Impossible love

By LostInTheMusicx

29.1K 469 67

"Eli we can't do this" I told him he frowned. "Why not?" he asked. "Because this is wrong we're supposed to... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

5.9K 43 6
By LostInTheMusicx

chapter 1


 “Hey Bri” Charlotte greeted me I smiled.

“Hey Charlie” she looked exited.

“Why so exited?” I asked she grinned.

“My brothers coming home tonight”

“Does that mean it’s over?” I asked meaning the war between Vampires and werewolves to be honest I really don’t see why we don’t get along but like my dad said I’m only 17 and too young to understand. I don’t think 17 is too young but he does he also think I know nothing when I do I know a lot more then he thinks. I’m sick of him calling me a little girl and him telling me I’m useless he’s been like that ever since my mom died.

“What’s up?” Charlotte asked I sighed.

“Nothing” I lied she raised her eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes.

“I sense something’s up so what is it?” she asked I sighed and ran my right hand through my hair.

“I was just thinking about how my dad always tells me I’m too young for everything” I told her she sighed.

“He’s just worried about you Bri” she told me I shook my head.

“Nah he doesn’t care we don’t exactly get along like at all” I told her she rolled her eyes.

“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you” she said I wish she was right but I know she’s not my dad couldn’t give two shits about me he just cares about my brother who’s his prize possession.

“Whatever…anyway as I was saying does that mean it’s over?” I asked she nodded I squealed.

“Calm down Bri I don’t think anyone won” she told me I sighed I was hoping we would have won but I’m not part of this so I couldn’t care less. My brother Jamie’s 25 he took over as alpha from my dad 3 months ago and like my dad he says I’m too young which I’m not I’m 17 for god sakes. My phone started ringing snapping me out of my thoughts.

Life’s too short to even care at all.


I’m losing my mind, losing my mind, losing control.

These fishes in the sea, they’re staring at me

Ooh woe ooh woe woe

I answered without even looking at the ID.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Hey sis how are you?” it was Jamie.

“Hey I’m good how are you?” I lied I’m not good at all.

“I’m great we’re coming home tonight in fact we’re on our way now isn’t it great?” he asked.

“Yeah that’s…really…great” I answered he sighed.

“Look I know you and dad don’t get along but can you at least pretend to be happy?” he asked I sighed and put on a fake happy voice.

“I am happy” I said he chuckled.

“That’s better” he said I rolled my eyes.

“You just rolled your eyes didn’t you?” he asked I chuckled.

“You know me to well anyway I gotta go see you later” I said I knew he nodded and I hung up. I noticed Charlotte was talking to Max her mate I walked over to them and realised they were snogging.

“Ew less of the PDA thanks” I said covering my eyes Max growled at me I chuckled.

“Not funny Bri not funny at all” he hissed I stuck my tongue out at him he rolled his eyes I chuckled.

“Anyway I’m going back to the pack house I’m tired” I announced walking. I didn’t go back to the pack house instead I decided to shift and go for a run because I was bored plus I have 2 hours to kill before all the wolves come back. My wolf is white which I love, I have golden brown eyes too so my wolf is snow white with golden brown eyes. Most wolves are jet black, brown, ginger, sandy or grey there isn’t many white ones my mom was a white one everyone says I look like my mom even my dad.

I stopped running not because I was tired but because I have no clue where the hell I am. I smelt vampire 4 to be exact okay now I’m scared really scared.


Me Alex, Jason and Kyle went out for a run and to see if we could hunt down any animals we’ve been running for about 2 hours and we needed to be at the pack house at 7pm much to my protest I really hate werewolves it’s in my nature to.

“Smell that?” Kyle asked I sniffed the air werewolf.

“I only smell one” Alex said I nodded.

“It should be easy to take out plus it’s on our land so we’re aloud to kill it right?” Jason asked I nodded he smirked. We got closer it must be a girl because it smelt like apples.

“It’s a female” Alex stated I nodded and ran a hand through my jet black hair. We had her surrounded in 3 seconds she looked scared and didn’t even bother growling she just sat there looking at us she was a snow white colour with golden brown eyes.

“I don’t think we should kill her” Jason said I looked at him.

“Why not? She’s a damn werewolf on our land!” I hissed.

“Yeah but she’s the alphas sister and we can’t kill her anyway she’s in the Davis pack the war as just stopped do you want it to start again?” Alex asked I shook my head no matter how much I hated werewolves he’s right we can’t kill her.

“Shift” I instructed her she shook her big wolf head then lay down then she stood up and jumped over the top of Kyle and ran off obviously back to the pack house. We ran and arrived at the pack house for the meeting with the werewolves only 10 minutes later after our little encounter.


My heart was racing I seriously thought they were gonna kill me I know they’re going to the pack house for the meeting my brothers holding with the James clan and the pack. I bet I’ll be kicked out as usual when there’s a meeting apparently it’s grown up stuff and I’m too immature to handle it yeah right I probably pay more attention than half of the other wolves. When I got back the doors were shut that’s just fucking great. I decided to annoy my dad and sit at the door and howl it worked because he opened the door looking really annoyed with me. I pushed past him and walked up the stairs I shifted back and got changed into: I walked back down the stairs and saw my dad was waiting for me I smirked at him he just rolled his eyes and pointed at the door so I growled at him making him jump.


We had all just sat down to start the meeting when someone was howling at the door I knew it was Brianna so always knows how to annoy me plus I smelt apples and she’s the only wolf I know who smells of apples. I decided to ignore her in hope she would shut up but she didn’t.

“Dad I really think you should let her in you know she won’t give up” Jamie said I sighed and stood up.

“Please excuse me I need to let my daughter in” I announced everyone nodded.

“She was on our land earlier” one of the vampires said.

“Was she now?” I asked 3 other vampires nodded that pissed me off she knows not to go on vampire territory until after this meeting stupid girl. I opened the door giving her and annoyed look she gave me a wolfy grin I rolled my eyes and she ran upstairs she came down 10 minutes later she looked beautiful she always does like her mother. I pointed to the door telling her to get out she growled at me and I jumped I did not expect that at all.

“Don’t you dare growl at me young lady!” I snapped she glared at me.

“Young? Why do you always say that I’m fucking 17 dad not freaking 12!” she yelled she was right I do treat her like a little girl but she’s my little girl she’s my only daughter and I only want to protect her.

“Bri don’t do this here” I told her softly lowering my tone she growled at me again.

“Why not? Are you afraid I’m gonna embarrass you?” she asked I rolled my eyes.

“I’m kind of in the middle of something” I told her my voice still low she rolled her eyes.

“It’s always the same excuse! At least when mom was alive she actually gave 2 shits about me!” she yelled now everyone’s eyes were on us.


“I’m kind of in the middle of something” my dad said I rolled my eyes. I just completely lost it it’s not the first time either.

“It’s always the same excuse! At least when mom was alive she actually gave 2 shits about me!” I yelled I almost shifted but I controlled myself. I noticed everyone even the vampires were watching us.

“Brianna will you calm down?” he asked I growled how does he expect me to calm down?

“No I will not fucking calm down!” I yelled he cringed I know I can yell really loud. I saw the 4 vampires for earlier looking at me I rolled my eyes and looked at my dad.

“Bri we’ll talk later!” my dad hissed I rolled my eyes he’s such a chicken I don’t even know how he was ever alpha.

“No, no we won’t we’ll talk now!” I snapped he looked annoyed.

“Bri I don’t have time!” he hissed I growled really loud and most people in the other room jumped I didn’t mean to scare them I’m just really angry right now.

“Of course you don’t you never do! I’m not even important am I? No I’m not! I hate you!” I yelled running up the stairs and slamming my bedroom door. I didn’t even realise I was crying till now. I pushed my bed up against the door so nobody could come in. I slid down the wall, brought my knees up to my chest and cried my eyes out. 








- AIMEE <3 

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