I Ran So Far Away - Complete

By The_Same_Deep_Waters

149K 4.4K 441

𝐈 𝐑𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐎 𝐅𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 ▸ With Elena out of their lives forever, and a baby on the way, things have ne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Chapter 18

2.4K 64 6
By The_Same_Deep_Waters

"Are you sure you're ok with me working today?" Christian asked for the second time as I leaned back against him nursing Teddy. The 7:00 am feed was my favorite of the day. Overnight I kept the lights low and the feeds strictly business in an attempt to teach Teddy night time was for sleeping. But the first feed of the morning was cuddle time for the three of us.

"If you're firing that woman, I'm sure," I replied. Now I'd considered it, I was all for Christian firing the bitch who'd set her sights on him. A full night with Christian beside me had done wonders for my mood. Sure, I still felt like I'd never sleep through the night again but snuggling in bed with my two favorite guys made it worth it.

"So, what are your plans for the day?" Christian asked, kissing the side of my neck.

"Hmm... Firstly, I'll ring and smooth things over with Kate, then I'll ring your mother and give her the heads up on why Kate is upset. Then I'll ring Dr. Blaine and book Teddy in for Friday."

"And you're sure about that?" Christian checked.

"I guess so," I said with a soft sigh. I still didn't consider circumcision medically necessary, and when I'd spoken with Ray about it, he'd agreed. But he'd also pointed out I had to take Christian's point of view into consideration, and given Teddy was Christian's only known biological relative, it made sense he might feel strongly about them being the same. In the end, I decided to pick my battles, so last night we'd discussed the issue again, and I'd agreed that since it meant so much to Christian, we'd have Teddy circumcised.

"When you have the time, let Andrea know so she can put it in my diary. I'm hoping to get enough done today and tomorrow so I can take all Friday off, but if I can't, I will definitely be there for that and I'll work from home afterward."

"Ok. Do you think you will have to go to Taiwan?"

Christian sighed, dropping his chin onto my shoulder. "I'm hoping to avoid it, but realistically I will probably have to go."

"How long?"

"A couple of days there plus travel. Maybe longer." He sounded so sad. I would have liked to go with him, but Dr. Greene and Dr. Blaine had both recommended delaying unnecessary travel until at least six weeks after birth. Besides, Christian would work the whole time, so it seemed pointless to subject Teddy to a long flight and changing time zones when it's not like we'd have a chance to explore Taiwan.

"Well if you have to, you have to," I said, trying to put the best spin on things. "Teddy and I will be here waiting for you to come home to us."

"I hate even contemplating leaving you both," Christian murmured, nuzzling at my neck.

"I know," I replied, and I did.

I'd finished feeding Teddy, so I scooted forward handing him to Christian to burp. Every day Teddy was becoming more aware of the world around him. He loved watching his mobile above his crib, and he'd turn his head to my voice, and Christian's, when he heard us.

"I still can't believe we made him," Christian said, kissing Teddy on the forehead. "I mean look at him. He's half you, half me. And he's perfect!"

"Hey Kate."

"Ana," Kate answered her cell coolly. "Glad your jailer has allowed you out of your cell to call. Is this where you make up an excuse why you can't come tomorrow to keep your husband happy?"

"Kate, Christian is not my jailer and I don't appreciate you calling him that. And I'm not going to make up any excuses."

"So you're coming?!"

"No, I'm exhausted, Kate. Everything is catching up with me, I'm getting a few hours broken sleep each night. I'm still bleeding, and where I had the Caesar hurts every time I move. I've been trying to hold it together since I got back, but I can't do it anymore," I explained, trying to explain things in a way Kate would understand.

"Tomorrow is important to you, so I had an idea. I rang Stephanie, Trey's, and Caroline Acton and asked if they could put together a trunk show here at Escala. They're good for 1:00. I thought your Mom, Grace, Mia and even your aunts might come if you'd like? Bring the wedding planning folder and we'll do vodka cocktails, sandwiches and make an afternoon of it. Teddy should be asleep for most of the time, so we can kick back and relax. I can have the downstairs guestroom set up for us to get changed, and it saves anyone seeing your selections and risk them being leaked to the press."

I could all but hear Kate mulling it over.

"Trunk shows are all the rage in Europe..." Kate conceded, sounding almost appeased. "Much more civilized than going from store to store."

"Precisely," I said, rolling my eyes knowing I was safe in the privacy of my own home since Christian was out. "Mia and me finding dresses hopefully won't take too long, so we can spend the rest of the time picking things out for your honeymoon trousseau. It will be a blast!"

"And Caroline can make it? As well as Stephanie and Trey's?"

"They're all penciled in. I wanted to make sure you liked the idea of a private showing before I confirm..."

"It's a great idea!" Kate declared, all sunshine and light again. "Can I invite my aunts? Oh! And my snooty cousin is in town – can she come, too? I'd love to stick it to her by having my trunk show in the penthouse at Escala! Plus it would be great to have a proper girls day!"

"Invite whoever you want," I agreed, relieved Kate was happy to go with my workaround. "Send me a list so Gail can cater appropriately."

"Will Christian be there?" Kate asked with mock innocence. I didn't need years as Kate's friend to appreciate she was embarrassed about what she'd said to him, and would prefer my husband weren't around.

I giggled. "Are you kidding? A bunch of ladies in our apartment trying on clothing and drinking cocktails? I don't think he could imagine anything worse!"

"You look exhausted," Mom said as I was sitting on the sofa sipping tea. It had only been a few phone calls, but it already wore me out.

"I am tired," I admitted. "So much is going on."

"How about we spend the day in front of the TV? We can lie on that big bed of yours and hang out?" Mom suggested.

I sighed blissfully. A day chillaxing in bed with no demands and no drama sounded perfect. It had been years since Mom and I had hung out like that. Before she left Ray for number three, we used to do it occasionally, but I honestly couldn't remember the last time we'd been together without plans or an agenda.

"I'll have a shower and meet you in your room soon," Mom promised. Already showered, I loitered downstairs opening mail enjoying being alone. Gail was busy in the staff quarters preparing for Sawyer who would be discharged from hospital sometime this afternoon. Appreciating I had another call to make I went to the master bedroom, picking up the phone and dialing Bellevue.


"Ana! How are you and my darling grandson?"

"Good but tired..."

"Yes. Kate rang Mia to tell her you're not up to going shopping tomorrow." There was no recrimination in her voice, but I could tell from Grace's tone Kate must have been far from happy.

"About that. I spoke to Kate, and I'm hosting a trunk show here tomorrow instead. She's been looking forward to bridal attendant dress shopping, and I don't want to let her down because I'm not up to going out."

"That's very kind of you dear..." Grace murmured, however I could sense a but.

"But?" I prompted.

"Well you shouldn't have to. You've had a baby, not to mention everything else that happened. Surely Kate could have waited another week to dress shop?"

Silently I agreed, but after Christian recounted Elliot's comments about Kate feeling their wedding had been eclipsed by everything else going on with us, I had to do something.

"Well it's organized now," I replied. "I thought you might like to come? Kate's Mom will be there, along with Kate's aunts and a cousin."

"Everyone's coming just to choose two dresses?" Grace snorted. When she put it like that, it sounded a bit much.

"Well I wanted to make a thing of it. I feel that Kate might think her wedding has been somewhat overshadowed by Teddy's arrival, the abduction and the Oprah interview... So as well as the bridal attendant dresses, I thought we could help Kate choose things for her honeymoon trousseau? It would mean so much to her if you could come."

"Well I wasn't planning on working tomorrow... And if I come, I suppose that means I will get to see my little Teddy bear!"

"If you want to see Teddy maybe come a little early? I've planned the trunk show to take place while he's sleeping so we can all relax and enjoy without being distracted." I didn't spell it out, but Grace was not stupid. She would read between the lines.

"Of course. Let's say I drop by at midday? I can look after Teddy while you get ready?"

"That would be perfect, thanks Grace. Speaking of Teddy, will you be at the hospital on Friday...?"

"I've always loved this show," Mom said as the credits ran on the second episode of Heartland. We were lounging on my bed as Teddy slept in his bassinet. It was a bit weird to sit with Mom on the bed I shared with my husband, but since it was close to Teddy, it made sense. "So is everything ok between you and Christian now?"

"It is. We've talked things through and we're back on the same page."

"What happened?"

I explained to Mom about the woman at Christian's work, and how her comments upset me.

"He's going to fire her, I hope?"

"He is. In fact, he promised to call me when he did so I could hear him do it," I smirked.

"He's a good man."

"He is. Speaking of good men, thank you for calling Daddy yesterday. It's what I needed. Lucky he was close by..."

"Did he tell you why he was close by?" Mom asked, picking at the duvet cover instead of looking at me.

"He said he was in Seattle visiting a lady friend."

"How do you feel about that?" she probed.

"Good. Daddy's been alone a long time. He doesn't complain, but he's lonely. We try to see him as often as we can, and I stack his freezer every time we go there or he comes here, but he's all alone in Montesano. It's nice he's found someone. He said it's early days, but he's going to introduce us soon. Why, Mom? How do you feel about it?"

Mom sighed.

"Your father deserves to be happy. He is a good man. There are many things I'd change in my life, but leaving Ray for... well you know... is something I regret to this day. Don't get me wrong, I love Bob and I'm happy in Savannah. But I regret leaving Ray and everything that happened after. Sometimes I wonder how things would have turned out if I hadn't left."

Mom sounded so sad.

"We all have twenty twenty rear vision," I said slipping my arm around my mother. "But everything's worked out. We're both happy. It's time for Daddy to have someone special again, too."

We were half way through the next episode of Heartland when my cell rang. Stepping outside to answer it, it was my man.

"Hey, baby. You had a good morning?"

"I have. I've organized everything for Kate's trunk show, I've spoken to your mother and explained how Kate is feeling, and I've booked Teddy in with Dr. Blaine. Teddy's asleep and Mom and I are lounging around on our bed watching TV. Are you about to fire that bitch?"

"Language, Mrs. Grey," my husband teased. I could hear the smirk in his voice. "And yes. Ms. Kirby is waiting outside."

"Did she park in my spot again today?"

"She did."

"Does she have any idea what's about to happen?" I checked, my voice gleeful.

"I don't believe so."

Mom had followed me from the master bedroom, and we'd moved across to the breakfast counter. I put Christian on speaker so Mom would witness this, too.

"Mom's here and you're on speaker," I said as Mom made us each a cup of tea.

"Hi Carla. I will mute your call from my end. So you'll be able to hear us, but we won't be able to hear anything you're saying."

"And you'll come back on the line afterward?" I checked.

"You bet I will, baby. I'm sorry you couldn't be here to see me do this in person, but this is the next best thing."

"Thank you. It's silly – but I need this."

"It's not silly at all. Anyone who disrespects the woman I love is gone. Now are you ready baby? I'll mute your call and bring her in."

"I'm ready – and I love you, Christian."

"I love you, too. Only you. As Ms. Kirby is about to discover..."

There was a click, and I heard Christian replacing his phone in the handset.

"Andrea? Can you send Ms. Kirby in?"

A moment late we heard the door open and the clicking of heels as a woman approached Christian's desk.

"Ah. Ms. Kirby. Alison. May I call you, Alison? Please take a seat."

"Of course, Mr. Grey" the voice I recognized from yesterday's meet and greet responded.

"Please call me Christian. I realized I should check how you're going in your new role here on the twentieth floor. We're quite a tight-knit team up here, and I appreciate it can take some getting used to."

Christian's voice was warm and welcoming. Almost seductive. It made my skin crawl to hear it. I knew when my husband was furious, and the tension was there, simmering below the surface. But to a casual acquaintance, Christian sounded, well, turned on.

"I'm enjoying it so far," Alison replied. "Everyone's been so kind, and Chad is doing a great handover. I've been getting my head around everything, particularly our Taiwanese assets considering the earthquake there."

"She was hoping to go to Taiwan with Christian when he goes in the next few weeks and 'seal the deal' there," I explained to Mom who, like me, was sipping tea and listening to Christian reel Ms. Kirby in without her knowing it.

"Yes, our assets there have taken quite a battering," Christian replied. "I'm afraid I'll be obliged to visit there to check things personally. I might be gone for several days. Perhaps even a week..."

"Please let me know if there's anything you need before you go, Mr. Grey. I can prepare some briefing papers for you," Alison simpered. Her words were professional enough, but her voice was suggestive. I had to hand it to her. She was clever. Instead of suggesting she accompany Christian, she was playing the long game while giving him enough encouragement to lead his thoughts in that direction.

"Thank you, Alison. I hate traveling. Especially for business. The days are all right, but the nights filled with banquets and boring hotel rooms... Well. Let's just say it's tedious spending time in a hotel without someone to talk to."

"I can only imagine, sir," Alison purred.

"I thought we agreed, you'd call me Christian?"

Listening to their conversation made me uncomfortable. I appreciated it was an act – Christian was not an idiot and there's no way he'd flirt with another woman in hearing of my mother and me – but had I not known better, he sounded as though he was entertaining Ms. Kirby's advances.

"Alison? You seem like a strategic thinker. Goal driven. You put a plan in place and wait for it to come to fruition. Is that right?"

"I think so," Alison replied, her voice slightly breathy. "I like to have a goal in mind, I'm single-minded, and I'm a woman who knows what she wants."

"Indeed. So when exactly did you decide I was your goal, Alison?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Grey? I'm not sure what you mean?" she replied coquettishly.

"Oh, don't be sorry, Alison. I just wondered when you decided you'd like to be my 'bit on the side?'"

"Mr. Grey! I don't know what you're talking about? I'm happy to do my work at Grey House to the best of my abilities, but I've never thought about anything beyond that." Alison's voice was lilting, her tone belying her words.

"So you said nothing about hoping to come to Taiwan with me?"

"I might have," Alison admitted. "I've been doing a lot of work on the situation there and thought I might be of use. Only in a professional sense, of course."

"Or course," Christian agreed leadingly. "So you never said you hoped to 'seal the deal' with me in Taiwan? Or that you intended to play hard to get to coax me to want you?"

Christian's tone changed from seductive to sarcastic.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Grey I don't know where you're getting your ideas from, but they're not true and frankly, I resent what you're implying! I'd like to learn who is making such horrible accusations about me." Hearing Christian's voice change, Alison changed hers, too.

"My wife, Ms. Kirby," Christian snapped, his voice now nothing short of arctic. "She was breastfeeding our son behind the screen in the corner yesterday when she overheard you outline your plan to Ms. Dennison."

"I hate to say it, Mr. Grey, but your wife must be imagining things. I said no such thing, and I am sure Janey will back me up on that! I don't know why Mrs. Grey would suggest such things. I've never even met her and it's horrible she's accusing me! I understand new mothers can go a little crazy, but it's not fair she takes it out on me!" I could hear she'd turned on the tears.

Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.

"You should consider acting after you clean out your desk today, Ms. Kirby. You're very convincing. But just so you know, my wife wasn't the only one who overheard your conversation with Ms. Dennison. Given what was said, along with the distasteful personal comments about my wife, I'm sure you understand why you are being let go immediately and why GEH will not furnish you with a recommendation. Security are here to escort you to your desk. You have half an hour to leave before your vehicle will be towed from my wife's parking spot."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Grey. I never meant things to go this way..."

"I'm sure you didn't," Christian replied sounding almost amused. "That's what women like you don't understand. I adore my wife. She means the absolute world to me, and I won't tolerate anyone speaking about her the way you did."

"She's a very lucky woman," Ms. Kirby replied coolly, her crocodile tears now gone.

"No," Christian rebutted. "I'm the lucky one."

We heard the door open, security announcing they were there to take Ms. Kirby to her desk. Another moment, and Christian's voice was there again.

"She's gone," he crooned into the phone.

"I heard," I said, unable to contain a giggle. "And who is this other person who overheard what she said?" I asked.

"Our son, of course! Teddy witnessed it all," Christian replied as I tittered. "And he backed up everything his Mommy said!"

"Are you going to fire the other woman, too?"

"I'm considering it. What do you think?"

"Keep her on," I said after pondering for a moment. "People will talk, and they will want to know what went down. She'll tell everyone what happens when someone makes eyes at the boss."

"You make eyes at me, Mrs. Grey," Christian cooed. "Sometimes you even do rude things with me..."

"Christian!" I squealed, blushing immediately.

My mother was smirking over the rim of her teacup. "Well you're married, and you have a child together, Anastasia," she said, shrugging as she raised her eyebrows. "Hello again Christian."

"Hi Carla," my husband muttered, and I could tell he was every bit as mortified as I was! "I have to go – my next appointment is here," he lied. "Anastasia? I'll see you at home later."

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