Hero Journals: Book Two

By Applesstorys

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Titania, Lauren, Melanie, and Danielle are back. After what happened to them at the Mall in D.C. the group di... More

An Unexpected Visit
The Red-headed Lady
The Meeting
I become a Natural Disaster
A Clue
Project Meta G.
H.A.D labs gets Busted
The Alchemist

The Newbie

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By Applesstorys

Lauren here. I'm going to back up a bit before the building exploded to the part where I left Titania to go find out more about what they were doing. I ran down the hall and came opon a door marked with the words, testing room. That seemed like the room I needed to be in. I pushed open the door.

What I saw looked like they were trying to do something to harm them. I went over to find out more. Sudenly something hit my right shoulder. I looked down to see that what had hit me was a can and I looked around to find who had threw that at me. It was a man in a lab coat. "You shouldn't be here." He told me.

"And neither should you." I told him.

"I work here." He pointed out to me as if I didn't know that, "You do not."

"Really?" I said in a mock of disbelief. "I had no idea that I didn't work here. So what are you working on?"

"Alright get out miss."

"Sorry no can do. I'm not going without you telling me with what that is or a sample."

He thew something else at me, a knife. I held up my hand and stop it in mid-air, I then threw it back at him. "Doesn't work with me."

The man then started to run. I raised my hand to stop him but then desided better of it. It wouldn't matter anyway, they knew that I was here. I turned and saw a boy in what looked like a glass box. "Who are you?" I asked him as I walked towards him.

"I can here you." He said slowly after a while.

"Of course can't everyone?"

The boy shook he head. "I was born death and now I can hear. How is that possible?"

"You have the meta-gene, it gave you the power to hear."

"Is that how you made things float?"

"Yes, I'll explain everything, just let me get you out of here." I looked around to find something but then the ground started to shake. "What is going on out there?" I asked my friends.

"I don't know," Titania replied, "I thought it was them!"

The shaking continued but I floated over the ground and could see not that the glass had craket just a bit. "Stand back." I told him.

He did as I asked and I blasted some of my power at the glass. It broke spreading glass everywhere. The boy walked out, careful not to step on any glass at all. When he got over to me he said, "Thanks Moonfire."

That's when I got  Titania's message about the portal. "Don't thank me yet," I told him. "We got to get out of here before the building explodes."

He seemed to be taken back but quickly recovered and nodded. I ran out the doors and he followed my lead. As I ran I soon could hear the voice of Danielle, she was trying to get them to follow her. I put on an extra burst of speed and headed towards the room. Of course it was on fire. "Oh no." I said.

"Oh no what?" he asked.

"This thing is going to explode soon. I don't think any of us will be able to make it out in time."

"Well then what do we do?"

"Follow me quickly." I told him and ran over towards Danielle. "Everyone get over here if you want to live!"

They all did as I said and then I put a force field up with my power. The whole building exploded around us. All i could see was the fire and dabry that is flying around. I thought at one point I could hear Titania screaming. Then there was smoke covering us. When It faded I let the protective shield I had created fall. Everyone seemed confused about what was going on. I was about to ask if everyone was okay until I heard the voice of the Alchemist.

"Sorry but I have my orders from the Light." she said.

That was the last straw. I sent a blast of my power at her and flew out of the ruble. "You're alive!" Titania exclaimed and Danielle came to my side.

Well you know what happened Titania went after the Alchemist. While we waited for her we got the abducties out of the ruble. "So what's your name?" I asked the guy I had freed.

"Bryce." he told me.

Before I could reply Danielle came over to me. "it's been too long since Seaspray left."

"You're right." I let out a sigh. "I'm going after her."

"Be careful." Danielle told me.

"You too Pantha. We don't know when the local authorities will come."

Danielle nodded and I ran and jumped into the water. I used my power to separate the water molecules. I loved having Telicnisus. I swam until I found Titania on the ground passed out. I moved as quickly as I could towards her. I held my breath and stopped using my power and grabed her and pulled her out of the water and on to the shore.

"Moonfire to Pantha." I said through the coms. "I found Seaspray but she's unresponsive. I'm going to need to take her to the watchtower."

"Alright good luck. I think many of the abductees can find there way back home."

I took off Hoping that I would be able to get help for Titania. And that It wasn't to late.

Two weeks later we were sitting trying to figure out what to do. Bryce was on his way to see us. Out of all of the abductees we rescued he was the only one that wanted to help us. Titania was sitting on a hay bale in her family's barn. "You know I've been thinking" she said. "With us going to graduate we'll need a job and a good cover."

"Yeah?" Bryce asked walking into the barn and sat down next to me.

"What if we became a band. We could tour the country and maybe other countries too. We could stop crime that way."

"Yeah but what about Lex Luther's law?" Melanie asked. "He's stopped the Justice League from doing international crime."

"That just applies to the Justice League." Titania pointed out.

"Wait you're suggesting that we leave the team and go on our own?" Danielle asked.

Titania nodded. "Just think about it we could stop her. I'll miss everyone but what can we do?"

Titania was right. The only way to stop the Alchemist and the light was to leave the team and go rouge. We had to make sure that they hurt no more people and attack planets. "I'm in. It could be fun."

"I'm in too." Melanie agreed.

"I just joined but I'm in too." Bryce stated.

We looked at Danielle. She let out a sigh. "Fine we'll leave but let's still keep in touch with them. Just incase."

We all nodded in agreement.

Well know you know how we got our powers back and that we are going to be on our own. If you have powers and want to help us give us a call. If you don't watch your back people are after you and we don't know why. But one thing for sure, we will try to stop them.

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