Go Ape-x (Jason X Reader)


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Searched the darkest most twisted corners of my mind to make up this story ! Hope you find ot weird enough XD... More

Chapter 1 - The Calling
Chapter 2 - Face to Face
Chapter 3 - Hospitality
Chapter 4 - Taking Cover
Chapter 5 - Companion
Chapter 6 - Settling In
Chapter 7 - Vanessa
Chapter 8 - First Kill
Chapter 9 - Mother Knows Best
Chapter 10 - Photograph
Chapter 11 - Modern World
Chapter 13 - Mother,Mother
Chapter 14 - Coating
Chapter 15 - Deal
Chapter 16 - Commitment
Chapter 17 - Spooks
Chapter 18 - Tummy Aches
Chapter 19 - Frozen
Chapter 20 - Cold Night
Chapter 21 - Cold Blood
Chapter 22 - The Book
Chapter 23 - A Team
Chapter 24 - Deforestation
Chapter 25 - Roomie
Chapter 26 - Best Friends
Chapter 27 - Treats
Chapter 28 - Shopping
Chapter 29 - Back Home
Chapter 30 - Happy Accident
Chapter 31 - Bear Berry
Chapter 32 - Little Loss
Chapter 33 - Burning Rage
Chapter 34 - Dream
Chapter 35 - Heaven and Hell
Chapter 36 - Whirlwind

Chapter 12 - Game Night

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I'm runnig out of songs...crap. If I use all the soundtrack in the  beginnig it's gonna be tough... 


You two reach the top of the stairs and stand in the empty hallway with a dartboard mounted on the wall.

''I thought we should play darts! My aim is terrible, yours is terribly great...it'll be fun ! and most importantly...DO NOT LET ME WIN ! Yes, I might be bad and possibly throw a few backwards off the balcony but show no mercy,ok ?'' Jason happily nods, it was the first time he got to play with someone.

''So red or yellow ?'' you show him the darts. He picks yellow. '' 'K, you first !'' Jason throws the dart and hits a single bull, very close to bull's eye. It's the first time you see his legendary aim in action. ''Woah ! 25 points for Jason, 0 for me...probably will stay that way...'' you joked.

''Ladies and gentlemen,get ready to boo to your heart's content !'' you say in an announcer's voice. You take the dart and score...3 points !

~Not. Bad.~ Jason commented,which surprised you.''awww thanks!''

You took a few turns with Jason's score rising and yours well...not really.''Another bull's eye ? that was LAME !'' you joked ''OK, watch...I AM getting this one !'' Jason stood on the side with his arms crossed. As you focused on your target measuring your force the dart falls out of your hand and off the balcony. ''Oh come on ! What did I say ? Cookie, please dont swallow it!'' you said as you took another one scoring 2 points.

Soon enough Cookie joined you upstairs playing ,he walked past you and went into the bedroom,trying to get on the bed. ''Cookie no ! You wait till your visit to the vet, I'm gonna get you a shampoo, ok boy ? Want to go on the bed, you have to be a clean boy not just a good boy , ey ? Speaking of good boys, where were we ? Ultimate destruction point ?'' you asked as the timer went off.

'' OK, Jason you wait here, I'll give you the tray and eat while I make the other one...'' you rush downstairs and take out Jason's dinner and get started with yours. You take it upstairs and hand it to Jason as you call Cookie to eat. As you were standing at the top of the stairs you see a light in the corner of your eye.Out of pure instinct your body just launched itself down the stairs and reached for the light switch. Not a second later police sirens were heard once again from the camp site. That was the last kill for the season, you hoped anyway. 

Those highschoolers were the exception for mourning that girl's death, upon releasing Jason or his vengeful roaming spirit or whatever that was. Usually the murders occur when the camp was opening...not closing. Where was he ? Was he not powerful enough to manifest ? Could he only observe them until the blood moon gave hin enough power ?  Or the reason above plus the fact that there wasn't a Friday 13th this year until now ? All of a sudden all these questions were buzzing inside your mind. Your heart rate increasing as the sirens were louder.

''You think they are approaching ? It sound like it's coming from the road a little further ! They never take the way around ! Any idea what is happening ?''

Jason didn't get to reply as police dogs were heard. Cookie felt like answering to their barking.

''SHHHHHHHH !'' you said as he barked loudly,whinned and scratched the door. You had to let him out or he was going to give the both of you away. Too risky but as was getting face-to-face with the police for a 3rd time ! You hush the dog and decide to stay inside and eat,still with the lights switched off.

''Everything alright up there ?'' you ask as Jason comes down with an empty tray. ''Was it good?'' you ask and see him nod in the faint light coming from the fireplace.

''Would you like anything to drink ?'' he nods.''Come see what you would like'' you said and dragged to the kitchen by the hand.You open the fridge and Jason points to the sour cherry juice. ''Ok,then. I'll have some too !'' he hadn't realised he was picking for the both you.

You giggled.''I guess I tricked you !'' you said booping his nose sfter serving the juice in two glasses,adding a straw in Jason's.''Here. Let's go sit down on the sofa,by the fire.''

You sit down and take a sip still smiling at your guest. As you put your glass on your coffee table you clear your throat ready to speak.''Jason ? Can I be honest about something ?''

Jason nods to show you have his full attention.

''Well, I wanted you to know that this whole thing going on...with me coming here and all...this calling -if you like- it started as something very different. I'm gonna be one hundred percent honest with you..''.you took a deep breath and went on.

''I had reached this point iin my life were evrything seemed to be a dead-end with no one to turn to but to afraid to admit defeat. So, in hopes you were real, I thought you would just do what I did not have the balls to do...kill me. But  as I went on planning the whole thing, the whole being-on-the-verge-of-death seemed to make me more confident, hence packing my things, about were things might go. I don't know,Jason...it just felt right. Like instead of death, I would be given the chance to start anew. A brand new start in my life....it's like there was a what or who it was that was driving me to do all of this and I knew deep down it was the right thing to do.I just wanted to let it out...thank you for listening.'' You made a small pause looking into the fire.

''That was deep...I think we should call it a night...I was glad we got to hang out ! Tomorrow's another day!'' you said with a yawn. ''I'm just going to brush my teeth, I got a new one in the package still if you want it.''

Jason considered what you said. He remembered the he should always brush his teeth both in the morning and before bed...but he hadn't. For years now. He felt a bit embarassed, along with the thought of what you said to Cookie about needing a bath. How could he be around you like this? He finally agreed. You personaly didn't even pay it any attention.

''Alright, I'll change and call you once I'm done'' you change and brush your teeth,calling him next after handing him the toothbrash with diy nametag with ''Jason'' written on it.As he was in the bathroom,you wait for him sitting on the bed. He finally steps out.You wanted to ask him to stay but you were too shy about it.You didn't think it was the right time...not yet,anyways.

''If you aren't too sleepy we can sit by the fire and do something else, you in ?''

~Come home to mommy, Jason. Now it's time for good boys and girls to go to bed~ you hear Pamela say. She wins.

''Ok, then. If you have to go I should say goodbye.'' you stand up and go give Jason a hug goodnight. After a minute of thinking what to do,he returns it. He began stroking your hair gently like the the other day inhaling the fruity scent of your shampoo. The thoughts of earlier resurfaced but you did not seem to be bothered by anything, despite him feeling dirty for the first time in a while.As for you,his warm and comfortable embrace with a earthy touch makes you timidly let out another yawn.

''Wait... is that the sweater I got you ?'' you asked once you had pulled away . He nods.

''Fits you like a glove,I see. Not too tight, right ?'' you put your hands on his shoulders as he shakes his head. He was happy you finally noticed.

''OK,Goodnight !''

~Goodnight~ you wished to each other. You climbed into the bed and heard the front door shut.


Strap yourselves in, there is another downfall...emotional roaller coaster indeed as my bff said. Hello, Debby !

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