Azure Saiyan (Blazblue X Saiy...

By HudsonDemon

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A/N: ...So I Been waiting for someone to make a Blazblue X Dragon ball Z or Super fanfic and there was an ok... More

The Beginning: A parents farewell and a new life begins!
Chapter 1: A new fatherly bond and Tragedy strikes
Chapter 2: A legendary Power Awakened and an Emotional Reunion!
Chapter 3: Truth Revealed and Let Training Begain!
Chapter 4: Small Farewells and Future Vision?
Chapter 5: Arriving at Kagutsuchi and Familiar Faces?!
Chapter 6: Encounters and a "Friendly Dinner"!
Chapter 7: Kaka Village and the Sewers!
Chapter 8: Attack from Liquid Seithr and A Doctor!
Chapter 9: Alucard Castle and 3rd trait?!
Chaper 10: Family Reunion and a Long Elevator Trip Down!
Chapter 11: The White Void, Ragna and Y/N Vs Hakumen!
Chapter 12: Successor of the Azure and an Old Enemy Returns!
Chapter 13: Revelation and The Incident!
Chapter 14: Memories and a Full House!
Chapter 15: Behind the Senses and Hot Springs?!
Chapter 16: Wanted and Kids these Days!
Chapter 17: Meeting Sector 7 and a Vigilante of Love and Justice!
Chapter 18: Setting up a Path of Forgiveness and The Wings of Justice!
Chapter 19: The Mad Puppeteer and Saving a Friendship!
Chapter 20: A Demon Within!
Chapter 21: The Mechanical Soul!
Chapter 22: The Plot Thickens!
Chapter 23: God slayers Cocoon!
Chapter 24: Awakening!
Chapter 25: Against the Godslayer!
Chapter 27: A difference in opinion!
Chapter 28: Ikaruga Arrival!
Chapter 29: Kagura Mutsuki!
Chapter 30: Guided and Cautions!
Chapter 31: A Fight Between a Saiyan and the Crused Demi-God!

Chapter 26: Unexpected Rebel!

1K 19 6
By HudsonDemon

??? Location

Relius: How's it coming along... Imperator?

Imperator: It's not bad... this is a good vessel, Relius Clover.

Relius: It will take a while before it can stable itself. If you sense anything amiss, I want you to say so right away.

Imperator: I'll keep that in mind. By the way Relius, what's going on with his casket?

Relius: Phantom is taking care of the core. Control will be handed over to number 13.

Imperator: I see...(looks up at the diagram of a coffin) To think that unpleasant giant would turn out to be so useful... Quite an amusing twist of fate.

Relius: I would never thought that YOU would utter that word.

Imperator: Find it strange, do you?

Relius: No... but you did peeked my curiosity.

Imperator: Have I? ...You amuse me Relius.

Relius: Is that so? I never grow tired of you, Imperator. Hm... it seems it's almost time.

Imperator: Well done, you may go.

Relius: I'll take my leave then...

As he left, the Imperator closes her eyes for only a short moment until...

Hazuma: Never was the friendliest... so this is where you have been hiding. I've been looking for you.

Imperator: Terumi, what do you want?

Hazama: What do I want? ...I have news to report. May I trouble you for a moment?

Imperator: Speak.

Hazama: Once three more areas are secured, the barrier over Ikaruga will be complete. I left the release of the cauldron in Relius's hands. I'm certain there will be no problem leaving it in the Colonel's hands. The 13th Prime Field Device... The Sword of Izanami... is progressing smoothly on my end. As for the casket, I believe it was Phantom, wasn't it?

Imperator: I see... what about that new ally that you once spoke of?

Hazama: Oh him... well... after a short talk, he would like a request a short audience with you.

Imperator: Hmm... so where is he exactly?

Hazama: I have the man (pulls out soul) ...or rather soul in question.

The Imperator looks at the soul and soon enough, she enters the blackened void where he lives and sees him.

Abaddon: So... you are the one that pulling the strings.

Imperator: I am, so what do you wish to speak of?

Abaddon: What is your goal?

Imperator: To eliminate the Master Unit, and bring death to all living beings.

Abaddon: Heh heh heh...

Imperator: Is something a matter?

Abaddon: For the first time ever since I was sealed away and hardly lived in this void, I find someone who shares the same kind of goal that I have been longing for.

Imperator: Is that so? Well you came to the right place.

Abaddon: I have indeed.

As the Imperator returns to the outside world, Abaddon smiles at this outcome.

Abaddon: Soon Y/N, you and everything you protected will be destroyed! BAHAHAHAHA...

The Imperator returns and Hazama asks.

Hazama: So how did it go?

Imperator: It went well.

Hazama: That's good, now with regarding to Takamagahara... I'm counting on you.

Imperator: I am aware. By the way Terumi, that armor... do you think is wise to leave things as they are?

Hazama: (eyes open) Good old Hakumen, the Susano'o unit. He's becoming one vexing little knight, that one. High time someone knocks him off the board, don't you think?

Imperator: Maybe you're taking things too lightly? This is not a game.

Hazama: Please, please I'm not playing any games. I'm taking this all quite seriously. So like what? You think I'm just goofing off? That doesn't want me to give it my all, which I totally am, by the way. Why do you doubt me?

Imperator: Stop your nonsense.

Hazuma: Oh, I almost forgot! There was something I'd like to ask you, Imperator.

Imperator: What is it?

He walks up to the Imperator to the point that he is looking down at her.

Hazuma: Why did you let Ragna the Bloodedge or rather Y/N escape before?

Imperator: Do not take that tone with me, Terumi. We are not peers.

Hazama: We should have been done with one if not both of them by then. You could have easily ended them. ...So, why didn't you?

Imperator: Is that not your responsibility? How crude of you to attempt to shift the blame unto me.

Hazama: ...Hmm, was it not mixed enough...? Or did it get mixed too much.

Imperator: ...I hope you realize. I can put an end to your existence without much effort.

Hazuma: (closes eyes) Well, I'll let you have this as your little sideshow. With Ragna still alive. I'm sure we can find ways in which he can prove... useful. As for Y/N, eventually we must take care of him.

The Imperator then started to walk pass Hazama.

Hazuma: Where are you off to now?

She continues to walk pass him not even answering his question. Soon enough, she was gone from Hazuma's sight.

Hazuma: And there she goes...

He takes a look around as he smiles.

Hazuma: This place sure brings back memories.

Phase 3: Chronophantasma

Bardock's perspective

It's been at least a few days when I woke up at this place. Hunting for food wasn't easy, especially this air on most places. This air feels heavy, but it also feels a bit poisonous as well. I should not risk being around such places for too long. I head back to the campsite that I made and thought back about how I got here.

I should be dead back when I rebelled against that tyrant, Frieza...

But fate had a different plan, I was taken by two people in the moment Frieza's attack was about to hit me. The two that rescued... or rather captured me was a woman named Towa and a guy named Mira. I tried to fight them back, but they where too strong, then they put that damn mask on me! I was their slave doing what they needed me to do. I couldn't control my actions, all I could do was watch. Until... two people called "Time Patrollers" broke the mask and I was free from Towa's control. She was about to send both of the Time patrollers somewhere they can't escape from. I didn't let that happen and returned the favor by helping them out from that trap in return. Then...

I took Mira down with me into this unknown place. Both me and Mira fought each other until I got the better of him and won. At that point I was tired, couldn't continue so I fell down to the abyss. I woke up to find myself in the dark not knowing where I was. As I left the cave to see the environment, I knew I was somewhere different. I vaguely remembered what Towa said about that portal she was going to send those Time Patrollers. Something about a place between dimensions? If that's the case, that would explain why this place looks like earth, the same place that my son Kakarot was sent to when he was a child.

As I snapped back to reality, the food that I hunted was about ready to eat. After I ate, I flew up to the thick branches of these large trees so I can get some rest, for a bit anyway. If I am in an alternate dimension, I need to know what I am dealing with. So sooner or later... I have to find that power I sensed or the very least find someone who can explain this world to me. I used the cloak that I "borrowed" from that dead skeleton I saw when I made my way out from that cave, then I drifted off to sleep.

Ragna's perspective

I walk to atop a hill where I'm going to morn a someone I haven't spoke to in a while, I told Tao to wait back at the burnet down church. She's was stubborn but at least she is staying. As I approach the cross, I started to speak...

Ragna: It's been a while, hasn't Sister...? Sorry I haven't been able to come here very often... I met Y/N again after a few years. He's still the same as ever... he told me about his past, I wondered if you knew about it. But who ever thought that he was born from a completely different dimension. ...I also met Jin and Saya. Jin grew up the same as before... He's still a little twisted... hasn't changed at all since back then. I guess... he's a little less of a cry baby. And Saya... (sigh) It looks like I won't be able to keep my promise, Sister.

I stood here, thinking about the good times I had with my siblings, Sister, and Y/N.

Rachel: I thought you'd outgrown such childish sentiment by now, Ragna.

I snapped back to reality, I turned to see the Rabbit standing there.

Ragna: Wha-?! Rabbit! The hell did you come from? How long have you been stalking me?!

Rachel: The whole time.

Gii: "It's been awhile, hasn't Sister...?"

Nago: "Sorry I'm an idiot and a moron and a-"

Ragna: I'm gonna stomp you stuff toys into the ground!

I then hit both of those damn toys.

Gii/Nago: Guaah!

Rachel: I suppose this could be interpreted as cruelty. You'd better be careful, Ragna, you could be sued by an animal rights group.

Ragna: Says the woman who uses them as shields. Why the hell were you stalking me, anyway?

Rachel: Stalking? There is no need to be rude, Ragna the Bloodedge, I was here before you arrive.

Ragna: Don't lie to my face. I was alone when I got here.

Rachel: Is it a man or a worm I am addressing? I arrived before you, and remained here for your entire period of morning.

Ragna: Where the hell were you, then?

Rachel: In the Great Empyrean.

Ragna: What does that even mean?

Rachel: I was in the sky above you, you dolt. I expected a little more situational awareness from one with a name as imposing as the Grim Reaper.

Ragna: What does my attentiveness have to do with being the Grim Reaper? Nothing, that's what!

Rachel: Bark, bark, bark, goes the hound. Honestly, do you ever get tired of barking?

Ragna: Now you're just wasting my time. So what do you want from me anyways, or did you come off your perch to start shit.

Rachel: Nothing in particular.

Ragna: What?!

Rachel: I was enjoying a moonlit stroll, when I saw an worm wriggling in my garden. So I took a closer examination, to see it's a very particular kind of worm. Not even beneficial to a garden like an earthworm. His fellow pests calls him the Grim Reaper, but to the great one known as Y/N, he calls the worm by his name, Ragna the Bloodedge. It was beneath me... But I don't wish to discriminate against pests. So with no other choice, I graced you with my attentions, be grateful, little one.

My eye twitched for a second of how insulting that was.

Ragna: Nice speech, Rabbit. When I am done with you, you're gonna be crying back to your butler.

Rachel: Tread lightly, Ragna. Can your hideous mien afford more ill use?

3rd perspective

As Ragna was talking to Rachel, Taokaka smelled something familiar... she went to see what was it about. When she arrived all she sees the area in a desolated state.

Taokaka: Meow...meow... Where is this? (Looks around) What is this place...? This sent... it brings back memories.

Before she could dwell deep in her memories, her instincts shot up as someone was nearby.

Taokaka: Who's there?!

???: Tao?

Coming out from the trees is someone Tao knows well, her mentor Torakaka.

Taokaka: Woohooo! It's Tora! Tora!

She rushes and gave her mentor a hug.

Torakaka: Hey, hey...

Taokaka: (lets go of hug) What are you doing here, Tora?

Torakaka: Oh, Cat person asked me to care of something... I left the village in Momo's care.

Taokaka: Ohh! Momo is back home?! That makes Tao happy! So happy!

Torakaka: No. Momo will return to her journey as soon as I return. It was an urgent request. Meow.

Taokaka: Awwww, Tao wants to see Momo! Tao wants to see her!

Torakaka: But Tao, you're in the middle of your Journey. You can't go back to the Kaka village right in the middle of it. Meow.

Taokaka: Okay... but Tao's sad...

Torakaka: Don't be sad, Tao. If you're out on a journey, you're bound to meet again someday.

Taokaka: Really?

Torakaka: Really. So cheer up, meow.

Taokaka: Okay. Tao will be happy.

While Tao seems happy, Tora noticed the tone from Tao, she knows something was still wrong.

Torakaka: What's wrong, Tao?

Taokaka: Well...


Tao wakes up after her day at the Kaka hot springs.


As she got up, she noticed the note.

Taokaka: What's this...?

She picked up the note and opened the note as it reads...

Hey Tao,

I have something that I got to do for now. After I am done, I'll return to the village to play with the kittens, and maybe we could go for a round or two, and maybe get something to eat before I return to home. Anyway, I have to get going now. Later.

Your Friend, Y/N L/N or "Nice guy" that you called me by.

Flashback end

Taokaka: And that was it, meow.

Torakaka: Hmm... tell me, what do you feel about him? Meow.

Taokaka: He's such a nice guy. That's why Tao calls him Nice guy! But when he not around, I feel more sad then normal, meow.

Tora thought for a moment until she realized what it was.

Torakaka: I see, you have feelings for him.

Taokaka: What do you mean?

Torakaka: You see, when one person has feelings for another, that means their in love.

Taokaka: Love...

Tao thought about the times you are with her. As she snapped back to reality, she smiled with a slight blush on her face.

Torakaka: You should tell him how you feel, meow.

Taokaka: Really?

Torakaka: Yes really, trust me Tao, it will work out.

Taokaka: (looks down then back up) Okay! Tao will tell Nice guy, how I feel about him!

Tora is happy for Tao, but something reminded her. Before she could ask Tao, she stood still for a second then, she got a worried look on her face.

Torakaka: What is it Tao? Meow?

Taokaka: Tao senses something... strange...


Bardock: (shot up)...! What was that? This presence... it feels hollow but, someone is heading... (turns head) that way...?

As Bardock got up, he grabs his cloak, puts it on, and started heading the direction of the presence is heading towards.

Bardock's thoughts: I got a bad feeling about this.

Ragna: Ugh...

Rachel: Oh? What's wrong, Ragna? Your visage is more worn than usual.

Ragna: Whose fault was that, huh?

Rachel: 'Twas but two or three lightning bolts at worst.

Ragna: That would have just killed anybody else.

Rachel: Except for Y/N, because he is far more durable than you.


Rachel: Avert that gaze if you are going to stare blank-eyed.

Ragna: Hey, Rabbit?

Rachel: Yes?

Ragna: Let's say, I wanted to get my hands on Kushinada's Lynchpin...

Rachel: Well guess you can surprise someone like me once in a blue moon. Who's been telling you about that?

Ragna: None of your business. How do I get my hands on it Rabbit.

Gii: This one quite rude, isn't he!

Nago: That not how you ask for things! Especially a princess!

Gii: Yes! Get down on your knees and ask!

Ragna: Shut your damn mouths, you vermin. I'll barbecue you both!

Gii/Nago: Eep!

Rachel: ...So for the sake of the argument, that I knew, what will you do then?

Ragna: If you didn't tell me? I'd beat it out of you one way or another.

Rachel: (silently to self) What a harrowing gaze. He truly means that.

Ragna: What are you murdering?

Rachel: "None of your business." And you show your ignorance by asking "where." It's clearly Jubei that told you of it, isn't it?

Ragna: Good for you, you don't get a prize.

Rachel: I don't need to dignify that. Very well, tell me what you know of the Linchpin.

As Ragna told Rachel that he knows about nothing, only hearing Jubei once told to him self saying... "With the Linchpin, it is possible to defeat it." With hardly any leads, he asked Kokonoe when he was getting his new arm. Saying that the Linchpin was in Ikaruga.

As he finished saying what he knows, Rachel begins to explain on what she knows of the Linchpin. The device known as Kushinada's Linchpin, is an ancient device that has the power to stop the flow of Seithr, by disconnecting the cauldron from the boundary.

Rachel: If it's true, It'd be possible to annihilate your sister. And possibly Yuuki Terumi as well.

Ragna: I could kill Terumi? Where is the Linchpin and how do I get it?

Rachel: You wouldn't be able to get it, much less active it.

Ragna: That was fast, but why can't I?

Rachel then continues to explain, that it was once held by Nine, until Tenjo came into possession of it. Then for an unknown reason, he sealed it at the boundary's edge with the only way to open it is with the Eye of the Azure, Noel Vermillion. And the technique for activating it was lost.

Ragna: Dammit, so it's useless!?

Rachel: What's strange is... Tenjo was going to use the Linchpin as his trump card and yet, didn't even use it to save himself.

Ragna: Like you said about that technique was lost, right? But if Tenjo bothered to seal it away, then that would mean he would have another way on activate it.

Rachel: That's a gambit, there may not be.

Ragna: I'll take that bet. It's not much, but it will have to do. Guess I'll focus on finding Noel.

Rachel: Assuming that you are able to get the Linchpin, Ragna, and you are able to use it... Will you be able to commit sororicide?

Ragna: Do you really need me to keep saying it, Rabbit? I will murder the Imperator. I will kill Saya.

Rachel: Kill... Let me make things clear for you, she cannot be "killed."

Ragna: What? Are you shitting me? You said it yourself that with the Linchpin she could be "defeated" or "annihilated" or whatever.

Rachel: Yes, it's definitely possible to annihilate her physical body... that's what that meant.

Ragna: That sure sounds a lot like being killed!

Rachel: Listen, Ragna...

Then she explains that the Imperator's power is that even greater then the Black Beast, and unlike it the Imperator can't die.

Ragna: You're saying she's immortal, then?

Rachel: Someone who can live forever can die, it is possible to kill me, in fact. The Imperator is... her existence is "death" itself.

Ragna: Death? What the hell does that even mean?

Rachel: Death exists for eternity. It drags all the rest of the world into it. It cannot be killed. The Imperator is the embodiment of the of death in this world.

Ragna: Hang on a second. Isn't that against the rules?!

Rachel: Yes, I suppose. Even so...

???: To think I would be here to gaze up at the moonlit sky again... It brings back memories.

As it shocked both Ragna and Rachel, they turned to see where the voice came from. Seeing the Imperator standing there.
Around the same time
Bardock's perspective

I should be getting close by now. As I descend, I slowly made my way through the bits of the forest before see a clearing. On my left, I see a burnt down building. And my right, I see a small hill but I also see that three people are over there. One of them is that presence I felt a bit ago.

I made my way around, avoiding the clearing and get closer to those three. As I get closer, I see the events that is happening. A fourth person in a dark purple cloak with a strange hat appeared out of nowhere and did something to the girl in black clothing. I was close enough to hear her say something about a "gravity seed?"

I was at the closest point, to at least hear the conversation.
3rd perspective

Imperator: You have interfered enough, Tsukuyomi. I am here because I have matters to attend with this man.

Ragna: With me?

Rachel: Rag... na... run...

Ragna: It's alright... things won't escalate here.

Imperator: Oh?

Ragna: What do you want, Saya?

Imperator: Last time we met, we did not get a chance to speak. I came here to meet with you. I do not get much opportunity to visit with mortals. Sometimes it is nice to get some fresh air in the outside world.


Imperator: Hm... as I thought.

Ragna: Huh?

Imperator: Ragna the Bloodedge, be mine.

Ragna: What?

Rachel: What?!

Imperator: Listen carefully to me. Become my servant. Swear your allegiance to me... become my servant forever. What would be equitable? I will give you Yuki Terumi's head. That is a fair exchange, I think.

In the bushes below the hill, Bardock tightens his fist as it reminds him of a particular someone.

Ragna: Who do you think you're kidding?!

Imperator: Hm. Does that not satisfy you? What if I said...

She pauses for a moment before speaking again.

Imperator: Brother, Saya misses you. Come, be with your sister.

An image flashed right before Ragna's eyes, remembering Saya when she was younger. As he snaps back to reality, he had an angry expression as he drew his sword.

Ragna: I'll kill you right here and now.

Rachel: Ragna, no!

He charges for the Imperator and as he made his attack, she vanished.

Ragna: She disappeared?!

The Imperator was standing behind him.

Imperator: You always had such a violent temperament...

Ragna: (turns around) Why you...!

Then Phantom came behind Ragna and stopped any of his movements without him noticing.

Ragna: Wa...What's going on? I can't... move... guahh!

Imperator: Your violence is... unsettling. Treat your sister properly.

Phantom then tightens his mid-section and cracks one of Ragna's ribs.

Ragna: Rrrrrrrrrgh!

Imperator: Seems as though my vessel desired you... but it appears my trip was for naught.

Ragna: Gah... guah...

Imperator: That is enough Phantom, release him.

As Phantom releases Ragna and returns to the Imperators side.

Ragna: (pant) (pant)

Imperator: As expected, it is much more comforting to watch you suffer...

As the conversation continues, back in the bushes Bardock continues to get even angrier. As this reminds him of the Tyrant that destroyed his planet, his home. One that gives bargains to only satisfy his own benefit. And watches people suffer his amusement. He can even hear his laugh as his plant was destroyed.

As he snaps back to reality, he was at his limit. As he started to walk towards the group. He stuck out his right hand and charges his attack.

Ragna: Got it... I can visit you anytime of the day or night... And murder you.

Rachel then noticed the brown cloaked man coming up. But what surprised her, was the Ki energy on his right hand.

Rachel's thoughts: Y/N...? No... this person is someone ...different.

Imperator: Heh heh... I will look for-

Bardock: Uryaaaaa! (Throws attack)

After that loud shout, both Ragna and the Imperator turned to see where the voice came from. Only for the Imperator to see a blue sphere heading right for her. But Phantom used a barrier like magic to block the attack. Smoke filled the area, as it dies down, they see the brown clocked man standing there.

Imperator: You... who are you?

Bardock: It wouldn't make a difference, because when I'm done with you, you'll be nothing but dust in the wind!

Imperator: As much I would love to watch you struggle, I have other matters to attend to... but we will meet again. Come Phantom, we will take our leave.

Bardock tried to attack by rushing right at her. But before he could do anything, both the Imperator and Phantom teleported out.

Bardock's thoughts: Damn, she got away.

He exhaled, then turns to both Ragna and Rachel.

Ragna's thoughts: Who is that guy?

A/N: And that's raps up this chapter. Sorry it took a bit, with the new semester up and running didn't get much of the work done. But at least I got this chapter up. So like before, progress on some chapters are going to be slow but they are coming. Also, Phase 3 has began with Bardock coming into the story! Other news, I have been working on a new cover to celebrate the halfway mark of this story and the 7k views. Followed by some new tags. This is what the new cover looks like...

So what do you think of the new cover? Might need some work but, I would like your opinion.

As for changes, not much but some new dialogue, altered dialogue and the appearance of Bardock. But anyway, thank you for reading this fanfic! This is A/N signing out!

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