My Disney Prince

By The_Revenant_King

28.9K 2.1K 547

This is Virgil's POV... If you want to read Roman's POV than read My Knight In Dragon Scales ~Trigger warning... More

Finally!!! ART YAY
My Knight In Dragon Scales
Honest History (TW)
1. The Past is pointless (TW)
2. Random Encounters (TW)
3. A Light?
4.One Less Lonely Heart.
5. Morning madness.
6. Janus? (TW)
7. The Kingdom of Deceit...
8. What's going on?
9. Roman?!
10.Without him... Shadows emerge. (TW)
11. Pushed away?
12. Chosen Rider...
13. Memory Lane Pt. 1 (TW)
14. Memory Lane Pt.2 (TW)
15. Memory Lane Pt. 3 (TW)
16. Memory Lane Pt.4 (TW)
17. Memory Lane Pt.5 (TW)
18. F-Fam..ily D-Dinner?!
19. Tension Rises
20. Logans got anger...
21. Roman's Father!
22. Beginnings of a chat
23. He Knows?!
24. I may have fucked up.
25. One last stop before sunrise.
26. Things are going south.
27. It's only getting worse.
28. This is it.
29. A Finished Story
30. Druid Priestesses (TW)
32. What do I do?
33. I always hated the dark
34. Confession.
35. Painful pricks of the past(TW)
36. Guilt Sux... (TW)
37. I want...
38. I CAN SEE! HOW?!
39. What's Wrong?
40. D-Dead?!
41. This War is over when I say it is! (TW)
42. I'll Kill Him... I-I will... Right?
43. Personality Switch (TW)
45. Aimon?
46. What's the point of this?
47. My Disney Prince
48. The End
Baited Book 2

31. Night Terrors

453 36 7
By The_Revenant_King

"You were screaming... in your sleep. You were calling out for Lya... I didn't... I didn't know what to do." I just there looking at him as he shook. His eyes were glowing bright blue and I frowned. "I didn't know what to do. You weren't waking up."

"Jesus, I'm sorry. I-I didn't even realize I fell asleep." He wiped away the tears again and hugged himself. His eyes were still glowing bright blue and I pulled him in for a hug. I set him off without even realizing. I was asleep how could I have known. "I'm ok. I really am. It was just a nightmare."

"B-But... You called for her." He pulled away and looked off to the side. "You haven't done that since... since you told me about my..." Just say it. 

"Your powers?" He nodded and I ran a hand through my hair. "I really am sorry..." I felt myself yawn and Patton frowned. "I really am ok though."

"Ok. I actually came to tell you that, Logan wanted to talk to everyone, so..." He refused to meet my eyes and I sighed.

"Ok." I watched as Patton left not even bothering to close the door. I don't know what to do. It's not like I meant to fall asleep. Or to have a nightmare. I just did. I picked myself off the bed and swayed a bit. I was exhausted. I had been up every morning with Roman for the past month. It totally fucked my sleep schedule. I've been crashing here at the castle for so long now because of it Patton's pretty much gave me his room. Where he sleeps now I have no idea. 

I made my way into the office and frowned. Logan was looking through his papers completely oblivious to the fact that I was there. That's ok... I didn't really want to be here anyway. I wanted to sleep. I walked over to the couch and sat, looking up at the ceiling in boredom. I wonder why Logan wanted us all here anyway. It's not like I'm any actual importance to them. Kingdom wise I mean. I'm just some stranger from a cave. I mean I'm Roman's dragon but... Patton's the only one who knows that. I turned and rested my head in my hand and sighed. I was tired. Really tired... Maybe I should get a coffee or something? I don't know.

I just kept thinking about my dream. Well, memory really. It was the Lydia snapped. The day she left us... because of me. That was also the day that... that I truly became a dragon. And not just the firestarter.

Firestarter... That's who I was. The Druid Firestarter. Ironic huh. I became a dragon. Not really ironic. I was a monster. I was a monster even before Lydia. All she did was block my control. If I can't control my power... I can't hold back the monster I was becoming.

I can't...

"Virgil?!" I opened my eyes to see the moon high in the sky and I groaned. When did it turn to night? The sun was still... I winced in pain as I I moved. I looked down to see this massive gash down my leg and I started to shake. When did I get hurt? What... "VIRGIL!"

"H̵e̵.̵.̷.̸" I stopped and looked away. Don't talk. Don't let them hear the glitch. I grabbed the tree beside me and pulled myself up, using the tree to hold my self up.  I looked around and froze. I was... I was in the great forest. Why was I in the great forest? I never... I never wanted to be... I stumbled back, gripping my hair and felt someone grab me. I spun around and lashed out only for them to catch my fist.

"Well, at least you didn't try to burn me." I opened my eyes to see bright curly red hair and I smiled.

"A̵v̶.̵.̴.̸" I frowned and Avery pulled me into a hug. I hated my voice. I hated the glitch. I hated the fire. I hated myself. I started to shake as I broke down and Avery just held me tighter.

"Hush now, Hot Topic. I got you." She picked me up and I latched onto her. I felt as she carried me off. "You had us all scared. Virgil... Do you..." There was this loud crack and she froze.

"Avery?" That's Lya's voice. I smiled wide pushing myself out of Avery's arms and hitting the ground hard.

"Virgil?" I pulled myself up and started through the foliage, ignoring the pain in my leg. "Wait, It could be a..."

"Anybody?" I just kept pushing forward until I hit a clearing and looked around. I know I head Lya's voice. I narrowed my eyes as I watched someone slowly walk out of the woods opposite of me. Avery grabbed my arms and pulled me back behind her. 

"I told you to wait." I looked up to see her standing there, guard up, sword out, and eyes glowing purple. "Something happened, Virgil. It's not safe for you right now." What do you mean? Does this have to do with Lydia? I don't... "Hey there, Doctor gloom. Don't go losing it on me, k?"

I nodded letting Avery push me farther behind her. The hooded person just stopped and pointed a sword at us. Something is wrong. I can feel it. It's like something is out of place. Like something doesn't belong here, but I can't place what.

"Why him?" I narrowed my eyes at the hooded figure and frowned. Avery looked at me confused and I shook my head. It was a man under the hood. That much was obvious by his voice but... "WHY HIM, VIRGIL?!"

"W̷h̷a̵t̷?̴!̸" I jumped back and stared in shock as bright yellow snakes started to appear through the grass. "W̷a̴i̷t̸.̸.̶.̵ ̴H̷o̵l̵d̷ ̶u̶p̶!̴"

"Virgil!" Avery started lashing at the snakes her sword glowing with a purple haze. Each time the sword hit a snake it would vanish and a new one would appear somewhere else. What is happing? This looks like Lydia's power but... 

"Did you really think I wOulDn'T FiNd OUT!" The hooded man yelled throwing his arms out to the side. "You Belong To Me!"

"He belongs to no one!" Avery yelled as shot a purple orb at the man. He just waved his hand and a snake blocked him, taking the hit and disappearing. Something is wrong, he... he doesn't belong here. I know. But why what's.

"Virgil, watch out!" I looked up to see the hooded person lashing out at me. I stumbled back somehow managing to avoid the sword. I fell on my ass as I started to shake. His eyes. They were glowing yellow. He really did have Lydia power. How... What? "Virgil, get off your ass!"

"Don't listen to him, Virgil. You belong to me. Your mine!" Him? I looked over at Avery and my eyes went wide. She was bound by these yellow snakes and I felt the panic start to rise. "You can't protect him. I will kill him. Just like I did so long ago."

"What are you talking about?!" He pulled the hood off to reveal a man in black with a burn down the right side of his face. His image started to flash between him and Lydia. I could feel my hands start to warm up as the panic began to take over.

"Virgil, don't. You've come so far!" I looked over to see Avery smiling sadly as tears began to fall. 

"Shut up. You don't know him. You're the one that stole him from me!" The man yelled causing her to flinch back. He's insane. This man is literally insane. "To think he chose you over me. We could've been something. We could've ruled the world. Instead, he chose this moron."

"Look, mister, I think you have her confused with the wrong person." He glared at me and I froze.

"Have I? Are you sure? You would know better than anyone wouldn't you?" He walked over grabbing my chin harshly and forcing me to look at him and his mismatched eyes. "Think Virgil. Who does she remind you of?"

"I-I don't..."

"Worthless monster." My eyes went wide as I saw him flash to Lyda again. He moved in close smiling psychotically and I started to shake harder. "Evil and insane." I watched in horror as his face began to change. His burn slowly turning to scales as if he was some snake man hybrid. "But that's what I love about you."

"Wait!" His lips touched mine and I felt the world go cold. No... Stop... Stop... 

"LET ME GO!" I screamed erupting in flames as Avery watched in horror. Suddenly my eyes opened and I laid there frozen with a start a scream caught in my throat. I looked around to see everyone talking and I just broke down. What kind of a fucked up nightmare was that? Why was Janus...

"We're talking about the war..." I looked over at Patton frowning. His eyes were glowing blue and I looked away. If he wasn't worried about me before. He was now. "I'm always worried about you. Virgil..."

"Your kidding right?" I looked over to see Logan pinching the bridge of his nose. I could feel as Roman started to get a bit squeamish and I tensed up. "You left. You left everything to be a hero... a damn dragon slayer and now you're telling me it was for nothing." Wait, what? I'm confused. What are they talking about?

"LOGAN!"Patton yelled as he straightened himself out. "Ceit is going to be attacking in a few days time. Now is not when we should be having petty quarrels."

"Your right, Pat... like usual." Logan huffed and Patton beamed. I narrowed my eyes and frowned. If Pats right then... " We need to figure out a battle plan."

"Janus's going to attack Mt. Diablo first." I held Roman tighter as the memory of my dream filled my head. "He'll attack there first and then make a beeline for the castle. That is if he's actually here for the premise of war."

"What do you mean kiddo?" Deceit wanted me. He did in the dream and I wouldn't be surprised if he did in real life too. I just can't understand what he was talking about. I pushed myself away from Roman and brushed my hair back. "You don't think he..."

"Janus isn't the type of person to give up. He'll attack Mt. Diablo first and depending on the outcome. He might go home."

"I don't see how that is..." Logan started and I shot him a look.

"Jan doesn't give two shits about his father's war. I bet you it isn't even his father's war. It's just a tool... an excuse to give him what he really wants." He wants me. He wants power. He wants to rule the world. Stereotypical Villian shit, honestly. I felt my eyes start to drop again and I frowned. I don't want to go to sleep. I don't want to dream. I don't...

"And what's that, Virgil?" Logan asked as he pushed his glasses up. I just smiled sadly as the tears slowly started to fall.

"Power. What else"

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