Fem!Purge Gang x Fem!Insane R...

By Nighttra

345K 9.8K 3.7K

Do I really need a description for this one? More

Stuff to Know
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

17.8K 476 228
By Nighttra

"WHAT?!" I yelled as I looked at her baffled, "I'm not doing that! I want to go out! I want to kill! I'm not going stay trapped by your side!" 

I didn't even process what I said until the boss had my chin in a death grip,

"What did you just say?" She demanded as her grip on my chin got even harder

I whimpered as I tried to remove her hand, but to no avail. I looked away from her not trying to make eye contact,

"Are you going to answer me or will I have to break your jaw along with an arm and a leg?" Boss growled as I finally looked into her brown eyes 

I tried to speak but her grip didn't allow me to. She noticed this and softened her grip slightly,

"I-I didn't m-mean it b-boss." I stuttered out as her glare didn't falter

"Oh really?~Then how come you said it with so much passion?~" She asked me creepily 

"I-I swear I d-didn't mean it!" I pleaded as her grip started to tighten, "I-I'll stay with you until the purge is over!"

"Hm fine, but next time I won't let you off so easily." She let me go as I touched my jaw, wincing in pain once my hand came in contact with it


"Yes boss?" 

"Get me the collar."

I held in a whimper as she mentioned the collar.

"N-Not the c-collar." I stuttered softly as boss glared at me

"I don't want to hear it." She growled as Ivy handed her the collar along with the black leash, "Now come here." She pointed in front of her as I looked down before standing in front of her

I bit my lip as I held myself back from attacking her once she put the collar on my neck. Although once the 'click' of the leash could be heard my thoughts overcame me, making me go back to the past,

"Hold her down!" The man screamed as I kicked and struggled to get out of the straps

"Sir we're trying! We can't-" I kicked the guard right in the face before he fell to the ground

I jumped on top of the guard as I began to punch him in his face, over and over. With each punch I giggled before I saw red. I stopped after around the 30th punch to see the guard's face. He had a broken nose, two black eyes, and bruises were slowly taking over his face. I smirked before I turned to the doctor in the room, my knuckles covered in the guard's blood,

"You're next~" I sang creepily as I charged at him

The doctor dodged me as I tried to grab him, making me slam into the metal table behind him. I ignored the pain in my stomach as I turned to attack him again only to be tackled by guards,

"Quick! Get the collar on her!" The doctor ordered as I continued to struggle

Two of the guards held down my arms as I heard another one grab something off the metal table. In a matter of seconds I felt something around my neck before pain took over my whole body. As I writhed in pain I heard a voice call out to me,


I was confused. That sounded like Boss' voice! She shouldn't be here!

"Y/N!" I heard her again but much louder

I was finally brought out of my past as Boss came into view,

"Y/N baby are you okay?" Boss asked as I realized her hand was on my cheek

Baby? That's a new one. 

"Y-Yeah I'm f-fine." I answered nervously as I noticed the other girls in the room staring at me worriedly

Boss didn't seem convinced but she didn't push it,

"Well lets go join the others shall we?" She smiled as she lead me to the main room, where the bar and the main hang out area was

She sat down at a corner booth, pulling the leash harshly which caused me to sit on her lap. Boss smirked as she wrapped her arms around my waist. Ivy and Rose sat next to us, with Ivy on the right and Rose on the left. Out of my peripheral I could've sworn that I saw a look of jealousy in their eyes. I suddenly felt Boss' hand at the back of my neck before forcing my head in the space between her neck and shoulder. I could feel myself blushing as Boss started to kiss my neck,

"B-Boss.." I stuttered as I tried to get her to stop

That of course didn't stop her as she started to nibble and suck on my neck. I squirmed in her grip as she wrapped her other arm around my waist, keeping me in place. The moment was ruined as a guy approached us,

"Boss we have a problem."

Boss growled as she pulled away from my neck, 

"Is it that important?" She growled

"Yes. If it wasn't that we wouldn't have bothered you."

"Fine let's go Y/N." She tugged on my collar as she started to stand

"I'm afraid you can't bring her." 

This time Boss death glared the poor guy and he started to shake. 

"Fine." She growled as she turned around, before roughly placing something on my collar

She handed Ivy the leash before following the guy into another room. 

"Finally she's gone." Ivy muttered

I gulped as her and Rose wrapped their arms around my waist. I could feel their breaths on my neck which made me shiver,

"G-Girls?" I asked softly 

"Hm?~" Ivy purred as she softly bit down on my ear

"W-What're y-you doing?"

"Marking you." Rose stated 

"Wait wha-!" Ivy clamped her hand over my mouth 

"Shh just be a good girl~" Ivy smirked as her and Rose moved back to my neck 

I whimpered as I felt their lips on my neck going straight to biting and nibbling. I could feel the hickies on my skin as I desperately tried to get out of their grip. They stopped after a few minutes, a satisfied smile on their faces as they looked at my neck.

"Perfect~" Rose purred as she kissed my cheek

"D-Does this m-mean were d-dating?"  I ask as my blush refused to go away

"I guess it does, but we're in charge got it?" Ivy demanded as her grip tightened 

"Y-Yes! I understand!"

"Good." Both girls smiled 

They got me to lay on their laps as Rose ran her hand through my hair. I enjoyed the moment until some guy spilled his drink all over me,

"Hey watch it motherfu-" 

"You better apologize you piece of shit." Rose interrupted me as the guy continued to walk away 

"Hey! She's talkin' to you!" Ivy and Rose chased after the guy, leaving me all alone in the booth

Suddenly I was grabbed by the arm and dragged through the crowd. The person dragged me into a room before slamming the door shut,

"I never thought I was going to be able to talk to you." They said and I smirked once I realized who it was 

"What's up Henry?" 

"Well I finally got all the address' for you from last years request." He went to hand me a piece a paper until a blade was placed on his neck

I was surprised as I saw who it was at the other end of the blade,

"Abby let him go." 

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