Disrespectful [Completed]

Por Baddie_Angel

220K 7.1K 808

This story is about a girl name Lyric who lost her mother "Melody" at the age of five in a car accident. As L... Más

We Meet Part 1
We Meet Agian Part 2
One more day left
Today's the Day
Todays the Day Part 2
Missing You
Kiss and Tell
Not Telling
I Shall Listen You Shall Beg
Taking it Slow
Family Time
Old Meets New
Lyric-1 Helen-0
I reached my Goal
What I Have Been Waiting For
Its Official
She is What
His Birthday
Valentin's Day
Meeting the Family
Meeting The Family Part2
Her Birthday
It Can't Be
Short Chapters
Why Me
The Truth
He's Back
You Ready Part 1
The Day After
Founding Out
Guys I need help
New People Part1
New People Part2
New People Part3
The Race
Neverson Get Together
I Want You Part1
I Want You Part2
Going on Tour
Roc A Wear
How Do You Know Her
Are You the Father
The Kiss
Author's Note Note A Chapter
The Meeting
The Box
What He Did
She's Mine
Starting Over
Making it up
Making it up Part2
The Last Time
Got to Get Her Back
What's Coming Up
Im Gonna Miss You
The Answer
The Answer Part 2
Derwin and Helen
Making Time
The Propsal
His Father
Letting Go part2
Author's Note
New Book A/N
Finding the Truth
It's Gonna Be Alright
New Love
Sequel is Coming
Sequel is up

Engangment Party

1.9K 96 19
Por Baddie_Angel

Tremaine POV

Today is Lyric and I engagement party. We been engage for about five months now and Lyric is hella stress. She's been working on the wedding and taking care of me, work, and school. She Wonder Woman right now. We move our wedding date to next year cause of the baby. We are in Miami at the house and Lyric was getting ready and I was getting dress in my tux. We were having the party here at the house. It was going to be outside on the beach. Lyric walk downstairs and she look amazing. She was wearing the same dress the day of the foundation dinner. It still fit her like a glove.

Tremaine: Baby you look amazing.

Lyric: Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself.

April: Let me take y'all picture.

Lyric and I stood in front of the backdrop that I got custom made. It was white Roses wall. Lyric love it. We took a picture of her showing her ring off, us kissing, hugging. Lyric got on her tippy toes to kiss me. We took pictures with our families.

Emmy: I wanna take a picture.

Emmy ran into my arms and we took one with her in the middle. We kiss her cheeks on each side. Lyric and Emmy took one with Emmy looking at her ring. Emmy is such a goofball cause she tried to take Lyric's ring and Lyric wasn't having that. The she ran off and play around till dinner was ready.

Lyric POV

Shawn: I'm proud of you two.

Lyric: Thanks dad I mean Shawn.

Shawn: You just call me dad.

Lyric: No I didn't. Your getting old and so are your ears.

I walk away. I really just call him dad. I wish my dad was here. I haven't seen him since Trey was in the hospital. I heard he got married. I didn't go and I know he's upset but I really don't care. He didn't even bother to show up today but o well I'm chillin. Trey start to talk to his boys and I was talking to Nikki, Kim, Beyonce, and Kelly.

Kim: Lyric your ring is amazing.

Lyric: Thank you.

Kelly: Girl I wish my man would buy me my dream ring.

Nikki: I don't I'm just working on my music.

Beyoncé: So when's the wedding.

Lyric: Next year June 21.

Kim: Why so late. Why not have it this year.

Lyric: Trey is going in tour soon after his leg heals. I'm graduating soon.

I didn't want to tell them about the baby cause I already feel stupid that I'm marrying and it's not my baby. I don't need other people telling I shouldn't cause he cheat. I love him and that's all that matters.

Nikki: I know I just better be there at that bachelorette party.

Lyric: Now you know I can't go without my drinking buddy.

Stephanie: Or you turn up twin.

I turn around and I saw Stephanie. She said she wasn't coming today cause she got held up at work.

Lyric: Stephanie what are doing here.

Stephanie: Well I had to make it to my girls engagement party. I mean I was there throw the whole ring processes.

Lyric: What. When did this happen.

Stephanie: A couple months before he propose. I was the first one to know. I help him with the ring.

Lyric: Awwww I love you and you did a great job.

Stephanie: I know. She said flipping her hair.

We laugh and continue to talk about the wedding and marriage. Bey seems like a pretty cool person but I will never forgive her on what she said about my mother and that's a promise. I felt arms wrap around and a kiss on my neck.

Tremaine: Excuse me ladies. Y'all don't mind if I steal my future wife away.

Girls: Not at all.

Stephanie: Remember y'all still can't have sex. Y'all got one month left.

Lyric: Ugg don't remind me.

We walk away and Trey and I walk on the stage as everyone took their seats. I have Trey the mic and he start talking.

Tremaine: I would like to thank everyone for coming out tonight. Lyric I love you very much and I wouldn't be the man I am today without. You took me back so many times I can't even keep count. I lost you a couple of times in the past and I'm not losing you again in the future. Today is the day we meet and I want to play this video I made of us so everyone please watch.

We turn around. I look at the monitor and the video start playing. There was picture of us and videos. Through out our whole relationship. It was so cute. I stood in front of Trey and he wrap his arms around. I look up at him and kiss him. He is truly the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. The video was over and everyone clap. We turn back around and I saw momma A shedding a few tears. I gave Trey a kiss. The party start again.

Tremaine POV

It was getting late at night momma, Forrest, Alex, Shawn, Stephanie, Beyoncé was still here. We chilling in the living room. Lyric was on lap and we just making out in front of everyone.

April: Can y'all please stop kissing.

Stephanie: Yes Ly you about to swallow his lips.

Lyric: Sorry. I mean that's all I can get.

Stephanie: What does he have dick of gold.

Lyric: I wish but (gco)

Shawn: Ok I'm out.

We just laugh.

Lyric: I was gonna say Stephanie.

Si supieras lo que estaba poniendo abajo. ¿Echa de menos también.

Means If you knew how he was putting down. You miss it too.

Tremaine POV

Tremaine: What hospital ok I'll be there in five minutes.

Lyric: What's wrong.

Tremaine: Gabby is having the baby. I gotta go.

I left the house. My mom and Alex went with me. I can't believe the baby is here. We got to the hospital and I ran in. Even though I'm not suppose to be running on leg. I found the room and Gabby was pushing.

Tremaine: I'm here I'm here.

Gabby: What took your ass so long.

Tremaine: I had my engagement party today.

Doctor Chase: Get ready to push.

I held Gabby's hands and she push. Her screams were has loud as the day we had sex.

Tremaine: Your almost there.

Gabby: Shutup Tremaine.

Doctor Chase: One more push.

She push as hard as she could. I start to here cries. My baby girl is here.

Chase: It's a girl.

Gabby: Can I hold her.

They gave Gabby the baby after they clean her off. She was beautiful. Gabby decide to name her Trinity. Trinity Isabella Neverson. My Babygirl is here. I held her and she stop crying. Now I gotta be a man start taking care of her. She's my world. I heard a knock on the door and my momma came in. I kiss Gabby's head. I gave her the baby and sat next to her.

Lyric POV

Everybody left the house. I went outside to the patio and sat in the chair. I took my phone out and went on Instagram. I had notifications of people making comments of Trey and the baby. I look at the pictures and some of comments. Some were congrats and some were point out to me.

Looks like @ArmyBratLy making a big mistake marrying @treysongz.

@ArmyBratLy got his man taken away.

At least @treysongz first baby is black. He don't need no baby with @ArmyBratLy.

I got mad and throw my phone in the ocean. I sat back down and cried till I fell asleep.

Next Day

Tremaine POV

I woke up to Trinity crying. I got up and walk over to her. I pick her up out of her crib and rock her. She look up at me and smile. It was like she knew who I was. She reach out for me and touch my nose. I kiss her hands and she giggle. I walk over to my seat and just rock her till she feel asleep. The baby has to stay in the ICU for a couple of months cause she's pre mature. I don't care at least she's here and alive. I'm not losing another baby.

April: She's beautiful.

Tremaine: Yea I know.

April: Have you talk to Lyric.

Tremaine: No.

April: Well I sent Forrest over to check on her.

Tremaine: O ok.

April: You sure this is your child.

Tremaine: Yes ma. Gabby isn't a hoe.

April: Ok all I'm saying is before y'all take the DNA test to get to attach if she isn't yours.

Tremaine: Alright I hear you.

Forrest POV

My momma told me to go check in Lyric. I feel bad for her cause she doesn't deserve to be cheat on. She's been through a lot in life and she just deserve happiness for a change. I'm not saying that my brother doesn't back her happy he does but he was wrong for cheating on Lyric. I pull up to the house and I rang the doorbell. I rang and rang and no one answer. I twist the nob and the door open.

Forrest: Lyric. LYRIC. I walk around the house I couldn't find her. I felt a breeze I walk outside to the patio. I saw Lyric cuddle up laying in the chair. I grab a blanket and put it on her. I took the hair out her face. She open her eyes.

Lyric: What time is it.

Forrest: 10am.

Lyric: I got to get to hospital. She said sitting up.

Forrest: It's ok Lyric just relax. The baby is ok.

Lyric: How's Gabby.

Forrest: She fine. The baby has to stay in the ICU for awhile.

Lyric: O.

Forrest: You hungry.

Lyric: Yea.

Forrest: Come on we can go out to eat.

Lyric: You know you a cool little brother.

Forrest: Yea I know.

She went upstairs to go change her clothes. I sat on the couch and call Daniella.

Daniella: Hey baby.

Forrest: Hey.

Daniella: How's the baby.

Forrest: She good. She was born premature so she has to stay in the ICU for awhile.

Daniella: Well at least she's alive.

Forrest: Yea. You wanna go out later tonight.

Daniella: I can't I have to go to see my family has to go see dad's lawyer.

Forrest: Ok maybe next time.

Daniella: Yea. I gotta go. I'll call you later.

Forrest: Bye.

Daniella: Bye.

Lyric came back down stairs. We got in my car and drove to IHOP. Lyric was quiet the whole ride. I park the car and got out I open Lyric's door and we walk in the building. We were seated.

Forrest: So what you getting.

Lyric: I don't know. She said lowly.

Forrest: You wanna talk about it.

Lyric: Not really.

Forrest: Can you at least smile for me.

She fake smile and I sat next to her in the booth and start tickling her. She smile.

Forrest: There's the smile.

Lyric: Shut up. She said laughing.

Derwin: Hey Ly.

Who the fuck is this nigga. Just popping out of no where. Lyric got up and hug him. I know I'm not Lyric's man of nothing but his hands was to close to her ass.

Lyric: What you doing here.

Derwin: It's breakfast time.

Lyric: O I didn't know.

Forrest: Ahem.

Lyric: O sorry. Derwin this is Tremaine's little brother Forrest.

Derwin: What's up man. He took his hand out his pocket and reach for mine for a hand shake. We dap up.

Derwin: How you feeling Lyric since you know.

Lyric: Ummm I don't want to talk about.

Derwin: You wanna go out later tonight for dinner. To get your mind off it.

Lyric: I sure will.

Forrest: Yea but Trey wouldn't like that Lyric.

Lyric: And Trey can kiss my ass.

Derwin: I like to kiss it too.

Lyric: Your so stupid Derwin. She said pushing him lightly.

Derwin: See you at 8.

Lyric: Yup. Bye.

Derwin left and Lyric watch him walk out. I saw her bite her lip. I can't believe she just flirt with him in front of me. I'm defiantly letting Trey know about this. Lyric sat down and she ate her food. We got done eating and we spilt the bill. Lyric had a smile on her face the whole ride to the hospital.

Lyric: Forrest where are we going.

Forrest: To the hospital.

Lyric: I don't wanna go.

Forrest: Well to bad.

Lyric: I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it.

Forrest: You shot me Trey and my mamma will kill you.

Lyric: Uggg your so annoying.

Forrest: How you know that Derwin dude.

Lyric: He's a friend.

Forrest: Well I don't like him.

Lyric: You sound just like your brother.

Forrest: I hope you know I'm telling Trey about that date.

Lyric: I don't care. I'm still going. He can't stop me anyway he has other things to take care of.

I pull into the parking. I look at Lyric and she didn't have a smile on her face anymore. I saw hurt and pain. I hug her and she cried in my shoulder. I rub her back.

Forrest: Trey loves and he stupid that he cheat. If he can't see the real women you are and how you should be treat he doesn't deserve. I know I'm his brother but it's true.

Lyric: Thanks Forrrest. I love you. She hug me again and I wipe her tears.

Forrest: I love you too. Please don't tell Trey what i said.

Lyric: I won't. She said laughing.

Forrest: You ready to go in.

Lyric: Yea.

We got out the car and went in. I sign in and we walk up to the floor the baby was at. Lyric sat down in the waiting room and I walk to the door. I look through the mirror. I saw something I didn't want to see. I open the door and Trey look at me.

Tremaine: What's up bro.

Forrest: Don't what's up bro me. Don't think I didn't just see you kiss her.

Tremaine: Look Forrest it was a misunderstanding.

Forrest: Fuck that. I brought Lyric here so y'all can talk but you know what I guess I should just let her go on her date with some dude she's knows. It's already bad that you cheat and had a baby just a couple hours ago. Now you up here kissing Gabby. Lyric doesn't deserve that. She has done nothing but support you even when she didn't want to. She really does love you but you can't see that. I don't know why you even marrying her. I look up to you my whole life and I watch you get cheat on and have your heart broken. Now you got a girl No a women who loves you and that wouldn't let a man touch her like you do and now your hurting her just how Helen, Lauren, hell even Gabby did. Now I'm just ashamed to even call you my brother.

Tremaine: Forrest I'm sorry please don't tell Lyric.

Forrest: Don't say sorry to me. I'm not gonna tell Lyric you are. Then I'm gonna watch her punch the shit out of you cause you deserve it.

I walk out and left the hospital.

Tremaine POV

I look at Gabby and she just had a shock look on her face. I know I kiss Gabby. It was wrong but everything that Forrest said was true and it hurt. Especially the part he said that he was ashamed to call me his brother. The baby started crying. I pick Trinity up and feed her a bottle.

Gabby: Trey I'm sorry.

Tremaine: No it's my fault. I should of never went into the room with you but the only good thing out of all of this was Trinity.

Gabby: I love you.

Tremaine: I love you too.

Lyric POV

Tremaine: I love you too.

That hurt me so bad. He does love her. I was about to cry but I'm done crying over him. I'm done with this whole relationship. I ran out the hospital but I didn't have anywhere to go. I took a bus back to the house. I grab all my stuff and pack it. I walk downstairs and went to the kitchen. I got a paper and pen and sat down.

Tremaine I love you but I can't do this no more. I heard you say you love Gabby and you lied and told me you didn't. I gave you nothing but love and a relationship. You broke my heart and you broke me down to a point where I'm leaving you. I wish you nothing but the best in life with the baby and Gabby. I hope you become the man I wish you could of been for me to her. The father I know you can be to your child. I love you Tremaine Aldon Neverson.

Forever Yours

Lyric Rodriguez

I took my ring and promise ring off and place it next to note. I walk to the door and look at everything before I left. This could of all been mine but it's not anymore. I could of had everything. Instead I got a man who love me but cheat. A broken relationship. Good ass sex. Love and heartbreaks. Smiles and laughter. Most of all some Disrespectful Shit.

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