The Eye of the Storm

By demiwitch1

85K 3.2K 826

{Book Six} {HarryPotter and Avengers Crossover} Relationships. The one thing Kendra Barton was still struggli... More

Will I Ever Finish a Letter?
Long Live the King
Gotta Get Back to Hogwarts
Growing Apart
Lavender Happened
Skipping Class
Cold Truth
Two Weeks?
Girl (and Guy) Talk
Slughorn Party
Shut Up About Malfoy
Screw Him
Who the Hell is Daisy?
I Want Both
Placebo Effect
Out of my Depth
A Crossed Line
The last Single Pringle
What is Happening?
Why is it Always Aliens
Five Weeks Later
Concrete Hope
Prep Time
It will be Worth it
After the End
Re-entering Society
Perks of Almost Dying (a lot)
Settling In
Amateur Assassins
Bat to the Head
No More Second Chances
Love and Loss
Third Funeral
New Book is Out

Home is Where the Heart is

1.8K 83 17
By demiwitch1

The next morning, I told Hermione and Ron about the wedding, and both of them agreed to go. We all agreed it was best to leave that night. It was friday, so we wouldn't miss any classes, but we could leave before Saturday. So that night, we all gathered in the empty common room.

" Okay everyone," I said. "We need to get muggle clothes on."

"Should we were a dress," Hermione asked me.

I laughed. "No, we would probably be more dressed up than the bride if we did."

"I don't have any muggle clothes," said Ron.

"Do you have your Weasley sweater with you?" I asked.

"Er, yes."

"The wear that and whatever pants you wear under your robes. That goes for you too, Harry."

"What about Hermione?" asked Ron, who has had a chip on his shoulder lately.

"I am not so short sighted that I don't bring muggle clothes with me to Hogwarts, Ron," sniffed Hermione. Then she turned to me. "But what are you going to wear Kendra? You only have a dress, and we ran out of curtains."

"What?" said Harry.

"I'm going to wear my SHIELD uniform," I said, ignoring Harry.

"How are we going to get there?" asked Ron skeptically.

"Since I don't want to worry my grandmother, I thought we could fly there."

Harry and Ron suddenly looked more interested in coming.

"Flying?" squeaked Hermione.

"You can fly with me Hermione." I smiled at her.

"But isn't your broom locked in the quiditch locker room?" said Ron.

"It's a good thing the Quidditch Captian has a key,"

Harry took the hint, and left to get my broom. While he was gone we all changed clothes. when he came back, he had his and Ron's broom as well mine. "We left them in the locker after practice."

Harry, Ron and Hermione went under the invisible cloak. The cloak was to small for all four of us, So I led the way. I was the spy, so we figured I would have a better chance of not getting caught. We made our way out to the Black Lake. Once we arrived, harry folded up the cloak and put it in his bag.

"So here's the plan:  We fly to a spot about a mile away from the base. Then Coulson will meet us there and drive us to the base."

With that, we flew towards our destination. Hermione hugged my so tightly I could barely breath. I guess she hated flying more than I thought.

Flying at night was something else. The cool air was causing my hair to whip and twist around and behind me. The clouds were below me, shielding us from the mesmorizing city lights below. But the stars shown brighter than the city lights. They shown clearer, reminding me where I really wanted to stay. The moonlight was on my face, asking me to through all caution to the wind. The urge to let out a whoop bubbled up in my throat. I had never felt more like a witch.

Hermione did not seem to be having as much fun as I was. The faster we went, the tighter she clung to me. I noticed Harry and Ron a little ahead of me, and sped up. They saw me pass them and whizzed back in front. Before I knew it, we were racing. Which didn't make much sense, considering only I knew exactly where we were going, but the moonlight told me not to care.

Somehow, we got where we needed to be. I touched down in the clearing just ten seconds before Harry and Ron did. We tumbled off our brooms laughing. Well, not Hermione.

"Blimey," said Harry. "That was fun."

"Not for me!" said Hermione. She was wide eyed and red in the face.

"Come on, Hermione. It wasn't that bad. Surely you and Krum went faster."

"Oh don't you start, Ron," said Hermione.

"It looked pretty fast," said someone behind us. Everyone else jumped, and turned around, but I knew that voice. I turned and tackled Coulson in a hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever," I said smiling.

"Didn't you see him a month ago," said Ron. I stiffened slightly and turned to glare at Ron.

"Not now, Ron," hissed Hermione.

"You didn't tell them?" whispered Coulson.

"I don't tell them everything."

Coulson looked sceptical, but didn't say anything. I stepped away from him and we walked over to my friends.

"That's Hermione, that's Ron, and that's Harry." I pointed to each of them. I turned to my friends, then pointed at Coulson. "This is Coulson."

Coulson started walked to the other side of the clearing and we followed him. we finally reached the end of the clearing and stopped.

"Kendra, I know you must miss Lola after not seeing her for so long, but this car will have to do instead."

Coulson pulled some keys out of his pocket and clicked them. A beeping noise sounded, and the cloaking device on the car turned off. A slick black mustang appeared in the clearing.

"Whoa," breathed Harry.

"Shield can use magic?" said Ron.

"No magic, science," said Coulson. "Everyone get in."

We all piled into the car. I sat up front with Coulson. There was some commotion in the back as Hermione and the boys decided who would sit in the middle. Finally, Harry was shoved in the middle.

"Are you all seated?" Coulson asked.

"Yes," they said.

"Off to HQ," I said happily.

Hey Everyone, I should have learned not to say anything about regular updates. The minutes I do, something crazy happens and I don't update for a few weeks. I hope the chapter was worth the wait. A big thank you to _Vircate12804_ agreed to be a of my beta reader for my poetry book. If anyone else wants to be one of my beta readers, message me.

Forever and Always,

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