like an introduction/exhibition of their work. Her place all lavish and her father's place all comfortably humble were like their calling cards. They routinely met clients at either places or her office depending on the requisites- case to case basis.

Father - daughter duo was unapologetically workaholic. They took pride in the fact they were self-reliant individuals who were emotional support systems for each other but rarely displayed it, except to the people who were their close inner circle.

She went up to her room at dad's place. She rarely went in there straight. Her first spot was always the kitchen. Even the fresh scones didn't tempt her. Slumped on her bed, she got up a few minutes after she heard Mr. Walter leave shouting his bye to her from the porch.

The neighbors were close-knit.

She changed into track pants and a top, sprinting down to her car carrying all the plans in to dad's study. Her dad followed her wisely not questioning anything waiting patiently for her to explain what the matter was.

Laying out the charts and plans for her dad to carefully examine she noticed her stomach rumble as she'd skipped lunch and all of a sudden the scones seemed enticing now. She got to the kitchen, stuffed her mouth with the melting delight making tea for both of them.

Tea was the father-daughter trademark poison. They could have it in the middle of the night and still be unaffected.

By the time she returned with tea, her dad was through with the plans, hands folded he waited for her to relate the whole bizarre morning with every single detail.

Finally she mentioned that maybe she saw Pete Williams at Kronos's offices at which her dad's eyebrows shot up examining her face as if a lie-detector was reading up pulses. Needless to say, she got her cautious attitude from him.

The words he spoke finally almost stunned her.

"We are taking up the project."

213 reads!! A big shout-out to all the readers out there.

Thank you!!

Votes and comments keenly awaited!!

I would really like to know what you think about these chapters, if the story is developing to your liking or if you'd like a different pace or perspective!!


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