Incoming Call (An One Directi...

By EmmaStrombergx

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Emma and Harry met at the website Omegle. Of course Emma couldn't believe it's could actually be Harry Styles... More

Incoming Call (Chapter One)
Incoming Call (Chapter two)
Incoming Call (Chapter Three)
Incoming Call (Chapter Four)
Incoming Call (Chapter Five)
Incoming Call (Chapter Six)
Incoming Call (Chapter Seven)
Incoming Call (Chapter... 4+4... EIGHT!)
Incoming Call (Chapter... nine right?
Incoming Call (Chapter Ten)
Incoming Call (Five boys plus their moms... and me! IT'S CHAPTER eleven!!)
Incoming Call (Chapter thirteen)
Incoming Call (Chapter fouuurteen)
Incoming Call (Chapter Fifteen (last Chapter))

Incoming Call (Chapter Twelve :))

4.8K 33 3
By EmmaStrombergx


Keys always lock something or unlocks it. The key I had in my pocket unlocked the door to the 'best friend's' flat. "Here, take it and if you ever feel low or want me near just go by mine and Louis' flat"

I didn't want to take the key. But apparently Eleanor had a key there. I was somewhat okay with that fact so I took the key that was not resting in my hand. The hole plane ride I spent examining the key. It was so surreal. I was now on holiday, on a flight to U.K with everything left behind.

This lovely plane had wi-fi and when I say it like that it sounds like I'm addicted to it but... HELLO! I'm a teenager! I should be addicted to it! I sneaked around on twitter. I know sneak might sound a little weird and a bit creepy but if I would make some kind of notice I would get a new bomb of 'please follow me Emma!' which I'm not complaining about... okay maybe a little but not that much anyway.

I was as you might know a directioner so I followed the big update accounts. Before when I was just an ordinary girl. Which I still am now I'm just dating their beloved Harry Styles. But back then I followed them and they didn't even bother to follow back. Now they bragged about that they had the follow. I wanted to just unfollow them to, you know, have my own little revenge. But I couldn't. I'm better then them. And it was the quickest way to know what my guy was doing at the moment.

How many of you watched Emma's Twitcam yesterday? You missed it? Just go on youtube and you'll find it!

I read the tweet over and over again. They was actually talking about me. It was strange I tell you. I looked two or three other tweets up to and retweeted them.

Love Emma's Swallow tattoo! It's beautiful! And there is a reason behind it soo We on @1Dupdates suport you gal! @SmilesOnly4OneD

I smiled. The truth is that I was scared to death to show them my tattoo. But they had just took it in and embraced it and loved it. Well except for the haters. Those... BUGS! God... I can't say I hate them because I haven't meet any of them. But I can assure you that I don't 'like' them.

@Harry_Styles Hi babe! On the plane! (Hope it doesn't crash) what yah up to?

The second I sent it was the second my mentions blew up. I just laid my phone back in my pocket and let it stay there through hole flight.

"Welcome!!" a crowed screamed to welcomed me. I smiled so big it hurt. I've just landed in the city I've dreamt about living in since I was ten. It's a special feeling. I couldn't describe it even if I tried to.

The people that stood before me. The people that's right now hugging me welcome to London was for me unknown. but it was something bothering me. The person that was the main reason I moved here wasn't here. My smile faded. Something hit me. Not something real. How many people there was. It was people everywhere.

"Miss!" A security guard called out and I walked over there. Okay walking is an understatement. I had to push myself through. "You need help getting out?" he asked and I nodded. He helped me through and out of the airport.

"thank you so much for the help!" I said and pushed my small lodge into the classic London Taxi. "we got a call from Harry Styles early this morning about your arrival... He was concerned and wanted us as a back up" he explained and laid against a poll. "he sent all his love and welcome" he said and smiled. "Thank you again for the help!" I said and sat down in the taxi.

It doesn't mater where you go the taxi drivers is always crazy. Something I've learned on those three vacations I've been on. I've been to Spain... my grandpa was actually that crazy driver so maybe that doesn't count... anyway I went to Rome with all my friends.... but then there was the bus driver... then I've been to Turkey... AND that time it was actually a taxi driver! Yes got it.

"Here we are miss" the taxi stopped before my new home. It wasn't anything big. It was something small just for me. I stood up out of the taxi. I payed the taxi and muttered to myself "That's not cheep at all...". The little walk to the apartments just made me realize how much I already liked it. I opened the door.

"More boxes" I laughed for myself. In the entrées of the apartment was a little table set up with a letter on and a photo of me and Harry. "You sneaky bastard" I laughed and took the letter up.

Hey babe!

I couldn't just not go and take a look at your new apartment before I went to the U.S. At the moment it has been two days since I last saw you, kissed you or even touched you. I miss you terribly already and I can't imagine how much I must miss you when you read this letter. I thought you should have a photo of us in the apartment so there is it!

Call me okay? Love you! xxx Harry

I laughed and took the tear that had slipped down my cheek away. Then I looked closer on the photo on the table. It was a picture from the park. I'm laying on his chest and we're both laughing. I let the photo be there and kept walking inside the apartment. "Definitely better in real life" I sighed and sat down on the floor in my new living-room. The couch, bed and chairs was the only thing that wasn't in boxes. But they were all in packed in plastic. There were some lamps here and there too. I turned two on and started to unpack.

"I FOUND IT MAHAHA!" I screamed and sat up straight. What I found was my iPhone stereo. I plugged it in and music came out. I danced around. Probably looking crazy. But I think when you get your dream come true you got to let lose and run around like a maniac! I started to pack up stuff.

"This'll take forever!" I said when my living room was finished. Sure not finished but almost. I had to take up the TV on the wall but other then that I was finished. I walked into my new bedroom and found nothing... well except boxes. All these damn boxes.

Harry's P.O.V

three weeks later

"I don't get it!" Liam said. "Don't get what?" I asked and laid against a wall. "You should be miserable!" Louis answered. "What? Why would I?" I asked. "Because you miss her" Liam answered. "Well I do miss her but for the moment I just glad she's mine" I said smiling from ear to ear.

"Take it down a notch lover boy we have company" Paul said when he walked through the door. He had a woman behind her. "a new interview..." Zayn sighed. "Yes, I'm from tiger beat" the woman said and sat down in the couch before Liam and Louis. Me, Zayn and Niall sat down beside them. "Zayn, Niall this interview is just for Harry, Liam and Louis" Paul said and all of us looked chocked at him. "We wont do it without them" Louis was the first one to say the words. "I'm really sorry boys but you'll have too..." Paul said and I saw how sorry he truly was.

Niall and Zayn shrugged and stuck out their tongues because now they could do anything here in Texas. They got the hole day off. They waved and disappeared out of the room leaving me, Liam and Louis with the lady.

"Sorry I'm bothering you" she started but I saw in her eyes that she wasn't really that sorry. "It's okay" Liam said and smiled at her. Always so nice. "So this number of Tiger Beat is about relationships" she said picking up a block from her purse.

"So boys, how do you treat your beloved girlfriends?" she asked putting on some glasses. "Good..." Louis said awkward. "Wait... why don't we start with you describing your love?" she said and we looked at each other and then nodded. "Harry why don't you start?" she said and I shrugged.

"My girlfriend's name is Emma, She's a year older then me, which never really stands out because she's so childish" I laughed a little. "One time she locked me out in the rain" I said laughing a little. "She's the most lovely person I've ever met" now I was smiling from ear to ear. "We're a kind of a soft couple I think... we just want to be close to each other because I'm out traveling a lot" I said looking down. "But when we meet again it's like... I can't really describe it... it's like seeing the light for the first time, getting air after a long swim, wind on a hot day" I said looking into her eyes. "Nobody knew Harry Styles was such a romantic" she said and smiled for herself. "Emma is amazing! She only think about others, never herself, she is obsessed with books and One Direction and and... yeah she love her family" I said and smiled for myself.

"Where do you go for a date example?" she asked. "Park... probably the park or just being at her place or mine" I said nodding for myself. "So you denies that you two lives together?" she asks. I shake my head. "No we don't live together! Me and Lou does and we haven't planned to change that have we Lou?" I said and turn to Louis who smiles big and nods.

Louis and Liam starts to tell the interviewer about their girlfriends and I sneakily text Emma.

Hey love! Having an interview about you ;) hope I didn't say the wrong things! Love Harry. xx

"Would you ever consider taking your girlfriends with you on the road?" she asks. "We have considered it... many times but they're also busy with their life. But when they're off not doing anything they jump on tour with us sometimes" Liam said smiling. "Yeah what's their 'jobs'?" she asks. "Eleanor studies on UNI" Louis said looking at Liam. "Danielle is a professional Dancer" He said smiling proudly. "And Emma shall start to study art on UNI" I said and look at us. All of us smiling like fools.

"What do you spoil your loves with?" she asks. "I think all of my gifts through... I gave Dani a home made bracelet with our names on it" Liam said and hid his wrist behind his back. He obviously had a matching. "I just love spoiling El" Louis ended it. "I give Emma roses, well flowers in general" I said.

"Have any of your girlfriends asked you for something because you're famous?" she asked. "Not Danielle... she dances for so many famous people that she rarely get starstrucked" Liam said. "Starstrucked is such a big word... Uhm... yes Eleanor gets exited if I meet someone she's interested in, but not more then that I guess" Louis said shrugging. "Emma... well she doesn't get starstrucked" both Louis and Liam fell out of the sofa laughing. "yeah? What happened when she met us for the first time then?" Louis asked. I blush. "Well she's a fan of ours and she didn't scream or anything!" I said. "We're just kidding mate she did fine" Liam said and nudged my shoulder.

"Well that's all I guess" She said and we stood up shaking her hand. I looked down on my phone.


"You told her about the interview didn't you" Louis laughed. "Of course I did" I said. "number one rule mate is 'never tell the girlfriend when you name her in a interview'" Liam said and laid his arm around my shoulders. "Okay is it something else I should know?" I asked ans we started walk out. "Yeah our lovely girls will come around tomorrow when we arrive in LA... you should probably fly yours in to otherwise she'll get jealous... believe me" Louis said and shivered. "Okay I guess I need to make a call then..." I said and both Liam and Louis laughed and ran away.

Emma's P.O.V

three weeks before.

Three hours, I repeat three hours! All you Erry shippers BE THERE! See you at Milkshake city! xx

I walked down to milkshake city. And now you're probably mad at me because I'm three hours early. I'M SORRY BUT I WANT A MILKSHAKE OKAY?! I opened the door and everything stopped. It was already people there. Okay people is wrong to say it was a crowd. Everyone turned and their eyes grew wide.

"Emma just tweeted she'll be here in threeee" The girl turned to face me and stopped. "Oh. My. God" the girl that said it stood there with open mouth. "Hello?" I said, waving awkwardly. "I'm here because my boyfriend told me you have the best milkshake of them all" I said and smiled. Everything went soft and they laughed.

"So what do you want?" The person behind the desk asked and smiled. "The 1D shake OF COURSE!" I said and laughed. He laughed and nodded turning around. "Hi... uhm..." one of the girls said and I turned around with a huge smile on my lips. "Hello" I said and sat down. "So now I'm here" I said almost laughing. I was so exited for nothing. "You have such cute accent!" one said. "What? No I have not! And can you let her forward so I can see the girl" I said smiling.

The girl came forward. She was so cute. Adorable in fact. "Aw you're adorable" I said and smiled warmly. "God I'm shaking" she said and looked down on her hands. "Oh come here" I said and opened my arms she looked at me with wide eyes. When she didn't came to me I stood up and walked to her. I wrapped my arms around her. She after some minutes stopped shaking. "So now when that's over with... how are you guys?" I asked and walked to resive my milkshake.

"Woah! This is amazing!" I said when I tasted the milkshake. "It's one direction of course it's amazing" someone screamed. "True that" I said pointed at her way. "We're good by the way" a girl said and blush a little. "So are you all from london?" I ask sucking on the straw. "I'm from Manshester" A girl said and smiles. "Good god that's far!" I said. "It was nothing for meting you" she says and smiles at me. "You're way to nice to me" I laugh and shake my head. "You and Harry is my one true pear" a girl said and I turned to her. "Awww" I said and almost get tears in my eyes. "I'm glad he finally found a real girl and not those other girls he have been dating... they were just... not right" a other girl said.

"Do you have tumblr?" One girl asks. "Yes... how can you even try to live without it?" I ask and laughs. "Do Harry have to?" one ask. "No but he uses mine all the time" I said and smiles. Everyone became quiet. "Oh shit" one said. I just realized what I had said. "He, Uhm, He, He likes how you see stuff... and yeah" I tried to save the situation.

Harry's P.O.V

"What on earth did you say" Emma opened the call. I laughed to myself. "You'll take the plane in the morning and I'll be there waiting for you when you land on L.A.X" I said smiling that she was so surprised. "That means that I'll have to go through the hole airport experience again..." she sighed. "Babe didn't the guards help you?" I ask concerned. "after some minutes yes" She said. "Wasn't the fans nice to you?" I ask. "Babe they were fucking everywhere" she said now stressed. "Take it easy you'll take the same plane as Eleanor and Danielle, I'll text you their numbers and you can meet up or something! Do girly stuff" I said looking over at Louis and Liam that was laughing their bum of.

"I don't fit" she sighed sadly. "What do you mean?" I ask not sure what she meant. "Harry I don't fit in this 'The Beautiful Girlfriends Gang' I don't fit" she said. "Are you kidding me? you are the person that fits the most! you're the most beautiful person on earth how can you not fit?" I ask. "I love you" she sighed again. "I need to go pack and then bed for me" she said. "I love you the most" I said smiling. "Well goodnight love" I said pressing the phone against my ear harder. "I miss you" she said and the phone call breaks.

Liam and Louis doesn't laugh anymore. "Woah you're deep bro" Louis said. "So when are the wedding?" Liam said. both deadly serious. "Shut up" I said and threw myself on them.


COMMENT!! ALL OF YOU! NOW! and vote ;)xx

Love Emma. xx

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