Minecraft Story Mode Season 3...

By CassieRoseMCSM

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The day after Jesse and Romeo's battle at Terminal Space, Romeo is still trying to get over the loss of his p... More

Part 1: Hiding Under A Table... A Great Solution To Any Problem!
Part 2: Not So Different
Part 4: Jesse's new fashion statement... AKA a sword wound.
Part 5: The Walking Dead... Are Not a Problem Right Now
Part 6: Ghost Mug
Part 7: Jesse isn't short. She's vertically challenged.
Part 8: A Tutorial On Basic Human Knowledge
Part 9: Lukas To The Rescue
Part 10: A Very Strange Encounter
Part 11: Clever Trickery...
Part 12: Skittish Cats
Part 13: Redstonia At Last
Part 14: There's nothing that hurts more than broken hopes.
Part 15: Surprises both good and bad.
Part 16: Confessions
Part 17: Lukas Reveals A Secret
Part 18: Hiding Under A Table... It's Still A Great Solution To Any Problem!
Part 19: Some Advice On The Xara Situation
Part 20: Epilogue

Part 3: What are you gonna do? Lock me in a closet?

838 21 28
By CassieRoseMCSM

Aiden had brown hair and dark yellowish green eyes. He wore black jeans, an unzipped black long sleeved jacket with two crossed blaze rods on the back, a green shirt, and brown shoes. 

Gill wore an unzipped black long sleeved jacket with two crossed blaze rods on the back, a white shirt, light brown pants, and brown shoes. He had dark brown hair, a short beard, and black eyes. 

Maya had icy blue eyes and shoulder length brown hair. She wore an unzipped black long sleeved jacket with two crossed blaze rods on the back, a red shirt with a blue "E" emblazoned on it, dark blue jeans, dark brown boots, and dark red lipstick."BLAZE RODS!" Gill cheered.

"Shut up Gill!" Aiden snapped. Aiden saw Jesse and his eyes suddenly filled with pure hate. "Well... look who it is. The Hero In Residence finally shows her face," Aiden sneered. He smiled cruelly and continued speaking. "I'd like the enchanted flint and steel, the Atlas, the Redstone Heart, the Withered Nether Star, and the Golden Gauntlet."

"Aiden, everything you mentioned is really dangerous in the wrong hands," Jesse told him.

"I see a lot of citizens that could get really hurt if you don't give me the items I want. Or I could always just take the items as you scramble to save the citizens. Your choice," Aiden taunted. Jesse clenched her fists and glared at him.

"Leave. Them. Alone," Jesse ordered. Aiden took out a block of TNT and lit it with a normal flint and steel.

"Too late," Aiden chuckled. The TNT's explosion blew up part of the building's wall. No one was hurt, but the building began to crumble- which caused the citizens attending the party to scream and huddle together. "Save the citizens or guard your objects. You only have time for one. I don't see how just you and Lukas could possibly do both," Aiden smirked. Maya, Aiden, and Gill sprinted in the direction of the New Order Hall, where the items resided.

"Maybe not just me and Lukas..." Jesse mused. She turned her head to Romeo.

"You're sure I won't just hold you back?" Romeo asked.

"Yeah. I'm sure," Jesse said.

"I'll protect the people. You two should get to the New Order Hall to stop Aiden and his cronies," Lukas stated. Jesse smiled at him warmly and nodded. 

"I'm ready when you are," Romeo told her. Lukas began to lead the citizens to safety and Jesse quickly changed her clothes. She was now wearing cornflower blue overalls, a yellow hairclip, dusty red lipstick, a white short-sleeved shirt with red sleeves, and brown loafers.

"Okay. Now we can go. I just didn't want to fight Aiden in a dress," Jesse said. The two of them ran at full speed to the New Order Hall, arriving only seconds after the Blaze Rods. Maya, Aiden, and Gill had their backs to Jesse and Romeo. "Hey Aiden! Over here!" Jesse shouted. Aiden suddenly whipped his head in Jesse's direction. His expression became a mix of shock, confusion, and anger.

"I didn't expect you to come with a friend, but this still won't be much of a challenge," Aiden said coldly.

"We won't be much of a challenge? You wish," Jesse quipped. She unsheathed two diamond swords and passed the second sword to Romeo. "I beat you once and I'm going to do it again," Jesse continued.

"Oooh, I'm so scared," Aiden jeered.

"You should be," Romeo smirked. Romeo's eyes widened in shock... he didn't know where the sudden burst of confidence came from.

"Your friend is feisty, Jesse. Almost makes up for how weak he is," Aiden remarked. Romeo's eyes burned with anger. Ever since he'd lost his powers, Romeo tended to cry when people said hurtful things... but this time was different. Romeo was done with being a doormat. When Aiden called Romeo weak, especially after Romeo lost his powers, he had to fight back. He wasn't going to back down now. Not this time.

"Can we hit him halfway across Beacontown?" Romeo asked Jesse.

"Yeah. I want to as much as you do. I've got Aiden, you get Maya and Gill," Jesse replied.

The two of them ran towards Maya, Aiden, and Gill. The three Blaze Rods took iron axes out of their inventories. Romeo began to fight off Maya and Gill, desperately swinging his sword at them in awkward motions. Maya managed to graze his arm, which drew a small amount of blood.

Romeo experienced a sudden jolt of panic-- now that he wasn't an Admin anymore, the Blaze Rods could hurt him. No, not just hurt him. They could kill him.

"Watch your grip. It needs to be firm, otherwise you can't control your movements. Remember, your grip should be tight but not uncomfortable. If your knuckles are turning white, you're doing it wrong," Jesse told him as she clashed her sword with Aiden's axe. Romeo looked down at his hand- he did have a loose grip on his weapon, and instantly corrected it by wrapping his fingers around the hilt and tightening his hold on the sword. He glanced at his knuckles, which were not white.

Romeo was so focused on getting his grip correct that he didn't notice that Maya was behind him. Maya was about to skewer him in the back with her axe, but thanks to his quick reflexes he turned away from the blow just in time. "You want your sword movements to be fluid, strong, and controlled. Try using a circular motion to disarm Maya and Gill. If that doesn't work, try a strategy. Pick your strong point and use that against them," Jesse said to Romeo.

"My strong point..." Romeo echoed. Suddenly it hit him. Romeo was best at dodging, so he would attempt to tire Maya and Gill by avoiding their attacks. Maya and Gill swung their axes at Romeo. He bent backwards and the axes missed him. Maya again attempted to stab Romeo with her axe, but he jumped back to avoid it. She then tried to slam the axe into his stomach. Romeo once again dodged Maya's axe.

Maya had a look of pure annoyance on her face. "Ugh! Why won't you just stand still?!" Maya shouted in frustration. Romeo simply smiled and shrugged. Maya tried to stab him in the chest and he quickly moved to the side. Romeo noticed Maya was now struggling to hold her axe- she was getting tired. "Surrender... you're outnumbered... weakling..." Maya panted.

"Yeah. Blaze rods!" Gill agreed.

"Weakling? You have no clue who you're talking to, do you?" Romeo retorted. He pushed his sword against Maya's axe, moving it in a circular motion to disarm her.

"Aiden! Help!" Maya cried out.

"Please don't tell me two of you couldn't handle one member of the Order of the Losers. Especially an inexperienced newcomer," Aiden said as he fought Jesse. Maya's expression became one of embarrassment.

"Um... the inexperienced newcomer disarmed me," Maya sighed. Aiden rolled his eyes at her.

"Well, Maya, I'm sort of busy right now," Aiden hissed. He turned all of his attention back to his fight with Jesse, which gave Romeo a chance to push Maya into a storage closet. Romeo pulled the lever next to the closet, which closed the closet and locked Maya inside. He could hear her banging on the door.

"Hey! Let me out!" Maya shouted. Gill turned towards the storage closet. Romeo opened the storage closet, pushed Gill inside, and locked it before Maya could escape. Thankfully Maya gave up pounding on the door, because it was starting to get on Romeo's nerves. Romeo put his diamond sword in his inventory. He rushed to help Jesse, but it was too late. When he was five feet away from Jesse, Aiden disarmed her and knocked her to the ground. She tried to grab her sword, but Aiden pinned her leg down with his foot.

"This is exactly why you should never let your guard down for one second," Aiden sneered. Aiden raised his iron axe above Jesse's body, ready to plunge it into her. Romeo felt... powerless. He was too far away to do anything to save her. Tears began to well in his eyes and he reached out with his hand. He desperately hoped that something- anything- could save her.

"No!" Romeo shouted.

Jesse's sword, which was laying on the ground behind Aiden, lifted up and stabbed Aiden in the shoulder.

The strangest thing? No one was touching Jesse's sword.

Aiden grimaced and dropped his axe, which only skimmed Jesse's arm before it fell to the ground. He pulled the sword out of his shoulder and collapsed. Jesse stared at Aiden's unconscious body and blinked to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

"My sword just moved on its own," Jesse stated.

"Yeah. There was no one nearby, and I wasn't close enough. All I was doing was holding out my hand, praying that something would happen-" Romeo began. Jesse's eyes widened, as if she realized something shocking.

"Oh my Notch. Romeo... I think you might have some of your powers," Jesse said in disbelief.

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