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By williamselliex

55.5K 1.8K 353

Caught in the act by her uncle, Bonnibel has no choice but to attend a school well dreaded by many. Saint Ann... More



1.6K 47 4
By williamselliex


Snagging the thick cot from her body, Marceline departed from the warmth of the mattress at the echoing voice running up and down the once quiet halls. "Rise and shine ladies! The old folks home awaits!" She spoke the words she freeted. Today was sunday, the day of the trip. All girls in the school would attend the trip to the old folks home. Nothing to fun, mostly just community service but it pegged Marceline to her core. The girl wanted nothing more than to curl up in her bed and mope but moping couldn't be done today, she had much bigger plans. Along with the trip came opportunity, and a pretty big one at that. Medication. Hundreds of prescription drugs confined in a glass box stored away in a room. It was no surprise Marceline had been selling for sometime time now. Desperate girls in need of release, drugies hidden throughout the school, and even the janitor time to time. Marceline started selling a while back with the help of some rebellious girls. The drugs were confiscated from girls who refused to take their daily meds that others would kill for, and instead handed down to Marceline, who sold them within the school. Going to the old folks home was her chance to restock on the despairing drugs and collect the rest of the money she oh so needed. A few capsuls from the oarnge bottle could last stock for more than a a month or so, just enough time she needed. So she arose to her feet, making sure to keep her eyes from her waken roomate across the room. And into the bathroom she emerged, thus starting off her plan.

With the skirt grazing her thighs as she walked and her jacket moving with friction, Marceline steeped up the sturdy slabs of the bus stairs. One by one the students pilled onto the long yellow buses, almost similar to ants joining together in the mounds of dirt. Plenty were happy to be withdrawing from school, even if it was just a boring trip to oak ridge. Bonnibel was one of those students, happy to be leaving school for the day but sighed at the disconnection of her friend. Marceline had caught the sorrowful eyes of Bonnie but kept moving along the isle all the way to the back of the bus. It was better to keep her distance away from Bonnibel, keep the trouble away from her. Now seated on the lumpy leather, Marceline brushed strands of hair from her face and faced the thick window accompanied next to her. The cool breeze brushed past the oak, rustling the colored leaves and thin branches. The sight was quite enough to pull her attention from her seat sagging downward with new found weight. "Heya there Marcy." Spoke the voice, her lipstick stained lips pulled into a smirk. Marceline could recognise that voice from any where. She quickly turned her head to the speaker. And there she sat, prim and prissy in the seat. Vivi. Daughter of the principal, a mommys girl, another seller at the shared school. Her curled blonde hair cascaded down her relaxed shoulders, her crystal blue eyes sliced through her like slashing tires, and her pale skin was greeted by the light parting in from the metal lined bus window. Marceline hadn't seen the girl for ages, even under all the rivalry they shared. Since last year, Vivi had grew a disliking to Marceline due to thier simalar choice of work. Even though they roughly fought out back of the school, Vivi could never seem to come to terms with Marceline stealing all her business. Noting the silence from Marceline, Vivi puckered her lips and began to speak. "I've lost most of my customers." The silence fluttered all around Marceline. Vivi didn't hesitate to pull Marceline's chin in her grasp and snap her head towards her furious eyes. "What a coincidence, huh?" Anger raising withing her, Marceline tore her grip away from and sent daggers with her eyes. "Such a coincidence is it? You already know the deal Vivian, im not stopping." Vivi smiled at her successful attempt of turning Marceline's mood sour. And with triumph she stood, the leather of the seat releasing her pressed thighs. "Watch your back." She hissed before finding her way up to the front of the bus, where her mother stood over the students shouting commands over the few seatless girls. Who was she to think she had that authority? What made her think she was going to stop? Marceline didn't know but she was sure of one thing, the game was on. 

Over the gravel, the dirty bus wheels peaked to its stopping point infront of the building ahead. Marceline turned her head away from the parking lot and faced ahead as the principle stood to her feet to address the formal rules.  Plucking herself from her seat, the woman stood. "Alright ladies, I think we all know the drill here as it has been every other year. If you are new here listen closely." Her eyes grazed the rows of girls seated on the gray leather seats of the cheap bus. "All rules that are established here I expect to be followed. There will be no sort of disrespect to the elders or staff, no straying away from you assigned group, and no stealing anything from here. Anything breaking these rules will result in trouble, so I suggest you follow them." She ended her words with the rise of her hand, ushering all girls from their seats and to the parted doors of the bus. Row by row, the girls dispersed until the bus was nothing but a ghost town. Marceline stepped from the stairs likewise to the girls exiting other three buses behind. The school must of paid alot of money for transportation here. Moving further away from her chatting peers, Marceline stood desolate on the gravel path. From afar she could catch Bonnie's looks but she knew better than to acknowledge them. The exact reason she was here was just another prime reason to stay away from Bonnibel. Stealing prescription drugs could get Bonnibel caught in her web and she would go down right along with her. She deserved better. "Marceline!" The voice tore her away from her thought. Her eyes averted to the principle standing next to a group of three. "This is your assigned group." With a nod, Marceline approached the girls, a certain one catching her eyes. No other than Vivian stood with a devious smirk. "Hey partner." She shot her a playful (but painful) slug on the arm. Marcy payed her no mind, following the her group which was lead by the tour guide. With one step in the room, their sun exposed skin was greeted by the cool air conditioning of the old folks home. "Its nice to see you guys again!" The tour guide marvelled at the sight of the students. This was the same guide since her freshman year of highschool. It was a yearly occasion to visit the old folks home, so it was nice to know a few elderly and workers here and there. "A few new faces I see." Sabrina peered around at the new students like dolls fresh from the box. She really must enjoy her job. "Well today were gonna start off in the entertainment space and greet some of the elderly. Please make sure to be considerate that not all of them function as well so please, take your time." She gestured her hands to follow and trudged down the quiet halls in the direction of the life room. One thing Marceline enjoyed about the trip was the old folks home itself. The place was so nice, it made her happy to know the elderly had such place to pass a peaceful death. Spaced out walls painted the soft color of baby blue, shiny white tiles that placed under the dangling chandeliers, and the up to date furniture along with entertainment for the old. Pulling herself out of her mind, Marceline followed behind the group which followed the leader like newborn ducklings. In less than a few minutes, the whole group had entered through a pair of double doors, greeted by the sight of the entertainment hall. A few groups of elderly settled down on maroon cushions throughout the room. Some watched the television which blared tragic news of some sort, some perched in wheel chairs with their eyes dwelling down on the tanned news paper, and some knitted with the metal utensils and few strands or yarn. "Dont be afraid to go speak to them. They would definitely enjoy it alot." The worker said from behind, a "dont forget to stay with your group" fleeing the principles mouth before all girls dispersed around the room. The room was quite big enough for Marceline to slip away unnoticed, but she needed a way to find the prescription meds. With one foot infront of the other, Marceline pressed down against the soft carpet below her, only stoping for the exhale of a weakened voice. "Marceline." The dry voice called. She knew exactly who it was. With a swift turn, she faced the wheel chair bound man. White hair curling under his ears and all around his head followed by the prickly beard that lay flat on his chest. Simon petrikov. A simple deranged man that Marceline knew before the annual school trip to the old folks home. Simon had lived with his children in their neighbouring house, and was like a father to Marceline when her dad wasn't. Spending nights at his house after getting put out of her home, entertainment brought on the boring summer days, and overall just an old friend. Marceline was almost baffled to find out his children in which he lived with was putting him out to the old folks home. It was quite a coincidence to catch him here every year, and visits during the summer. The old man rolled himself to Marceline with a smile probing his face. "How have you been? You haven't been getting into any trouble have you?" Wishing she felt happy enough to smile, Marceline instead shook her head and gave the man caring eyes. "No simon." A small chuckle emerged her lips for the first time in a while. If it were anyone to make her feel better it was Simon. "Have a seat will you? It would be nice to catch up." Marceline was rather sceptical to accept the offer. She needed as much time as possible to sneak away to the pharmacy. Marceline knew better than to leave or she would dissapoint her old friend so she pulled a chair from under the wooden table and sat. "Its good to see you haven't run away yet." Simon uttered in a low tone. Yes, out of all people in the world Simon was the only one she let in on her plan. Since last year, Marceline had accumulated the idea from the back of her mind and with the help of simon, finalised it. Day after day Marceline would sell the unused meds to the junkie girls in the school and would slowly add more money to her gain, hopefully enough to get her far away. Marceline had been planning on running away for the longest now. There was nothing left for her in the run down town. The thing that hurt her the most was the impact her absence would leave on her father, none. He would probably to focused on work to even notice his daughter had disappeared into the night. So she poured her thoughts out to simon. Unexpectedly, Simon was all for the idea. He encouraged Marceline to do what he couldn't. Simon had wanted to do the same at a young age, run away, find a fresh new start but couldn't muster up the strength. Now he was nothing but a old father abandoned by his kids and thrown away into an old folks home. Sure, Marceline had enough money to leave, but what was stoping her? She knew very well of the cause, but didn't want to admit it. Holding her back with her presence, entangling her within her grasp, Marceline knew much of why she hadn't left. Earning a placid snap from Simon, Marceline pulled herself away from the shaky thoughts. "Marceline?" He waved his hand in her face. Marcy snapped her attention to the man once more. "Yeah.." She spoke softly. "I just need a day or two and im off. Funds are no problem I just need... I-... I need time." Said Marceline firmly. Simon affirmed with the slight shake of his head. "Well when you go.." He paused, stuffing his hand down the pocket of his withered coat and pulling up a tattered envelope. "However much time you need, I just ask of you to do this for me." Her anticipated with his words, slipping the envelope into Marceline's grasp. "This envelope, I beg may you place this on the grave of my sweet Betty." The nimble movement of the enevelope finding its way into her pocket filled the stiff air. Marcy only nodded but deep down within herself, vowed to fulfil the old mans wish. Simon gripped her hand within his with tears coating his now watery eyes in a thin layer. "Thank you."

Swift and agile were always two things Marceline was complimented on. Though it didn't apply gym, she knew how to make her way around unnoticed. After a bit more of conversation from the man she would soon depart from, Marceline crept away from the students and teachers which attended saint Annes and to a barren hall. She was extra precautious to keep her foot tap against the tile to a low minimum to keep away alerting nurses. It took only a minute or two for Marceline to slither through the halls disregarded and to the pharmacy room. To her luck only one nurse coiled in her chair with her hands deep in her purse before yanking up a cigarette. If Marceline was correct, the nurse would have to leave the room to go outside for a smoke break, so she was smart enough to dash the corner as the nurse perked up from her chair and strode out the door, her blue scrubs rubbing together at each stride. Maybe today wasn't such a bad day at all. Running into the room, the girl examined the sight before her upon opening the cabinets with a tug. Plastic orange bottles containing pill by pill stacked and crammed within one and other lined up and down the shelfs. Jackpot. Just as her hand pulled one into her grasp, the presence in the room instantly shifted. A much angry darker vibe had filled the room. "I tried to warn you." Marceline quickly turned to Vivian with a glare, the pill bottle still fast in her grip. "But you never listen, do you?" Vivi moved from the lining of the door frame and stormed Marceline with a viscous stare. Marceline had no words to speak to her, her anger couldn't even be put into a sentence. "I'll give you one more chance to stop right now and i'll leave you alone. Quit selling in school and its over with." She offered. She was quick to stand her ground, shaking her head vigorously. "Get over it Vivian, this isn't preschool. Again, I wont quit." Remarked Marceline, earning a death glare from Vivian. "You forced my hand.." Without warning, Vivian dragged her nails down her cheek, streaking behind gruesome cuts from her sharp nails with Marceline staring in confusion and awe. With one last devious glare, Vivi opened her mouth and let out the words Marceline would last want to hear. "Mother!" The blood churning cry bounced off the walls of the halls, many footsteps soon following. And at the door she stood, worry and confusion bracing her face. Vivian did a good job at putting on fake tears and trembling hand which pointed to Marceline. "What is going on here!?" Shouted the principle. Marceline parted her mouth but Vivi was quick to cut her off. "I tried to stop Marceline from stealing meds from the old people." She balled up a storm. "And then she started to hit me." The principle looked up at Marceline with such fury, that the words she wanted to speak clung to her throat. By now, the outside was crowded with mostly all the staff and students from the school who came alert to the noise, now watching with utter suspense. Dashing to Marceline, the principle yanked her arm into her grip, the bottle fleeing from her hand and colliding with the floor. "Stealing drugs and placing your hands upon my daughter!?" She yelled, Marceline being shook in her grip. "Mr. Jobs!" She screeched for security from saint Annes, the man charging in from the door and to the duo. "Have her escorted back to campus and to confinement immediately." Her heart froze still in her chest, her stance weakened at her words, and her mind churned with realization. Their was no escaping this. Mr. Jobs pulled Marceline into his grasp and lead her through the students, who parted at their departure from the principle. Even through the many eyes that peirced her from the halls, Marceline could only catch the tormented face of Bonnibel as she was drug towards the entrance of the old folks home.

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