StarRob (Book of Smut)

By ghsv722

8.5K 86 10

Juicy stories based of beloved DC characters, Dick Grayson and Kori Anders. More

Welcome Home Soldier Boy
Welcome Home Soldier Boy (II)
Welcome Home Soldier Boy (III)
Welcome Home Soldier Boy (IV)
Welcome Home Soldier Boy (IIV)
Miracles (II)
Miracle (III)
Man in Uniform


798 9 0
By ghsv722

*AU where Koriand'r regains some part of her memory and accuses Richard of abandoning her when she needed him most. (Set After events of Red Hood and the Outlaws)

Richard POV 

I paced back and forth in the halls of the Justice League as I was ordered by Batman to wait outside until he was done talking to Kory. Other heroes such as Flash and Manhunter would pass me by, Flash not skipping a second to comment on my dire situation. "How you doing?" he asked quickly, zooming up to me and placing his hand on my shoulder. 

I shook my hands, "nervous," I replied. Five years ago, Kory lost her memory, and I wasn't there. She stayed dormant for a while until news about Roy Harper's escape from the death penalty surfaced. The league was scattering to find the Outlaws, and of course, Jason was the mastermind behind the entire trio. 

The top leaguers didn't think it was wise to have two convicts in charge of a human firework, so they tracked the team down and hauled all three of them to the watchtower. Manhunter did his best on trying to retrieve Kory's lost memories, but he could only get fragments of what was lost, now it was Kory's job to piece them together, which was why a few other former Titans and I were called back. 

"Dick!" Donna walked towards me with a worried expression,  "I heard the news!" she said, "where is she?" she asked as she looked over my shoulder to the locked door.

Following behind the black-clad heroine was Raven and Gar. Raven and Donna were promoted to leaguers; Gar returned to the Doom Patrol, and I rejoined the Batfamily in Gotham. I wasn't going to say things were all good, and I had an on and off relationship with Babs, which didn't go anywhere and of course, I had my flings in between. Not to mention, I felt like Batman's personal babysitter with Damien in the picture now.

"What does she remember?" Rachel asked as she turned to Manhunter, who had been silent next to Flash during our unplanned reunion.

"Not much," he said in his ordinarily stoic voice. "Her mind is strange," he added on, "it's like flashes and images, there is only pain; it seems like she has forgotten everything that made her happy."

Yikes, I thought bitterly to myself as I looked down to my feet. Before Kory crashlanded on Earth, she was a slave to the Gordanians, a sentence gifted to her by her people, she endured so much pain. Plus she was on the island until Jason washed up to shore, she was probably so lost and scared.

Suddenly the door opened, and all of us turned to see Roy and Jason exiting the room. The two of them had dry blood all over their suits, and Jason held his hoof by his hip while Roy was stripped of his arsenal.

Jason looked at me, amusingly, "Hey, it's Nightwing," he smirked, then looked behind me to see an equally pissed off Raven and Donna, "now I know what you're going to say," he said as he put his hands up defensively, "why didn't I bring her up sooner," he chuckled, "well actually--" I glared at him, hard, and he noticed.

He reveled in my annoyance and shut up, and in the nick of time, Batman entered the hallways. "You can come in," he said, before turning on his heel and reentering the room.

The two girls wasted no time in rushing past me and entering the room. Even Gar started to fast walk past me and into the meeting room to meet our friend.

When I turned into the room, there she was. She looked like she was of the defensive, and watched carefully at the people who started to crowd up the room.

I gave her a halfhearted smile, but only received a deadly glare in return, she pulled her attention away from me and looked to the others. It gave me a chance to look at her without being caught and called a perve.

No longer was she the innocent Starfire I knew when I was still Robin when she had just came to Earth. Now she was this curvy and well-endowed woman who wasn't afraid of showing off some skin. Even Bikini's would be offended by the amount of skin her suit (if you can even call it that) showed off.

She had nice long toned legs that stretched across the floor under the table, and her breasts were so rounded and endowed, especially when she was pushing them up with her arms crossed under them. Even when she was mad, she was beautiful.

"Do you remember me?" Donna asked as she was now kneeling to Kory with a hopeful look in her eye, "my name is Donna, we were friends," she tried to grab Kory's hand, to reassure that she was in safe hands now, but Kory was not the same Kory as before. Instead Koey and snatched her hand away and her eyes flared green, and there was a little fiery tint to her hair.

"Don't touch me," she seethed, causing the three of them to step back just a bit. Kory looked to Batman, "Where's Jason?" she asked.

Bruce looked to Wonder Woman who nodded and led Kory out of the room, "not the person you remember, is it?" he asked, but it felt like he was only asking me.

"Batman," Raven spoke, "what happened?" she asked.

Manhunter stood behind Batman, and Bruce stepped away, giving Manhunter the room to speak. "It is common among Tamaraneans to tap into a power they hide for emotional closure; this in English dialect can also be referred to as selective amnesia."

"What did she choose to forget?" asked Gar as he learned to keep his distance from the Alien princess.

"Being a Titan," Manhunter said simply, "he memories of from she was a Titans seemed to have been compromised, only fragments remain." "What does she remember?" Donna asked.

"She remembers her planet banished her to the wrath of Gordanians, the torture, the abuse coming from her sister, and she remembers the pain that stemmed from love," he turned, and then pointed his eyes towards me, "she remembers Nightwing."

The room grew quiet until Garfield finally spoke up again, "where's Vic?" he asked.

"I sent him to do investigating on what Starfire had been doing on the Island for the past five years, to see if she left any traces of her former life on the island," he explained.

"I think he is contacting us now," Flash said as he worked at the computers, pulling a holo-screen from the computer and projecting it in the middle of the rounded table meant for major leaguers.

"Can everyone hear me?" he asked. The camera showed off where Star had lived on the island. It was, to say the least very tropical. Although it was apparent that she didn't clean up much. A lot of her clothes were scattered onto the ground, mainly bikinis, and underwear. "Dang, the girl really lost herself," he said. "Smells like outdated cologne and perfume in here."

Cyborg continued to travel through the spaceship where he found an alien telegraph, "see if you can pull up any files on the computer," Batman ordered.

"I can try," Cyborg said as he saw him messing witha few wires, eventually getting it to turn on. "Okay, it looks like she has home videos...that last about two years...umm do I even want to know what these videos recorded?" Cyborg chuckled.

"Yes," Batman said sternly, "they were probably video diaries," he told himself and ushered Vic to continued.

"Okay, here we go..." Cyborg said and pressed on some random dated video.

"I can't recall the date anymore, but I believe it's been seventy days since I arrived on the island..." we all watched heartbreakingly as we watched a telegraph from the old Star. She seemed heavily broken and on the brink of self-destruction. "These days it's hard to recall the password to this computer, and I can't remember how I got here or the names of the people I keep seeing in my head..." she continued to explain. "I'm slowly losing my sense of self as that man is haunting my every thought, but I predict that in a few days I won't even recall his name."

"I thought you said she was suffering from selective amnesia, wouldn't that mean she handpicked the memories that she erased?" Donna asked. 

"Not likely, I believe that Starfire had no idea she possessed this ability and so inflicted it upon herself unknowingly," Manhunter explained. 

"There are these people that I think I knew," we continued to go through the videos, and watched as Starfire when from zero to one-hundred multiple times. "I think they were my friends, and I'm not sure...I think one of their names was Donna?" she laughed to herself, but the laughing turned to crying in her hands as she grabbed her hair and looked away from the camera. 

"Okay it's been nineteen days and my communicator has been disabled, I've been trying to wire it to the ship but it doesn't seem to be working..." we even looked at earlier videos, which is when we were able to see the real Star. "My ship crash-landed to what looks like the Carribean, the team is probably looking for me...? I don't know, after facing Crux my powers seemed to have weakened, but I am gradually building up my strength once more." 

"I lost count of the days, and the people seem like a blur to me, I can barely remember happier moments, and I get this feeling of nostalgia when I sprit this around the room, although it's becoming less and less helpful as the days go by..." Kory held up a bottle of cologne that I used to wear, "I don't know exactly where I got it from but it helps me feel calm..." 

"Turn off the video cam," Batman ordered, "Cyborg report back to the Watchtower as soon as you can."

"Yes Batman," Cyborg said before the screen turned black. 


The room was cleared and it was only Batman and I. "Don't beat yourself up," he said as he stood behind me while I sat at the table with my hands buried in my face, "it wasn't your fault," he said. I wouldn't look at him, because no matter what he said, it didn't matter. "Dick--"

"Batman!" I shouted, most people would die at the thought of shouting at him but me, at this moment, I couldn't stop myself. "She was waiting for me," I said, "and I let her down," I shook. "She was waiting for all of us to help her I mean I just left her, really I did, and then she went on like a cry for help until Jason warped her into this weapon!" 

"We all thought she died," Batman said, "usually happens when a person disappears, it's not your fault." 

"We could've tried," I said, "I mean we're heroes right? We couldn't tried looking for her or something but we didn't and so instead of living off peacefully she just broke and became even more broken every day and forgot everything that happened between us in that time." 


"She never knew love until she knew me," I stated.

"Instead of kicking yourself about, how about you go and talk to her," he insisted, "if you're the only person she remembers you might be the only person who can help." 


I sighed as I stood in front of the door of Kory's guest bedroom. I knocked, and the door automatically opened and there in a bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her head was Kory. She didn't seem shocked that I was here at all instead she ignored me, pulled the towel out of her hair and letting her auburn hair fell to her hips. 

"Kory, it's me," I said, "Richard?" 

She looked back at me but seemed uninterested, "I know who you are," she said. 

"Oh, so you do remember me," I said, "well then--"

"I didn't care though," she said and started to brush her hair.


"Who leaves their friends to die?" she asked, "who leaves their friends to drown and never think about them again?"

"What do you mean I--"

"Jason told me everything." 

I sighed, "did he?" I said disappointingly. 

"He told me that way back when, when we first appeared in Gotham you were there, watching, but you never came to say hi, you told him to not tell me that you knew I was alive, that you wanted nothing to do with me," she was angry, so much so her fiery hair started to show. 

Before she could fully be enraged in fire and ran to her, enveloping her in my arms. "I'm so sorry," I apologized, "I wanted to reach out to you and touch you, looked happy being with Roy and Jason and I just couldn't--" 

"Stop!" she said and shoved me back a bit, "I don't want to hear it," she said, and suddenly came up to me and pulled me against her lips. She was forceful, but I wasn't going to deny her. So instead I place my hands over her hips and brought her to me. 

I swirled my tongue over hers and started to yank her hair back a bit, at least until she swatted my hand away and pulled back from the kiss that she started, "I'm obviously not that girl anymore," she said and continued on to push me onto the bed, "I can't help you with her," she said as she started to climb onto my lap and slowly kiss of my spandex covered chest, "but I can tell you that she doesn't forgive you..."

I sat up on my elbows, and she connected out lips but ever so slight separated, chuckling at my eagerness, "what about you? Do you forgive me?" I asked. 

She laughed, "I 'll see after tonight," she said and pushed me down onto the bed, shrugging off her robe, now she was just naked ontop oy my patrol suit. 

"Kory!" I groaned as I rolled us over wasting no time to rid myself of my suit. I then came back up and started lay small kissed on her neck down and then down her body. 

All this time my hand had been making circles around her sex and the moans she let out were amazing. "Dick!" she moaned as she held my hand and pushed it deeper into her moistening cunt. 

I smirked, "still the same weak spots I see," I said and the released my hand from her grip, earning a confused stare from her. Quickly, I lifted her leg and bent down, swirling my tongue along her folds, forcing her to shudder in ecstasy as I held her down. I thrust my tongue in and out of her cunt and took her nub in between my teeth while circling over and over again with my tongue.  

"Ahhhh!" she moaned as I could smell her stared to burn up the covered in her grip, "no! Not yet!" she begged, but it was too late and she found herself already cumming into my mouth. She violent shook as she came, so much so that it leaked onto the floor, forming a small puddle. 

A few moments of me kissing back up to her her body, which was now limp due to her first orgasm, I switched up back so she was on top. 

"Dick..." she said as she was still trying to regain her senses after her first climax.

"Don't say that," I said as I quickly thrust into her, earning a sharp gasp as she dug her nails into my back in pain. He body was tense with the sudden penetration and even she couldn't have comprehended that I would do that, "I prefer you call me Richard," I said before lifting her ass off my lap and slamming her back down, earning screams now more than moans. 

"Ahh!" she moaned as I continued to the same movement over and over and over again, "Dick!" she cried, which I couldn't help but be mad at. She was the only one that I allowed to call me Richard, it just stuck with her, it was alright when she did it because she was Kory. 

"I said call me Richard!" I ordered as I flipped us over and reentered her from behind while shoving her head down to the pilled as I held onto her arse for support. 

"Ugh! No!" she said, her walls started to tight once more, "slow down!" she ordered but I was too much into it, I couldn't slow down even if I wanted to. 

I switched our positions after she came and flipped her over, onto her back and spread her legs apart just a bit. I entered her once more and drilled into her like before. She held onto me for dear life as I tore up her insides. I could even feel her hair and body start to warm up with fire as we approached out climax together. 

"This will be a big one," I warned, and quickly pistoled my raging erection deeper into her as she started to burn scratch marks into my skin, "ahhh!" I groaned as I finally reached my release. 

I fell over and held her in my arms.  I pressed my nose against her hair as she curled up into my chest, "how...nostalgic," she mumbled before passing out. 


When I came to the next morning, I found myself alone in the room with nothing but a note that read: It's time to let her go

It was then where I could finally mourn the loss of my Starfire. 

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