My Psychology Professor

By eunjihoonnim

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So-Hyun is in her first year of University studying Psychology, she has a poor sense of time management and s... More

It's a dream
New Story


144 8 0
By eunjihoonnim

~Chapter Song: Jungigo ft Juhyeon 'Decalcomanie'~

"Are you serious?" Seung-Ho's slightly bewildered and inquistive voice came through So-Hyun's laptop speakers loud enough to perk Podo's attention but not enough for her to turn her eyes away from the TV.

"Yeah... why? Don't you think so?" So-Hyun returned absentmindedly still monitoring the TV screen. They were in the middle of a video call, both watching a rerun of the drama 'The King's Face' in their respective houses.

"So you're telling me that you find Seo-In Guk more attractive than me?" He tried to verify.

So-Hyun hid from the camera's view and held a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter that was threatening to erupt, because that was not what she had said. In fact all she had done was let her inner thoughts out as usual and comment on the talent, Seo-In Guk's visuals and Seung-Ho had somehow drawn his own conclusions.

"Oppa, when did I say that?"

"Just now. You said, 'woah, he's the most beautiful thing I've seen.'" He repeated.

"You're  missing the end. I said he's the most beautiful thing I've seen on screen recently." She corrected, and at the same time Podo who was at the foot of her bed let out a bark. "See Oppa, even Podo thinks you're being strange. Oppa do you appear on TV? Are you a celebrity? Don't think I haven't heard from Ji-Sub Oppa how you carried photos of Park Shin-Hye around when you were younger." She turned the tables on him with a knowing look on her face. It seemed like the inner child in Seung-Ho was making an appearance tonight and she liked it because it usually came with the advantage of teasing him.

He was mumbling something under his breath in attempt to explain but all that So-Hyun could hear was an awkward laugh and she enjoyed watching his reaction. Before he could say anything coherent a soft knock came on So-Hyun's door and soon her mother pierced her head through. "Am I disturbing?" She questioned.

"Nope. Not at all. Eommoni, I can call back later." Seung-Ho quickly raised his voice, answering for So-Hyun and she gave a sly smile knowing fully well that he was just trying to get out of their previous conversation.

She closed her laptop as her mother neared her bed, sitting on the edge to face her daughter. So-Hyun stared at her mother with curiosity, it had been a while since she had done the 'knocking on her door' thing which meant that there was something she had on her mind. Her mother simply stared at her daughter, her lips clamped not sure how she wanted to speak to her daughter. So-Hyun noticed and chose to lead the conversation.

"What's wrong?"

"How are you and my son-in law doing?" She asked, deciding that approaching her this way would be better.

So-Hyun furrowed her eyebrows knowing that this wasn't her mother's original aim, but nonetheless she could feel her cheeks heating up at the mention of his name from her mother. "He's fine, you just heard him, right? Playful as ever." She answered, choosing to not point out that Seung-Ho was not her son-in law yet. Her mother had made it a habit and now she continues to call him that, but deep down So-Hyun didn't mind because marriage was the plan they both had for sometime in their future.

"He's treating you well?" She asked, continuing when So-Hyun looked at her slightly taken aback. "I've seen how supportive he's been of you these past few months, so I know his heart, but I just wanted to make sure that everything is okay with you."

So-Hyun nodded in response, "He's been really supportive. I never thought he'd be this big of a help to me." She explained, her eyes drifting to her fingers. "I was in such a dark place in my head, I didn't think it was possible to find any source of light, but I'm getting better. It wasn't just Oppa, you all helped me and I'm forever grateful."

Her mother let out a soft sigh, shuffling closer to take her daughter's hand. "Honey, you know I'm sorry right? I always bragged about how big my mother's instincts were and I didn't even know you were going through something so painful."

"Eomma, it's not your fault." So-Hyun comforted, and she meant it. She couldn't see it as her mother's fault, because she had chosen to not say anything, shutting out the concerns of others around her. "I know I've not been a good daughter, but I'll do better okay? I'll make you proud."

"Don't be silly, I'm already proud of you." Her mother scolded taking her into a hug. "Your father too." She added as she patted her back, allowing her tears to silently fall in the arms of her daughter.


The next week So-Hyun opened up her letter containing her driving license with glee. After a few laborious months of lessons and a retake or two she managed to obtain it. She hadn't told anyone when she had passed, because she wanted it to be a surprise to them all. Whether it would be much of a surprise she wasn't sure, but it was worth the try.

Seung-Ho's final presentation for his research project was taking place this evening and So-Hyun had plans to attend with Seung-Ho, but in order for her surprise to work she would need to drive to his place first. After two hours of self-care and clad in a wine-coloured chest cut pencil dress. Her hair was in a tight ponytail and her silver earrings drew attention to her round face along with the light lipstick she had applied. As soon as So-Hyun she was in the car setting off to Seung-Ho's.

When she approached a traffic light she couldn't help but let out a shy laugh at her reflection in the window of the neighbouring car. It felt weird to be on the road like this, but she felt proud that she had managed to accomplish something on her to-do list.

Arriving at Seung-Ho's she called him to come downstairs and when he came out she laughed at his expression from the inside of the car. The image of him scanning the surroundings for her was exciting and she considered staying in the car for longer, but if she did that then they would run late and that couldn't happen considering Seung-Ho was the centre of it all. Swiftly getting out of the car she walked to the front and gave him a little wave.

His eyes did a double take, not having recognised her or the car the first time round.

"Oppa." She called out to him and held out her hands, dangling the key between her fingers. "Surprise, your personal chauffer for the night has arrived."

Seung-Ho walked slowly towards the car, first examining So-Hyun, then the car and then So-Hyun again. He squinted his eyes and his dimples soon appeared, "You passed?" He asked, and she nodded her head, both of their laughters pouring out as he took her into a hug.

"See, I knew you could do it!" He beamed, and So-Hyun smiled, satisfied that she had managed to surprise him a little. "You're driving tonight?"

So-Hyun nodded, "You're my very first passenger... After my driving instructor."

"I'm honoured." He said as they both got into the car.

They reached the University safe and sound and Seung-Ho couldn't help but smile at the way So-Hyun looked nervous whilst driving. He made sure not to speak to her so that she could focus knowing that she would get used to it with time.

Seung-Ho had to take a different entrance to where he would be rehearsing and preparing for the presentation. So-Hyun made her way inside to find her reserved seat at the front of the hall. She took a look at the audience and she smiled. There were a lot more than just a usual lecture group and even more than the audience that he had for his previous talks today. She couldn't help but feel proud that all these students and professionals had gathered there for Seung-Ho. His hard work had really paid off and she was happy that she was able to be a part of it.

She gave him a bright grin when he walked onto the stage, she wrote his name on her phone and waved it around a little so that he would notice, only putting it down when he winked at her in acknowledgement. His speech was on thought and social conformity and she couldn't help but think about her life when he spoke.

Although it wasn't just applicable to her, she found it interesting that as humans that there are plenty of things we are addicted to. We can be addicted to junk food, sweets, tv shows and so on, but the one thing that hadn't crossed her mind however was that some of us may be addicted to our thoughts. Addicted to thinking a certain way and hoping that it will produce the same results or addicted to putting ourselves down afraid that if we showed even the ounce of confidence others would see us differently.

She had thought that the walls of her mind that were stained with mistakes and flaws couldn't be erased. And if she was to be honest, they're not gone, but now she could say that she was not ashamed of them anymore.

She remembers the girl that was addicted to thinking that if she could just push everyone away a little further that she would be happy, but that never happened. She lets out a chuckle at life's interesting turns. Who knew that she would be where she was today? Looking at the positives she was a professional counsellor in the making with a professor boyfriend.

Most definitely not her.

All of the trouble she had been feeling, she didn't want to let it break or keep her down. She wanted to catch her breath and break through once again. She had learned that she can't control everything that happens in her life, but the things that she did have control over she would utilise and nurture to the best of her ability.

As Seung-Ho drew his speech to a close, she stood up and applauded him with a wide grin on her face appreciating being in the front row, only now properly taking in his outfit. He was dressed more casually today, his white shirt was tucked into his fitted black jeans and his tie was burgundy, matching the sleek dress that So-Hyun was wearing. She unconsciously licked her lips knowing that he was all hers.

Seung-Ho asked for quiet from the audience and So-Hyun slowed her clapping down. She noticed he looked nervous which was a quick contrast from his confident mannerism a few seconds ago. She peered up at him in support.

"Everyone, I would like to thank you for being with me here today and listening to the journey of my research on societal thought. There is one person in particular that I would like to thank though. She will probably scold me for doing this and she might run out of here due to the embarrassment, I don't know but I have to say it."

Oh no. So-Hyun slowly sat back down, fanning her face as the heat rose to her cheeks.

"My partner has been a huge support to me and I'm going to be honest with you all. I never understood it when people said that they couldn't have done things without other people, because of course at the end of the day they did it with their own abilty and hands. But for once in my life, I can truly say that it applies to me. I could not have done this without her support and love, of course there were others so don't you all get upset, your names are all written down here too." He joked. "I dedicate this to you Kim So-Hyun. I'm proud of you."

His eyes were fixed on So-Hyun, no wavering and no faltering. He blushed before he continued, "I love you." He quickly bowed to the audience and stepped off the stage with the sounds of their cheers drowning out as he walked back into the waiting room.

So-Hyun was left surprised and touched, but also a little guilty. Guilty because she still can't figure out what happened to the man that wouldn't have cracked a smile in a place like this and he might even lose face with some of his students that were there. Thinking about it she felt even more endeared. She used to think that he was breaking out of his old habits whenever it came to her, but she was beginning to understand that he simply just had different sides to him and he had been choosing who she showed them to and when he revealed them.

She waited around till he was finished with his official duties, reading through the talk guide from time to time. By the time he was done, he looked a little exhausted but as soon as their eyes met he gave her a warm smile.

"I'm sorry." He hugged her before she could resist.

"I forgive you because it was actually sweet. You didn't have to do that... You don't know how happy it made me feel."

"As long as it worked." He said in relief before kissing her forehead and taking her hand. "Are you hungry?"

"No, I'm still full from all the appetisers I ate earlier." She answered shyly but, on the inside, she was satisfied and didn't regret her decision one bit. The cheese fingers and honey-glazed rice cake cups were absolutely worth it. "Let's walk for a little. The weather's nice and I have a handsome man to carry me if my feet ever get tired from these heels." She teased, holding his hand even tighter.

"My back is at your service." He bowed.

As they made their way out of the University and wandered through the streets they chatted about endless nothings. Being with him made her understand the saying on life – it can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards. Whenever she was going through hard times, even when Seung-Ho first confessed, she couldn't comprehend why her life was steering the way it was. It was only after she had made it through her trials and successes did she begin to understand.

The sun was setting, and they were strolling through a park spotted with couples with children, owners and their dogs.

"We're on the same page, right?" He asked suddenly, receiving a poke to the chest as his reply.

"How do you mean?" She bemused quietly.

"I mean you and me. We're on the same path, we're doing okay right?"

She let out a small chuckle and gripped his hand a little tighter. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and when she caught him already staring at her she blushed. "Like two parallel lines."

"Parallel lines?" He questioned and she nodded.

"You know how parallel lines are related, corresponding to each other?" He hummed in response and she continued using her free hand to cover their already intertwined ones, "I'm trying to say that yes, we're on the same page. You're my counterpart and just like parallel lines are side by side, I will be right by Oppa's side, okay?"


"As far as always is guaranteed."

He let out a soft chuckle at her honesty. Her realistic comments never failed to catch him off guard, but he couldn't say anything in response because he knew exactly what she meant. He knows that she wants to stay with him just as much as he does, but they just couldn't guarantee what the future held because that's how life works.

He was happy with that though because he was willing to do what it needed to make them work no matter what was thrown their way and he's comforted knowing that her heart is the same.


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