Mutes Don't Stay Silent Forev...

By Shara_G_Glenn

68.7K 2.4K 1.3K

Peter Parker was always a quiet boy after his parents died. He's been taken care of by his Aunt, & Uncle, & h... More

A Normal Day (RW)
Meeting (RW)
Short Squad (RW)
Next Encounter(RW)
'Long' Day (RW)
Problems at SHIELD (RW)
Talking Pt 2 (Short)
Day at Home
The Beast
Closed Doors
Watched (really short)
Brother Satan(really short)
Meeting Pt 3
Changes of Another
All I want is You Pt 1
Question for all
Ao3 and
God damnit.

Meeting PT 2

2.3K 111 34
By Shara_G_Glenn


Why am I here again?..

"Are you ever gonna give up Furry? Spidey's making it pretty clear that he doesn't want to join." Wade says backing me up.

Matt nods.

"As much as I see why you want him to join, it doesn't mean you should continue pushing whatever limit he has with you by forcing this on him Nick. It's 2019. Just give up." Matt says rubbing his head.

Did I mention that the Avengers were here? No? Well yea, they're here.

Fury sighs heavily, & sits down. His face, that was flaming red minutes ago settles down as he calms himself, & relaxes.

"Look...Look. Spider-man. I don't mean to force anything on anyone unless I have a reason. What I'm trying to do is ensure New York's, & the worlds safety. You are classified as a vigilante. So thus, being a vigilante you are shown to are shown to being a possible threat." Fury says calming down alot, & trying to reason things out now. Hm...

Sitting up from the chair I was sitting in between Wade, & Matt I sign out towards him. Trying to make him feel better about this..

Wade turns towards me slightly, watching me sign out towards everyone. I can tell by his mask that he's weary of what I'm saying, but understands.

"You'd like to know how SHIELD runs things?" Bad-ass-Agent..fine Phil, questions as the rest off the room sans Matt, & Wade are surprised.

I remember receiving a call  from Fury on my Spidey-Phone, wanting to have a meeting about me joining. I've already declined hundreds of time from calls, to text messages, & today I gave up, & pulled Wade, & Matt with me as I discussed what I wanted to talk about, as I could already guess how things were turning out. & seeing as how things are turning for my favor...

I simply nod, ignoring the look I kept receiving from Wade, & Matt.

The Avengers look at one another.

"Do you want to know from our perspectives, or for in general?" Clint asks. I sign in his direction for both. He nods. Now story time.

"Well, I'd say in general-" I cut him off quickly, signing to him to be truthful, or else. He playing smirks." Like I wasn't going too..anyway I'd say in general, most of us didn't really trust SHIELD at first. Me being the first to join SHIELD I slowly started 'warming' up to how things ran. Sure, you go on mission most of the time if not, you relax, but nothing 'bad' ever really happens in SHIELD." Clint says looking up towards the ceiling.

Natasha nods slowly understanding where Clint was coming from.

"He's right. Previously, SHIELD had sent Clint after me to kill me, but he saw something in me then, & decided on the be-half of Coulson, that I should join SHIELD. Things were different then. & time was ticking. I could've said no, with the information I had on SHIELD due to the place I came from, but...I agreed. I saw the 'colors' SHIELD had within it's walls. & most of the 'bad' things, Clint. Were due to you pranking  the kids." Natasha says glaring at a laughing Clint.

Clint shrugs," Hey! They needed to loosen up a bit, & I'm not the only one who did it! You joined in later, if not soon enough!" He proclaims pointing at a smirking Natasha.

Small laughter is passed around the room as me, Wade, & Matt stay quiet..

"Sigh..I'd say after being brought back from the ice, & joining SHIELD made me remember the old much as I miss the kids back in the army SHIELD's almost full of them. If anything I'd say SHIELD's the safest please you could get. Sure break in happen, but most of the time it's..nothing too serious. I'd probably say the first time we all met was the only true threat at hand." Steve says being as truthful as he can.

I nod, as I slowly look towards Fury seeing as his face changes to many emotions from what the Avengers are saying, so far..

"Uh..I all honesty..I don't like being hunted down very much, no matter if you were gonna ask me to join, but I I've soon started to see how safe SHIELD actually was after staying here for a bit, & going on the run again..Even though I don't agree with most of what SHIELD does..they always somewhat find a way to fix things in someway..." Bruce says next after a few minutes..

"I really hate SHIELD." Mr. Stark says bluntly, thus receiving a glare from Natasha, & Fury. He notices, but ignores them." But. I'd like to say that SHIELD is ok for some. They don't back down on they're word when promising to protect others. & as much as I hate it when Fury, Hill & Sitwell try to hack into JARVIS, I just wave it off, & accept the challenge..." Mr. Starks quiet for a bit.."In general. I'd say after all these years..I guess I'm quite fine with SHIELD. Even if they annoy the shit out of me." Mr. Stark says smirking at Fury as Fury looks back at Mr. Stark with a smirking glare.

I sit back, & watch on as Matt, & Wade try to get my attention. So, breaking out of my train of thought I sit back more in my seat, & look between them both.

Then they begin whispering to me..

'Look. Pete. I don't think this is a good idea anymore..what if they're only trying to get you to fall for this? Plus, I honestly don't trust SHIELD as much as the others do apparently.' Wade objects. I nod in understanding, & turn towards Matt.

'If I'm honest here..I'm kind of stuck in between. Yes, SHIELD has made, so major mistakes in the past, but they've fixed them in time to make things right...They care, but in they're own way, & I say them wanting to take you in proves they want to protect you. Each other.' Matt says trying to understand, & see both sides.

I look between them for a few minutes, before looking towards the other people in the room...Who were staring at us the entire time..creeps...

I sit forward, & lift my hands under my chin to stare Fury in the face.

We had a staring contest for a few minutes, before I sign out...

"You'd like to think about it for now? Sigh..Well it's better then nothing. We'll be sure to leave you alone now Spider-man. But if you don't mind me asking..." Fury begins, now going back to serious mode.

Oh here we go again. Alright.

"How old are you?"

'Classified. Come on Fury we've been through this too many times to count!'

"We've only done this twice. What do you look like?"

'Yea, still too many times. I'll give this one to you. I'm a male if it wasn't obvious with the name.'

"Great. What do you do in your free time?"

'Uh watch T.V? Play video games? Go on patrol? Not much if I'm honest with you.'

"I thought you going on patrol was your job. Does anyone else know you?"


I stop signing for a second, & Fury catches me. Should I just say it?...Yea, might as well...

'It's 50/50.'

"What's 50/50?"

'50% is a 'yes' in a way. They just don't know who I am they only know him. The other 50% goes to people who've died. Are we done here?' I ask being very blunt towards the end.

& having said that the others are knocked back a notch.

Then I noticed Phil, who sat next to Fury was looking at me suspiciously. I simply, mentally waved him off.

"Alright...we're done here. You three can see yourselves off, & Wilson if you touch anything again I will personally burn you to the ground." Fury declares, as he points at Wade who pretends to be offended.

"GASP! How dare you think I would touch anything just to spite you! You dear sir, have offended me! Let's go Spidey! Satan! We're leaving!" He says standing up, & walking out the door. Me, & Matt look at each other standing up, before an alarm goes off. Fury looks pissed, Mr. Stark, & Clint are laughing they're asses off.

Me, & Matt panic, & run after Wade as more alarms go off, Matt behind me me yelling sorry for each one going off as I keep my grip on his hand.

Once we reached the ship Wade stole from a HYDRA raid he, & Matt went on, we both screamed." WADE WILSON! WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT WAS OK?!"

We hear laughter for the front of the ship as he locks the door.


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