Taming Aurora

Por KimmyUB

114K 4.8K 2.4K

BOOK 3 in THE ROMANO SERIES Can be read as a standalone BUT I would advise you to read book I and 2 first to... Más

Chapter 1 - DANTE
Chapter 2 - Aurora
Chapter 4 - Invitation To Stay
Chapter 5 - The "TALK"
Chapter 6 - Aurora's Admission Vs Maddie's Confession
Chapter 7 - Emergency Meeting
Chapter 8 - I CAN'T DO THIS...!
Chapter 9 - THIS COULD BE IT!
Chapter 10 - The Kiss
Chapter 11 - Something isn't right!
Chapter 12 - Who the fuck is this KENNEDY?
Chapter 13 - I'm so dead...
Chapter 14 - Radio Silence
Chapter 15 - Temptations
Chapter 16 - We got this... But maybe we don't
Chapter 17 - Quality Time with the BFF
Chapter 18 - So it's true...?
Chapter 19 - Players CAN'T be played!
Chapter 20 - BE MINE!
Chapter 21 - Making The Connections
Chapter 22 - Long time no see... (PART 1)
Chapter 23 - Where are you WILDCAT...??? (Long time no see... PART 2)
Chapter 24 - COME FIND ME... I need you! (Long time no see... PART 3)
Chapter 25 - Unexpected Surprise...
Chapter 26 - Paying for your SINS...
Chapter 27 - We're under attack!
Chapter 28 - They didn't make it...
Chapter 29 - He didn't make it...
Chapter 30 - How do one make that choice?!
Chapter 31 - They can't all be... GONE!
Chapter 32 - THE FUNERAL (Part 1)
Chapter 33 - This is your fault! ( THE FUNERAL Part 2)
Chapter 34 - Secret Meeting
Chapter 35 - What The FUCK?!!!
Chapter 36 - I GOT YOU...
Chapter 37 - You... BETRAYED ME!
Chapter 38 - You're a long ways from home...
Chapter 39 - Now you know... Who's the fool now?
Chapter 40 - Torturing Trash... ROMANO STYLE
Chapter 41 - Get lost in the dark
Chapter 42 - Changes Needs To be Made
Chapter 43 - I Love You DaD...
Chapter 44 - Shut up and MARRY ME!
Chapter 45 - Wedding Day (Part 1)
Chapter 46 - Wedding Day (Part 2)
Chapter 47 - Blissfully Happy

Chapter 3 - The Twins' 5th Birthday Party

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Por KimmyUB

NEXT DAY (FROM ENDING DATE OF BOOK 2) - (Saturday, 26 November 2022)

Dante's POV

It's my niece and nephew's birthday party today and my sister in-law is running around like a headless chicken. She is running around checking on everyone and yelling at my brother and it's pretty amusing to watch the way he jumps everytime she says something or shout something at him, and everytime Gio and I dare to chuckle he glares our way and hurry after her. The twins and Bella are with my dad and Caterina, who by the way have been secretly dating or at least they think Steph doesn't know, my dad is afraid of how he will react so he is keeping their relationship a secret but he forgets who Steph is and how observant he is, nothing gets past him, ever but his waiting for my father to come out and tell him, himself until then Steph plays like he knows nothing.

Gio and I are currently setting up everything for the after party we had insisted on having, I mean surely the kids can't celebrate alone, their parents should celebrate their kids' 5th birthday as well, so we are setting up the villa for a relaxing evening with a few drinks, maybe even a dip in the pool as the kids' party is to end at around 6 or 7 and then Clarissa and Laura will then take care of them for the night. Gio and I had thought of everything so Steph and Kiara wouldn't be able to refuse.

We had helped earlier with the set up of the waterslides and other fun activities, since it's the last week of spring and summer is close by, the weather is perfect for the water theme party, as the nights are short and days are longer and warmer, and since the twins loves swimming just like their parents do, Steph figured it would be great to have a water theme party since they have a boy and a girl and choosing themes can often become difficult to fit both their genders and make the kids happy at the same time.

We helped the guys set up the waterslides, we made the backyard into a water park, the kids are going to love it as it is a surprise party, hence the reason why Kiara have been running around like headless chicken and because of everything my brother wanted for his kids, we had to help with all the setting up ourselves Because it was too much for the guys that came to set up, not to mention the fact that it's a nightmare to please Steph, nothing was to his liking, which is why he took over yesterday and ordered everyone around but he helped as well and drank with us too, which got him in deep shit but we had fun doing so, since he himself had quite a few drinks yesterday but was yelled at and now he isn't allowed to drink until the party is over, hence why he is jumping to every command Because he hates it when she's mad at him. We had other activities also set up for those that didn't wish to participate in the water activities.

Steph really went way out, it isn't a stuffy, elegant and luxurious party at all. He went out of his way to make it a fun place, not only for the kids that's the twins' age but also for the older ones and younger ones that's Bella's age as well as for the parents or any other adult that wants to join in on the fun, he had activities for all ages and the fact that he came up with it and had all the things bought himself, is pretty impressive to me.

He really has changed a lot, sure his still an ass and still a grump, pretty much the same when it comes to business but when his with his wife and kids, he turns into a big softie, that seems to carry a smile that cannot go away for even a second. When I look at the end result of all his secret planning and all the effort his put into it, I cannot help but be proud of the man he has become, he truly has become the leader we all look up too, he always has been that for me but now he has become the man I want to be, his become my idol.

The place looked fantastic and so much fun. The whole preschool where the twins attend and the teachers with their families has been invited, Steph had arranged limos to pick everyone up at the preschool at 1pm on the dot, he had also invited all the staff and men who has a family, and those who don't, will join in on the fun but will also be on high alert. The 5 of us, Steph, James and Justin  are to watch over the girls, three kids and Kiara, while the rest of the men that's on duty, uncover as workers are to watch the perimeter and everyone else on the grounds, because my brother doesn't trust anyone outside the family.

I know Kiara is impressed but she's faking that she's not, since she's mad at him and wants to give him a hard time. He had this secretly arranged to surprise Kiara, she thought he wasn't interested in the party planning but we had all been surprised when everything was delivered this morning and all the workers that arrived with the trucks and the foreman had asked for Mrs Romano, we all could see the surprise and happiness on her face when she saw what was really in the trucks. With the help of the workers and the men plus all of us, we had achieved to get it all set up within 5 hours or so. While Luigi and Alfred handled all the kitchen staff and extra catering staff to set up all the foods, snacks and sweets, everything under the sea themed.

None of the planning Kiara had done, was even apart of the end result and that pissed Kiara off more because she only then realized that they were following Steph's instructions, and paid no heed to her's and all her hard work, so yeah his in deep shit when this night is over but it's nothing we all know they can't overcome, since they are pretty unbreakable and definitely untouchable, they both said it many of times and proved it to be true and THAT'S the kind of love I want but unfortunately the one woman I want it with, has not only said that it'll never happen but she has also shown me just how little I mean to her, infact I'm getting that wrong, she showed me that I meant absolutely nothing to her and never will but I can't help but hope that things will change but I'm not holding my breath on that anymore.

"Dante!" I was snapped out of my awestruck moment by Gio, who was shouting for no damn reason.

"Why the hell are you shouting, I can fucking hear you quite fine!" I said glaring at him and he just rolled his eyes but then I heard a chuckle and looked next to me to find Justin next to me, I didn't even know he was here.

"Do you know how many times the kid was calling you? You were fucking day dreaming, we need to get to the house because the guests will be here in less than 2 hours" Gio says and I nodded at him and was about to walk when Justin spoke again.

"Steph send me to call you both and tell you to get ready, and that he wants allof us to meet in the sitting room in an hour, he'll have your Ass's if you're late" he says and then walks next to me patting me on the back. "He was mostly referring to you, Jayden and Dimitri" he says chuckling and then running away from me, fucking little shit.

"You better run you pussy!" I shouted after him, chuckling as he sped up, probably thinking that I'm chasing him, fucking idiot.

He has been training with us, he can now shoot and fight a little, his not bad at all but his still not great because his to soft to hurt anyone but we're trying to toughen him up, not to join the Mafia though because Steph doesn't want him or the kids apart of our world, he just wants him to be able to defend himself, if anything were to happen to any of us, he is to take care of Kiara and the kids, Steph's orders and we all agreed because he really is a good kid, we all love him no matter how much I want to kick his ass sometimes but Steph says it's because we are a lot alike but even when his pissing me off, I'd still kill or be killed for that kid, no doubt about that and so will the rest of the boys, especially my brother. Steph would kill anyone that so much as raise their voice at Justin. I'm use to that because he was like that when I was a teenager too, he would protect me just like his protecting Justin now and his going to be a thousand times worse when it comes to his kids.

"I'm going to grab a shower, I'll see you in an hour and for God sakes Dante, don't be late just to piss him off. You know his already having a hard time with Kiara, don't make him take out his anger on you, I'm not in the damn mood to play referee" Gio says as we're heading up the stairs.

"I'll try but I cannot promise anything, you know it takes time to look good and here will be a lot of half naked women so I need to look extra good today" I said chuckling with a wink as he glared at me. I love riling him and Steph up, it gives me great pleasure to annoy and sometimes piss them off.

"Please, who are you trying to kid, we both know there is only one out of all the women that'll be here today, that you care to impress but she won't even give you a glance so all in all you only need 5 minutes to get ready because you really have no one to look good for" he says with a wink and a triumphant smirk on his fucking face, son of a bitch knows that took my smile right off my face but he doesn't know that what he said did not only cut deep but it's also the damn sad truth.

"Fuck you!" I gritted out and pushed my bedroom door open and walked in and slammed the door shut in his laughing face.

I don't know why I let him and Steph get to me with their comments because I'm suppose to be use to it by now, ever since they found out how I feel about Aurora, they make it a point to fuck with me everytime I try to tease them but they just don't know how much it actually hurts when they make fun of my feelings, that aren't and never will be returned. An hour and 30 minutes later I was dressed and on my way to the sitting room, not in the mood for fighting or teasing.

Since Gio said those things I felt my mood changing drastically, and the fact that I'll be seeing her here today but won't be able to speak to her or even get a glance from her, made me feel fucking miserable Before the day had even begun, but I'll have to try and keep a fake smile for my niece and nephew's sake, and of course my brother and his wife. I cannot let anything Aurora might say or do or I should say what she won't say or do, get to me today because today is about the twins and not about my bruised ego, non-existent self confidence, broken heart and lonely soul, it's about the kids and the fun we have to make sure they have!

"Well look who's early for a change, I'm impressed" Elijah says clapping his hands and I just rolled my eyes and took a seat and watch as he sits nursing a damn fruit cocktail, since Kiara had insisted that it be served as a beverage for the adults, Virgin fruity cocktails, might I add!

I sat and watched as everyone walked in either one by one or in pairs, Gio was first to appear with shock evident on his face when he saw me here before him, I just smirked at him, trying to show him that what he had said earlier had not affect me. The girls was next to arrive, Kiara being one of them and I was surprised that they're here as I thought Steph wanted to speak to us guys alone. I thought maybe he wanted to run through our positions again as he instructed us all where and whom we are to watch over. But I didn't ponder on that long as one of the girls had my full attention, Aurora walked in just behind Kiara and I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

She was wearing a pink flower dress, it was ironic how innocent and sweet she looked as she was the opposite of sweet and innocent, but yet she still managed to pull the look off. She looked beautiful and I couldn't help but stare at her, and then she greeted everyone but me, no surprise there but that doesn't mean it hurts any less. I just shook my head and looked down, not wanting to show her just how her treatment is affecting me. I was brought out of my thoughts by my brother as he walked in looking grim, I guess his wife had words with him again.

"Afternoon everyone! I called you all here to thank you for helping my wife and I make today happen for our babies that's 5 years old today. We couldn't have pulled it off without any of you, and as a thank you, we want to invite each and everyone of you to stay when the party is over for a little celebratory after party, which Dante and Gio had set up for us in the Villa" he says and everyone clapped their hand just when James and Justin walked in, James whispered something to Steph and he nodded and both guys took a seat.

"Right as I was saying, we will have an after party tonight and we would love for you all to join and stay the night because I had arranged a spar day for the girls tomorrow, here at the estate and all of us guys will be heading to the beach with the kids. That's if you all agree, since I figured my wife needs a little R&R with the girls, without the kids and I bugging her of course, I think she deserves it" he says looking Kiara in the eyes and smiled at her, judging by the shocked look she gave him, I'd say she knew nothing about my brother's surprise and she immediately jumped up and ran to his open arms and everyone was in awe of the two, including myself, he really is a lucky guy.

"Now before we head on out to get ready to welcome all the guests, I have a little surprise for my brother," Steph says smirking at me and Kiara smiles, while I send him a confused look and when I looked to Gio, he winked at me, I guess the three of them are in on something secretive. "Dante here's someone here that's dying to see you" Steph finishes with a grin.

"Is that my surprise? Well who the hell is so important that you have to announce it, I'm not in the mood" I grumbled in one breath. I really am not in the mood for his fucking jokes and games because I know his trying to start a fucking game again and my mood was spoiled earlier already and I just want to have fun with my niece and nephew, and then get shit faced tonight.

"Oh believe me you would want to see this surprise" he says overly excited and that gave it away, his really fucking with me, I just rolled my eyes at him as I'm not going to entertain him with another response.

I watched as he typed something on his phone and then a minute later, Alfred walked in with someone behind him and when he stepped back my eyes bulged as huge as balls, I couldn't believe my eyes. She walked in and then stood next to Steph and she looked straight at me with the same disbelief look on her face, I couldn't believe MY MADDIE was here, how? When?

"Maddie?" I whispered disbelievingly and when she smiled, I jumped up from my seat and she moved forward and literally threw herself in my awaiting arms and wrapped my arms around her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

"Dee!" She squealed in my ears and I chuckled, I missed her voice, her hugs and definitely her craziness. "I missed you! God, I missed you so much!" She squeales again but this time a bit emotional, I bet she had tears in her eyes. And I couldn't stop smiling, she's my best friend, my go to girl or whatever the fuck they call it these days, she is that, my wing man, my shoulder to cry on, my therapist, my doctor, my nurse and most importantly my family!

"I missed you too Mads, fuck I missed. I'm glad you're here" I said, meaning every words because she always did know what I need and when I needed it and I guess she sensed that I needed someone. I needed a distraction and she could be a perfect distraction from my heartache and at the same time I get to spend time with my best friend.

"Mind if I get in on the action?" We were brought out of our little bubble, by Gio wanting to greet Maddie and we both laughed and then I let her slide down but didn't let her go just yet as I didn't greet her properly, after kissing her on her cheeks and forehead I unwrapped my arms from her and let her greet the other guys.

When I turned around Steph was smiling big, something is up with him but I guess I'll find out later. Just when I was about to turn around to pull Maddie back into my arms again, I caught sight of Aurora and for the first time she was actually looking right at me but not just looking, she was throwing daggers my way and I was confused instantly, what the fuck is her damn problem now again, I mean I'm leaving her alone, but obviously watching from afar, while she completely ignores my existence but this is completely new, she looks pissed for some reason.

Then I heard Maddie laughing and I turned to that direction and saw she was laughing at something Gio said to her and then I turned back to Aurora, who was now throwing the same daggers Maddie's way? It would seem miss wildcat has got a little green monster going on. And something told me to look Steph's way and when I did, he was now smirking mischievously, he is up to something and I trust my brother completely but for the first time I'm actually wondering if it's a good idea to do so this time because he obviously planned this and it would seem just that little interaction had gotten a reaction out of Aurora, after so many years of trying different ways to get her to notice me again, this plan never occurred to me but my brother always knows best I guess.

Somehow this is starting to feel like it's my birthday, all thanks to my brother, I guess I should say Happy fucking birthday to me! Aurora is playing right into Steph's plan, as it's quite obvious that this is his way of helping me but I'm not sure if I agree with what his obviously trying to do but I must say, it is quite... Interesting!

Hey guys, I know this chapter isn't the long lengthy chapter you all are use too like ending of book 2 and the beginning chapters of this book , but it isn't a short chapter either so please bare with me as all chapter lengths are a certain way for a reason 😏 Anyways I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless and don't forget to send me your thoughts and theories. Next update will be out on Friday 😉 Please don't forget to comment and vote.💜



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