
By shisuistan

394K 17K 2.7K

โ†’ ๐€๐”โœจ you seemed to come out of the blue, but there was more to your mysterious arrival. [๐…๐„๐Œ!๐‘๐„๐€๐ƒ๐„... More

chapter one: the second itachi
chapter two: the infamous uchiha trio
chapter three: the diamond necklace
chapter four: his future wife
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five: end of unconditionally
special chapter #1
special chapter #3

special chapter #2

4K 181 22
By shisuistan

"Why do I have to come?" you whine as you're forcibly dragged by Sasuke to Sakura's front door. He rolls his eyes, scowling as he knocks.

"Because, there was no way in hell I was gonna turn up by myself," he says as you both wait for someone to open the door. Soon enough, it's flung open by a boisterous looking Sakura.

"(Name)! Sasuke! Come in!" she gushes, stepping aside to let you in with hearts in her eyes. Sasuke ignores her and continues forward as you trip after him.

"So? That's not my problem!" you exclaim as you follow him into the living room. When you get there, you see that it's packed full of the members of the Rookie Nine, plus Team Guy, the Sand Siblings, and Sai, sitting around with drinks in their hands and talking casually. As soon as you and Sasuke walk in, you see your blonde friend Naruto leap to his feet.

"Hey! Sasuke! (Name)! Come sit with me!" he beams, indicating a spot on the rug next to the foot of the couch that Sai, Neji and Tenten sit at. You shrug and make your way over, Sasuke begrudgingly following in your tracks. Sakura bursts back into the room, carrying a black plastic bag in her hands.

"Guess what we're playing?!" she squeals, knees crossed with excitement. You raise an eyebrow and exchange looks with Sasuke.


While Sakura and Ino squeal, you and the rest of the group can't help but groan and hang your heads.

"Some girls will have to go twice since there are more boys!" calls Sakura over her shoulder as she holds the bag out to the boys to put their items in. You see Kiba and Choji grudgingly search in their pockets for something to chuck in, and you feel Sasuke shift uneasily beside you. You smirk and cross your arms, leaning back.

"Scared of getting one of the two, huh?" you chuckle under your breath. Sasuke scowls at you.

"I'd much rather end up with Hinata or Tenten," he says. "At least I know that they won't try to eat my face off."

You smirk even more when Sakura approaches you two, holding the bag out.

"Sasuke, your turn!" she beams, holding it up in his face. Scowling, he pushes it away.

"I'm not playing." You slap him on the back, laughing.

"Don't be a party pooper, Sasuke-kun!" you say in a pitchy voice. You reach behind his head and pull off his headband, making him exclaim in protest.

"Hey!" he says as you drop it into Sakura's bag. She squeals with excitement before shooting off to God knows where. Seconds later, she's back, so excited she can barely breathe.

"Okay, so starting from Temari, each girl will pick out an item! Then, we'll just keep going through until everyone's had a turn! Agreed?" she beams. You all mutter your "okay"s. You knew that whoever ended up in the stupid cupboard would just end up talking for the seven minutes until you were let out.

Temari puts her hand into the bag, and as soon as she sees the item, she groans loudly.

"I am not kissing Kankuro," she scowls, throwing the miniature wooden puppet back into the bag. "I demand a re-draw."

As the rest of you wait your turns, you go back to what you were doing before, with the casual chatter and banter being thrown back and forth between you. Unluckily for Sasuke, his item hadn't been drawn out yet, which meant that both Ino and Sakura were still liable to pulling it out.

"(Name)! Your turn!" You roll your eyes and place your hand in the bag, grasping an object in your hand and pulling it out.

"What the hell?"

It's your diamond necklace. Emphasize on the "your" bit. You look around the room, aghast as to who would've put it in.


"No time to chat, get in the closet!" chirps Sakura, picking you up from the ground and literally throwing you to the closet. You scowl at her over your shoulder as you open the door and get in, shutting the door behind you. You sit on the ground, turning the necklace over in your hands, trying to look at it even though the room was about as pitch black as it could get.

"Well, isn't this interesting."

You gasp loudly as you hear a voice, and instantly get to your feet.

"Who's th- argh, FUCK!" you exclaim, accidentally banging your head on a low lying shelf.

"Relax, (name), it's just me."

You feel warm hands snake their way around your waist and scowl, recognising the voice.

"Are you serious, Itachi?"

He smirks as he lays his head on your shoulder.

"Well, I wasn't just going to let you kiss anyone, now, was I?" he murmurs, beginning to leave a trail of kisses down your neck. You shiver and lean back against the wall, hitting your head again. You swear again loudly, making Itachi chuckle.

"We might as well put these seven minutes to good use, don't you think?"

On the outside, Sasuke was intently listening out for any clue as to who was in the closet with you, even though he had a silver of a feeling that he knew who it was. There's a loud bang, and everyone looks toward the closet, smirking.

"Whoever's in there with (name) sure isn't one to mess around, eh?" grins Naruto, making Sasuke scowl an punch him. There are a few more loud bangs, and then finally, silence. Sakura, who's keeping track of the time, looks down at her watch.

"Seven minutes is up!"

She flings open the door and steps back to reveal you and Itachi locked in a passionate kiss, standing in the center of the cramped closet. The light makes you break away from him, pushing him into the opposite wall.

"What?" you exclaim, a blush furiously starting to creep upon your face. Everyone in the room sniggers while Itachi regains his footing, smirking.

"If you don't mind, Sakura, I'll be taking this one home now," he says, grabbing you by the waist. You bypass red and go straight to maroon as he frog marches you out of the closet. As you walk out, everyone's staring at you, and as you walk past the Sand Siblings, Gaara looks up at you briefly, wide eyed, then quickly averts his gaze, while Kankuro smirks and Temari rolls her eyes at him.

When you reach the way out of the living room, Ino stands there, smirking with her arms crossed.

"You never struck me as the lace type of girl," she says, amused. You instantly look down at your chest and yelp as you see a good view of your cleavage exposed, along with your lacy black bra. Itachi smirks next to you as you furiously adjust your shirt, highly embarrassed.

"Well now, you're definitely not an A-cup," he smirks, resulting in you socking him right in the jaw.


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