Peter Parker One-shots

By rowtro

1.4M 33.2K 18.3K

The title says it all, just a few random field trip one-shots made by yours truly. I may be putting a few not... More

The Unforgettable Field Trip
The Day He Came Back
School's canceled
Field trip to the compound (Part One)
Field Trip to the Compound (Part Two) (Completed)
Hearing Aids Part One
Hearing Aids Part Two
Hearing Aids (part three) (completed)
Misgendered (Part One)
Misgendered (Part Two) (Compleated)
Magazine cover
The Marks that are left
Quick AN
Holy F**king Shit!
Gordon Ramsey
Magic (part one of three parts)
Magic (Part Two)
Not an update but a question for my curiosity
The Beach
The Beach (Part Two)
Copying others writing
Im tired but don't want to sleep
Spider-Man: Far From Home!!!!!
Lets Rock this dance!
Pietro (Part Two)
Peter in wakanda
He Understands Me
Panic (completed)
Mr. President
So sorry!
Hibernation (completed)
Venom (completed)
Jonnys phone call (compleated)
Another AN
Gone Part Two (Compleated)
Gone (Part Three)
Hurt Part One
Hurt (Part two)
Hurt (Part Three)
Hurt (Part Four)
Neverland (Completed)
Class Reunion
TE (Trumatic experience) (completed)
Never Have I ever
Even Angels Have Problems
Air Force
Thank You!
Coming Home
The Rule About Coffee
No Phone's in Class
The video
Imma going to rant
Agent Parker
I really need help
How getting drunk got me a boyfriend
Family? (Part One)
Field Trip?
Staying in Wakanda
Staying in Wakanda part 2
Requests? (Closed)
Becoming an intern (Part One)
Becoming an intern part two
Becoming Intern Part Three
I am so sorry
Peter Parker Funny Bits
Wakanda Outreach Center
I had a thought
Another Mr. President
Falling Apart
My hero Academia (falling apart part 2)
First chapter of Something More
A little Rant
Music Video
Subject 2364P or Hunting Spider
I'm Alive!
My phone was Stolen!
My hero academia 2
Kyoto Animation
Not Updating
Texts at Midnight
A Very Merry Christmas
First Day of High school!
Hi Y'all
The sun will shine on us again (Part One)
I know, another A/N
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Always Shatter Me
The story that lays over me
The letter
The Letter Part 2
First Son
What do you want?
Thanks for the support
The Start of a Friendship
I have good and bad news
Oh my god!
Intern Director
Last update

Spidey MJ

11.6K 248 127
By rowtro

Prompt by Pippa_Parker

I smile over at MJ who is sitting next to me on the roof of the building. I had no clue how this even happened but I was sure glad it did. A year ago she suddenly started sticking to things and getting stronger. Dad and I have been testing on her this whole time and we still can't figure out how she became spiderlike.

"What are you thinking about Dork?" MJ questions and I shrug.

"Just how you became Spider-girl," I say and MJ snorts.

"I really don't understand why you get to be Spider-Man When I have to be Spider-Girl," MJ says and I shrug.

"I don't either. I didn't name myself, J J Jameson named me, also called me a menace. Plus saying that I'm a man instead of a boy would make more people think I was a menace," I say and MJ leans into my side.

"Should we get started again?" MJ questions and I nod.

"Let's get going then!" MJ yells and then shoots a web and swings off.

I quickly follow behind her and laugh. We stop 13 muggings, 3 attempted rapes (This made MJ yell at the men and punch them a few times), and 5 store robberies.

"We need to head back. Aunt Nat said she wants to get some training done with us and she leaves for a mission tomorrow," I say as we stop for a break.

"Race you!" MJ yells already starting.

I laugh and swing after her.

*********The time skip to the tower*********

I was sweating buckets and MJ was no better. Aunt Nat had been drilling us none stop for three hours with punching, kicking, disarming and doing acrobats. She had only let us have a few minutes breaks every now and then. I understand that she is training us for our own good but she might be worse then a navy seals drill Sargent.

"Come on Peter! You can do better than this!" Aunt Nat yells at me as I block one of her punches.

"Aunt Nat give me a break! We've been at this for three hours!" I yell but Aunt Nat just aims a roundhouse kick at my head and I duck.

"Fine then. MJ come on over for your training," Aunt Nat says letting me take a break.

I walk over to a bench and take a large swig of water from a water bottle and whip my bare chest with a cloth as it was soaked in sweat.

I watched as Aunt Nat and MJ fought and it looked more like a dance. I was amazed by how smooth every move was. I was so entranced by my aunt's and girlfriend fighting that I didn't notice the sound of the door opening or footsteps.

"My god. Is that MJ?" A voice question's and the three of us, MJ, Aunt Nat, and I spin around. I fire a web along with MJ and Aunt Nat has a knife at the ready.

Standing there is our whole decathlon team in PJ's and stunned looks on their faces and Cindy and Abraham were covered in webs.

"What are you doing here?" Aunt Nat questions in a low voice not thinking for a second these kids may not be a threat.

"W-we're here on a field trip," Flash stutters look between the three of us.

"At nine at night?" Aunt Nat questions not believing Flash.

"We have an overnight field trip here because we won nationals," Cindy says and keeps trying to get out of either mine or MJ's webs.

"Oh jeez! I completely forgot about that. Aunt Nat, it's fine, they can be here," I say facepalming.

"So you two are Spider-man and Spider-girl?" Macy questions with a grin.

"You can't tell anyone," I say hurriedly.

"He's right. If you really are here for a field trip then you signed an NDA (None Disclosure Agreement). If you tell anyone then you will have Stark Industries lawyers on you before you can say jack rabbit," Aunt Nat says and I laugh at the team's faces.

"You don't need to go all mamma bear Aunt Nat," I say and she turns to me with a smile.

"Alright, only as long as you're sure you're going to be fine. By the way, they are all staying on your floor," Aunt Nat says and I frown in confusion.

"Why?" I question completely confused.

"Because Tony wants to annoy you. They are slipping in the common room," Aunt Nat says and this just makes me more confused.

"Why would Dad do that? He and I both share that floor and it has each of our labs," I say and Aunt Nat shrugs.

"I'm going to go home now," MJ says and walks over and kisses my cheek and leaves.

"I'll be in my room. Don't come looking for me," I say and walk out of there.

I go up to my room and start working on homework from school and then work on my suit. I heard talking coming from the common room along with a few yells every now and then. I sigh and slam my head down on my desk unable to focus.

"Did you hear Penis say he had a lab on this floor along with Tony Stark's lab? We should go check it out," Flash says and I tense.

"The tour guide said we can't go anywhere but here, the kitchen, and the bathroom. If we go anywhere else we could get thrown out," Cindy says in a rush.

"Whatever, it's not like Penis can do anything about it, he's just a wimp," Flash says and I shake my head and stand up.

I wait intel I can hear a few of the kids walk around and find my lab. I allow them in and make them think they did it themselves. Once I was sure they were picking up my stuff and messing around in my lab I walk out of my room and head to my lab.

I open the door with my handprint and the four kids who are in my lab turn with fear in their eyes.

"What are you doing in my lab?" I question already knowing.

"What's it to you? It's probably not even your lab and you probably broke in here to make yourself seem better, stole Spider-man's web shooters and to get us to believe your lies," Flash says and I glare.

"How does that even make sense in your mind? Why would I brake in, better question how, and why would my Aunt Nat go along with your story? Plus why would I steel my own web shooters?" I question annoyed.

"Your not Spiderman, Not in a thousand years. No way a wimp like you can be him," Flash says and I raise my eyebrows.

I walk over to the wall and climb up.

"Now that you have your prof get out of my lab!" I yell pointing to the door.

The kids including Flash rush out with surprised looks on their faces. I shake my head once they are gone and head back to bed. I was so angry that they tried to break into my lab that I completely forgot about the whole 'MJ and I are Spider-man and Spider-girl' thing and just fall asleep.

********time skip to next morning******

"Peter it is time to get up," Friday's voice says waking me up.

"Five more minutes," I groan and put my pillow over my head.

"Mr. Stark has asked me to get you up. He says there is something you need to see," Friday says and I get up.

I get out of bed and trudge to the kitchen where Dad was sitting at the table with newspapers spread around him with a cup of black coffee in his hand and a worried look on his face. 

"Dad, what's wrong?" I question coming up to him and sitting down.

"Your and MJ's identities are out," Dad says and hands me one of the many newspapers.

Right on the front is a picture of me and MJ both shooting a web a little to the left of the camera and there is a smaller picture of me standing on the wall with only my bare feet pointing to the side and a very angry look on my face.

"It was my decathlon team. You know how they had a field trip here last night?" I question and Dad nods.

"I know who it was exactly. Some kid named Eugene "Flash" Thompson," Dad says and I wince.

"I know he's been bullying you for years. What I don't know is why he got that name. I mean who names their kid Flash?" Dad questions and I laugh.

"His parents didn't give him that name. He got it in kindergarten when he used to flash people," I say through my laughter and Dad joins me laughing after I finish speaking.

"That's priceless. Anyway, do you want my lawyers to sue him for not following the NDA?" Dad questions and I nod.

"I would have been fine if it was just me but they brought MJ into it so yeah, sue them," I say and Dad nods.

"Sounds good," Dad says and we eat dinner.

*******End Note*******

Flash was sued and Mr. Stark won. Peter and MJ revealed it to everyone that they are indeed Spider-man and Spider-girl. They both went on and attended MIT and MJ quickly became the favorite spider.

They both lived long and happy lives after getting married and having a daughter.

The End

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