My online enemy (Imallexx)

By jojihasallmyuwus

96.2K 1.4K 441

Emily is a YouTuber, just like her cousin, memeulous, also known as George. When her parents die in a tragic... More

The move.
Rocket legue
The pub
Chat with al
New beginnings?
Surprise party
Wait. What?
The big collab.
Tik toks
Coffee shop
1 million subs
The first kiss
Million sub special
Million sub special pt. 2
The pranks
My concussion
Finally better
Decorating for the holidays
The first i love you
Christmas shopping
Uh oh
Ice cream and movies
Christmas eve
Big family vacation
Special day
Dirty jenga
Beach day
Back home
Ice skating
Fanfiction video
More than just a broken car...
Journey to Vidcon

The gift

1.6K 29 5
By jojihasallmyuwus

-Emily's POV-
My door shuts and I stand there confused. The little yellow box, that I saw hiding under George's bed a few weeks back.
I walk over to the door, open it, and no one is there.
I pick up the box and bring it over to my desk. I flip my lamp on and open the note first.

My sweet em,
I love you. I love your brown eyes when they sparkle gold in the sunlight. I love your smile, your adorable fangs that you despise. Your laugh, it's so quiet and cute. Your glasses, I'm glad you started wearing them a lot. How small, but how feisty you are, you aren't afraid to get what you deserve. You deserve the world. And I know I messed up, but I just wanted you to have this. I'll be waiting for you. I'll wait for as long as I have to. I'll be right here. Just come to me when you're ready. I love you bear.

I couldn't help but tear up a bit. I then opened the box and saw a necklace. With a moon and a sun, both were made out of diamonds. I'm in love. It was beautiful. I slipped it on and went to go look in the mirror.
I've decided I'm going to go give him a chance. But not right now, it's nearly 4 am.

"Good morning Emily!! Merry Christmas open your gift!" George cheers as he's jumping on my bed.
I groan and pull the covers over my head.
"10 more minutes." I say.
"Emily come on! It's noon!" He says.
I groan once more, sitting up. George looks at my necklace, that I had totally forgotten that I put on. He gives me a smile and hands me my gift.
"You should go get yours so we can open them together." I smile.
He gets up to go get his that's labeled under the tree, and runs back in.
We open them at the same time, him loving the hoodie, and the matching bandana I got for it. I also ended up getting him a new computer game that I heard him always talking about.
"Aw thanks em!" He smiles. "Now open yours!"
I finish opening mine and he got me a new Jeffery star eyeshadow pallet! He also got me a couple brushes.
"Aw thank you. It must've been hard for you to pick this out." I smile.
"Well I had a little bit of help..." he says. "I see you have a new necklace on."
"Oh. Yeah. I think I'm gonna go talk to him." I sigh.
"Good." He smiles. He gets up and leaves.
I set my new makeup things by my makeup counter and decide to shower and get dressed.
I threw on some joggers and a jumper and put my glasses back on. I put on some fuzzy socks and went to go make a tea. Everything is quiet. George must be playing his new game, and Alex is probably sleeping.
I make my way back to my room. I put on some music and finish my tea. It's now around 2pm so I'm hoping Alex is awake.
Here goes nothing.
*knock knock*
I take a step back from the door, I hear some shuffling before it opens slightly. Alex looks up at me and his eyes light up. He lets me come in and I take a seat at the end of the bed.
"Emily I'm so so-"
"Open this." I say cutting him off.
I hand him his gifts and he does as I say. He first opens the hoodie and lets out a chuckle. He then gets to his headset and is in aw. And lastly he opened the pictures.
I see a big smile form on his face.
"Thank you." He whispers.
I give him a small smile.
"Can we talk about what happened?" He asks.
"Yeah. Go for it. " I sigh.
He sits and explains about how the girls were stopping him from leaving, and it nearly had him in tears when he got to the end. I felt horrible.
"I really did try to get them off I promise I thought I would just take a simple picture and it'd be over." He cries.
"Hey. It's okay." I smile.
"Wait what?" He asks.
"Yeah. I forgive you." I say.
I give him a small kiss on the cheek and he smiles.
"Come on, let's go celebrate Christmas." I giggle.

Alright a shorter chapter than what I normally do, hope u guys like it

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